A Win For Originalism…And America

We've established that you will swallow every lie your masters order you to, no matter how many are exposed.

You, in accordance with the requirement for being a Democrat, remain lying scum, an existential danger to America and Americans.

at least 2 more hearings will be held this month. including the video & testimony from the documentarian embedded with the trumps et al from sept 2020, thru the election, jan 6 & beyond until yer chosen one was evicted from the white house.

at least 2 more hearings will be held this month. including the video & testimony from the documentarian embedded with the trumps et al from sept 2020, thru the election, jan 6 & beyond until yer chosen one was evicted from the white house.


Fifty lies exposed that you swallowed isn't enough????

You must be "Democrat of the Month," huh?
Wow.... That was a lot of typing you did for something that I can refute with one sentence:
To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;
No, it doesn't.
Where in the enumerated power of Congress to call out the militia (above in bold) does it say they can be sent to fight foreign battles?
It doesn't say it's forbidden.
Now let's talk about that whole prerequisite thing. As Political Chic already stated, is it required that patents and copyright only apply to science and useful arts?

To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
The clause actually confers two distinct powers: the power to secure for limited times to authors the exclusive right to their writings is the basis for U.S. copyright law, and the power to secure for limited times to inventors the exclusive rights to their discoveries is the basis for U.S. patent law.
Because the clause contains no language under which Congress may protect trademarks, those are instead protected under the Commerce Clause.
Some terms in the clause are used in archaic meanings, potentially confusing modern readers. For example, "useful Arts" does not refer to artistic endeavors, but rather to the work of artisans, people skilled in a manufacturing craft; "Sciences" refers not only to fields of modern scientific inquiry but rather to all knowledge.
Plus, the prefatory clause doesn't at all say that the right to keep and bear arms only applies to the militia.
Some people WERE militia.
Which means their right to keep and bear arms can't be denied.

If that were their intent, the amendment would say something like "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the militia to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
By the way, that's another thing. If the National Guard were the militia,
YES, it is.
which it clearly is not, and if the Amendment only secured, but does secure, the right to KEEP and BEAR arms to the militia members, then all National Guard members must be permitted to keep the National Guard arms with them.
NOT true, if the militia provided you with a weapon, you didn't get to keep the weapon, to take home with you when your obligation was over, the was government property and was surrendered back to the militia.
But it doesn't say that at all, so don't worry.

What the prefatory clause actually says, is that a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state. What that says is that the government cannot get rid of the militia; it's constitutionally required to exist.
YES, the government can.
Where are getting this horse shit from?
Alex Jones?
And trying to merge the militia into a standing army is not the militia; it's a standing army. And we all know how the Founders felt about standing armies. So, no, no honest person could ever pretend that the dual enlistment into the Guard and the standing army is at all constitutional.
Another WTF?
The National Guard is the Army Reserve, run, managed, trained, by the Federal Government.
NOT exclusively.
Why is it the state governor can call up the national guard, without the federal government's permission?
No, it doesn't.

It doesn't say it's forbidden.
Everything is forbidden to the Federal Government except for that which is explicitly granted it in the Constitution, idiot. If not from the Constitution, how does the Government get any power at all? Are they born with it? Is it run by people with blue blood?

Are they our masters or are we theirs?
Everything is forbidden to the Federal Government except for that which is explicitly granted it in the Constitution, idiot. If not from the Constitution, how does the Government get any power at all? Are they born with it? Is it run by people with blue blood?

Are they our masters or are we theirs?

I hope this doesn't deflate your sense of having defeated an equal: that moron bragged about his lack of education:

“I don't need a book to tell me how to think, retards do.”
A Win For Originalism…And America post 29

I always appreciate when the most ignorant admit....or, in his case, brag about how ignorant they are.

All of his posts are to be viewed through the prism of that confession.
The clause actually confers two distinct powers: the power to secure for limited times to authors the exclusive right to their writings is the basis for U.S. copyright law, and the power to secure for limited times to inventors the exclusive rights to their discoveries is the basis for U.S. patent law.
Because the clause contains no language under which Congress may protect trademarks, those are instead protected under the Commerce Clause.
Some terms in the clause are used in archaic meanings, potentially confusing modern readers. For example, "useful Arts" does not refer to artistic endeavors, but rather to the work of artisans, people skilled in a manufacturing craft; "Sciences" refers not only to fields of modern scientific inquiry but rather to all knowledge.
Very nice googling there. Good quote about the copyright and patents clauses (not laws) in the Constitution. Of course it is completely unresponsive to my question. Your google-fu is much better than your reading comprehension.

