This American tradition Christianity ‘stuff’ must drive the Left crazy.

No one is forcing anything upon me? Back in 2010 many people who didnt want Health Insurance were FORCED to buy it or pay a penalty tax. I dont want to have my taxes pay for abortions but I am forced to pay taxes. I shouldn't have to pay taxes for a liberal lazy fuck to sit on his ass and survive on my dime, yet I have to pay taxes. You are some of the dumbest fuckers in the universe and dont even know it.

You do not have to pay taxes, you are free to leave this society whenever you like and never look back and never pay our taxes again.
None of this is part of their plan for the future of America. This ‘stuff’ simply impedes their progress to degrade this nation and trash American values and traditions.
Sorry Lefties.

They really have to stop giving you Russian trolls all of this false information to work from. It just makes you look stupid when you promote this bullshit.

More than 60% of Democrats identify as Christians. Added to which, every athiest, agnostic and lapsed Christian I know of celebrates Christmas because it really isn't a Christian holiday at all.

Jesus wasn't born in December. The "Christimas Tree" was a pagan symbol to call back the Sun Goddess, and the December celebration has more to do with the tradition of the Winter Soltice than it does for the celebration of the birth of Christ.

As a Christian who reads and has done a lot of historical research on the Bible, I can go along with all of this bastardization of the Lord's birth because it's harmless stuff and anything that gets us talking about Jesus and his values of peace on earth, good will to all men, is a good thing in my books, but for these idiots to claim that "Christian traditions" are under assault, is just such utter bullshit.

Even Santa Claus is a recent tradition.

Yep, Christmas is not a Christian holiday and never has been. It is a pagan holiday that has nothing to do with Jesus, not sure why people celebrate Christmas.
Actually, Christmas is a Christian holiday. Christians have adopted a day - whatever observations that day might have previously or otherwise entailed - in which to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Did pagans do that?


None of this is part of their plan for the future of America. This ‘stuff’ simply impedes their progress to degrade this nation and trash American values and traditions.
Sorry Lefties.

They really have to stop giving you Russian trolls all of this false information to work from. It just makes you look stupid when you promote this bullshit.

More than 60% of Democrats identify as Christians. Added to which, every athiest, agnostic and lapsed Christian I know of celebrates Christmas because it really isn't a Christian holiday at all.

Jesus wasn't born in December. The "Christimas Tree" was a pagan symbol to call back the Sun Goddess, and the December celebration has more to do with the tradition of the Winter Soltice than it does for the celebration of the birth of Christ.

As a Christian who reads and has done a lot of historical research on the Bible, I can go along with all of this bastardization of the Lord's birth because it's harmless stuff and anything that gets us talking about Jesus and his values of peace on earth, good will to all men, is a good thing in my books, but for these idiots to claim that "Christian traditions" are under assault, is just such utter bullshit.

Even Santa Claus is a recent tradition.

Yep, Christmas is not a Christian holiday and never has been. It is a pagan holiday that has nothing to do with Jesus, not sure why people celebrate Christmas.
Actually, Christmas is a Christian holiday. Christians have adopted a day - whatever observations that day might have previously or otherwise entailed - in which to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Did pagans do that?


Thank you.
"Stuff" like what OP?

There are just as many leftwing Christians as rightwing ones.

So what are people on the left supposed to be so driven crazy by?
None of this is part of their plan for the future of America. This ‘stuff’ simply impedes their progress to degrade this nation and trash American values and traditions.
Sorry Lefties.

They really have to stop giving you Russian trolls all of this false information to work from. It just makes you look stupid when you promote this bullshit.

More than 60% of Democrats identify as Christians. Added to which, every athiest, agnostic and lapsed Christian I know of celebrates Christmas because it really isn't a Christian holiday at all.

Jesus wasn't born in December. The "Christimas Tree" was a pagan symbol to call back the Sun Goddess, and the December celebration has more to do with the tradition of the Winter Soltice than it does for the celebration of the birth of Christ.

As a Christian who reads and has done a lot of historical research on the Bible, I can go along with all of this bastardization of the Lord's birth because it's harmless stuff and anything that gets us talking about Jesus and his values of peace on earth, good will to all men, is a good thing in my books, but for these idiots to claim that "Christian traditions" are under assault, is just such utter bullshit.

Even Santa Claus is a recent tradition.

Yep, Christmas is not a Christian holiday and never has been. It is a pagan holiday that has nothing to do with Jesus, not sure why people celebrate Christmas.
Actually, Christmas is a Christian holiday. Christians have adopted a day - whatever observations that day might have previously or otherwise entailed - in which to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Did pagans do that?


womp! womp!
None of this is part of their plan for the future of America. This ‘stuff’ simply impedes their progress to degrade this nation and trash American values and traditions.
Sorry Lefties.

They really have to stop giving you Russian trolls all of this false information to work from. It just makes you look stupid when you promote this bullshit.

More than 60% of Democrats identify as Christians. Added to which, every athiest, agnostic and lapsed Christian I know of celebrates Christmas because it really isn't a Christian holiday at all.

Jesus wasn't born in December. The "Christimas Tree" was a pagan symbol to call back the Sun Goddess, and the December celebration has more to do with the tradition of the Winter Soltice than it does for the celebration of the birth of Christ.

