Theres a reason the US mainland was never in any danger of invasion during WWII


Senior Member
Sep 10, 2010
World War II began for the United States when Japanese bombers and midget submarines attackedthe Pacific Fleet at Peartl Harbor, Hawaii. Several large ships were sunk and many were damaged. But the Navy quickly grew in strength.

At the end of the war, 24 battleships, 35 aircraft carriers, 77 destroyer escorts, 92 cruisers, 501 destroyers, 406 destroyer escorts, and 262 submarines were in service.

This was the greatest navy that ever sailed the seas.

World Book Encyclopedia (not Wikipedia)
We could have breached the English Channel from France.

The Germans surface navy was pathetic, the Soviets non-existent, the Japs and Brits respectible - but not realy comparable..........................
After Pearl Harbor - Japs were reduced to pathetic balloon bombs attacks on US mainland.

imaginary attack on LA due to post PH hysteria
After Pearl Harbor - Japs were reduced to pathetic balloon bombs attacks on US mainland.

imaginary attack on LA due to post PH hysteria

Wrong my friend. It wasn't until after The Battle of Midway that The Japenese were reduced to anything less than what we had. In fact, The Japenese had 7 or 8 total carriers, which 6 of them were used to launch the attack on Pearl Harbor. The United States only had 3 in their pacific fleet, which were luckily not docked at Pearl Harbor at the time of the attack. Their whereabouts were unknown to The Japanese after Pearl Harbor until just prior to our attack on Midway. That's what makes their defeat so great, the fact that we still beat them with only 3 Carriers to their 7 or 8 (I can't remember). It was a few big strategic errors by The Imperial Japanese Navy, Our code breakers and a bit of luck that enabled us to achieve victory. Atleast on The Sea anyway. ~BH
After Pearl Harbor - Japs were reduced to pathetic balloon bombs attacks on US mainland.

imaginary attack on LA due to post PH hysteria

Wrong my friend. It wasn't until after The Battle of Midway that The Japenese were reduced to anything less than what we had. In fact, The Japenese had 7 or 8 total carriers, which 6 of them were used to launch the attack on Pearl Harbor. The United States only had 3 in their pacific fleet, which were luckily not docked at Pearl Harbor at the time of the attack. Their whereabouts were unknown to The Japanese after Pearl Harbor until just prior to our attack on Midway. That's what makes their defeat so great, the fact that we still beat them with only 3 Carriers to their 7 or 8 (I can't remember). It was a few big strategic errors by The Imperial Japanese Navy, Our code breakers and a bit of luck that enabled us to achieve victory. Atleast on The Sea anyway. ~BH

All true what you say. The World Book article said what the US Navy was at the end of the war.

Even if the Japanese had not been defeated at Midway -doubtfull they could have ever launced a serious attack on the US mainland.
After Pearl Harbor - Japs were reduced to pathetic balloon bombs attacks on US mainland.

imaginary attack on LA due to post PH hysteria

Wrong my friend. It wasn't until after The Battle of Midway that The Japenese were reduced to anything less than what we had. In fact, The Japenese had 7 or 8 total carriers, which 6 of them were used to launch the attack on Pearl Harbor. The United States only had 3 in their pacific fleet, which were luckily not docked at Pearl Harbor at the time of the attack. Their whereabouts were unknown to The Japanese after Pearl Harbor until just prior to our attack on Midway. That's what makes their defeat so great, the fact that we still beat them with only 3 Carriers to their 7 or 8 (I can't remember). It was a few big strategic errors by The Imperial Japanese Navy, Our code breakers and a bit of luck that enabled us to achieve victory. Atleast on The Sea anyway. ~BH

All true what you say. The World Book article said what the US Navy was at the end of the war.

Even if the Japanese had not been defeated at Midway -doubtfull they could have ever launced a serious attack on the US mainland.

Your saying all this from the comfort of your own home and I bet you have never been to war, if you were around back than I doubt very much you would sit back chillin and say "oh the Japanese are never coming here".
Was 9 during the Cuban Missle Crises

Thermonuclear War was a very real possibility..................

