They are busting Trump rght now in court

Trump"s lead in national polling has now been reduced to 0.8%.

Of course Biden will overtake him and get more votes, nationally, in November.
You joined this board, what 10 minutes ago????? I've been here for 10 years, A$$hat. Where is Donald Trump finding all of these new accolytes to come here and spew his bullshit at people?

Donald Trump is in the middle of a criminal trial - the first of many, based on the conspiracy to lie to and deceive the American people, in aid of his 2016 election. And then he tried to claim the bribes as a "business expense".

Who has to pay "hush money" to unsavoury people and extortionists???? Criminals.

The whole "banana republic" parade of people who are prepared to go New York and prostrate themselves before Trump and lie to the American people. Self abasement and discarding all moral principles are a necessity to having power in the Republican Party.
10 minutes :laughing0301::laughing0301:
You are a coward. You are deflecting. I would be embarrassed if I lived in Canada.
There will be no conviction. Can you deal with that?

I can deal with that. I bet you can't.


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