There Are Two Sexes. Male and Female. Period.

No, there are not only males and females. There are many transitional genders too. This is because you can always force jam spirits some male and some female into any single individual human. Before birth as well as after birth, any time. So the binary sexual definition is true only spiritually, per spirit. Not true for the soul.

Do you agree that maximal two known biological sexes exist male+female? Every lifeform on planet Earth has only a single biological parent (=clone) or two biological parents - but never three biological parents.

Biologically yes. But it is never biology that counts,

I all questions of health biology counts for example. And biology counts also in many other questions of our daily life.

until aliens land on earth and decide to breed us like we breed horses and castrate us for sperm control doing away with all social life.

English speaking aliens?

Jesus says "I have overcome the world". So it doesn't. The spiral is what counts. Then the biology ttys to follow if UT can. When you mess u the spiritual by mixing aggressively spirits that not belong together, then you get something that biology can't follow. That is the source of homosexuality and all the non binary genders.
you had wiped out the German language in your country.

Thank goodness for that.

It’s a language for horses.

No idea about horses but some say dogs understand German immediatelly - all other languages they have to translate. I had for sure never a problem to communicate with my dogs - perhaps because they think they are wolves and not mindless slaves, who are using a reduced older Germanic dialect, which they hate, how they hate everything, what they are able to hate, because they lost the ability to be happy.

It’s the Der Die Das I can’t stand. As if the gender wasn’t enough. That’s why I prefer French.

We have three grammatical genders "der/ein" = male, "die/eine" = female, "das/ein" = neuter gender (neutral). Or with other words - when we evolved our language we separated the world in men, women and children - in male, female and no-sex. "Der Junge" - the boy - is for example male - whatelse to expect? - but the girl - "das Mädchen" - uses the neuter gender. So you can see very clear that grammatical genders and biological sex have nothing to do with each other. Why is the scissor in the German language female but the screwdriver male? Why is the computer male, the keyboad female and the disk drive neuter? Because the German, who used this words first made it this way. Why is the sun female and the moon male in the German language (and only in the German language as far as I know)? I guess, because the god who was symbolized by the sun had been once a female god and the god who was symbolized by the moon had been male. This has not a lot to do with Odin, Wotan or Thor for example ... Why is the Rhine male and the Danube female? ... our language is really interesting for anthropologists.

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No, there are not only males and females. There are many transitional genders too. This is because you can always force jam spirits some male and some female into any single individual human. Before birth as well as after birth, any time. So the binary sexual definition is true only spiritually, per spirit. Not true for the soul.

Do you agree that maximal two known biological sexes exist male+female? Every lifeform on planet Earth has only a single biological parent (=clone) or two biological parents - but never three biological parents.

Biologically yes. But it is never biology that counts,

I all questions of health biology counts for example. And biology counts also in many other questions of our daily life.

until aliens land on earth and decide to breed us like we breed horses and castrate us for sperm control doing away with all social life.

English speaking aliens?

Jesus says "I have overcome the world".

If he said so - what I don't know in the moment, because I don't see the context now - then he said it for sure not in English.

So it doesn't.

So what doesn't? ... Whoops? ... Where do you live? In a body of water here or in a body of fire after life?

The spiral is what counts.

Hopefully comes now no esoteric nonsense.

Then the biology ttys to follow if UT can. When you mess u the spiritual by mixing aggressively spirits that not belong together, then you get something that biology can't follow. That is the source of homosexuality and all the non binary genders.

Only to make something clear: Homosexuality never had been a sin. The word was created from the author Karl Maria Kertbeny in 1868. Only some forms of sexual behavior are a sin - as well for homosexual and heterosexual beings.

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... It just requires a willingness to accept that facts don't give a fuck about feelings.

And what if the facts are able to feel?

What the actual fuck are you babbling about?

"To fuck" is a very intensive biological and psychological interaction not only between two human beings on reason to create a common child. You are very far from everything what has to do with the very positive and joyful action "to fuck". You empty the word "to fuck" from its content - fill it with negative absurdities - and use this word in a totally strange way what makes everything weird what you say. And this weirdness is for you normal since centuries. What about if one day the word "fuck" will accuse you in front of god?

I'll take that as an, "I was just babbling nonsense to hear my own voice." Thank you for sharing.
Ambiguous genitalia is a rare condition
So there are not two sexes as defined by genitals, period. But that's ok, most sentients already knew that.

No, there are two sexes. The existence of anomalies and defects does not constitute a "third sex". But that's okay, I didn't expect a room-temperature IQ to grasp that.

