They keep releasing gun criminals, they even release school shooters.....this is insane.

Uh, guy, you all gave up any right to bitch about school shooters when after Sandy Hook, you said, "Naw, it'll be fine" and didn't pass any gun control.

Learn to live with school shootings, kids. the Founding Slave Rapists said so.
What gun control laws would have stopped Sandy Hook? Be specific.
Joey has the morals of Stalin and the ethics of Pol Pot. He WANTS and NEEDS violence. Joey CELEBRATES dead children. Joey MUST have a high body count to push his agenda.

Joey is the purest, darkest example of undiluted EVIL on this site. Joey is evil on the level of Blohkin.
As your dear leader praises and falls in love with Jong un?

Former President Donald Trump remarked in 2018 that "Hitler did a lot of good things," according to a new book, leaving his chief of staff John Kelly reeling.
In 1990, Vanity Fair reported that Trump's now ex-wife Ivana Trump once told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that her husband kept a book of Hitler's speeches, called "My New Order," near his bed.

April 13, 2017
Donald Trump deflected questions Friday morning about his kindred spirit Vladimir Putin’s alleged policy of killing journalists and political opponents. On Thursday, the Russian president praised the GOP frontrunner as “brilliant” and “talented,” prompting Trump to respond that it was an “honor” to be complimented by someone so “respected” around the world.

“He’s running his country and at least he’s a leader,” Trump said, leaving the hosts stunned.

“But again, he kills journalists that don’t agree with him,” Joe Scarborough pressed.

“I think our country does plenty of killing also, Joe,” Trump replied. “There’s a lot of stuff going on in the world right now, Joe. A lot of killing going on and a lot of stupidity and that’s the way it is.”
I thought we were talking about a School Shooter in this thread and not a workplace shooter.

I know. So many mass shootings, it's hard to keep them all straight.

Yes, I too, got bullied in Catholic school. And no, coming in with a gun one day and shooting all the Little Catholic Bastards never occurred to me. Then again, when I was growing up, we didn't have a gun culture of gun fetishists like the OP who see guns as an answer to everything he didn't like. My dad had hunting rifles, sure. But he didn't think we needed a gun in the house to shoot bad guys or overthrow the government. He in fact got rid of some old German Lugers he had acquired during WWII because when he started having kids, they had no place in his house.
I was a skinny kid in junior high with a broken arm. One day a guy tried to bully me. I hit him with a full arm cast and put him into the hospital with a concussion. Today, I would be expelled from school at best, jailed at worst. Back then I was given a talking to about hitting people over the head with hard objects and the bully was expelled when he got out of the hospital. Back then bullying wasn't common because schools didn't punish the bullied for defending themselves and punished the bullies. Is it any wonder that bullied kids today explode into excessive violence?
What gun control laws would have stopped Sandy Hook? Be specific.
The red flag law, when the mother knew and tried to get help for her son, the guns should have been removed.
Even better would be to have him removed, but that failed, and the mother paid for it.
Connecticut was the first state to adopt one.
You're FOS, as usual.
See post 159.

Obama Seeks to Increase PTSD/TBI Funding​

President Obama’s fiscal 2012 budget proposes $7.2 billion in funding to research and treat the invisible wounds of war: post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury.

The Veterans Affairs Department said it plans to spend $6 billion in 2012 to enhance its ability to provide the best possible specialized care for those with PTSD, TBI and other mental health needs.

February 27, 2014
U.S. Senate Republicans blocked legislation on Thursday that would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans, saying the $24 billion bill would bust the budget.

Even though the legislation cleared a procedural vote on Tuesday by a 99-0 vote, the measure quickly got bogged down in partisan fighting.

Supporters said the measure would have brought the most significant changes in decades to U.S. veterans’ programs. For example, it called for 27 new medical facilities to help a healthcare system that is strained by veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Gaslighting only works on fellow Trumptards.

Moron, he used the mental health laws to ban guns for veterans and other people with minor mental health issues.
As your dear leader praises and falls in love with Jong un?

Former President Donald Trump remarked in 2018 that "Hitler did a lot of good things," according to a new book, leaving his chief of staff John Kelly reeling.
In 1990, Vanity Fair reported that Trump's now ex-wife Ivana Trump once told her lawyer Michael Kennedy that her husband kept a book of Hitler's speeches, called "My New Order," near his bed.

April 13, 2017
Donald Trump deflected questions Friday morning about his kindred spirit Vladimir Putin’s alleged policy of killing journalists and political opponents. On Thursday, the Russian president praised the GOP frontrunner as “brilliant” and “talented,” prompting Trump to respond that it was an “honor” to be complimented by someone so “respected” around the world.

“He’s running his country and at least he’s a leader,” Trump said, leaving the hosts stunned.

“But again, he kills journalists that don’t agree with him,” Joe Scarborough pressed.

