This Christmas, remember Palestine's Christians Living Under Occupation!

Not surprised a Christ Hater and rejecter of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, like Nazi Zionist Roudy, is making such a comment. Burn in Hell, Christ Rejecter!
Jesus was a Jew from Bethlehem in Judea- a "West Bank settler".

And today, we are over half a million just like that- and growing very rapidly.

Jesus was a Palestinian Jew born in Bethlehem!

And we have the Palestinian Christians to tell all of us this, the Palestinian Christians like Mazin Qumsiyeh, whose ancestors were among the earliest Christians. He is a Palestinian who actually can trace his ties back to the land of Palestine for 2000 years.

I choose to believe this real Palestinian and not a land thieving and child murdering Jewish Zionist illegal settler like you!

Ask any of your neighbors in Arkansas. The word "Palestine" isn't in the New Testament- but Judea is, and Jesus was from Bethlehem in Judea.

Why don't you read your own Bible some time?

Or ask your neighbor, Pastor Happy Caldwell.
Not surprised a Christ Hater and rejecter of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, like Nazi Zionist Roudy, is making such a comment and ignoring what Palestinian Christians are saying about the land thefts and misery caused to them by the unholy and unlawful Israeli Occupation of Palestine!

Burn in Hell, Christ Rejecter!

Blasphemy evil one. It is you who embraces Satan and all his children known in this discussion as Hamas. You thrive on the constant turmoil and strife prevalent in the area and use it for your own sick and obtuse goals. Each death gives you purpose to draw another breath and exhale your fetid stench in your posts.

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Not surprised a Christ Hater and rejecter of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, like Nazi Zionist Roudy, is making such a comment and ignoring what Palestinian Christians are saying about the land thefts and misery caused to them by the unholy and unlawful Israeli Occupation of Palestine!

Burn in Hell, Christ Rejecter!


Fellow Posters-----consider the above post by slut sherri. There is something
VERY CONTRIVED about it.. It simply does not seem like something generated
by an american born christian. I have been around christians all my life---a few
very anti semetic to the point of nazism ----and I have been around muslims
for a long time----about 40 years The above fart generated by "sherri"
seems far more ISLAMIC than christian In recent years muslims have been
DESPERATELY trying to flirt with christians ------in a VERY CONTRIVED MANNER--
leading them to focus on that old time "CHRIST KILLER" thing that galvanized
pogroms against jews in the distant past. My sense is that Sherri is a muslim trying to RILE UP violence by christians in the USA against jews in the USA
The sort of fart sherri generated has been OUT OF VOGUE
among christians for a VERY VERY long time. Even her claim of being married to
an Iranian muslim is questionable Probably another propaganda ploy.
I have known lots of IRANIAN/american christian marriages---but those
seemed to be fully aware of the PLIGHT OF CHRISTIANS IN ISLAMIC
societies. Strictly speaking----In Iran---any kids sherri has with her
putative "IRANIAN SHIITE HUSBAND" would be defined as muslims
in Iran and would end up "FAKING IT" just to visit relatives "back home"
yet sherri so MARKEDLY UNDERPLAYS such issues in order to play up
her attempt to present christian/muslim relations as a LOVING
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It astonishes me how much time and effort the Palestinians and their supporters spend on making up lies and fabricating stories
At least if they came up with some new lies. Seriously, who the fuck is gonna believe Sherri's shit? The entire Christian world is terrified that their holy sites may actually one day fall under Palestinian Muslim savage control. Maybe Sherri Shit knows something majority of Christians don't.

Not surprised a Christ Hater and rejecter of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, like Nazi Zionist Roudy, is making such a comment and ignoring what Palestinian Christians are saying about the land thefts and misery caused to them by the unholy and unlawful Israeli Occupation of Palestine!

Burn in Hell, Christ Rejecter!

