There is NO need for a Federal Minimum wage...

If the economy is doing so well 15 dollars per hour will have zero affect. 15 a n hour is chump change. this we all agree on. If you can't pay it then do is all a favor and don't expand bad business.
there was no pay raise for federal workers.

That is not correct. Trump said no raises for them but the Repubs in the House that control the purse strings told Trump to fuck off and are pushing one through.

House Republicans say they're on track to give federal employees a pay raise next year

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And of course Trump AS President, CEO, has done this!

Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump
In December 2016, the month before Trump’s inauguration, there were 2,810,000 people employed by the federal government, according to the BLS data. By August 2018, that had declined by 15,000 to 2,795,000. In September, it declined another 1,000 to 2,794,000
Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump

Your hero/ your deity Obama had the all time record for federal employees. Being a community organizer and you being also a sympathizer probably find that abhorrent!
Federal employment going down!!! How heretical!
Hey Obama and you obama supporters!!!! What kind of MAGIC WAND did Trump use????? To bring back manufacturing jobs!
Remember this statement:
OBAMA said
"Trump just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have?
Obama to Trump: 'What magic wand do you have?'

Manufacturing confidence at all-time high despite workforce shortage

Optimism among U.S. manufacturers is soaring as the Republican-led tax cuts help fuel a white-hot economy with the lowest unemployment numbers in over a decade, but a significant labor shortage is undermining the gains, a new report shows.

Nearly 93 percent of manufacturers are projecting further expansion for their businesses, and positive sentiment among smaller companies is up to 91.3 percent, according to a quarterly survey from the National Association of Manufacturers. It's one of the best outlooks the group has seen in the 20 years it has conducted the survey among its 14,000 members.

"We used to be happy when that number would get up to the mid- and high 50s," Chief Executive Officer Jay Timmons told the Washington Examiner.

Manufacturing confidence at all-time high despite workforce shortage
If the economy is doing so well 15 dollars per hour will have zero affect. 15 a n hour is chump change. this we all agree on. If you can't pay it then do is all a favor and don't expand bad business.
there was no pay raise for federal workers.

That is not correct. Trump said no raises for them but the Repubs in the House that control the purse strings told Trump to fuck off and are pushing one through.

House Republicans say they're on track to give federal employees a pay raise next year

Sent from my iPhone using

And of course Trump AS President, CEO, has done this!

Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump
In December 2016, the month before Trump’s inauguration, there were 2,810,000 people employed by the federal government, according to the BLS data. By August 2018, that had declined by 15,000 to 2,795,000. In September, it declined another 1,000 to 2,794,000
Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump

Your hero/ your deity Obama had the all time record for federal employees. Being a community organizer and you being also a sympathizer probably find that abhorrent!
Federal employment going down!!! How heretical!

I have praised Trump often for his efforts with the Fed workforce, even support his no raise efforts. I was very much in support of his plan to remove ATC from the Fed government, sadly that was just talk it seems.

You are too stupid to understand that not everyone either worships Trump like you or thinks he is the devil like so many.

When Trump does something good I am more than happy to acknowledge it.

But you being a mindless sheep cannot grasp the concept of such a thing.

So far I have agreed with Trump far more than I did Obama.

Sent from my iPhone using
Hey Obama and you obama supporters!!!! What kind of MAGIC WAND did Trump use????? To bring back manufacturing jobs!
Remember this statement:
OBAMA said
"Trump just says, 'Well, I’m going to negotiate a better deal.' Well, what, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? What magic wand do you have?
Obama to Trump: 'What magic wand do you have?'

Manufacturing confidence at all-time high despite workforce shortage

Optimism among U.S. manufacturers is soaring as the Republican-led tax cuts help fuel a white-hot economy with the lowest unemployment numbers in over a decade, but a significant labor shortage is undermining the gains, a new report shows.

Nearly 93 percent of manufacturers are projecting further expansion for their businesses, and positive sentiment among smaller companies is up to 91.3 percent, according to a quarterly survey from the National Association of Manufacturers. It's one of the best outlooks the group has seen in the 20 years it has conducted the survey among its 14,000 members.

"We used to be happy when that number would get up to the mid- and high 50s," Chief Executive Officer Jay Timmons told the Washington Examiner.

Manufacturing confidence at all-time high despite workforce shortage
A higher minimum wage attracts more labor.
If the economy is doing so well 15 dollars per hour will have zero affect. 15 a n hour is chump change. this we all agree on. If you can't pay it then do is all a favor and don't expand bad business.
there was no pay raise for federal workers.

That is not correct. Trump said no raises for them but the Repubs in the House that control the purse strings told Trump to fuck off and are pushing one through.

