There's that secession crap again


Jun 27, 2009
Rep. Zach Wamp (R-TN), who is running in a heated three-way Republican primary for governor of Tennessee, has a dire warning about the new health care reform law: If a new Congress and president aren't elected in order to repeal the bill, states might just have to secede.

"I hope that the American people will go to the ballot box in 2010 and 2012 so that states are not forced to consider separation from this government," said Wamp, who has also promised to refuse to implement the law at the state level if he is elected, in an interview with the Hotline.

GOP Rep. And TN-GOV Candidate Wamp: States Might Have To 'Consider Separation From This Government' | TPMDC
No hes your fellow racist.

At least you realise the results of white V texas
they dont seem to love this country very much

If you fuckers love it so GOD DAMNED much, then why the hell are you all trying to CHANGE it ?

Every congress and executive this country has ever had has "changed" it.

"Change" isn't by definition a bad thing. I love my brother, but there are many things that he should "change" about himself.

The difference here is I love this country like an adult. I recognize it's not perfect, and I'll do everything in my power to make it better.
they dont seem to love this country very much
The country itself or your slave masters that control it?
BIG difference there.
Hugo Chavez loves America too but would gladly rejoice if the lunatics in DC and Wall Street got taken off the map.
As would anyone with a brain.

You'd better look around you, take the flag out of your eye, and wake up.
You suffered a coup and are too ignorant to see it.
they dont seem to love this country very much

If you fuckers love it so GOD DAMNED much, then why the hell are you all trying to CHANGE it ?

Every congress and executive this country has ever had has "changed" it.

"Change" isn't by definition a bad thing. I love my brother, but there are many things that he should "change" about himself.

The difference here is I love this country like an adult. I recognize it's not perfect, and I'll do everything in my power to make it better.

Are you so perfect that you know exactly what your brother needs to chage into?
If you fuckers love it so GOD DAMNED much, then why the hell are you all trying to CHANGE it ?

Every congress and executive this country has ever had has "changed" it.

"Change" isn't by definition a bad thing. I love my brother, but there are many things that he should "change" about himself.

The difference here is I love this country like an adult. I recognize it's not perfect, and I'll do everything in my power to make it better.

Are you so perfect that you know exactly what your brother needs to chage into?

Am I perfect? Of course not.

But do I have my opinions, and do I think my opinions are correct? Of course I do.
Every congress and executive this country has ever had has "changed" it.

"Change" isn't by definition a bad thing. I love my brother, but there are many things that he should "change" about himself.

The difference here is I love this country like an adult. I recognize it's not perfect, and I'll do everything in my power to make it better.

Are you so perfect that you know exactly what your brother needs to chage into?

Am I perfect? Of course not.

But do I have my opinions, and do I think my opinions are correct? Of course I do.
If you aren't perfect then why do you pass judgement on your brother that YOU think he's needs to change?
OH and your
Jesus was a Community Organizer
Pilate was a governor
Give a good look at where you are coming from.
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Are you so perfect that you know exactly what your brother needs to chage into?

Am I perfect? Of course not.

But do I have my opinions, and do I think my opinions are correct? Of course I do.
If you aren't perfect then why do you pass judgement on your brother that YOU think he's needs to change?

Because that's what humans do.

I'm going to guess that you disagree with Obama on most issues, right?
What gives you the right to pass judgment on him?
Am I perfect? Of course not.

But do I have my opinions, and do I think my opinions are correct? Of course I do.
If you aren't perfect then why do you pass judgement on your brother that YOU think he's needs to change?

Because that's what humans do.

I'm going to guess that you disagree with Obama on most issues, right?
What gives you the right to pass judgment on him?

What if it was reversed? Your brother thinks you should change.?
Hell yes I disagree with obama as I would anyone who thought they were perfect and tried to impose their change on me. HELL YELL.
What the left does not understand is that Americans will not accept socialism or fascism. If it takes secession, if it takes rebellion, it doesn't matter. We don't want socialism, and you can't just force it upon us anyway and expect us to roll under.

The left is under the impression that they can suppress ordinary Americans and force them to accept an oppressive and fascist government. They're wrong. And they aren't going to know what hit them if they don't wise up.

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