These Republicans Aren't Sure What Motivated A White Guy To Kill 9 Black Churchgoers

The kid was a loon. As much as you all want to make it political the bottom line is he was mentally ill and if anything you're using him to promote your gun grabbing agenda
if mentally ill = racist then I agree w/ you :thup:

Lol, well, he might of gotten tired of seeing whites being attacked and snapped...Well, I blame people like you for setting him off. You see when wrongs are done to people and they're constantly attacked for speaking out...What do you expect? I don't condone what he did but facts are facts.

You must have the iq of a dog.
It's always interesting how the left constantly says they are against "profiling", and they are against "prejudice", and they are against being judgmental.

Then something like this happens, and some Republicans say "we don't know yet why he did this" "We're not sure of the motivation".

And look what happens? Suddenly they are profiling... they are prejudice.... Judgmental. Oh yes, the left always knows the motivate of every single person on the planet.

Apparently all the judging crap is only bad when people other than they do it.
Could anyone imagine following a political ideology so morally bankrupt that, in order to secure the nomination, candidates have to placate racists?
I'm glad that's not happening.
Then the Republican candidates are merely obtuse concerning the obvious connection between white supremacy and this tragedy in Charleston

Which Republicans are downplaying the racism motive in this crime??
Dude was caught several times with several drugs. Is he a criminal? Thug? Nooooo...he's a troubled young laddy.

Trayvon had weed, I think, in his system and never been arrested and he was raked over the fucking coals.

How was this guy still on the street after being caught with Coke? With LSD? With...whatever the hell else he found in his parents medicine cabinet?

He killed 9 people, give the guy the death penalty and forget about him. To give this piece of garbage any publicity is a crime.

Or course most liberals dislike the death penalty for some stupid reason.
He's a fucking nut. You don't need to say he's racist, white, black or yellow. He's fucking nut.

Oh and its not only the Reps who you should be bitching at, load of Dems are in the same boat. Of course they are all dumber than dirt. The guys a nut and that all anyone needs to say about him.

Is that how you excuse a racist hate crime? You're sick!

Jesus your an idiot.

Murder is murder no matter why it was committed and you can stick your racist hate bullshit right up your ass.

Murder is murder
So manslaughter is the same as 1st degree, lying in wait, murder to you.
He's a fucking nut. You don't need to say he's racist, white, black or yellow. He's fucking nut.

Oh and its not only the Reps who you should be bitching at, load of Dems are in the same boat. Of course they are all dumber than dirt. The guys a nut and that all anyone needs to say about him.

Is that how you excuse a racist hate crime? You're sick!

Jesus your an idiot.

Murder is murder no matter why it was committed and you can stick your racist hate bullshit right up your ass.

Murder is murder

Yep, but he/she wants to attack white people because he is a bigot. He is no better then wolf storm as he'd/she'd love to blow away some innocent whites.
You are a loony.
translation = once again liberals are defeated by logic, reason, and common sense.

You are the one who said hate crimes should be treated differently, I only asked why you think that.
Nice dodge though.

Please please please quote where I said that. When you come back with your hat in your hand you'll realize your imagination got the best of you.

then you don't support hate crime legislation? Glad to hear it.

No I support hate crime legislation because as you said I've said it before. Or...were you lying then? And folded like a cheese omelet when confronted with facts

OK, one more time. Why should the thoughts of the criminal make the crime more or less severe?

Admit it, you want to punish thoughts. You are the big brother that Orwell was writing about and you are Mooch in Atlas Shrugged.

Well, if you have lost the argument, I guess you can try
Guess you really couldn't keep up.

I am keeping up just fine. But you are making a fool of yourself.. Why do you want the government to punish thoughts? Explain.

If we punished thoughts there would be a lot of liberals in jail today for what they "thought" about Bush. And a lot of conservatives for what they "thought" about obama.

We punish acts, we do not punish thoughts.
The GOP debates should be interesting - on Iraq, racist hate crimes and several other topics.

the dem debates should also be interesting. Especially when O'Malley, Sanders, and Fauxahontas ask HRC about the destroyed server, benghazi, and the clinton foundation taking bribes.

Hilldebeast is toast, the dems will complete her destruction.
Just three? You are out of touch, tons of racists on this site.
I don't doubt it. It's probably mostly to do with ignoring the racial topics.

Pointing out the reality that blacks slaughter twice as many whites every year and make up 1/5th our population isn't racist. Pull your head out of your ass.

Dear Stormfront Matt: Please decipher the following FBI homicide statistics for us:

The 2013 FBI Uniform Crime Report, a compilation of annual crime statistics, also shows similar data: 83 percent of white victims were killed by white offenders; 90 percent of black victims were killed by black offenders; 14 percent of white victims were killed by black offenders; and 7.6 percent of black victims were killed by white offenders.

FBI Expanded Homicide Data - Table 6
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There are lots of ardent racists, but they don't walk into a church and start shooting people. Obviously, racism was not this kid's most serious problem.

And, I just wonder: Would liberals be reacting as they are now if the shooter had been a gay rights zealot who walked into a conservative evangelical church and killed several evangelicals for their "crime" of opposing gay marriage and for teaching that homosexuality is a sin that can be overcome? Boy, I bet liberals would be reacting very, very differently if that had been the case.

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