Thinning the herd... Looters shot in Kenosha

I told you not to buy the cheapest policy when you obviously wanted Cadillac coverage. Then you whined to high heaven about it. Firing you was like stopping hitting my own thumb with a hammer. It was so good to stop.

When did you tell me this? I actually bought the best coverage the company offered. Of course, you are such a fucking bottom feeder of an owner, you wouldn't offer health insurance, which is why you couldn't get employees of my caliber to start with.

Obviously you're lying. If you were actually covered for your claim, there are a plethora of attorneys who would be chomping at the bit to take the case. You wanted coverage you didn't buy.

Sorry, man, you obviously don't know what the law is. Under employer insurance, the employee has no standing to sue an insurance company, as the contract is between the insurance company and the employer. This was established in the case of Nataline Sarkisyan.

I want free-dom and you want free-shit. So similar sounding and yet a world apart

You want a world where the rich can abuse the rest of us because you fancy yourself part of the exploitation.

A world where the rich can abuse the working class is not "freedom". The fact you are shitting your pants over what is going on in Portland and Kenosha right now tells me you don't want to live under anarchy any more than I do.

So it isn't that you don't want the government pointing guns, it's who you want the government to point the guns at.
Obviously you're lying. If you were actually covered for your claim, there are a plethora of attorneys who would be chomping at the bit to take the case. You wanted coverage you didn't buy.

Sorry, man, you obviously don't know what the law is. Under employer insurance, the employee has no standing to sue an insurance company, as the contract is between the insurance company and the employer. This was established in the case of Nataline Sarkisyan

I didn't say the lawyer would sue the insurance company. I said there are a pletura of lawyers who would "take the case."

Since you know zero about the law and with the lawyers you talked to you never got past them telling you the skinflint policy you bought doesn't cover your claim and you should have bought better insurance, I'll explain it to you.

If your insurance had covered your claim and you can't sue your insurance company, you sue your employer. The insurance company is contracted with your employer and they have to represent them. It's effectively the same thing.

Didn't know auto insurance works the same way, huh, Joe? If someone hits you, you don't sue their insurance company, you sue them. They contract with their insurance company and they have to represent them.

In the end, you bought the cheapest skin flint policy because you didn't believe me when I told you if you buy a cheaper policy they cover less. You just kept saying no, you have insurance, so they have to pay any claim. I told you to read the coverage documents. I guess you found out the hard way you were wrong
If your insurance had covered your claim and you can't sue your insurance company, you sue your employer. The insurance company is contracted with your employer and they have to represent them. It's effectively the same thing.

Illinois we have "At Will" employment. My boss fired women when they got pregnant... That would have been a really stupid idea.

So you logic is I should sue a company over medical treatment, take years of courts and legal bills, probably lose the job, to get, what, exactly?

Hmmmm... Sorry, man, single payer health care sounds like a lot less work with a much more certain result.
If your insurance had covered your claim and you can't sue your insurance company, you sue your employer. The insurance company is contracted with your employer and they have to represent them. It's effectively the same thing.

Illinois we have "At Will" employment. My boss fired women when they got pregnant... That would have been a really stupid idea.

So you logic is I should sue a company over medical treatment, take years of courts and legal bills, probably lose the job, to get, what, exactly?

Hmmmm... Sorry, man, single payer health care sounds like a lot less work with a much more certain result.

For a small claim, yes. But you said it was a big claim. You could have easily hired a lawyer on contingency and covered his fees with "pain and suffering" if you weren't lying, which of course you are.

You wanted money for coverage you didn't purchase and every lawyer you talked to told you that.

Joe: Bu-bu-but I bought insurance, that means they have to cover every medical cost. All policies cover everything. You have insurance, they have to pay for it all.

No, Joe. All the documents you got on your choices told you what each policy paid for. You bought the cheapest shit policy because you thought they had to provide you the same coverage as the most expensive policies.

