There Is No Federal Mandate For Vaccinations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
You are being lied too once again, there is no Executive Order or mandate from Biden to take the vaccine, even though Biden and the press are leading you to believe this


by Teri Woods | Oct 9, 2021 | All Articles & Events, Business, Communities, Crossposted Article, Education, Exposed Injustice, Fact Check the News, Government, Local News, Religion, State & National News
Recently, on September 9, Biden came out on TV to state that all businesses with over 100 employees must mandate vaccines, stating that “this is a war on the unvaccinated”. What happened next is that Democrat states set out to do just that, demand that all be vaccinated. Kate Brown ordered state employees, first responders, staff in all medical fields and teachers vaccinate by October 18th. Companies began ordering their employees to vaccinate or lose their jobs if their Religious exemption was denied.

There is NO federal mandate. No such mandate has been sent to the White House’s Office of Information Regulatory Affairs. OSHA and the Department of Labor have not released a guidance for a mandate. No Executive Order exists. The only thing that does exist is Main Stream Media statements which are only projections and fantasy with no legal authority.

On September 29, 2021 a court case in Oregon went to the State of Appeals. The case is Chester Mooney v. State of Oregon. The Judge ruled the case “moot” stating that “moot is not a win”, as the case was based on “non-mandatory requirements”. A former state regulator stated that “rules cannot violate law”.

The Judge, in the above mentioned case, Erin Lagesen on Sept. 29, opined that most laws passed by legislatures are moot as they violate Article IV Section 21 of the Oregon Constitution. This section is a law that states all laws must be “plainly worded so that anyone can read them”. Not the case with Kate Browns “rules, orders”. Judge Lagesen states that he must dismiss a case for being “moot’ as a court can not rule on something that is not law and that her submission was also not reviewable. A former state government regulator states that “rules can not violate laws”. If rules violate law, rules are “moot”.
Oregon businesses have written to OSHA requesting in writing the Oregon Constitution, the U.S. Constitution and the Civil Rights Laws, Oregon Law and OSHA Laws and subsections to show that they must close their businesses for non compliance. OHSA has not responded to these requests.
So we have heard and listened to the media for weeks gloating on the “vaccine mandates’ that would clean out businesses and etc. of unvaccinated individuals. Since Biden’s speech on Sept. 9, Americans have been threatened endlessly of losing their jobs and many have , that for one reason or another, have not or could not be vaccinated. We have seen staff cut in vital services such as Health Care, Police and Teachers. We have seen many counties file for state of emergency due to lack of services that are detrimental to society. We have seen many Class Action law suits filed against the state and Kate Brown as well as Unions coming forth against her tyrannical “rules”.
Now all businesses, corporations and institutions must take a step back and re-evaluate the damage. What now?
Corporations just want to force those who work for them to take the jab in the hopes of reducing sick time taken and somehow blame Biden for it because he is their stooge.

They care nothing about the small number that may get sick or even die from the jab, just the majority that may stay out of the ICU if they get Covid

Nor do they give a damn about the long term effects.

But the parrot in the cave is how the corporations that make these vaccines don't make those that work for them get the jab. Congress is also exempt. Why?

As far as the OP

OSHA to Develop New Emergency Temporary Standard Requiring Vaccinations or Testing for Large Employers

The third and likely most expansive measure facing employers comes in the form of an explicit instruction to the Department of Labor/OSHA. President Biden directed OSHA to develop an ETS mandating all employers with 100 or more employees to require employees to either become vaccinated or to provide a weekly negative test result prior to entering the workplace. This requirement is estimated to impact over 80 million workers.

The ETS also will contain a provision requiring employers with 100 or more employees to provide paid time off for workers to (1) receive the vaccination, or (2) recover from any side effects experienced after being vaccinated.

Standard of Issuance of an ETS

The Occupational Safety and Health Act authorizes OSHA to issue an ETS if there is substantial evidence that: (1) “employees are exposed to grave danger from exposure to substances or agents determined to be toxic or physically harmful or from new hazards;” and (2) an ETS is “necessary” to protect employees from that hazard. While the bar OSHA must clear here is not particularly high, it is real. In addition, OSHA’s track record in ETS rulemaking challenges is mixed. Given the nature of this hazard, OSHA’s recent decision not to issue an ETS that’s applicable to all employees and the fact that a significant percentage of the nation’s workforce will not be covered by the ETS, may present obstacles to issuance and enforcement.

When Will the ETS Take Effect?

There is immense uncertainty regarding when the ETS could be issued and take effect. We know the prior COVID-19 related ETS spent six months in development prior to issuance on June 21, 2021. However, OSHA indicated yesterday that this ETS would be issued in the coming weeks.

We will be monitoring publications from the Task Force, Director, and OSHA, and will provide continued updates regarding the status of the Executive Orders and the temporary rule.

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Corporations just want to force those who work for them to take the jab in the hopes of reducing sick time taken and somehow blame Biden for it because he is their stooge.

They care nothing about the small number that may get sick or even die from the jab, just the majority that may stay out of the ICU if they get Covid

Nor do they give a damn about the long term effects.

But the parrot in the cave is how the corporations that make these vaccines don't make those that work for them get the jab. Congress is also exempt. Why?


But I thought Trump was the liar.
But the parrot in the cave is how the corporations that make these vaccines don't make those that work for them get the jab.
Congress is also exempt. Why?
The Executive branch can not mandate to Congress

The Executive branch can not mandate to Congress
I see, so the President is our only leader?

Apparently you don't view Congress as leading the country.

If they were leaders, they would all get the vaccine as they watch Americans across the country lose their jobs for not getting the vaccine.

If Congress had any moral bone in their body left, they would either pass legislation to protect such workers from losing their jobs or mandate themselves to get the vaccine so they stop being super spreader hypocrites to the rest of the country.

They should all resign in shame so that the US can find actual leaders in Congress rather than corrupt Swamp creatures that they all are.

But alas, there is no real leadership in the US, just a vacuum of Leftist hypocrisy and corruption, a vast waste land of human debris.
while I agree with the OP and the general thread consensus, here is my question.

Does it matter? if the potato in chief can speak, and leftist or idiot run corporations follow his orders, then he has accomplished what he set out to do.....executive order or not!!

yes he's a fucking liar (ie democrat) but he has successfully screwed the country with this order.......real or not.
If they were leaders, they would all get the vaccine as they watch Americans across the country lose their jobs for not getting the vaccine.
80% of Congress IS vaccinated dummy.

Guess who makes up most if not all of the unvaxxed in Congress?

Yea...Republicans like MTG and Boebert and Gosar
80% of Congress IS vaccinated dummy.

Guess who makes up most if not all of the unvaxxed in Congress?

Yea...Republicans like MTG and Boebert and Gosar
And yet the "80%" live in mortal terror of the virus because the shot doesn't work....

And insist that ,because of that fact, everyone else has to take it!!!!

STILL...90% + of the people hospitalized and dying of covid are yea...unvaxxed.'

So why are you in a blind panic???

Could it be the fact that you can still catch Covid (and spread it) AFTER taking the shot???

So you insist that everyone else take a shot that will let them catch Covid (and spread it to YOU)???

What a dumbass!!!

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