Only a leftist can spout uneducated gibberish while priding himself on how "intellectually superior" he is.
No plethora of genders or sexes.
Correct. 2 genders.
Boy, the rabbid left is going to destroy you!
There are times when all ideologies stray from their knitting into the realm of disbelief. This is one of the times liberalism has done that. I don't deny that there are men who feel more feminine than masculine and vice versa. But wanting the State to recognize it as a different gender relative to accommodations and documentation...that is where they lose me.


You actually said something intelligent and logical. It's a sign of the impending apocalypse.
No plethora of genders or sexes.
Correct. 2 genders.
Boy, the rabbid left is going to destroy you!
There are times when all ideologies stray from their knitting into the realm of disbelief. This is one of the times liberalism has done that. I don't deny that there are men who feel more feminine than masculine and vice versa. But wanting the State to recognize it as a different gender relative to accommodations and documentation...that is where they lose me.
Liberalism today is not liberalism. Thats for sure.
I dont give 2 shits about trannies but they lose me when they want the State involved. Of course, if the States involved, im not digging it 9 times out of 10.
I have been watching this clap trap slitherby for a while now and it's apparent that you people are obsessed with this gender thing and at the same time highly threatened by it. Have you considered why that is? You bemone the fact that government gets involved -In part because you have a pathological distrust government. But what you don't realise is that YOU are the reason why governmment gets involved in these issues inorder to protect the rights and well being of these HUMAN BEINGS who you have so little regard for . If you just accepted the fact that people have the right to identify with the gender that they are comfortable with which may or may not correspond to the gender assigned at bith. Furthermore, you ignorantly and stubornly refuse to educate yourself about the complexity of gender identity which encompassed both biological, Sociological and psychlogical factors. The level of intelect that I see here is a small cut above that of a bag of hammers. Lets see who will be the first one to give me a "dislike" or "funny" because you do not have the intelectual capacity to respond any other way. Have a nice day. Or not. I don't give a fuck.
No plethora of genders or sexes.
Correct. 2 genders.
Boy, the rabbid left is going to destroy you!
There are times when all ideologies stray from their knitting into the realm of disbelief. This is one of the times liberalism has done that. I don't deny that there are men who feel more feminine than masculine and vice versa. But wanting the State to recognize it as a different gender relative to accommodations and documentation...that is where they lose me.
Liberalism today is not liberalism. Thats for sure.
I dont give 2 shits about trannies but they lose me when they want the State involved. Of course, if the States involved, im not digging it 9 times out of 10.
I have been watching this clap trap slitherby for a while now and it's apparent that you people are obsessed with this gender thing and at the same time highly threatened by it. Have you considered why that is? You bemone the fact that government gets involved -In part because you have a pathological distrust government. But what you don't realise is that YOU are the reason why governmment gets involved in these issues inorder to protect the rights and well being of these HUMAN BEINGS who you have so little regard for . If you just accepted the fact that people have the right to identify with the gender that they are comfortable with which may or may not correspond to the gender assigned at bith. Furthermore, you ignorantly and stubornly refuse to educate yourself about the complexity of gender identity which encompassed both biological, Sociological and psychlogical factors. The level of intelect that I see here is a small cut above that of a bag of hammers. Lets see who will be the first one to give me a "dislike" or "funny" because you do not have the intelectual capacity to respond any other way. Have a nice day. Or not. I don't give a fuck.
I dont care what people want say about themselves. Dont give 2 shits. But when you bring the govt in on it, to impede on my rights? Its not ok.
The complexity of gender identity isnt biological. Its psychological.
No plethora of genders or sexes.
Correct. 2 genders.
Boy, the rabbid left is going to destroy you!
There are times when all ideologies stray from their knitting into the realm of disbelief. This is one of the times liberalism has done that. I don't deny that there are men who feel more feminine than masculine and vice versa. But wanting the State to recognize it as a different gender relative to accommodations and documentation...that is where they lose me.
Liberalism today is not liberalism. Thats for sure.
I dont give 2 shits about trannies but they lose me when they want the State involved. Of course, if the States involved, im not digging it 9 times out of 10.
I have been watching this clap trap slitherby for a while now and it's apparent that you people are obsessed with this gender thing and at the same time highly threatened by it. Have you considered why that is? You bemone the fact that government gets involved -In part because you have a pathological distrust government. But what you don't realise is that YOU are the reason why governmment gets involved in these issues inorder to protect the rights and well being of these HUMAN BEINGS who you have so little regard for . If you just accepted the fact that people have the right to identify with the gender that they are comfortable with which may or may not correspond to the gender assigned at bith. Furthermore, you ignorantly and stubornly refuse to educate yourself about the complexity of gender identity which encompassed both biological, Sociological and psychlogical factors. The level of intelect that I see here is a small cut above that of a bag of hammers. Lets see who will be the first one to give me a "dislike" or "funny" because you do not have the intelectual capacity to respond any other way. Have a nice day. Or not. I don't give a fuck.
I dont care what people want say about themselves. Dont give 2 shits. But when you bring the govt in on it, to impede on my rights? Its not ok.
The complexity of gender identity isnt biological. Its psychological.
Brilliant!! This fucking brilliant! Exactly the sort of inane equine excrement that I expacted. How the fuck is someone who identifies as a transperson -someone who you don't even know- infringing on your rights simply by doing so? You right to discriminate? Your right to be willfully ignorant? WHAT RIGHTS? And thank you for confirming the fact that you have no interest or ability in learning anything about transpeople. Rather, you arogantly andstupidly keep blatering about what you have to believe to justify your bigotry.
No, there are not only males and females. There are many transitional genders too. This is because you can always force jam spirits some male and some female into any single individual human. Before birth as well as after birth, any time. So the binary sexual definition is true only spiritually, per spirit. Not true for the soul.

