This Christmas, remember Palestine's Christians Living Under Occupation!

You are talking absolute rubbish and garbage as usual Sherri.

The Palestinians especially in Israel but also in the West Bank and even in Gaza have never had it so good!

The Palestinians are all beggars, they just sit back and wait from the world to help them - except from the Arab countries of course, who consider the Palestinians to be inferior troublemakers!-

Your problem Sherri is you have an inferiority complex where you think the whole world feels sorry for you people doing nothing to help yourselves!

All the Palestinians are good at is terrorism and telling dirty, great, big lies!
It astonishes me how much time and effort the Palestinians and their supporters spend on making up lies and fabricating stories
It astonishes me how much time and effort the Palestinians and their supporters spend on making up lies and fabricating stories

they already have a basic outline------I have no problem detecting an islamo nazi pig because I read their propaganda as a child------( :eusa_eh: which was a long long
time ago ) I was a precocious and avid reader and the stuff was lying around
my nazi town. All they do is PLUG in timely stuff but the gross libels are of the
same STYLE (for one of their prime contributers ----see DOCTOR ARIBERT HEIM)

Their main contibutors did it with enthusiasm because it was their ticket to ----being
protected from the nuremburg trials . Islamo nazi propaganda is widely promulgated
in the islamic world-----I was barely out of my teens when I encountered it again in the
mouths of newly arrived ----muslims from countries like pakistan and india (that was
long ago too) In the navy I encoutered some very naive seeming kids from "the south"---they knew it too.. I think people recently became aware of the fact that MEIN KAMPF is
a best seller in the mosque crowd and "THE PROTOCOLS" is taken as "GOSPEL"----but I
heard details------again from those newcomers to the USA -----long ago There was
no way of disputing the utter nonsense------THEY KNEW IT IS TRUE JUST AS THEY KNEW
the lands are disputed sherri----that fact has been recognized
Your fellow nazi sows, pigs, rapists and murderers have never
recognized BORDERS between their shariah shit holes and
Israel try to cope, NAZI WHORE


The Pro- Palestinian posters are never going to get it through their heads so don't even try. They do not want to accept that the Arabs have NEVER accepted the " 67 Borders" and Israel will not do so now.

Some of Israel's most religious sites are within E. Jerusalem. Under " International Law" lol Jordan was supposed to give Israel access to them but of course didn't. Israel will NEVER be deprived of them again. I'm not even going to address " Right of Return" lol

Hamas may not be able to destroy Israel from the outside but is capable of doing it within. They will NOT answer/ Refuse to answer why Arafat turned down the offer made when Clinton was president. He received ALMOST everything he wanted. :D
LONG LIVE JEWISH YATHRIB ----dig the carcass of the rapist pig
the lands are disputed sherri----that fact has been recognized
Your fellow nazi sows, pigs, rapists and murderers have never
recognized BORDERS between their shariah shit holes and
Israel try to cope, NAZI WHORE

Israel sits inside Palestine's borders. The Palestinians have never moved their borders around to make room for Israel.
the lands are disputed sherri----that fact has been recognized
Your fellow nazi sows, pigs, rapists and murderers have never
recognized BORDERS between their shariah shit holes and
Israel try to cope, NAZI WHORE

Israel sits inside Palestine's borders. The Palestinians have never moved their borders around to make room for Israel.

Tinnie continues to play his islamo nazi rapist murdering pig semantics game
PALESTINE is simply another name for ISRAEL/JUDEA in order to be historically
correct the arab invading pigs should ----instead of tying bombs to their stinking asses,
take their stinking asses back to arabia ----the land in which their sick culture
and their language developed and where they belong
the lands are disputed sherri----that fact has been recognized
Your fellow nazi sows, pigs, rapists and murderers have never
recognized BORDERS between their shariah shit holes and
Israel try to cope, NAZI WHORE

Israel sits inside Palestine's borders. The Palestinians have never moved their borders around to make room for Israel.

