Thieving Mormans Still Stealing..Big Surprise!!

Yet another fine example of liberal tolerance and respect for other's.

You wouldn't know a liberal from a right winger from an independant if they shoved a boot up your dumb Texas ass.

Mormans are fuckin crazy. They are a cult. They have displayed a pattern of stealing and illegal rigging and swindling since thier conception. They set up banks and laundered money for the mob in Nevada. They stole Hughes's fortune and patents..They are scum. Thier religious beliefs are twice as crazy as christians. Anyone that can read The Book of Morman and tell me different is nittier than a fruitcake.
Yet another fine example of liberal tolerance and respect for other's.

Yet another example of a complete lack of logic and clear thinking.

Huggy is a liberal.
Huggy doesn't like Mormons.
Therefore all liberals are intolerant and have no respect for others.


I am not a liberal. You are an idiot.
Yet another fine example of liberal tolerance and respect for other's.

Yet another example of a complete lack of logic and clear thinking.

Huggy is a liberal.
Huggy doesn't like Mormons.
Therefore all liberals are intolerant and have no respect for others.


I am not a liberal. You are an idiot.

I didn't know what you were, one way or another. I'm new here. My post was a response to the post I quoted, which suggested, and even indicated, you were a liberal. But, no worries: I now see exactly what you are.:D

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