Do you agree that maximal two known biological sexes exist male+female? Every lifeform on planet Earth has only a single biological parent (=clone) or two biological parents - but never three biological parents.

Biologically yes. But it is never biology that counts,

I all questions of health biology counts for example. And biology counts also in many other questions of our daily life.

until aliens land on earth and decide to breed us like we breed horses and castrate us for sperm control doing away with all social life.

English speaking aliens?

Jesus says "I have overcome the world". So it doesn't. The spiral is what counts. Then the biology ttys to follow if UT can. When you mess u the spiritual by mixing aggressively spirits that not belong together, then you get something that biology can't follow. That is the source of homosexuality and all the non binary genders.

Lets see who will be the first one to give me a "dislike" or "funny" because you do not have the intelectual capacity to respond any other way.

To have the “intellectual capacity” to respond in a manner that you would deem reasonable would require severe brain injury, mental illness, or drug abuse; or some combination of these.

No plethora of genders or sexes.
Correct. 2 genders.
Boy, the rabbid left is going to destroy you!
There are times when all ideologies stray from their knitting into the realm of disbelief. This is one of the times liberalism has done that. I don't deny that there are men who feel more feminine than masculine and vice versa. But wanting the State to recognize it as a different gender relative to accommodations and documentation...that is where they lose me.
Liberalism today is not liberalism. Thats for sure.
I dont give 2 shits about trannies but they lose me when they want the State involved. Of course, if the States involved, im not digging it 9 times out of 10.
I have been watching this clap trap slitherby for a while now and it's apparent that you people are obsessed with this gender thing and at the same time highly threatened by it. Have you considered why that is? You bemone the fact that government gets involved -In part because you have a pathological distrust government. But what you don't realise is that YOU are the reason why governmment gets involved in these issues inorder to protect the rights and well being of these HUMAN BEINGS who you have so little regard for . If you just accepted the fact that people have the right to identify with the gender that they are comfortable with which may or may not correspond to the gender assigned at bith. Furthermore, you ignorantly and stubornly refuse to educate yourself about the complexity of gender identity which encompassed both biological, Sociological and psychlogical factors. The level of intelect that I see here is a small cut above that of a bag of hammers. Lets see who will be the first one to give me a "dislike" or "funny" because you do not have the intelectual capacity to respond any other way. Have a nice day. Or not. I don't give a fuck.
I dont care what people want say about themselves. Dont give 2 shits. But when you bring the govt in on it, to impede on my rights? Its not ok.
The complexity of gender identity isnt biological. Its psychological.
Brilliant!! This fucking brilliant! Exactly the sort of inane equine excrement that I expacted. How the fuck is someone who identifies as a transperson -someone who you don't even know- infringing on your rights simply by doing so? You right to discriminate? Your right to be willfully ignorant? WHAT RIGHTS? And thank you for confirming the fact that you have no interest or ability in learning anything about transpeople. Rather, you arogantly andstupidly keep blatering about what you have to believe to justify your bigotry.
Special rights. Like Biden forcing males into women's sports
Or telling me I can't use my private property to how I see fit
This isn't complicated
No plethora of genders or sexes.
Correct. 2 genders.
Boy, the rabbid left is going to destroy you!
There are times when all ideologies stray from their knitting into the realm of disbelief. This is one of the times liberalism has done that. I don't deny that there are men who feel more feminine than masculine and vice versa. But wanting the State to recognize it as a different gender relative to accommodations and documentation...that is where they lose me.

