There's a lot of talk about America's problems, in this thread lies just a solution


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
There is a lot of talk on the mass media and on the parroting independent media and the political forums and where the blame should go, what the problems are, revealing government corruptions, and so on. But if someone put a gun to my head and demand I tell the truth, I'd say this: the best thing you can do for your country is to watch and share this video:

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Howdy. I sense that you are a truly caring person who recognizes that America and the world is in turmoil. I agree with many of your observations.

I liken much of what is happening today to "the Wizard" of the Wizard of Oz. He appeared to the masses to have vast power and control and as long as he maintained his facade he DID have that power and control. However, when he was revealed for what he really was he was reduced to a weak, old man hiding behind a curtain.

The problem we currently face is convincing the masses that they have more power than they believe. The solution? Well that remains to be seen. I have a feeling that no real action will be taken until Americans have their back planted against a wall. By then ... it may be too late -- I don't know.

I personally believe than mankind can't fix mankind. I believe what the Bible has to say about the future of the globe so I place my faith in God that He'll do what has to be done at just the right time. In the meantime, we'll all just have to continue seeking the truth and doing what we can to "occupy until He comes."
It's Da Joos!

Why isnt this in Conspiracy?

I can solve ALL the world's problems.

Just put me in charge. Honest. I'll take care of everything. You can be sure of that.


All I need is total power, total control, unquestioned authority and undying loyalty.

Everything will be fine.


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