Recall how fun it was to get out of school classes to go on evacuation drills.
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After Pearl Harbor - Japs were reduced to pathetic balloon bombs attacks on US mainland.

imaginary attack on LA due to post PH hysteria

Wrong my friend. It wasn't until after The Battle of Midway that The Japenese were reduced to anything less than what we had. In fact, The Japenese had 7 or 8 total carriers, which 6 of them were used to launch the attack on Pearl Harbor. The United States only had 3 in their pacific fleet, which were luckily not docked at Pearl Harbor at the time of the attack. Their whereabouts were unknown to The Japanese after Pearl Harbor until just prior to our attack on Midway. That's what makes their defeat so great, the fact that we still beat them with only 3 Carriers to their 7 or 8 (I can't remember). It was a few big strategic errors by The Imperial Japanese Navy, Our code breakers and a bit of luck that enabled us to achieve victory. Atleast on The Sea anyway. ~BH

All true what you say. The World Book article said what the US Navy was at the end of the war.

Even if the Japanese had not been defeated at Midway -doubtfull they could have ever launced a serious attack on the US mainland.

I know. And no, The Japanese would have failed miserably had they attempted any attack on The West Coast ect. Yamamoto already knew this and said it himself the best in this quote by him........" You cannot invade America. There is a rifle behind every blade of grass." - Isoroku Yamamoto

A very interesting Man. I read about his life from the time he was a child until he planned Pearl Harbor, and it was a great book. ~BH
Wrong my friend. It wasn't until after The Battle of Midway that The Japenese were reduced to anything less than what we had. In fact, The Japenese had 7 or 8 total carriers, which 6 of them were used to launch the attack on Pearl Harbor. The United States only had 3 in their pacific fleet, which were luckily not docked at Pearl Harbor at the time of the attack. Their whereabouts were unknown to The Japanese after Pearl Harbor until just prior to our attack on Midway. That's what makes their defeat so great, the fact that we still beat them with only 3 Carriers to their 7 or 8 (I can't remember). It was a few big strategic errors by The Imperial Japanese Navy, Our code breakers and a bit of luck that enabled us to achieve victory. Atleast on The Sea anyway. ~BH

All true what you say. The World Book article said what the US Navy was at the end of the war.

Even if the Japanese had not been defeated at Midway -doubtfull they could have ever launced a serious attack on the US mainland.

I know. And no, The Japanese would have failed miserably had they attempted any attack on The West Coast ect. Yamamoto already knew this and said it himself the best in this quote by him........" You cannot invade America. There is a rifle behind every blade of grass." - Isoroku Yamamoto

A very interesting Man. I read about his life from the time he was a child until he planned Pearl Harbor, and it was a great book. ~BH

Yamamoto never said that

Isoroku Yamamoto - Wikiquote
You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.
It has been declared this attribution is "unsubstantiated and almost certainly bogus, even though it has been repeated thousands of times in various Internet postings. There is no record of the commander in chief of Japan’s wartime fleet ever saying it.", according to Brooks Jackson in "Misquoting Yamamoto" at (11 May 2009)
All true what you say. The World Book article said what the US Navy was at the end of the war.

Even if the Japanese had not been defeated at Midway -doubtfull they could have ever launced a serious attack on the US mainland.

I know. And no, The Japanese would have failed miserably had they attempted any attack on The West Coast ect. Yamamoto already knew this and said it himself the best in this quote by him........" You cannot invade America. There is a rifle behind every blade of grass." - Isoroku Yamamoto

A very interesting Man. I read about his life from the time he was a child until he planned Pearl Harbor, and it was a great book. ~BH

Yamamoto never said that

Isoroku Yamamoto - Wikiquote

Yeah I heard that. John Deane Potter disagrees. Wikiquotes? Is that the know all and end all? No. ~BH
You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.
It has been declared this attribution is "unsubstantiated and almost certainly bogus, even though it has been repeated thousands of times in various Internet postings. There is no record of the commander in chief of Japan’s wartime fleet ever saying it.", according to Brooks Jackson in "Misquoting Yamamoto" at (11 May 2009)