Tinnie continues to play his islamo nazi rapist murdering pig semantics game
PALESTINE is simply another name for ISRAEL/JUDEA in order to be historically
correct the arab invading pigs should ----instead of tying bombs to their stinking asses,
take their stinking asses back to arabia ----the land in which their sick culture
and their language developed and where they belong

:lol::lol:irosie, you are a hoot!:lol::lol::lol:

Israel has no sovereignty rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, they are Occupiers, and these land thefts and illegal settlemenst and illegal walls all violate intl law!


wrong again sherri-----there is no country called Palestine---historically THE ROMANS called ISRAEL/JUDEA "PALESTINA" especially after they created the HOLY STINKING ROMAN EMPIRE ---first reich under the vile pig CONSTANTINE (pre cursor to your "god" ADOLF ABU ALI )

----the west bank is DISPUTED LAND. Jordan attacked Israel in 1967 and lost that war and ABANDONED the west bank Most lawyers do understand the concept of DISPUTED PROPERTY In fact disputes over borders are very prevalent in courts of law thruout the USA

Most lawyers also agree that sneaking into houses in order to slit the throats of infants
for the glory of allah/isa ---is NOT LEGAL and most lawyers would not lick the shit
off of the anuses of those who so engage


There is a land recognized by the world and the UN and intl legal authorities as the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel is an Occupier of that land, and under intl law Occupiers have no sovereignty rights in lands they occupy. The Palestinian people have a right of self determination in that land, and they alone have sovereignty rights.

We are not discussing an issue of Disputed Territories, all of Gaza and the West Bank, and East Jerusalem are the OPT and Israel needs to abide by intl law and pull all military and all 600,000+ illegal terrorist settlers out of the lands they illegally are land thieves and squatters on.

I hope that Frau Sherri, the "good Christian woman," doesn't mind us taking a moment to remember all those Christians in Muslim countries who are unable to practice their beliefs in peace. It appears that even when the Muslims immigrate to civilized country, they have a problem with Christmas.

Outrage over 'fatwa' forces mosque to pull down website post

Islam versus Europe: France: Santa's School Visit Cancelled Because of Boycott Threats From Muslim Families
sherri quotes an idiot whose knowlege of the times during which Jesus lives is as idiotic
as her own. In fact far from being a "first martyr" Jesus was one of thousands
also crucified by the romans------an estimated 20,000 by SAINT PONTIUS PILATE
whose ass sherri licks ----himself As to proponents of PEACE----the times of jesus were
very much marked by mystical monastic type sects which simply withdrew and WAITED IT OUT---hoping that the ROMAN pigs would go away-------not knowing that they would morph into the NAZI PIGS OF SHERRI's ilk. Jesus was a pharisee----which is why the SADDUCEEAN ROMAN SHILLS were happy to see their client romans kill him <<< that is
history which is why the nazi isa respecters resent the fact that jews can read and write. Islamo nazi sows HATE RECORDED HISTORY-----they tried and tried and tried----but in the
end they could not BURN ALL THE BOOKS
wrong again sherri-----there is no country called Palestine---historically THE ROMANS called ISRAEL/JUDEA "PALESTINA" especially after they created the HOLY STINKING ROMAN EMPIRE ---first reich under the vile pig CONSTANTINE (pre cursor to your "god" ADOLF ABU ALI )

----the west bank is DISPUTED LAND. Jordan attacked Israel in 1967 and lost that war and ABANDONED the west bank Most lawyers do understand the concept of DISPUTED PROPERTY In fact disputes over borders are very prevalent in courts of law thruout the USA

Most lawyers also agree that sneaking into houses in order to slit the throats of infants
for the glory of allah/isa ---is NOT LEGAL and most lawyers would not lick the shit
off of the anuses of those who so engage

There is a land recognized by the world and the UN and intl legal authorities as the Occupied Palestinian Territories and Israel is an Occupier of that land, and under intl law Occupiers have no sovereignty rights in lands they occupy. The Palestinian people have a right of self determination in that land, and they alone have sovereignty rights.

We are not discussing an issue of Disputed Territories, all of Gaza and the West Bank, and East Jerusalem are the OPT and Israel needs to abide by intl law and pull all military and all 600,000+ illegal terrorist settlers out of the lands they illegally are land thieves
and squatters on.

I hope that Frau Sherri, the "good Christian woman," doesn't mind us taking a moment to remember all those Christians in Muslim countries who are unable to practice their beliefs in peace. It appears that even when the Muslims immigrate to civilized country,
they have a problem with Christmas.