House Republicans say they're on track to give federal employees a pay raise next year

Sent from my iPhone using

And of course Trump AS President, CEO, has done this!

Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump
In December 2016, the month before Trump’s inauguration, there were 2,810,000 people employed by the federal government, according to the BLS data. By August 2018, that had declined by 15,000 to 2,795,000. In September, it declined another 1,000 to 2,794,000
Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump

Your hero/ your deity Obama had the all time record for federal employees. Being a community organizer and you being also a sympathizer probably find that abhorrent!
Federal employment going down!!! How heretical!
An insignificant drop given 2.8 million employees (half a percent)
Federal employment numbers have not risen significantly since the 1960s

If the economy is doing so well 15 dollars per hour will have zero affect. 15 a n hour is chump change. this we all agree on. If you can't pay it then do is all a favor and don't expand bad business.
there was no pay raise for federal workers.

That is not correct. Trump said no raises for them but the Repubs in the House that control the purse strings told Trump to fuck off and are pushing one through.

House Republicans say they're on track to give federal employees a pay raise next year

Sent from my iPhone using

And of course Trump AS President, CEO, has done this!

Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump
In December 2016, the month before Trump’s inauguration, there were 2,810,000 people employed by the federal government, according to the BLS data. By August 2018, that had declined by 15,000 to 2,795,000. In September, it declined another 1,000 to 2,794,000
Federal Government Cut 1,000 Jobs in September; -16,000 Under Trump

Your hero/ your deity Obama had the all time record for federal employees. Being a community organizer and you being also a sympathizer probably find that abhorrent!
Federal employment going down!!! How heretical!

I have praised Trump often for his efforts with the Fed workforce, even support his no raise efforts. I was very much in support of his plan to remove ATC from the Fed government, sadly that was just talk it seems.

You are too stupid to understand that not everyone either worships Trump like you or thinks he is the devil like so many.

When Trump does something good I am more than happy to acknowledge it.

But you being a mindless sheep cannot grasp the concept of such a thing.

So far I have agreed with Trump far more than I did Obama.

Sent from my iPhone using

What makes you think I'm a Mindless sheep?
Here read again and again my personal dislikes of Trump!

Trump is a DICK. He is arrogant. He is a braggart. He is obnoxious. All characteristics of MOST successful people and regardless of your cliched observations,
Trump is getting things done.
1) Economy up 4.2% GDP. US economy logs best performance in nearly 4 years
2) African American entrepreneurs business went up by 400% Contact Trillions Black_Owned_Small_Businesses_Increase_by_400__Since_Trump.html
3) after just 19 months black unemployment has dropped from a high of 16.1% in December 2009 to July 2018 of 6.6%!!! Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

I personally don't like Trump! I think he is arrogant. Loud. Obnoxious and definitely a braggart.
But like the people I knew in Queens NY for several years HE like them LOVE America evidently more than you do!
He like them are LOYAL to America! Unlike YOU traitorGator! He like THEM and evidently unlike you love his children and grandchildren more than the luxury of retirement
on his billions! He like them and me and millions like me find people like you very funny! You talk big talk but when it comes to the walk... you tippy toe around it... I'm sure you were one of those idiots that loved Obama's administrations "We will lead from behind" sentiment! Yea look where that got us!
Your hero/ your deity Obama had the all time record for federal employees. Being a community organizer and you being also a sympathizer probably find that abhorrent!
Federal employment going down!!! How heretical!

Since you are such a stickler for details, I will point out that you lied, Obama did not have the all time record for Fed Employees. Even accounting for the bump for the census the total number was higher in 1990.

If you take away the census bump, Obama had a lower average than did Reagan, your other Godking.

Amazon, which has faced political and economic pressure to raise pay for thousands of employees, is boosting its minimum wage for all U.S. workers to $15 per hour starting next month.

The wage hike will benefit more than 350,000 workers, which includes full-time, part-time, temporary and seasonal positions. Employees at Whole Foods, which Amazon now owns, will get the same pay hike. Amazon’s hourly operations and customer service employees, some who already make $15 per hour, will also see a wage increase, the Seattle company said.

Amazon ups wages for 350K, says it will advocate better pay

Congratulations! Once again the proof is in the pudding that "ONE SIZE FITS ALL" Government solution is a fallacy!

Let Amazon provide this as a private enterprise and I applaud Bezos and Amazon. I think this is what the economic boom does i.e. makes for greater competition for employees.

There are more jobs than people out of work,
something the American economy has never experienced before

There are 6.7 million job openings and just 6.4 million available workers to fill them, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

There are more jobs than people out of work, something the American economy has never experienced before

Now why does this happen? Well HERE are statements and policies that CERTAINLY didn't HELP under the socialist method i.e. Obama administration!

