These Voters Share Almost No Political Beliefs, but They Agree on One Thing: We’re Failing as a Nation


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

There are few things that Republicans and Democrats agree on. But one area where a significant share of each party finds common ground is a belief that the country is headed toward failure.

Overall, 37% of registered voters say the problems are so bad that we are in danger of failing as a nation, according to the latest New York Times/Siena College poll.

Fifty-six percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents said we are in danger of such failure. This kind of outlook is more common among voters whose party is out of power. But it’s also noteworthy that fatalists, as we might call them, span the political spectrum. Around 20% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say they feel the same way.

And the failure has two things in common, republicans and democrats.

Yet you have a substantial number of the very same people that "feel" that we need to go further in debt as a nation and have more laws and government programs....We are pretty much fucked.

That's what comes from a solid 25% of the country drinking the water instead of helping to carry it.....And they still get a vote.
Americans have been dissatisfied with the direction of the country for decades.

That goes for whoever is leading it.

The main problem is the rampant partisanship, unwillingness to compromise and partisan media that convinces the public that everything is horrible

There are few things that Republicans and Democrats agree on. But one area where a significant share of each party finds common ground is a belief that the country is headed toward failure.

Overall, 37% of registered voters say the problems are so bad that we are in danger of failing as a nation, according to the latest New York Times/Siena College poll.

Fifty-six percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents said we are in danger of such failure. This kind of outlook is more common among voters whose party is out of power. But it’s also noteworthy that fatalists, as we might call them, span the political spectrum. Around 20% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say they feel the same way.

And the failure has two things in common, republicans and democrats.

Yet you have a substantial number of the very same people that "feel" that we need to go further in debt as a nation and have more laws and government programs....We are pretty much fucked.

That's what comes from a solid 25% of the country drinking the water instead of helping to carry it.....And they still get a vote.

Why are we failing as a nation? I hope you aren't talking about gays. That is just right wing politics. How are we failing?

The rich are getting richer. Are you concerned the middle class isn't making enough? Me too

Gun violence. Yes this is a problem I agree

The environment? Yes this is where we are failing

Our debt? Yes it's a problem. Due to the class warfare the rich have waged on us since Reagan.

Falling apart social programs like social security and medicare? I agree.

Americans don't have it as good as your parents had it. Remember those middle class people had it good. Good wages, affordable college, unions, pensions. low healthcare costs. Now that they run Washington and have given the rich too many tax breaks they say we can't afford to have it as good as them. Boomers.
We are doing fine, why you people have to bitch and moan about every damn thing is beyond me, we have it easy compared to humans that have had to live in misery for centuries.

They need to be more specific. If they are Republicans I suspect they are rich and the rich are doing great. So are they poor republicans? Then maybe they need to stop voting over social wedge issues. Expect one. Abortion. Women who like choice should all vote Democratic in 2024, 2026, 2030, etc.

But are Republicans complaining the middle class aren't making enough? We aren't making as much as our parents did? We've taken a step backward? But then if you tell them that CEO pay went up 1322% since 1978 and their pay only 18%, they defend the CEO's.

Poor Republicans need to join the labor party.
I view elections largely as smoke and mirrors.

What is destroying the country is never addressed
The only thing that will save this country is making the Key Bridge look like the Appian Way, but decorated with politicians.

Americans have been dissatisfied with the direction of the country for decades.

That goes for whoever is leading it.

The main problem is the rampant partisanship, unwillingness to compromise and partisan media that convinces the public that everything is horrible
We are failing in virtually every aspect of life. Everyone is to blame.
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The only thing that will save this country is making the Key Bridge look like the Appian Way, but decorated with politicians.

Maybe instead of Congress and Corporate America being too male and too white, we need more diversity? Look at your picture. If a blonde an brunette can get along why can't the rest of us?

There are few things that Republicans and Democrats agree on. But one area where a significant share of each party finds common ground is a belief that the country is headed toward failure.

Overall, 37% of registered voters say the problems are so bad that we are in danger of failing as a nation, according to the latest New York Times/Siena College poll.

Fifty-six percent of Republicans and Republican-leaning independents said we are in danger of such failure. This kind of outlook is more common among voters whose party is out of power. But it’s also noteworthy that fatalists, as we might call them, span the political spectrum. Around 20% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say they feel the same way.

And the failure has two things in common, republicans and democrats.

Yet you have a substantial number of the very same people that "feel" that we need to go further in debt as a nation and have more laws and government programs....We are pretty much fucked.

That's what comes from a solid 25% of the country drinking the water instead of helping to carry it.....And they still get a vote.
That’s the whole point of the Progressive Jihad on America and the primary motive to the Theft of 2020. Trump moderately slowed the collapse and had to be stopped.
Actually, things are not that bad in this country. Most people are satisfied with their lives
This helps explain why the song Rich men north of Richmond is #1 currently.

I bet Anthony pays his taxes, and he did not even make millions from communist China that went unreported to the IRS.

Americans have been dissatisfied with the direction of the country for decades.

That goes for whoever is leading it.

The main problem is the rampant partisanship, unwillingness to compromise and partisan media that convinces the public that everything is horrible
Thats why we elected President Trump.

No new wars.

Bring manufacturing back to America.

Secure our borders.

Simple, yet effective. He showed America that we don’t need the Big War Industrial Complex, that we don’t need to kiss the CCP’s ass, that we don’t need illegal immigrants for cheap exploitation labor. But the Marxists and Globalists who were profiteering off all that couldn’t handle it, so they installed the current corrupt CIA stooge that gives them all those things.
You mean 75% of America isn't "of color"?

Damn, looking at TV commercials of today I figured that must be the case. ;)
Compare that to when I was growing up and 100% of people on tv were whites.

I believe 51% of America is white and soon we will finally be a minority for once. 49% of the population. But here's the deal. When a hispanic or muslim has a child in America, that person basically grows up to assimilate into "white" society. No accent? Not black? Then you're basically white.
making enough? Me too

Gun violence. Yes this is a problem I agree
Is it really? Let's look more closely.

Suicide by gun, the majority of gun deaths. Why problematic?
Criminals killing other criminals. Why problematic?
Law enforcement killing criminals. Why problematic?
Accidental death by gun. Why problematic?
Murder of spouse or acquaintance. Why problematic?

Taken as whole few gun deaths are actually problematic on a national level.
Thats why we elected President Trump.

No new wars.

Bring manufacturing back to America.

Secure our borders.

Simple, yet effective. He showed America that we don’t need the Big War Industrial Complex, that we don’t need to kiss the CCP’s ass, that we don’t need illegal immigrants for cheap exploitation labor. But the Marxists and Globalists who were profiteering off all that couldn’t handle it, so they installed the current corrupt CIA stooge that gives them all those things.
Lost 3 million jobs
Botched Covid Leadership
Twice impeached
Refused a peaceful transfer of power
The rich are getting richer. Are you concerned the middle class isn't making enough? Me too
The middle class is failing (or so we're led to believe) because so many have abandoned or shun blue collar employment in favor of the siren song of college and the promise of a higher income. Many blue collar jobs pay very good wages and benefits and have traditionally been the backbone of middle class income. While there is a slight resurgence thousand of these jobs remain unfilled which has a negative effect on the growth of domestic manufacturing, which itself is the traditional backbone of the national economy.

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