You're consistent you want shit for free. You're a natural Democrat voting segment
They should have listened to Melania's wise counsel:

"Like all of you, I have reflected on the racial unrest in our country. It is a harsh reality that we are not proud of parts of our history. I encourage people to focus on the future while still learning from our past. We must remember that, today, we are all one community, comprised of many races, religions and ethnicities." "Our diverse and storied history is what makes our country strong and yet we still have so much to learn from one another. With that in mind, I’d like to call on the citizens of this country to take a moment, pause, and look at things from all perspectives. I urge people to come together in a civil manner, so we can work and live up to our standard American ideals."

"I also ask people to stop the violence and looting being done in the name of justice. And never make assumptions based on the color of a person's skin. Instead of tearing things down, let's reflect on our mistakes. Be proud of our evolution and look to our way forward. Every day let us remember that we are one nation under God and we need to cherish one another. My husband's administration has worked to try and affect change when it comes to issues around race and religion in this country. ... My husband knows how to make a real change. From the day that I met him, he has only wanted to make this country the best it can be."
I'm so proud of Melania Trump after reading what she had to say. It's true and right what she said about these riots that are trippling the murder rates in some Democrat-led riotous cities.
They should have listened to Melania's wise counsel:

"Like all of you, I have reflected on the racial unrest in our country. It is a harsh reality that we are not proud of parts of our history. I encourage people to focus on the future while still learning from our past. We must remember that, today, we are all one community, comprised of many races, religions and ethnicities." "Our diverse and storied history is what makes our country strong and yet we still have so much to learn from one another. With that in mind, I’d like to call on the citizens of this country to take a moment, pause, and look at things from all perspectives. I urge people to come together in a civil manner, so we can work and live up to our standard American ideals."

"I also ask people to stop the violence and looting being done in the name of justice. And never make assumptions based on the color of a person's skin. Instead of tearing things down, let's reflect on our mistakes. Be proud of our evolution and look to our way forward. Every day let us remember that we are one nation under God and we need to cherish one another. My husband's administration has worked to try and affect change when it comes to issues around race and religion in this country. ... My husband knows how to make a real change. From the day that I met him, he has only wanted to make this country the best it can be."
I'm so proud of Melania Trump after reading what she had to say. It's true and right what she said about these riots that are trippling the murder rates in some Democrat-led riotous cities.
She is a GREAT First Lady! She's very proud to be an American!
They should have listened to Melania's wise counsel:

"Like all of you, I have reflected on the racial unrest in our country. It is a harsh reality that we are not proud of parts of our history. I encourage people to focus on the future while still learning from our past. We must remember that, today, we are all one community, comprised of many races, religions and ethnicities." "Our diverse and storied history is what makes our country strong and yet we still have so much to learn from one another. With that in mind, I’d like to call on the citizens of this country to take a moment, pause, and look at things from all perspectives. I urge people to come together in a civil manner, so we can work and live up to our standard American ideals."

"I also ask people to stop the violence and looting being done in the name of justice. And never make assumptions based on the color of a person's skin. Instead of tearing things down, let's reflect on our mistakes. Be proud of our evolution and look to our way forward. Every day let us remember that we are one nation under God and we need to cherish one another. My husband's administration has worked to try and affect change when it comes to issues around race and religion in this country. ... My husband knows how to make a real change. From the day that I met him, he has only wanted to make this country the best it can be."
I'm so proud of Melania Trump after reading what she had to say. It's true and right what she said about these riots that are trippling the murder rates in some Democrat-led riotous cities.
She is a GREAT First Lady! She's very proud to be an American!

Yes, Melania was born in Eastern Europe. She's more proud to be an American than everyone in the Democrat party combined. Democrats are people who need to learn more about the world they live in and how pampered they are and what a bunch of Karens they are expecting to just be given stuff all the time for doing nothing but being here
They should have listened to Melania's wise counsel:

"Like all of you, I have reflected on the racial unrest in our country. It is a harsh reality that we are not proud of parts of our history. I encourage people to focus on the future while still learning from our past. We must remember that, today, we are all one community, comprised of many races, religions and ethnicities." "Our diverse and storied history is what makes our country strong and yet we still have so much to learn from one another. With that in mind, I’d like to call on the citizens of this country to take a moment, pause, and look at things from all perspectives. I urge people to come together in a civil manner, so we can work and live up to our standard American ideals."