Outrage over 'fatwa' forces mosque to pull down website post

Islam versus Europe: France: Santa's School Visit Cancelled Because of Boycott Threats From Muslim Families

In the shit of shariah law----there is such a thing as LEGAL vs 'ILLEGAL'
religions. In general-----monotheistic religions are "legal" if the groups
agree to be subjugated to the filth and stench of islamic rule For
convenience sake----an exception was made for HINDUISM in MOGHUL
PIG occupied India.

This kind of filth does exist today in some lands---like the shariah shit
hole Indonesia. In maldives ONLY MUSLIMS can be citizens. etc etc.
The answer for France is EMULATE THE CREED OF THE FILTHY
RAPIST PIG France could---LEGALLY declare itself a CATHOLIC
country and decide which religions are "LEGAL" I suggest that
France simply OUTLAW ISLAM No muslim could possibly
complain since islamic countries have enacted corollary laws---
they should feel flattered ----being EMULATED
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Ha ha. Nice try. But really this is a very old trick, you know. Truth is the Christians dare not point the finger at the Muslim savages out of fear of revenge. What makes you think that Palestinian Muslim savages are any different than their Muslim brethren that go around bombing churches and committing genocide on Christians all over the world? They're not. In fact they've been worse.

Amin Al Husseini: Nazi Father of Jihad, Al Qaeda, Arafat, Saddam Hussein and the Muslim Brotherhood - Tell The Children The Truth - Homepage
It astonishes me how much time and effort the Palestinians and their supporters spend on making up lies and fabricating stories
At least if they came up with some new lies. Seriously, who the fuck is gonna believe Sherri's shit? The entire Christian world is terrified that their holy sites may actually one day fall under Palestinian Muslim savage control. Maybe Sherri Shit knows something majority of Christians don't.
It astonishes me how much time and effort the Palestinians and their supporters spend on making up lies and fabricating stories
At least if they came up with some new lies. Seriously, who the fuck is gonna believe Sherri's shit? The entire Christian world is terrified that their holy sites may actually one day fall under Palestinian Muslim savage control. Maybe Sherri Shit knows something majority of Christians don't.

Not surprised a Christ Hater and rejecter of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, like Nazi Zionist Roudy, is making such a comment and ignoring what Palestinian Christians are saying about the land thefts and misery caused to them by the unholy and unlawful Israeli Occupation of Palestine!

Burn in Hell, Christ Rejecter!

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It astonishes me how much time and effort the Palestinians and their supporters spend on making up lies and fabricating stories
At least if they came up with some new lies. Seriously, who the fuck is gonna believe Sherri's shit? The entire Christian world is terrified that their holy sites may actually one day fall under Palestinian Muslim savage control. Maybe Sherri Shit knows something majority of Christians don't.

Not surprised a Christ Hater and rejecter of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, like Nazi Zionist Roudy, is making such a comment. Burn in Hell, Christ Rejecter!
Jesus was a Jew from Bethlehem in Judea- a "West Bank settler".

And today, we are over half a million just like that- and growing very rapidly.
It astonishes me how much time and effort the Palestinians and their supporters spend on making up lies and fabricating stories
At least if they came up with some new lies. Seriously, who the fuck is gonna believe Sherri's shit? The entire Christian world is terrified that their holy sites may actually one day fall under Palestinian Muslim savage control. Maybe Sherri Shit knows something majority of Christians don't.

Not surprised a Christ Hater and rejecter of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, like Nazi Zionist Roudy, is making such a comment and ignoring what Palestinian Christians are saying about the land thefts and misery caused to them by the unholy and unlawful Israeli Occupation of Palestine!

Burn in Hell, Christ Rejecter!


Has sherri ACTUALLY farted out "christ rejecter" as an epithet? It is hard to
believe that ---NOW in 2012 the disgusting slut WANTS to behave like an
inebriated cossack pig. I wonder if she SMELLS like a cossack pig
I was just reading a newsletter of a Palestinian Christian speaking about Christmas in Palestine this year.