View attachment 219827

Man, under Obama unemployment was heading this way. But yeah, long as that coal plant is built on the property adjacent to yours that's cool.

W/O a federal minimum wage you'll have 30 of the 50 states competing with eachother to each be "the best" for business. They'll compete well and we can have Mexico.
There is NO need for a Federal Minimum wage...

Of course there isn't...There is no need for The State -federal, state, or local- to set prices for anything, let alone labor...The examples of their utter failure in this area are too numerous to mention...But when has overwhelming evidence of failure ever trumped the pecksniffian arrogance of the ignoramus do-gooder social tinkerers?
Yes....let’s just trust ourselves to the Capitalists
They are doing such a good job at taking care of us

At least as good a job as the government has done in the last ten years or so
There is NO need for a Federal Minimum wage...

Of course there isn't...There is no need for The State -federal, state, or local- to set prices for anything, let alone labor...The examples of their utter failure in this area are too numerous to mention...But when has overwhelming evidence of failure ever trumped the pecksniffian arrogance of the ignoramus do-gooder social tinkerers?
Yes....let’s just trust ourselves to the Capitalists
They are doing such a good job at taking care of us
Yes ... Let's just trust our lives to the politicians and bureaucrats.... Their. track record of success is impeccable.
We saw what happened when we slashed taxes on the wealthy and trusted them to raise wages accordingly

We rely on government to regulate labor safety, a 40 hour week, child labor, anti discrimination laws, collective bargaining

When we left Capitalists to their own means, they hired thugs with clubs and chains to beat protesting workers

Now the thugs with clubs and chains are protesting the right.
What makes you think I'm a Mindless sheep?
Here read again and again my personal dislikes of Trump!

Trump is a DICK. He is arrogant. He is a braggart. He is obnoxious. All characteristics of MOST successful people and regardless of your cliched observations,
Trump is getting things done.
1) Economy up 4.2% GDP. US economy logs best performance in nearly 4 years
2) African American entrepreneurs business went up by 400% Contact Trillions Black_Owned_Small_Businesses_Increase_by_400__Since_Trump.html
3) after just 19 months black unemployment has dropped from a high of 16.1% in December 2009 to July 2018 of 6.6%!!! Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

I personally don't like Trump! I think he is arrogant. Loud. Obnoxious and definitely a braggart.
But like the people I knew in Queens NY for several years HE like them LOVE America evidently more than you do!
He like them are LOYAL to America! Unlike YOU traitorGator! He like THEM and evidently unlike you love his children and grandchildren more than the luxury of retirement
on his billions! He like them and me and millions like me find people like you very funny! You talk big talk but when it comes to the walk... you tippy toe around it... I'm sure you were one of those idiots that loved Obama's administrations "We will lead from behind" sentiment! Yea look where that got us!

You are a mindless sheep because you kiss the ass of Trump on a daily basis on here. You only "disagreement" with him is that he is a dick. That is what makes you a mindless sheep, he can do no wrong in your mindless sheep eyes.

The 400% jump in African American entrepreneurs business is bullshit and even the site that published has come out and said so. But you keep repeating it like it is the truth, because Trump told you it was true and your God cannot lie.

Black business ownership didn’t jump 400 percent this year

If you had half a brain you would realize what a joke of a number that was. If you actually owned your own business you would know what a joke of a number that is.

You talk about loving children and grandchildren yet you ignore the 1.27 trillion dollars Trump added to the national debt this year, in the middle of a economic boom. The 4th highest single year deficit in history. In one year Trump raised the deficit by 91%, that is an all time record.

Debt to the Penny (Daily History Search Application)

At the start of FY-18 the debt stood at $20,244,900,016,053, at the end of FY-18 the debt stood at $21,516,058,183,180...a difference of

So you can kiss my fucking ass you piece of shit partisan sheep. Nobody that cares about the future generations leaves them all the bills to pay after we are long gone and dead.

