
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Progressives have become so fascist and so intolerant that not only are these left-wing "minorities" intolerant of each other - they actually need the mayor to illegally order them to undergo "sensitivity training". Freaking hilarious watching fascists unable to get along.

The left is such a mess right now. Nothing but violent, intolerant, hateful, miserable people. But that's what happens when one rejects God and instead embraces stuff like drugs, alcohol, and sexual deviance to fill the void.

‘Gayborhood’ bars in Philly ordered to undergo bias training — and ultra-liberal mayor explains why
A bandaid for the real complaint.

‘No Blacks’ Is Not a Sexual Preference. It’s Racism

White gays just don't want to fuck black guys. It's their preference that's under attack, the bar controversy is a cover up.
The web the alt-Left spins for themselves becomes amusing when they get caught up on it.

"Those who deploy these disclaimers defend themselves from accusations of “racism” by claiming that they merely have “preferences” for certain races over others. Wrote one gay blogger, “Don’t tell me I can’t have a preference! I don’t want to have sex with women. No hard feelings. Does that make me a misogynist?” Others have argued that it is impossible to separate the language of so-called sexual racism from racism in other spheres of life. There is a reason, they insist, that men of color are most often pushed to the sexual wayside. “No whites” is a much less popular slogan."
Just when I thought I had seen everything, FUCKING BAM! KAPOW!The left gets me again.

In West Hollywood, our own gay enclave, the gar bar strip is on Santa Monica Blvd. It's called Boystown. The big fight is over whether lesbian bars should be allowed to open. It would destroy the character of "Boystown" if women invade.
Progressives have become so fascist and so intolerant that not only are these left-wing "minorities" intolerant of each other - they actually need the mayor to illegally order them to undergo "sensitivity training". Freaking hilarious watching fascists unable to get along.

The left is such a mess right now. Nothing but violent, intolerant, hateful, miserable people. But that's what happens when one rejects God and instead embraces stuff like drugs, alcohol, and sexual deviance to fill the void.

‘Gayborhood’ bars in Philly ordered to undergo bias training — and ultra-liberal mayor explains why

as usual butt backward.

it's so funny how you claim that if you don't get to have legal protection of your insane bigotry that it's discrimination against you. bigots have always done this.

and stop pretending you're for G-d. whose G-d? mine doesn't hate gays and blacks and women and immigrants. apparently yours does.

Beyond that, G-d has nothing to do with the GOVERNMENT. That's why we have a first amendment, loony toon.

you shouldn't worry so much about your fear of gays....or is it that if you come out of the closet you're afraid they won't like you?

probably a reasonable fear.
In West Hollywood, our own gay enclave, the gar bar strip is on Santa Monica Blvd. It's called Boystown. The big fight is over whether lesbian bars should be allowed to open. It would destroy the character of "Boystown" if women invade.
LOL. It appears the LWers condemn bigotry on the Right, but reserve it for themselves on the Left.
and stop pretending you're for G-d. whose G-d? mine doesn't hate gays and blacks and women and immigrants. apparently yours does.
Well duh.....you're a progressive. Your God is drugs, alcohol, and sexual deviance. Of course those things don't "hate gays, black, women, and immigrants". They are incapable of emotion. Sheesh!
Progressives have become so fascist and so intolerant that not only are these left-wing "minorities" intolerant of each other - they actually need the mayor to illegally order them to undergo "sensitivity training". Freaking hilarious watching fascists unable to get along.

The left is such a mess right now. Nothing but violent, intolerant, hateful, miserable people. But that's what happens when one rejects God and instead embraces stuff like drugs, alcohol, and sexual deviance to fill the void.

‘Gayborhood’ bars in Philly ordered to undergo bias training — and ultra-liberal mayor explains why

as usual butt backward. it's so funny how you claim that if you don't get to have legal protection of your insane bigotry that it's discrimination against you. bigots have always done this.
What "legal protection"? I've never asked the government to do anything except leave me alone. I have a 1st Amendment right to say whatever I want to say - even if you fascist progressives don't like it. I know it burns you poor fascists to the core, but oh well. My liberty trumps your ideology.
and stop pretending you're for G-d. whose G-d? mine doesn't hate gays and blacks and women and immigrants. apparently yours does.

Beyond that, G-d has nothing to do with the GOVERNMENT.
Isn't it funny how a progressive can't even type the word "God"? How far the left has fallen....
Beyond that, G-d has nothing to do with the GOVERNMENT. That's why we have a first amendment, loony toon.
Sweetie....I never mentioned "government" outside of their illegal order "mandating" sensitivity training to private citizens. I was talking about the lost and confused progressives waging war on each other in the "Gayborhood".

It's not surprising though. Dumbocrats are the party of discrimination. They started a Civil War against their own country to keep black people in slavery. They started the KKK. They opposed the Civil Rights movement. Hell - just look how long you have harbored a deep hatred black people.
In West Hollywood, our own gay enclave, the gar bar strip is on Santa Monica Blvd. It's called Boystown. The big fight is over whether lesbian bars should be allowed to open. It would destroy the character of "Boystown" if women invade.
Don't mess with lesbians. Just ask the baker.
But that's what happens when one rejects God and instead embraces stuff like drugs, alcohol, and sexual deviance to fill the void.

Hey come on. Live a little. There's nothing wrong with a little weed, beer and sex if you keep it under control.

And you can still go to church too!
Progressives have become so fascist and so intolerant that not only are these left-wing "minorities" intolerant of each other - they actually need the mayor to illegally order them to undergo "sensitivity training". Freaking hilarious watching fascists unable to get along.

The left is such a mess right now. Nothing but violent, intolerant, hateful, miserable people. But that's what happens when one rejects God and instead embraces stuff like drugs, alcohol, and sexual deviance to fill the void.

‘Gayborhood’ bars in Philly ordered to undergo bias training — and ultra-liberal mayor explains why
Which god?
Progressives have become so fascist and so intolerant that not only are these left-wing "minorities" intolerant of each other - they actually need the mayor to illegally order them to undergo "sensitivity training". Freaking hilarious watching fascists unable to get along.

The left is such a mess right now. Nothing but violent, intolerant, hateful, miserable people. But that's what happens when one rejects God and instead embraces stuff like drugs, alcohol, and sexual deviance to fill the void.

‘Gayborhood’ bars in Philly ordered to undergo bias training — and ultra-liberal mayor explains why
Which god?

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