"I also ask people to stop the violence and looting being done in the name of justice. And never make assumptions based on the color of a person's skin. Instead of tearing things down, let's reflect on our mistakes. Be proud of our evolution and look to our way forward. Every day let us remember that we are one nation under God and we need to cherish one another. My husband's administration has worked to try and affect change when it comes to issues around race and religion in this country. ... My husband knows how to make a real change. From the day that I met him, he has only wanted to make this country the best it can be."
I'm so proud of Melania Trump after reading what she had to say. It's true and right what she said about these riots that are trippling the murder rates in some Democrat-led riotous cities.
She is a GREAT First Lady! She's very proud to be an American!

Yes, Melania was born in Eastern Europe. She's more proud to be an American than everyone in the Democrat party combined. Democrats are people who need to learn more about the world they live in and how pampered they are and what a bunch of Karens they are expecting to just be given stuff all the time for doing nothing but being here
And they also think they have an inherent right to rule and to be served. Hopefully they have a message coming this November, and coming loud and clear.
  • Thanks
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let history record we didn't want this shit....ever
Nice job progressives

View attachment 379961
That's exactly why they want to take your guns. They know they will be put in their place once they no longer have anyone to enforce the very laws they pass to protect themselves. And not only do they want to abolish the 2nd Amendment, they want to abolish the 1st. They want to control the dialog just like in other socialist/communist Putin and Xi. The Lib,Progressive Socialists won't allow conservative speech. It's just like the state controlled media of Russia and China, just to name a few. Wake up people.
let history record we didn't want this shit....ever
Nice job progressives

View attachment 379961
That's exactly why they want to take your guns. They know they will be put in their place once they no longer have anyone to enforce the very laws they pass to protect themselves. And not only do they want to abolish the 2nd Amendment, they want to abolish the 1st. They want to control the dialog just like in other socialist/communist Putin and Xi. The Lib,Progressive Socialists won't allow conservative speech. It's just like the state controlled media of Russia and China, just to name a few. Wake up people.
Yes. Most Humans through all of human history have lived under either tyranny or anarchy. We formed a unique system of a Representative Democracy, where the power resides "In The People" rather than in a small group of rulers. We have no rulers, we have servants tasked with the duties we give them in our Constitutions or Charters.

These servants want to be rulers, and it's our job to toss their asses out when they seek to arrogate OUR authority or circumvent the restrictions we place on them. The restrictions we place on them in the First and Second Amendment are:

They will not restrict speech, assembly, worship, or firearms.
For a small claim, yes. But you said it was a big claim. You could have easily hired a lawyer on contingency and covered his fees with "pain and suffering" if you weren't lying, which of course you are.

Again, I really don't solve my problems by suing... and taking years to sue to get treatment I needed right now wasn't a good idea...

Joe: Bu-bu-but I bought insurance, that means they have to cover every medical cost. All policies cover everything. You have insurance, they have to pay for it all.

No, Joe. All the documents you got on your choices told you what each policy paid for. You bought the cheapest shit policy because you thought they had to provide you the same coverage as the most expensive policies.

That's exactly what it means. I pay for insurance, I should get ANY treatment my doctor determines as necessary. Period. End of fucking discussion.
For a small claim, yes. But you said it was a big claim. You could have easily hired a lawyer on contingency and covered his fees with "pain and suffering" if you weren't lying, which of course you are.

Again, I really don't solve my problems by suing... and taking years to sue to get treatment I needed right now wasn't a good idea...

Joe: Bu-bu-but I bought insurance, that means they have to cover every medical cost. All policies cover everything. You have insurance, they have to pay for it all.

No, Joe. All the documents you got on your choices told you what each policy paid for. You bought the cheapest shit policy because you thought they had to provide you the same coverage as the most expensive policies.

That's exactly what it means. I pay for insurance, I should get ANY treatment my doctor determines as necessary. Period. End of fucking discussion.