“I think our country does plenty of killing also, Joe,” Trump replied. “There’s a lot of stuff going on in the world right now, Joe. A lot of killing going on and a lot of stupidity and that’s the way it is.”
Did you ever think that just maybe Trump can see shades of grey? Yes Hitler did some good things, but he did more bad ones. The bad ones don't eclipse the good ones and the good ones don't excuse the bad ones. What Trump said about Putin seems to be damning with faint praise to me. You don't insult powerful men in public. Especially if you move in circles that have to deal with them, or they have access to assassins.
You're FOS, as usual.
See post 159.

Obama Seeks to Increase PTSD/TBI Funding​

President Obama’s fiscal 2012 budget proposes $7.2 billion in funding to research and treat the invisible wounds of war: post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury.

The Veterans Affairs Department said it plans to spend $6 billion in 2012 to enhance its ability to provide the best possible specialized care for those with PTSD, TBI and other mental health needs.

February 27, 2014
U.S. Senate Republicans blocked legislation on Thursday that would have expanded federal healthcare and education programs for veterans, saying the $24 billion bill would bust the budget.

Even though the legislation cleared a procedural vote on Tuesday by a 99-0 vote, the measure quickly got bogged down in partisan fighting.

Supporters said the measure would have brought the most significant changes in decades to U.S. veterans’ programs. For example, it called for 27 new medical facilities to help a healthcare system that is strained by veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.

Gaslighting only works on fellow Trumptards.
Yeah, nothing obama did was ever honest or truthful and that article is just more bullshit.
Well, before he kills them, he needs to smell their hair....what a fucking creepy dude.....this guy would creep out the Munsters
Sure he would, nothing like the orange pervert who would like to nail his own daughter.

The hosts asked Trump if he'd mind if Ivanka posed for Playboy, and Trump replied,

I don't think Ivanka would do that inside the magazine although she does have a very nice figure. I've said if Ivanka weren't my daughter perhaps I'd be dating her.
The red flag law, when the mother knew and tried to get help for her son, the guns should have been removed.
Even better would be to have him removed, but that failed, and the mother paid for it.
Connecticut was the first state to adopt one.

And since the guns were not his, you dumb shit, the red flag
Laws wouldnt have applied
The red flag law, when the mother knew and tried to get help for her son, the guns should have been removed.
Even better would be to have him removed, but that failed, and the mother paid for it.
Connecticut was the first state to adopt one.
The guns were in a LOCKED SAFE that the son didn't have access to, He killed his mother to get access to those guns. If the ACLU hadn't made it nearly impossible to forcibly incarcerate someone in a mental institution, the kid would have been safely locked up. The HIPPA laws prevent mentally ill people's names from coming up when NCIC checks are run for firearms purchases. Fix that as well. Guns are a tool, lock up criminals and the dangerously mentally ill and most of the gun violence problem goes away,
Sure he would, nothing like the orange pervert who would like to nail his own daughter.

The hosts asked Trump if he'd mind if Ivanka posed for Playboy, and Trump replied,
Why do people like you always have to take things out of context? Trump didn't say anything about nailing his daughter. He said she was attractive and had a good figure in response to a provocative and inappropriate question.
Did you ever think that just maybe Trump can see shades of grey? Yes Hitler did some good things, but he did more bad ones. The bad ones don't eclipse the good ones and the good ones don't excuse the bad ones. What Trump said about Putin seems to be damning with faint praise to me. You don't insult powerful men in public. Especially if you move in circles that have to deal with them, or they have access to assassins.
'Did you ever think that just maybe Trump can see shades of grey'?
The only shade the orange grifter sees is green and how to get more.

The moron has no issue insulting our allies.

As President Trump departs for France to represent the U.S. at the G-7 summit of world leaders, the memories of the insults he has leveled against key U.S. allies will still be fresh, and he'll be interacting with some of those same leaders over the next few days.
"Our allies take advantage of us far greater than our enemies," the president told his audience at a manufacturing plant in Pennsylvania earlier this month.

Earlier this week, the president unloaded on Denmark's prime minister for suggesting Greenland is indeed not for sale, describing her comments as "nasty" and suddenly canceling his trip to Denmark. Mr. Trump described his disgust in detail to reporters on the White House South Lawn Wednesday.

"No – Denmark, I looked forward to going, but I thought that the prime minister's statement – that it was absurd; that it was an absurd idea – it was nasty," Mr. Trump said Wednesday. "I thought it was an inappropriate statement.

At the end of the G7 summit in June, Trump slammed the leader of Canada—Washington's closest ally—as "very dishonest and weak."

rump’s relationship with German Chancellor Angela Merkel has also been frosty.
During a meeting at the White House last March, a reporter requested that the two leaders shake hands for a photograph. Merkel smiled and looked over at Trump, who was sitting right beside her, but he ignored her gaze and declined to shake her hand.
The guns were in a LOCKED SAFE that the son didn't have access to, He killed his mother to get access to those guns. If the ACLU hadn't made it nearly impossible to forcibly incarcerate someone in a mental institution, the kid would have been safely locked up. The HIPPA laws prevent mentally ill people's names from coming up when NCIC checks are run for firearms purchases. Fix that as well. Guns are a tool, lock up criminals and the dangerously mentally ill and most of the gun violence problem goes away,
True, the mother tried.
Don't know exactly what happened with her efforts.
Why do people like you always have to take things out of context? Trump didn't say anything about nailing his daughter. He said she was attractive and had a good figure in response to a provocative and inappropriate question.
So, put Trump's comments IN context.