Shut the fuck up you Nazi freak, if there is a hell you have a reserved space. You ignore the ethnic cleansing, and genocide being conducted by Muslims on Christians all over the world, while desperately pointing the finger at Jews, and you call yourself a Christian? Ha ha. You are a pathetic psycho that belongs in the asylum.
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Not surprised a Christ Hater and rejecter of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, like Nazi Zionist Roudy, is making such a comment and ignoring what Palestinian Christians are saying about the land thefts and misery caused to them by the unholy and unlawful Israeli Occupation of Palestine!

Burn in Hell, Christ Rejecter!

Blasphemy evil one. It is you who embraces Satan and all his children known in this discussion as Hamas. You thrive on the constant turmoil and strife prevalent in the area and use it for your own sick and obtuse goals. Each death gives you purpose to draw another breath and exhale your fetid stench in your posts.

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Thanks Connery. Apparently I got underneath the psycho's skin. Maybe one of these days she will "do" herself and make the world a better place.
Sherri seems more and more like a muslim every day. Playing
that gross FRAUD "christians and muslims get along FINE"
(lets kill the 'christ killer jews' together)
Jesus was a Jew from Bethlehem in Judea- a "West Bank settler".

And today, we are over half a million just like that- and growing very rapidly.

Jesus was a Palestinian Jew born in Bethlehem!

And we have the Palestinian Christians to tell all of us this, the Palestinian Christians like Mazin Qumsiyeh, whose ancestors were among the earliest Christians. He is a Palestinian who actually can trace his ties back to the land of Palestine for 2000 years.

I choose to believe this real Palestinian and not a land thieving and child murdering Jewish Zionist illegal settler like you!

Ask any of your neighbors in Arkansas. The word "Palestine" isn't in the New Testament- but Judea is, and Jesus was from Bethlehem in Judea.

Why don't you read your own Bible some time?

Or ask your neighbor, Pastor Happy Caldwell.
Don't give the Nazi whore credit by assuming she can read. She just repeats what her Islamist handlers tell her, without any regard for the truth. They found themselves a good foot soldier in Sherri, a mentally ill witch looking for someone to blame her miserable life. LOL
Jesus was a Palestinian Jew born in Bethlehem!

And we have the Palestinian Christians to tell all of us this, the Palestinian Christians like Mazin Qumsiyeh, whose ancestors were among the earliest Christians. He is a Palestinian who actually can trace his ties back to the land of Palestine for 2000 years.

I choose to believe this real Palestinian and not a land thieving and child murdering Jewish Zionist illegal settler like you!

Ask any of your neighbors in Arkansas. The word "Palestine" isn't in the New Testament- but Judea is, and Jesus was from Bethlehem in Judea.

Why don't you read your own Bible some time?

Or ask your neighbor, Pastor Happy Caldwell.
Don't give the Nazi whore credit by assuming she can read. She just repeats what her Islamist handlers tell her, without any regard for the truth. They found themselves a good foot soldier in Sherri, a mentally ill witch looking for someone to blame her miserable life. LOL
That's why I suggested that she ask the good people of Arkansas, where she lives, to help her out. They know the Bible there.
Sherri seems more and more like a muslim every day. Playing
that gross FRAUD "christians and muslims get along FINE"
(lets kill the 'christ killer jews' together)
The freak repeats age old Jew hating slogans that have been around since the Crusades, Inquisition, and Nazi eras. Nothing new, just the same old vile anti semetism.
Sherri seems more and more like a muslim every day. Playing
that gross FRAUD "christians and muslims get along FINE"
(lets kill the 'christ killer jews' together)
The freak repeats age old Jew hating slogans that have been around since the Crusades, Inquisition, and Nazi eras. Nothing new, just the same old vile anti semetism.

True roudy----but that CHRIST-KILLER thing -----is out of fashion even with
christian nazis----- MUSLIMS ARE, LATELY, struggling to revive it----
really----I am bringing up a VERY REAL current phenomenon
Ask any of your neighbors in Arkansas. The word "Palestine" isn't in the New Testament- but Judea is, and Jesus was from Bethlehem in Judea.

Why don't you read your own Bible some time?