Here is a Photo of Bethlehem/Beit Laham:


He writes, about Jesus, and his ancestors, the first Palestinian Christians in Palestine, and about the Occupation, and how Jesus was the first martyr for nonviolent resistance to foreign Occupation of Palestine:

"We all should remember that Jesus was born 2000 years ago in a humble manger. My ancestors, the Shepherds of Beit Sahour recognized the message of hope and acted on it. They and Jesus were Palestinians living under a foreign imperial occupation managed by local individuals who claimed religion and law. Herod killed the Children of Bethlehem to advance the agenda of hate. Jesus advanced the agenda of love. His family became refugees from tyranny (like millions of Palestinians today). Jesus challenged military occupation with non-violent resistance and chastised Pharisees and Sadducees for hypocrisy. He called for peace and helped the oppressed. This important child of Bethlehem is recognized by Christians, Muslims, and most of humanity (including atheists and agnostics) as a great teacher and a saviour. He taught all humanity that it is important to tell the truth and stand with the week and oppressed of this world. He taught by example. Palestinian Christians believe he became the first martyr for non-violent resistance to foreign occupation of Palestine. He said "let the children come to me" and implored us to believe in goodness in the same way that children do and then to ACT on our belief. Whether we are Christian or not, this is the message coming forth from Bethlehem this season and all the time."

Popular Resistance: Beit Laham


more about Christmas in Bethlehem!

"Bethlehem (Aramaic for House of Laham, the Canaanitic God of Sustenance) area is decked in colors and the best and most beautiful lights are the smiles on the faces of our children. On Saturday evening, we attended a Christian service that was a joint service with the National Cathedral in Washington DC. The Palestinian children bell choir was uplifting. Children led the lighting of the candles at churches, the singing, and the choirs and they outnumbered adults in most activities. We were blessed by visited homes of poor children of different faiths. On Monday 3500 members of marching bands/scouts (most youth under 18) led parades near the apartheid wall separating Jerusalem from Bethlehem towards the Nativity square. Some of the marching youth were Muslims. The marching band from Gaza (Christian and Muslim) was not allowed to participate by the Israeli occupation authorities. Earlier in the day, children in the square formed a large peace symbol and the words "LOVE ALL" with their bodies in front of the massive Christmas tree in the square. The United Nations Work and Relief Agency for Palestinian Refugees (UNRWA) had banners asking people to remember the suffering children in Gaza and Syria."

Popular Resistance: Beit Laham

This Christmas, remember Palestine's Christians

By Mairead Corrigan-Maguire

This Christmas, remember Palestine's Christians | Maan News Agency


The author addresses the distressing times for the Christians of the Holy Land. This was revealed by a South African ecumenical delegation, who were recently "traumatized" during an Advent visit to Palestinian Christians in Bethlehem and East Jerusalem earlier this month.

"They reported that "it felt like walking into another apartheid ambush … the multiple Israeli house demolitions, the discriminatory Israeli legal system, the daily intimidation of Palestinians by the Israeli Defense Forces, the Israeli Apartheid Wall and its associated regime of restrictions on movement and access for Palestinians, the imprisonment of a large percentage of Palestinians (including children), the ongoing confiscation of Palestinian water and land, the closure of previously bustling Palestinian streets and businesses."

To simply take the case of Bethlehem -- although Christians live in many other areas of Palestine and Israel – one sees that from an historic high of 80 percent in 1947, Christians now make up only around 20 percent of the population. The past decade alone has seen over 10 percent of Christians leaving their homeland."

They also jointly stated they "did not expect the extent to which Israel violates international law to oppress the Palestinian people."


As usual a one sided piece of sherri dung strewn along the path of a discussion that may have had merit.

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At least if they came up with some new lies. Seriously, who the fuck is gonna believe Sherri's shit? The entire Christian world is terrified that their holy sites may actually one day fall under Palestinian Muslim savage control. Maybe Sherri Shit knows something majority of Christians don't.

Not surprised a Christ Hater and rejecter of Jesus Christ as the Messiah, like Nazi Zionist Roudy, is making such a comment. Burn in Hell, Christ Rejecter!
Jesus was a Jew from Bethlehem in Judea- a "West Bank settler".

And today, we are over half a million just like that- and growing very rapidly.

Jesus was a Palestinian Jew born in Bethlehem!

And we have the Palestinian Christians to tell all of us this, the Palestinian Christians like Mazin Qumsiyeh, whose ancestors were among the earliest Christians. He is a Palestinian who actually can trace his ties back to the land of Palestine for 2000 years.

I choose to believe this real Palestinian and not a land thieving and child murdering Jewish Zionist illegal settler like you!

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