“They asked me to LIE about President Trump in order to indict him, Enrique Tells All

Suborning perjury is a crime. There is no reason not to believe this man. I mean what else can they do to him? We have never seen a political purge like this. This man was framed.
He told us that the prosecutors in the Department of Justice attempted to coerce him into signing a false statement that would implicate President Trump by swearing that “through several degrees of separation and connections, Tarrio had communicated with Trump regarding ‘plans’ for January 6th.”

Did he snort coke off of trumps mushroom? Was Tucker doing the interview?
Tell us more lies! Please. We enjoy your distortions of the truth!
You have some fucked up heroes. When you lead a militia with plans to attack the US government in the US Capitol during a joint session of Congress to stop the peaceful transfer of power to help a sore loser president from having his self-esteem shattered, you do not sit your ass in a hotel room far from the action just because the deep state authorities tell you you can’t be in DC on that day. You go anyway unless you’re a coward. A crowd in the millions was supposed to be there of MAGA -
This patriot could’ve bjended right in with no problem. What a coward.

But as to the lie he’s got going about the feds wanting him to lie. That is not how a plea deal works. He has to have something on the president that can be corroborated with some kind of evidence by others or written, communication, etc. so feds can verify beyond a shadow of a doubt that he isn’t lying. Frds can’t just make something up andIask him to sign it and walk away . You people are bizarre brain dead wackos.
Tarrio is an idiot, liar and a coward.
Do angry lefties really, really believe that the Jan 6 demonstration was an attack on the U.S. government and an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power? If so it was a piss-poor attack by unarmed mom and pop types and the only casualty was an unarmed woman who was shot by one of Biden's Cops. If it was truly an attempt at anarchy, lefties don't have a thing to worry about
Tarrio will be remembered as a patriot, but on the Marxist Democrat Party, as an enemy. At this time, they can only put their political opponents in jail, once they've disarmed the general public and ended the Constitution, the political mass killings will commence.

Democrats are not going to be in power forever. There are more of us than there are of them, and we outgun them. We own more land, more guns, more power, and as of late, more sympathy. The majority of people now agree that the Biden administration is leading us down the wrong road. Even the most hardcore Democrat gun-haters know by now that no organized form of firearms confiscation would be near impossibility.
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Tarrio is the easy winner.
Some winner! Votes for the president who is a loser! He orders his drinking buddies into combat for the president and loses that battle! Gets indicted for seditious conspiracy, and videotapes the whole fucking thing with a documentarian, and then the feds offer him a plea deal that if he pleads guilty, he’ll do half the time. I think they offered him eight years for a guilty plea, so he says no I’ll see you in court for that and he loses the big one 22 years. What a fucking idiot.
They? You're talking about grand juries, ordinary Americans.

Enrique Tarrio didn't stop any of Trump's four indictments. Enrique gets to sit in a concrete cage for 22 years.

I guess you haven't seen the video of the head of the grand jury.

Nonbiased doesn't exist in her tiny little mind.
Do angry lefties really, really believe that the Jan 6 demonstration was an attack on the U.S. government and an attempt to stop the peaceful transfer of power? If so it was a piss-poor attack by unarmed mom and pop types and the only casualty was an unarmed woman who was shot by one of Biden's Cops. If it was truly an attempt at anarchy, lefties don't have a thing to worry about
That was exactly what it was. Stop Biden from becoming president because ol Trump told em that the election was stollen from him. And they believed him.
If it was truly an attempt at anarchy,

It was not an attempt at anarchy. Quite the opposite. It was an attempt to install an authoritarian ruler at least through a second term that he did not win.

There was an inside plan as well for which Trump and his cronies have been indicted.

It was organized by Trump in a criminal enterprise to submit fake electors to Vice President Mike Pence. He was to use the fake electors that day to declare Donald Trump the winner of the presidency. The purpose of that was to cause chaos in a constitutional crisis with potential for violence in the streets.

The millions MAGA march in DC on the same day of mostly white Trump, supporters were to be a show of force that the white Christian patriotic nation was behind Trump blocking Biden’s inauguration.