The question to you is, must all patents and copyrights be about science and the useful arts? That's the prefatory clause to the patents and copyrights clause. Please try to focus on the topic. Take your meds if you're struggling to stay connected to the discussion. Check with your nurse first, please.
Some people WERE militia.
Which means their right to keep and bear arms can't be denied.
Everyone was/is the militia - from 16 to 60, 18 to 45, in general that means everyone. Even the law creating the National Guard admits there is what they call the unorganized militia. It is not the National Guard or organized militia that would, in any case, be the first responders to a foreign invasion; it would be every man sitting in his house, hearing the gunfire, looking out his window and seeing a bunch of Chinese soldiers. He's going to die, most likely, but not before taking more of them than they do of him. One him. Get at least two, preferably more, of them. The Chinese have a huge army but they can't win against 100 million unorganized militia in the United States.

Likely the fight would be nearly over before the Guard even got to their stations - assuming they could get to their stations. Considering that most Guard stations are mostly empty except on early mornings on the weekends, an invasion force would capture them in minutes. Even if they don't attack them directly, they would control the routes to them and the Guard would not get deployed.

That's the beauty of the militia; we're already deployed, armed, trained, and determined to fight any invasion, incursion, insurrection, to the death.

So even though the prefatory clause doesn't say what you pretend it says, it does create an obligation on the United States to count the militia (even if current law chooses to refer to it as the unorganized militia) as part of our national defense.

NOT true, if the militia provided you with a weapon, you didn't get to keep the weapon, to take home with you when your obligation was over, the was government property and was surrendered back to the militia.
You're wrong. Do you want to know how I know? Because you were typing.

Ok, not really... well, yes really... But I also know because I read stuff. You know, like books.

In the terms of the day, public arms were those provided by, ultimately owned by, the Government. Private arms were those purchased by and owned by individuals.

The Government did, as they do today, establish armories and caches of arms, powder, and ammunition, but they also provided thousands of public weapons to the States that went directly into the hands of the militia expressly because they had property to protect. You can't protect property with a gun in an armory somewhere.

arms and/or funds should be offered to the
more vulnerable states, to enable "our governments to arm every free man, who has personal rights or property to watch, maintain and defend."'63 This would deter any potential aggressor from attack:
To encounter a nation of 5 or 6 millions of armed free men ...would be a conflict unpromising of any kind or degree of real advantage ....In short, it is confidently believed, that completely armed--duly temperate-and reasonably just, we may rely, under heaven, on the preservation of our accustomed peace, our liberty and our safety.

The custom was that militia members controlled their public weapons and kept them with them in their homes. In one case, the Pennsylvania militia members refused to, in the case of Pennsylvania wanting to collect them just for cleaning, refused to turn ub their public arms.
While the proposed United States Constitution was debated, the government of Pennsylvania attempted to collect the public arms for cleaning and maintenance. A very large number of Pennsylvanians, however, refused to surrender their public arms even temporarily-fearing that the new federal government might be oppressive

NOT exclusively.
Why is it the state governor can call up the national guard, without the federal government's permission?
That the Federal Government allows the State to promote officers and to call out the National Guard is simply part of the lie of the National Guard. By allowing that, it supports the lie so it was an easy thing for the Army to give up.

If the National Guard is in Afghanistan, how does the Governor call them up when they're needed for a hurricane or other legal militia use by the State? The National Guard actually deprives the States of their Constitutionally protected right to have a State militia.
I hope this doesn't deflate your sense of having defeated an equal: that moron bragged about his lack of education:

“I don't need a book to tell me how to think, retards do.”
A Win For Originalism…And America post 29

I always appreciate when the most ignorant admit....or, in his case, brag about how ignorant they are.

All of his posts are to be viewed through the prism of that confession.
Yes, I get it. There's no joy in proving them wrong; the whole intent is for other readers who might come with similar ideas to have the truth provided. In the post I was writing while you posted this, I did remind him that one of the ways I know he was wrong is that I read books. :) The other way was because he was typing and he's always wrong.

If he, and the rest of those like him, would actually read books, we wouldn't need these discussions.

I read books from those with whom I mostly agree and I read books from those with whom I don't expect to agree at all. In both cases, sometimes I agree and sometimes I disagree, but that's not the value; the value is that it elevates my own understanding and reasoning and I can make my own conclusions and defend them with my own logic as well as with references from others.

I know; you know all this. I only write it for others reading the thread who might actually be open to increasing their knowledge and understanding. It's rare but I keep hoping.