Or ask your neighbor, Pastor Happy Caldwell.
Don't give the Nazi whore credit by assuming she can read. She just repeats what her Islamist handlers tell her, without any regard for the truth. They found themselves a good foot soldier in Sherri, a mentally ill witch looking for someone to blame her miserable life. LOL
That's why I suggested that she ask the good people of Arkansas, where she lives, to help her out. They know the Bible there.
Sherri's not a Christian, she just poses as one. Old trick. No Christian I know talks or thinks like that. Her Jew hate over rides everything she lives for, and will one day consume her.
Don't give the Nazi whore credit by assuming she can read. She just repeats what her Islamist handlers tell her, without any regard for the truth. They found themselves a good foot soldier in Sherri, a mentally ill witch looking for someone to blame her miserable life. LOL
That's why I suggested that she ask the good people of Arkansas, where she lives, to help her out. They know the Bible there.
Sherri's not a Christian, she just poses as one. Old trick. No Christian I know talks or thinks like that. Her Jew hate over rides everything she lives for, and will one day consume her.

Her hate has already consumed her . Her posts are those of a raving lunatic.

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As to the name "PALESTINA" for Israel/Judea at the time
of Jesus-----as far as I recall PALESTINA referred to a land
mass that was somewhat larger than Israel/Judea----just my
impression-----it referred to a larger part of the Middle east----
and even the ROMANS used the term JUDEA for the whole
thing Jews still recognized Israel, Judea----which if I remember
correctly INCLUDED SAMARIA not sure. Sherri claimed that
out of some disdain or SAMARITANS ----jews did not "set foot"
in SAMARIA that is news to me although it is definitely true
that jews and samaritans were at odds now and then-----sectarian
I would like to know. Does the hate that burns in the hearts of the Jewish people on this thread speak for the general population of Jews? As a somewhat definable group I has seen no group with more venom than the Jewish community on this board. If there is a single moderate Jew please speak up.
I would like to know. Does the hate that burns in the hearts of the Jewish people on this thread speak for the general population of Jews? As a somewhat definable group I has seen no group with more venom than the Jewish community on this board. If there is a single moderate Jew please speak up.

You are PROJECTING in fact the person who expresses the MOST
VENOM on this board is SHERRI You could miss it if you are of a
similar nazi bent. Sometimes people like you consider discussions
of actual HISTORY ----to be "hatred"
I would like to know. Does the hate that burns in the hearts of the Jewish people on this thread speak for the general population of Jews? As a somewhat definable group I has seen no group with more venom than the Jewish community on this board. If there is a single moderate Jew please speak up.

If you want to hear from another type of Jew, a Jew of conscience, go to Mondoweiss website! Nowhere I feel more comfortable or at home then among the Jews there and reading the articles there, and I am not even Jewish! Sherri
I would like to know. Does the hate that burns in the hearts of the Jewish people on this thread speak for the general population of Jews? As a somewhat definable group I has seen no group with more venom than the Jewish community on this board. If there is a single moderate Jew please speak up.

no kiddin'. really.

i read all this garbage about muslims and christians calling jews "christ killers" and all i can do is shake my head. i know a lot of muslims and christians and not once have i heard anyone call jews "christ killer". it is always jews that bring it up.
As to the name "PALESTINA" for Israel/Judea at the time
of Jesus-----as far as I recall PALESTINA referred to a land
mass that was somewhat larger than Israel/Judea----just my
impression-----it referred to a larger part of the Middle east----
and even the ROMANS used the term JUDEA for the whole
thing Jews still recognized Israel, Judea----which if I remember
correctly INCLUDED SAMARIA not sure. Sherri claimed that
out of some disdain or SAMARITANS ----jews did not "set foot"
in SAMARIA that is news to me although it is definitely true
that jews and samaritans were at odds now and then-----sectarian

No, you are wrong about that, Herodotus wrote about the land of Palestine hundreds of years before Jesus was born there.Judea was a Roman province in Palestine which was under Roman Occupation when Jesus lived as a man there.And Christians have wriiten of Palestine for 2000 years and the books include maps labelling the land Palestine!

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