Trump also believed that a constitutional crisis framed up for a Trump friendly supreme court would back this take over based on the slates of fake electors, giving pass for Pence to do what he did.

Some of the proud boys are saying they went to DC to protect the protesters from antifa and BLM. They were expecting a fight, and they kept their weapons stashed nearby in case things got hot.

There is no explanation from them or apology for beating up the cops, breaking windows to get inside the capitol even after Trump tweeted that Pence was a coward, and would not go through with the plot.

It should be noted that there was coordination between the proud boys, the oath keepers and organizers of the stop the steel rally that knew about the inside plan of what Mike Pence was supposed to do with the fake electors.
Some winner! Votes for the president who is a loser! He orders his drinking buddies into combat for the president and loses that battle! Gets indicted for seditious conspiracy, and videotapes the whole fucking thing with a documentarian, and then the feds offer him a plea deal that if he pleads guilty, he’ll do half the time. I think they offered him eight years for a guilty plea, so he says no I’ll see you in court for that and he loses the big one 22 years. What a fucking idiot.
He's just another grifter. He needs big bucks for an appeal so he's singing the right's favorite song and asks for money. He's gonna need it
You have some fucked up heroes. When you lead a militia with plans to attack the US government in the US Capitol during a joint session of Congress to stop the peaceful transfer of power to help a sore loser president from having his self-esteem shattered, you do not sit your ass in a hotel room far from the action just because the deep state authorities tell you you can’t be in DC on that day. You go anyway unless you’re a coward. A crowd in the millions was supposed to be there of MAGA -
This patriot could’ve bjended right in with no problem. What a coward.

But as to the lie he’s got going about the feds wanting him to lie. That is not how a plea deal works. He has to have something on the president that can be corroborated with some kind of evidence by others or written, communication, etc. so feds can verify beyond a shadow of a doubt that he isn’t lying. Frds can’t just make something up andIask him to sign it and walk away . You people are bizarre brain dead wackos.
Tarrio is an idiot, liar and a coward.

You sound paranoid or something, bro. How did the Proud Boys "attack" the US government? You have Chinese and Russian hackers out there every day trying to shut down your entire country, and you're worried about a small group of militia wannabes "attacking" your precious little democracy?

You have millions of illegal aliens crossing the border, some of which are known terrorists who would love nothing less that to blow you and your entire family into a million pieces, and you're more worried about some dudes who like to dress up an military gear and play army?

You have a fucking idiot in the White House whose moronic policies have unleashed a war in Eastern Europe, which any minute now could result in a Russian nuclear missile landing right in your back yard and incinerating everything within a mile of where you once existed.

Get a fucking grip, dude. You really have some pathetic, chickenshit priorities. :auiqs.jpg:
Go get yourself a few years in cold storage.

But but but but but your hillbilly Christians and Mashmont Catholics got Roe versus Wade overturned and it’s all full square blamed on the republican party, and every last one of them down to dogcatcher who are all going to start paying.

Watch the women’s rights election in Ohio in November.

TRUMP’s been bragging how he was the only one in the entire universe who gets credit for getting Roe versus Wade overturned.

Your guns don’t mean anything in a voting booth, so is that why you’re starting to threats you’re going to use them?

You got to start shooting black Americans because nine if 10 of them voted for Biden.

You won’t know if white people are democrats or Republicans, because all we have to do is put a red MAGA hat on.

I’m not gonna do that. I’m gonna stand arm in arm with nonwhite Americans if you have given up on the peaceful democratic process like the Proud Boys did and start shooting like the cowards you are.

You have all guns, Right?
Suborning perjury is a crime. There is no reason not to believe this man. I mean what else can they do to him? We have never seen a political purge like this. This man was framed.
He told us that the prosecutors in the Department of Justice attempted to coerce him into signing a false statement that would implicate President Trump by swearing that “through several degrees of separation and connections, Tarrio had communicated with Trump regarding ‘plans’ for January 6th.”

That’s not gonna help him when he tries for early release

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