I'm a self-taught, very successful, IT expert. I have shared how I got to where I am with dozens of people who have wanted to build their own careers and didn't have time or money for college. Of all those I have tried to help, only two that I know of actually took it to heart and did the work requjired to build very successful careers of their own.

I'd tell my story a hundred times if it only helped one or two and it would be very well worth it. Same thing here. Maybe just one, maybe not today, maybe not completely, but still, maybe just one gets a little smarter.

And I have had more than one person tell me that I've increased their understanding and changed their views - not completely, not as much as I might have hoped for, but some. I suspect I've influenced even more but most wouldn't admit it openly; it's a hard thing for some to admit they're wrong.
Yes, I get it. There's no joy in proving them wrong; the whole intent is for other readers who might come with similar ideas to have the truth provided. In the post I was writing while you posted this, I did remind him that one of the ways I know he was wrong is that I read books. :) The other way was because he was typing and he's always wrong.

If he, and the rest of those like him, would actually read books, we wouldn't need these discussions.

I read books from those with whom I mostly agree and I read books from those with whom I don't expect to agree at all. In both cases, sometimes I agree and sometimes I disagree, but that's not the value; the value is that it elevates my own understanding and reasoning and I can make my own conclusions and defend them with my own logic as well as with references from others.

I know; you know all this. I only write it for others reading the thread who might actually be open to increasing their knowledge and understanding. It's rare but I keep hoping.

I'm a self-taught, very successful, IT expert. I have shared how I got to where I am with dozens of people who have wanted to build their own careers and didn't have time or money for college. Of all those I have tried to help, only two that I know of actually took it to heart and did the work requjired to build very successful careers of their own.

I'd tell my story a hundred times if it only helped one or two and it would be very well worth it. Same thing here. Maybe just one, maybe not today, maybe not completely, but still, maybe just one gets a little smarter.

And I have had more than one person tell me that I've increased their understanding and changed their views - not completely, not as much as I might have hoped for, but some. I suspect I've influenced even more but most wouldn't admit it openly; it's a hard thing for some to admit they're wrong.

You did fine!
Everything is forbidden to the Federal Government except for that which is explicitly granted it in the Constitution, idiot. If not from the Constitution, how does the Government get any power at all? Are they born with it? Is it run by people with blue blood?

Are they our masters or are we theirs?
The National Guard is under dual command, numbnuts.
The federal government and state government.
The National Guard is under dual command, numbnuts.
The federal government and state government.


Can the president order the National Guard?

The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, or rebellion. ~ wiki

the buck stopped with trump. he never called them in to protect the congress critters from his flying monkeys.

mike pence had to do it.

Can the president order the National Guard?
NO, he can't.

June 1 2020
President Donald Trump gave an ominous and curt address in the Rose Garden on Monday, threatening military intervention in nationwide protests.

Trump's remarks were hastily announced about 6 p.m., with the president speaking about 45 minutes later.

"Today I have strongly recommended to every governor to deploy the National Guard in sufficient numbers that we dominate the streets," Trump said.

"Mayors and governors must establish an overwhelming law-enforcement presence until the violence has been quelled," he added. "If a city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents, then I will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them."
The Insurrection Act of 1807 is a United States federal law that empowers the President of the United States to deploy U.S. military and federalized National Guard troops within the United States in particular circumstances, such as to suppress civil disorder, insurrection, or rebellion. ~ wiki

the buck stopped with trump. he never called them in to protect the congress critters from his flying monkeys.

mike pence had to do it.
The National Guard is under dual command, numbnuts.
The federal government and state government.
The Militia can only be called up by Congress; it can't be permanently called up. The reasons for the Congress to call up the militia are very limited and explicit in the Constitution, no-nuts.
" Sanctimonious Anthropocentric Zealots "

" Authoritarians With Uniform Fetish *

Who said zero exceptions?
Who , or which states ?

NO, he can't.

according to this, he can:

10 U.S. Code § 12406 - National Guard in Federal service: call​

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the United States, or any of the Commonwealths or possessions, is invaded or is in danger of invasion by a foreign nation;
there is a rebellion or danger of a rebellion against the authority of the Government of the United States; or
the President is unable with the regular forces to execute the laws of the United States;
the President may call into Federal service members and units of the National Guard of any State in such numbers as he considers necessary to repel the invasion, suppress the rebellion, or execute those laws. Orders for these purposes shall be issued through the governors of the States or, in the case of the District of Columbia, through the commanding general of the National Guard of the District of Columbia.

10 U.S. Code § 12406 - National Guard in Federal service: call
" Sanctimonious Anthropocentric Zealots "

" Authoritarians With Uniform Fetish *

Who , or which states ?