I didn't know that they had internet postings back in 1965? John Deane Potter researched Yamamato's entire life while writing his book Yamamato 'the man who menaced America', and spoke with many people who were around him during the War. Fact is, You have no way of proving that he didn't say it either. You can believe some revisionist bullcrap, but I choose to believe what was mentioned in a book by a Man who did his homework. ~BH
Well one thing is for sure. Today there is not a rifle behind every blade of glass. Half of those people who do have guns could not hit the side of barn let alone and enemy soldier. And with the gun laws it would probably be illegal to fire on an invader!
Russia had zero/nada surface navy in WW2 - of course land-locked countries don't really need them. Had a sizable air force -but their planes were garbage.

Very one-dimensianal.
John Paul Jones took the Revolution to the Brits.

Shelled the British coast.

Must have been as embarrssing as hell to the brits...........

They never bothered US again after we punked them in the Battleof NO.

Supported the Confederacy...................................
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You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.
It has been declared this attribution is "unsubstantiated and almost certainly bogus, even though it has been repeated thousands of times in various Internet postings. There is no record of the commander in chief of Japan’s wartime fleet ever saying it.", according to Brooks Jackson in "Misquoting Yamamoto" at (11 May 2009)

I didn't know that they had internet postings back in 1965? John Deane Potter researched Yamamato's entire life while writing his book Yamamato 'the man who menaced America', and spoke with many people who were around him during the War. Fact is, You have no way of proving that he didn't say it either. You can believe some revisionist bullcrap, but I choose to believe what was mentioned in a book by a Man who did his homework. ~BH

Ball is now in your court to provide a source of when he said it and where

The quote makes no sense for Yamamoto to say. Until you can support your quote we have to take it as FAIL
You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind every blade of grass.
It has been declared this attribution is "unsubstantiated and almost certainly bogus, even though it has been repeated thousands of times in various Internet postings. There is no record of the commander in chief of Japan’s wartime fleet ever saying it.", according to Brooks Jackson in "Misquoting Yamamoto" at (11 May 2009)

I didn't know that they had internet postings back in 1965? John Deane Potter researched Yamamato's entire life while writing his book Yamamato 'the man who menaced America', and spoke with many people who were around him during the War. Fact is, You have no way of proving that he didn't say it either. You can believe some revisionist bullcrap, but I choose to believe what was mentioned in a book by a Man who did his homework. ~BH

Ball is now in your court to provide a source of when he said it and where

The quote makes no sense for Yamamoto to say. Until you can support your quote we have to take it as FAIL

El WrongO bro. BH doesn't FAIL. You're an idiot. Buy the book, there is no online record of it like I told you in the other thread. You're the failure, because you can't prove that he didn't say it. Yet, an Author (Robert Deane Potter) who interviewed those who served with Yamamato was told that. The Book was copywrited in 1965. Yeah, He had some pro gun rights motive? LMAO!!! You're a fucking moron.

Truth is, You can't prove that he didn't say it. You're so consumed with your mentally deranged anti-2nd Amendment agenda that your dumb ass would see a pro gun right motive in between a peanut butter & jelly sandwich. :lol: ~BH
Too far. The Japanese were able to sail half way across the Pacific and attack Pearl Harbor maybe on invitation or at the very least the criminal negligence of the FDR administration. Unless they had a base of operations near the US mainland they had no hope of getting close to the US. The same thing goes for Germany but their submarines operated within spitting distance of North Carolina.
Too far. The Japanese were able to sail half way across the Pacific and attack Pearl Harbor maybe on invitation or at the very least the criminal negligence of the FDR administration. Unless they had a base of operations near the US mainland they had no hope of getting close to the US. The same thing goes for Germany but their submarines operated within spitting distance of North Carolina.

I agree. Maybe the so-called 'rightwinger', can elaborate on your FDR assumption? = I doubt it. I am sure that he will find that you have some pro 2nd amendment agenda by bashing the poor little innocent, internationalist pig FDR. ~BH

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