View attachment 454648

You actually said something intelligent and logical. It's a sign of the impending apocalypse.

And you're still the same grotesque bitch you've been since day one. Really..have you ever had a positive thing to say...ever?
No plethora of genders or sexes.
Correct. 2 genders.
Boy, the rabbid left is going to destroy you!
There are times when all ideologies stray from their knitting into the realm of disbelief. This is one of the times liberalism has done that. I don't deny that there are men who feel more feminine than masculine and vice versa. But wanting the State to recognize it as a different gender relative to accommodations and documentation...that is where they lose me.

View attachment 454648

You actually said something intelligent and logical. It's a sign of the impending apocalypse.

And you're still the same grotesque bitch you've been since day one. Really..have you ever had a positive thing to say...ever?

About people who deserve it, certainly. Don't blame me because you've never been one of those people.
Lets see who will be the first one to give me a "dislike" or "funny" because you do not have the intelectual capacity to respond any other way.

To have the “intellectual capacity” to respond in a manner that you would deem reasonable would require severe brain injury, mental illness, or drug abuse; or some combination of these.

No plethora of genders or sexes.
Correct. 2 genders.
Boy, the rabbid left is going to destroy you!
There are times when all ideologies stray from their knitting into the realm of disbelief. This is one of the times liberalism has done that. I don't deny that there are men who feel more feminine than masculine and vice versa. But wanting the State to recognize it as a different gender relative to accommodations and documentation...that is where they lose me.
Liberalism today is not liberalism. Thats for sure.
I dont give 2 shits about trannies but they lose me when they want the State involved. Of course, if the States involved, im not digging it 9 times out of 10.
I have been watching this clap trap slitherby for a while now and it's apparent that you people are obsessed with this gender thing and at the same time highly threatened by it. Have you considered why that is? You bemone the fact that government gets involved -In part because you have a pathological distrust government. But what you don't realise is that YOU are the reason why governmment gets involved in these issues inorder to protect the rights and well being of these HUMAN BEINGS who you have so little regard for . If you just accepted the fact that people have the right to identify with the gender that they are comfortable with which may or may not correspond to the gender assigned at bith. Furthermore, you ignorantly and stubornly refuse to educate yourself about the complexity of gender identity which encompassed both biological, Sociological and psychlogical factors. The level of intelect that I see here is a small cut above that of a bag of hammers. Lets see who will be the first one to give me a "dislike" or "funny" because you do not have the intelectual capacity to respond any other way. Have a nice day. Or not. I don't give a fuck.
I dont care what people want say about themselves. Dont give 2 shits. But when you bring the govt in on it, to impede on my rights? Its not ok.
The complexity of gender identity isnt biological. Its psychological.
Brilliant!! This fucking brilliant! Exactly the sort of inane equine excrement that I expacted. How the fuck is someone who identifies as a transperson -someone who you don't even know- infringing on your rights simply by doing so? You right to discriminate? Your right to be willfully ignorant? WHAT RIGHTS? And thank you for confirming the fact that you have no interest or ability in learning anything about transpeople. Rather, you arogantly andstupidly keep blatering about what you have to believe to justify your bigotry.
Special rights. Like Biden forcing males into women's sports
Or telling me I can't use my private property to how I see fit
This isn't complicated
"Special rights" is old well worn moronic bullshit The right of someone who identifiers as femail tolive as a female is not a special right, but I don't expect you to be able to understand that. And Biden is not forcing anyone to do anything. But getting back to my question, HOW THE FUCK does the simple existence of people who identify as transgenger infringing on your right? What is that shit about using your private property? What the fuck are you blathering about? You seem to be very confused, angry and threatened by the fact that some people are just different than yo. You do not have the right to demand that everyone be just like you or like you want them to be. And, you do not have the right discriminate against, marginalize and dehumanise those who do not conform to your standards of normalcy.

Side note: The question of transwomen in womens sports is a complicated and difficult issue and honestly I do not kkow what a fair resolution would be. But Iunlike you, I admit that it is a difficult issue and chose not to be doghmatic and ridgid about it
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