Once again the greedy leftist thinks you can buy any shit policy and they have to pay any and every bill, not just what you contracted them to pay.

I kept telling you that obviously you wanted Cadillac coverage and you shouldn't buy the cheapest shit policy you could, but you didn't listen to me. Or all the lawyers you called ...
Once again the greedy leftist thinks you can buy any shit policy and they have to pay any and every bill, not just what you contracted them to pay.

I kept telling you that obviously you wanted Cadillac coverage and you shouldn't buy the cheapest shit policy you could, but you didn't listen to me. Or all the lawyers you called ...

I signed up for the best coverage they had. I still had to fight with them to get every fucking therapy session.

I'm not sure why a bean counter at an insurance company SHOULD be the one making medical decisions. What medical school did he attend?
Once again the greedy leftist thinks you can buy any shit policy and they have to pay any and every bill, not just what you contracted them to pay.

I kept telling you that obviously you wanted Cadillac coverage and you shouldn't buy the cheapest shit policy you could, but you didn't listen to me. Or all the lawyers you called ...

I signed up for the best coverage they had. I still had to fight with them to get every fucking therapy session.

I'm not sure why a bean counter at an insurance company SHOULD be the one making medical decisions. What medical school did he attend?

Look Joe. Anyone who spends three seconds thinking about this knows you're lying. We all see the endless television ads, billboards etc. from attorneys begging for work suing insurance companies. And yet your case was a major case and they all passed.

OBVIOUSLY you're not telling the truth. Explain why the lawyers who advertise things like "we have the resources to take on the insurance companies" turned you down. Every one of them said no to your case. Be honest and explain why they did that when they are fighting so hard to get any case
Look Joe. Anyone who spends three seconds thinking about this knows you're lying. We all see the endless television ads, billboards etc. from attorneys begging for work suing insurance companies. And yet your case was a major case and they all passed.

Uh, they are asking to sue insurance companies over accidents, not failing to provide coverage. Bottom line, I would have had no legal standing to sue Cigna, as their contract was with my employer. I would have had no standing to sue my employer, because in an at-will employment state, my employment was not a contract.

OBVIOUSLY you're not telling the truth. Explain why the lawyers who advertise things like "we have the resources to take on the insurance companies" turned you down. Every one of them said no to your case. Be honest and explain why they did that when they are fighting so hard to get any case

Actually, I had a lawyer tell me that I had a very good case for age and medical discrimination. (It helps when your idiot boss blurts out in front of witnesses that you are "too old".) But what would that have gotten me, exactly? Maybe five years to litigate the issue, my knee was fucked up, right now.

Then my name comes up on a background check for any future employer who might be looking for me. "Has sued past employers" is not something you ever want to come up on a background check, just like you don't write down your grievances with past employers on a resume.
Once again the greedy leftist thinks you can buy any shit policy and they have to pay any and every bill, not just what you contracted them to pay.

I kept telling you that obviously you wanted Cadillac coverage and you shouldn't buy the cheapest shit policy you could, but you didn't listen to me. Or all the lawyers you called ...

I signed up for the best coverage they had. I still had to fight with them to get every fucking therapy session.

I'm not sure why a bean counter at an insurance company SHOULD be the one making medical decisions. What medical school did he attend?

Look Joe. Anyone who spends three seconds thinking about this knows you're lying. We all see the endless television ads, billboards etc. from attorneys begging for work suing insurance companies. And yet your case was a major case and they all passed.

OBVIOUSLY you're not telling the truth. Explain why the lawyers who advertise things like "we have the resources to take on the insurance companies" turned you down. Every one of them said no to your case. Be honest and explain why they did that when they are fighting so hard to get any case

I got hurt on the job with Walley World. They did everything to keep me hurt. In the end, they offered a settlement. I settle because I thought I still had a job. Guess again. After the settlement, my hours disappeared. Oh they promised to change their ways but by then I didn't believe anything they said. It was pretty well apparent that it was company policy. And no Lawyer would take it up since it was the loss of full use of an arm. Now, if it had been a leg, they said I would have a leg to stand on. (get it?)
w3ll well well .jpeg


I like that term
Look Joe. Anyone who spends three seconds thinking about this knows you're lying. We all see the endless television ads, billboards etc. from attorneys begging for work suing insurance companies. And yet your case was a major case and they all passed.