See, once again you do what the left always does. Answering the question I posed to you is impossible so you change the subject.

You made the claim that there were people claiming there were zero exceptions to the rule and I simply asked who said that. Who said there are zero exceptions? Not a single one of those states you linked to have a zero exception policy.
according to this, he can:

10 U.S. Code § 12406 - National Guard in Federal service: call​

prev | next
the United States, or any of the Commonwealths or possessions, is invaded or is in danger of invasion by a foreign nation;
there is a rebellion or danger of a rebellion against the authority of the Government of the United States; or
the President is unable with the regular forces to execute the laws of the United States;
the President may call into Federal service members and units of the National Guard of any State in such numbers as he considers necessary to repel the invasion, suppress the rebellion, or execute those laws. Orders for these purposes shall be issued through the governors of the States or, in the case of the District of Columbia, through the commanding general of the National Guard of the District of Columbia.

10 U.S. Code § 12406 - National Guard in Federal service: call
The law is unconstitutional. There's no "in danger of" text in the Constitution.

Though the Court has upheld, incorrectly, the power of Congress to violate the Separation of Powers by authorizing the Executive Branch to do the things explicitly reserved to the Congress, they most certainly cannot pass powers to the Executive that they never had in the first place.
" Disingenuous Clown Shoes On Conception "

* States Enact Sedition Against Citizens *

See, once again you do what the left always does. Answering the question I posed to you is impossible so you change the subject.

You made the claim that there were people claiming there were zero exceptions to the rule and I simply asked who said that. Who said there are zero exceptions? Not a single one of those states you linked to have a zero exception policy.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland appeared to express support for that position in a statement on the Supreme Court's June 24 ruling, saying that states "may not ban mifepristone based on disagreement with the FDA's expert judgment about its safety and efficacy."
Mississippi has argued that FDA approval cannot overcome
the Supreme Court's rulings granting states authority to regulate abortions.

Let us guess , doctor prescription for mifepristone is a license loss and conviction -
SB 612 prohibits the performance of an abortion or attempt to perform an abortion except to save the life of a pregnant woman in a medical emergency. Any person convicted of performing or attempting to perform an abortion is guilty of a felony punishable by a fine not to exceed $100,000.00 or a maximum sentence of imprisonment of 10 years, or both.

The measure provides exceptions for prosecution. The provisions of this measure do not authorize the charging or conviction of a woman with any criminal offense in the death of her own unborn child or prohibit the sale, use, prescription or administration of contraceptives. The measure specifies that it is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this act if a physician provides medical treatment to a pregnant woman which results in the accidental or unintentional injury or death to the unborn child.
" Disingenuous Clown Shoes On Conception "

* States Enact Sedition Against Citizens *

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland appeared to express support for that position in a statement on the Supreme Court's June 24 ruling, saying that states "may not ban mifepristone based on disagreement with the FDA's expert judgment about its safety and efficacy."
Mississippi has argued that FDA approval cannot overcome
the Supreme Court's rulings granting states authority to regulate abortions.

Let us guess , doctor prescription for mifepristone is a license loss and conviction -
SB 612 prohibits the performance of an abortion or attempt to perform an abortion except to save the life of a pregnant woman in a medical emergency. Any person convicted of performing or attempting to perform an abortion is guilty of a felony punishable by a fine not to exceed $100,000.00 or a maximum sentence of imprisonment of 10 years, or both.

The measure provides exceptions for prosecution. The provisions of this measure do not authorize the charging or conviction of a woman with any criminal offense in the death of her own unborn child or prohibit the sale, use, prescription or administration of contraceptives. The measure specifies that it is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this act if a physician provides medical treatment to a pregnant woman which results in the accidental or unintentional injury or death to the unborn child.
Garland needs to be impeached. The DOJ is supposed to follow and enforce the law, not make the law. That he is going against the rule of the Supreme Court is literally the scariest thing government of the United States has ever done - short of Secretary of Defense Esper's refusal to follow an order of the President, ending 237 years of civilian rule over the military with the President as Commander-in-Chief.
" Domestic Enemies And Traitors "

* Usurpers Of Citizen Privileges And Equal Protection *

Garland needs to be impeached. The DOJ is supposed to follow and enforce the law, not make the law. That he is going against the rule of the Supreme Court is literally the scariest thing government of the United States has ever done - short of Secretary of Defense Esper's refusal to follow an order of the President, ending 237 years of civilian rule over the military with the President as Commander-in-Chief.
Supreme court justices need to be arrested for sedition - Equal Protection Of Citizenship Is In A State Of Sedition Because Of Supreme Court Ruling On Abortion .

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