Inappropriate question?

When she was still a teenager, she was working as a model and appeared on the covers of several high profile magazines.

Two years later, while promoting their new series of The Apprentice, Donald and Ivanka appeared on talk show, The View.
Trump was asked how he would have felt in Ivanka had posed in Playboy during her modelling days.
The guns were in a LOCKED SAFE that the son didn't have access to, He killed his mother to get access to those guns. If the ACLU hadn't made it nearly impossible to forcibly incarcerate someone in a mental institution, the kid would have been safely locked up. The HIPPA laws prevent mentally ill people's names from coming up when NCIC checks are run for firearms purchases. Fix that as well. Guns are a tool, lock up criminals and the dangerously mentally ill and most of the gun violence problem goes away,

Uh, if he was able to open the safe they were in, he had access.
If he the safe was left open, he had access.
He didn't kill his mom to get her guns. he had her gun, that's how he was able to kill her.
He killed her because she was going to lock him up in a home.

Before he went on his rampage, he really hadn't done anything to merit being locked up against his will.

The problem was his mother was a gun fetishist/prepper nut who was stockpiling enough guns to fight off the Zombie Apocalypse, and she trained her own pet zombie to shoot guns.
We don't have a gun problem in the U.S.

We have a problem with, in particular, the democrat party releasing violent gun offenders over and over again.

In this case, however, I can't say it was a democrat or democrats responsible......what it does show, is that we can't even keep school shooters in prison.......and then asshat, anti-gun extremists will blame normal people who own guns for self defense, sport, hunting and competition........while they keep releasing the actual, violent gun offenders...

This is Illinois, however, so the likelihood that the people releasing him were democrats is really good...

this guy brought a gun to school with the intent to commit murder......he fired at people and hit at least one student.....and they let him out of jail in a year.....


It was there, inside the large room, that McQueen and the resource officer saw the male student spraying gunfire.
A young man, she would learn that day, had brought a pistol to school intent on killing a girl and who knows how many others who he felt had wronged him. McQueen got word that someone might have a gun only moments before things went sideways.

The would-be mass murderer? Illinois let him out of juvenile prison less than a year later. Unbelievably, when the state wanted to return him to the community, locals objected and he has since been placed elsewhere.

Dems are letting out thousands of violent predators to roam our streets.

Those Dem politicians could not care less about ordinary citizens.

Just saw on FOX that the mayor of Atlanta has supported defunding the police, but when she leaves office soon, she has made sure that she gets police protection for at least six months.

Well, you can thank the (reputed) 80,000,000 people who voted in the Dems last November.

I trust that if they or any of their loved ones are ever victims of violent crime, they will have the decency to refrain from complaining.
Dems are letting out thousands of violent predators to roam our streets.

Those Dem politicians could not care less about ordinary citizens.

Just saw on FOX that the mayor of Atlanta has supported defunding the police, but when she leaves office soon, she has made sure that she gets police protection for at least six months.

Uh, guy, we currently lock up 2 million people. Locking people up isn't the answer to crime. If anything, it makes it worse.

Most other industrialized countries lock up less than 100K people. China and Russia lock up less people than we do.

Well, you can thank the (reputed) 80,000,000 people who voted in the Dems last November.

I trust that if they or any of their loved ones are ever victims of violent crime, they will have the decency to refrain from complaining.

quite the contrary....

We have crime because of five factors.

1) Poverty
2) Racism
3) Drug Addiction
4) Mental Illness
5) Gun proliferation.

Other industrialized nations don't have our crime problems because they have social programs to deal with these issues, and they don't let average citizens own guns.

If I have a complaint with "liberals" is that they don't go far enough to solve these problems.
Uh, guy, we currently lock up 2 million people. Locking people up isn't the answer to crime. If anything, it makes it worse.

Most other industrialized countries lock up less than 100K people. China and Russia lock up less people than we do.

quite the contrary....

We have crime because of five factors.

1) Poverty
2) Racism
3) Drug Addiction
4) Mental Illness
5) Gun proliferation.

Other industrialized nations don't have our crime problems because they have social programs to deal with these issues, and they don't let average citizens own guns.

If I have a complaint with "liberals" is that they don't go far enough to solve these problems.
Poverty should not exist. 55 years of the Great Society. Racism is something that is intangible and tangible and the real rulers are the ones who accuse. Gun irresponsibility come from this. Drugs and Mental Illness are more solvable in a reduction way if real agendas are pushed.

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