"these colors don't run"


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
i am a firm believer that the us left pows/mias in vietnam and knew it....sorry these colors did run and they left men behind knowingly. i find it one of the greatest shames of the last century.


links you say:

Only nine prisoners were returned from Laos at the end of the Vietnam War. This startled the experts in U.S. military intelligence, because their closely held lists showed more than 300 men missing in that Hanoi-dominated country. More telling still, their field reports indicated that most of the men were probably still alive.

POW MIA Abandon Vietnam Schanberg

i could go on forever...mccain and kerry were both involved in the cover up.

tell the families of these men....'these colors dont run' they wont agree
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Which is why in front of the American Legion Post Commanders desk there is an empty chair, no one ever sits in it. It is for those who are not yet home. Yes it is painful, more so for those who actually know one of those POW/MIA's. But we cannot forget them.
9 of 300...its true maddie as much as it hurts...we hightailed it out of there and left our men....

now we have left iraq......when we will leave afghanistan?

seems to the world that all our colors do is run

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