As a Christian who reads and has done a lot of historical research on the Bible, I can go along with all of this bastardization of the Lord's birth because it's harmless stuff and anything that gets us talking about Jesus and his values of peace on earth, good will to all men, is a good thing in my books, but for these idiots to claim that "Christian traditions" are under assault, is just such utter bullshit.

Even Santa Claus is a recent tradition.

Yep, Christmas is not a Christian holiday and never has been. It is a pagan holiday that has nothing to do with Jesus, not sure why people celebrate Christmas.
Actually, Christmas is a Christian holiday. Christians have adopted a day - whatever observations that day might have previously or otherwise entailed - in which to celebrate the birth of Christ.

Did pagans do that?

I refuse to celebrate that as the day of Jesus' birth, so it is just another day to me, however I respect those that want to observe that day, doesn't bother me one iota.
"American tradition Christianity™": A four time divorced woman refusing to sign the state marriage certificate for a gay couple..."because Bible".

But don't JUDGE Trump!

What the Christian Right seems obsessed with is the Old Testament and the idea that "he gave his life for our sins" which they take as an excuse to be forgiven for any and everything. A very convenient trope
One must first be penitent and accept Jesus as one's Lord and Savior. hope for Trump. At all.

So you are now the judge of those on earth? How God like of you.
See post 9. Then talk to me about judgmentalism and the refusal to bake a cake for a homo.

It's amazing you people can stand the stench of your own hypocrisy.

If you want to bake a cake, go for it, for you to try to judge another human is just funny. You don't have anyway to know the heart of a person on the day of their death. Quote post 9 if you want, I am not inclined to go back and re-read anything.
Trump may do to denominational American Christianity what he did to the gop.
Yep. He has done long term damage to the Republican party, conservatism, and Christianity in America.

30 states, 2,623 counties and everybody but the disgusting fucks in Mexifornia and Loon York totally disagree with you.
My goodness....I didn't know that land votes and people don't. Or is that only in trumpland?
Evangelicals are heartened by the perception that Trump's Justice appointees will vote to repeal Roe, but probably not.

Organized prayer in public school during the school day ... again probably not.

Muslim immigration is an issue.


but the no compromise approach of Trump is appealing to them.

Of course, they are a minority of voters, and in that minority there is division. At best they are a narrow plurality of White Christian voters.

Why evangelical Christians support Trump
Yep, Christmas is not a Christian holiday and never has been. It is a pagan holiday that has nothing to do with Jesus, not sure why people celebrate Christmas.
Guess what Pap...? We're in agreement.

However, I know why people celebrate it. And by "people", I take it you mean Christian people, well, self-proclaimed Christians at least.

It's because of tradition. Just like anything else in Christendom, people do what they see their parents and grand-parents and community do, not necessary what God says to do, even though many of these same people, believe they're doing something God says to do.

Christmas is no different.
None of this is part of their plan for the future of America. This ‘stuff’ simply impedes their progress to degrade this nation and trash American values and traditions.
Sorry Lefties.

They really have to stop giving you Russian trolls all of this false information to work from. It just makes you look stupid when you promote this bullshit.

More than 60% of Democrats identify as Christians. Added to which, every athiest, agnostic and lapsed Christian I know of celebrates Christmas because it really isn't a Christian holiday at all.

Jesus wasn't born in December. The "Christimas Tree" was a pagan symbol to call back the Sun Goddess, and the December celebration has more to do with the tradition of the Winter Soltice than it does for the celebration of the birth of Christ.

As a Christian who reads and has done a lot of historical research on the Bible, I can go along with all of this bastardization of the Lord's birth because it's harmless stuff and anything that gets us talking about Jesus and his values of peace on earth, good will to all men, is a good thing in my books, but for these idiots to claim that "Christian traditions" are under assault, is just such utter bullshit.

Even Santa Claus is a recent tradition.

Yep, Christmas is not a Christian holiday and never has been. It is a pagan holiday that has nothing to do with Jesus, not sure why people celebrate Christmas.
Christians celebrate Christmas to celebrate the birth of Christ. Duh.

One day is as good as any other. They stole Saturnalia. So what?
Yep, Christmas is not a Christian holiday and never has been. It is a pagan holiday that has nothing to do with Jesus, not sure why people celebrate Christmas.
Guess what Pap...? We're in agreement.

However, I know why people celebrate it. And by "people", I take it you mean Christian people, well, self-proclaimed Christians at least.

It's because of tradition. Just like anything else in Christendom, people do what they see their parents and grand-parents and community do, not necessary what God says to do, even though many of these same people, believe they're doing something God says to do.

Christmas is no different.
You agree that Christmas is not a Christian holiday, eh. That it's pagan. Of course you do.

Tell us, then, won't you, what pagans started this tradition of celebrating Christ's birth.
The so-called Christians magically discovered obedience to authority AFTER Obama left office.

Just like they won't discover the massive federal debt Trump has been running up until after the Democrats take the House.
You agree that Christmas is not a Christian holiday, eh. That it's pagan. Of course you do.

Tell us, then, won't you, what pagans started this tradition of celebrating Christ's birth.
You think you know, but you have no idea.

For instance, are you aware that it's been determined that Jesus' birth was nowhere around the time of December 24th? That it was quite some months later, or earlier (depending on perspective), during the springtime?

Did you know that?

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