And also you are a mindless sheep because you are too stupid to grasp the basic concept that some of us out here dislike both Trump and Obama. In your mind one has to love one and hate the other.

you are a fucking joke
We saw what happened when we slashed taxes on the wealthy and trusted them to raise wages accordingly

We rely on government to regulate labor safety, a 40 hour week, child labor, anti discrimination laws, collective bargaining
View attachment 219914

When we left Capitalists to their own means, they hired thugs with clubs ab$ chains to beat protesting workers
You have anything more relevant than shit that happened over a century ago?
We tried relying on the good faith of capitalists to treat workers fairly

It didn’t happen ......that is why we have government

Didn't Henry Ford come up with the 40 hour work week and increase his worker's pay so they could buy his cars? Was he the government at that time?
We saw what happened when we slashed taxes on the wealthy and trusted them to raise wages accordingly

We rely on government to regulate labor safety, a 40 hour week, child labor, anti discrimination laws, collective bargaining
View attachment 219914

When we left Capitalists to their own means, they hired thugs with clubs ab$ chains to beat protesting workers
You have anything more relevant than shit that happened over a century ago?
We tried relying on the good faith of capitalists to treat workers fairly

It didn’t happen ......that is why we have government

Didn't Henry Ford come up with the 40 hour work week and increase his worker's pay so they could buy his cars? Was he the government at that time?

Ford factory workers get 40-hour week - HISTORY
when Good capitalists roamed the Earth?
The argument is over 15 dollars per hour which is the lower end of lower class pay. You offer me that don't expect hard work. The time is coming where workers can tell their lousy I'll begotten employers big bye without so much as a wink. When employers are hurting to find decent workers things are good.
The argument is over 15 dollars per hour which is the lower end of lower class pay. You offer me that don't expect hard work. The time is coming where workers can tell their lousy I'll begotten employers big bye without so much as a wink. When employers are hurting to find decent workers things are good.
a higher minimum exerts an institutional upward pressure on wages for Labor. a fifteen dollar an hour minimum is a simple cost of living adjustment.
What lousy employer would hire people for 5 dollars per hour even if people were so God awful dumb to apply? Not good people the owners are.
The argument is over 15 dollars per hour which is the lower end of lower class pay. You offer me that don't expect hard work. The time is coming where workers can tell their lousy I'll begotten employers big bye without so much as a wink. When employers are hurting to find decent workers things are good.
AND that is so true!
Why did Amazon go to $15.00/hour? Hard time to find good workers who were slaving away for Bezo's Billions!

And that is OK by me!

Higher Market demand always is better than higher Market supply.
Amazon, which has faced political and economic pressure to raise pay for thousands of employees, is boosting its minimum wage for all U.S. workers to $15 per hour starting next month.

The wage hike will benefit more than 350,000 workers, which includes full-time, part-time, temporary and seasonal positions. Employees at Whole Foods, which Amazon now owns, will get the same pay hike. Amazon’s hourly operations and customer service employees, some who already make $15 per hour, will also see a wage increase, the Seattle company said.

Amazon ups wages for 350K, says it will advocate better pay

Congratulations! Once again the proof is in the pudding that "ONE SIZE FITS ALL" Government solution is a fallacy!

Let Amazon provide this as a private enterprise and I applaud Bezos and Amazon. I think this is what the economic boom does i.e. makes for greater competition for employees.

There are more jobs than people out of work,
something the American economy has never experienced before

There are 6.7 million job openings and just 6.4 million available workers to fill them, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

There are more jobs than people out of work, something the American economy has never experienced before

Now why does this happen? Well HERE are statements and policies that CERTAINLY didn't HELP under the socialist method i.e. Obama administration!

View attachment 219827

Man, under Obama unemployment was heading this way. But yeah, long as that coal plant is built on the property adjacent to yours that's cool.

W/O a federal minimum wage you'll have 30 of the 50 states competing with eachother to each be "the best" for business. They'll compete well and we can have Mexico.

A Federal Minimum Wage is necessary to keep States that are willing to sacrifice their workforce to capitalist interests in check
The argument is over 15 dollars per hour which is the lower end of lower class pay. You offer me that don't expect hard work. The time is coming where workers can tell their lousy I'll begotten employers big bye without so much as a wink. When employers are hurting to find decent workers things are good.
AND that is so true!
Why did Amazon go to $15.00/hour? Hard time to find good workers who were slaving away for Bezo's Billions!

And that is OK by me!

Higher Market demand always is better than higher Market supply.
So you have no problem with raising minimum wages in strong economic times

If we tried to raise minimum wage in a poor economic climate, you would claim employers can’t afford it
We saw what happened when we slashed taxes on the wealthy and trusted them to raise wages accordingly

We rely on government to regulate labor safety, a 40 hour week, child labor, anti discrimination laws, collective bargaining
View attachment 219914

When we left Capitalists to their own means, they hired thugs with clubs ab$ chains to beat protesting workers
You have anything more relevant than shit that happened over a century ago?
We tried relying on the good faith of capitalists to treat workers fairly

It didn’t happen ......that is why we have government

Didn't Henry Ford come up with the 40 hour work week and increase his worker's pay so they could buy his cars? Was he the government at that time?
And what about the tens of thousand other employers who demanded more than a 40 hour week?

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