Uh, they are asking to sue insurance companies over accidents, not failing to provide coverage. Bottom line, I would have had no legal standing to sue Cigna, as their contract was with my employer. I would have had no standing to sue my employer, because in an at-will employment state, my employment was not a contract.

OBVIOUSLY you're not telling the truth. Explain why the lawyers who advertise things like "we have the resources to take on the insurance companies" turned you down. Every one of them said no to your case. Be honest and explain why they did that when they are fighting so hard to get any case

Actually, I had a lawyer tell me that I had a very good case for age and medical discrimination. (It helps when your idiot boss blurts out in front of witnesses that you are "too old".) But what would that have gotten me, exactly? Maybe five years to litigate the issue, my knee was fucked up, right now.

Then my name comes up on a background check for any future employer who might be looking for me. "Has sued past employers" is not something you ever want to come up on a background check, just like you don't write down your grievances with past employers on a resume.

That's a bunch of double talk. Being at will has nothing to do with insurance. If you were given insurance as a benefit and hurt your knee, then you were covered for the period you were covered for. Letting you go would mean you dont' get future insurance, it would not mean you didn't have insurance when you did. Someone can be sued. Depends on how the insurance was set up and the laws in your state. But no attorney said sorry, there is no one to sue.

And if it was that major of a case, then of course you would have followed up. And why was your attorney talking about age discrimination for a case you weren't covered for? Again, he told you that you should have bought better insurance
Once again the greedy leftist thinks you can buy any shit policy and they have to pay any and every bill, not just what you contracted them to pay.

I kept telling you that obviously you wanted Cadillac coverage and you shouldn't buy the cheapest shit policy you could, but you didn't listen to me. Or all the lawyers you called ...

I signed up for the best coverage they had. I still had to fight with them to get every fucking therapy session.

I'm not sure why a bean counter at an insurance company SHOULD be the one making medical decisions. What medical school did he attend?

Look Joe. Anyone who spends three seconds thinking about this knows you're lying. We all see the endless television ads, billboards etc. from attorneys begging for work suing insurance companies. And yet your case was a major case and they all passed.

OBVIOUSLY you're not telling the truth. Explain why the lawyers who advertise things like "we have the resources to take on the insurance companies" turned you down. Every one of them said no to your case. Be honest and explain why they did that when they are fighting so hard to get any case

I got hurt on the job with Walley World. They did everything to keep me hurt. In the end, they offered a settlement. I settle because I thought I still had a job. Guess again. After the settlement, my hours disappeared. Oh they promised to change their ways but by then I didn't believe anything they said. It was pretty well apparent that it was company policy. And no Lawyer would take it up since it was the loss of full use of an arm. Now, if it had been a leg, they said I would have a leg to stand on. (get it?)

Did you talk to an employment attorney? Retaliation is illegal
That's a bunch of double talk. Being at will has nothing to do with insurance. If you were given insurance as a benefit and hurt your knee, then you were covered for the period you were covered for. Letting you go would mean you dont' get future insurance, it would not mean you didn't have insurance when you did. Someone can be sued. Depends on how the insurance was set up and the laws in your state. But no attorney said sorry, there is no one to sue.

Actually, I sue my employer... they fire me. They ended up firing me anyway, but still, not worth suing over at the end of the day. My out of pocket ended up being about $20,000. A lawyer would have cost me a lot more than that.

And if it was that major of a case, then of course you would have followed up. And why was your attorney talking about age discrimination for a case you weren't covered for? Again, he told you that you should have bought better insurance

Actually, he talked about it related to why I was let go... but that's a longer story.

The boss pretty much blurted out that I was "too old" in front of several witnesses. He also fired two female employees after he found out they were pregnant. Swell guy, but not even the worst piece of shit I ever had to work for.

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