CDZ There are TWO Genders: Change My Mind


Registered Conservative
Sep 20, 2005
Seriously, the hysteria of the left right now is absolutely insane.

Okay, we know of the two biological sexes, male and female. While there are genetic disorders that give people traits of both, those genetic disorders are extremely rare, and even when they do happen the person exhibits the traits of one sex much more predominantly than the other. The idea of a “hermaphrodite” is almost a myth, there really is no genetic disorder that allows for fully functional sex organs of both sexes. Besides, according to these “trans” advocates, gender is different than biological sex.

So we aren’t talking about people with some rare genetic disorder, as some have now started to move the goalposts and have been bringing them up. This is about “gender”.

These trans activists are claiming that a male can “be a woman” just by self identifying as one. Sure, they have the right to self identify all they want, but that doesn’t make their fantasy a reality, nor does or should society have to accept it.

For example, a male that pretends to be a female is still a man. He’s a cross dressing man.

A male that undergoes some “sex change” surgery is still a man and a male. His chromosomes do not change, they are still XY.

Same of course goes with females pretending to be men. Their biological sex does not change, so neither does their gender.

For those screaming in horror about the simple statement “there are TWO genders, men and women”, what are the other genders? Please provide specific examples.

This is Clean Debate Zone. Please keep the childish insults to yourself, and provide a clear and concise response.
I think it was more than 2 years ago, when Target wanted to install new bathrooms. Instead of two usual bathrooms, they were going to add a third bathroom. How did that go? Probably not well. Due to the fact, people who "believe" they are a "woman"; when in fact, they "look" like a man, would still go into the Ladies Room. And vice versa.
Talk about corrupting the kids who have to use the bathrooms. :rolleyes:

Bathrooms are based off biology. Forcing schools to let young males shower with young females, is not only authoritarian, it ignores science.
Korea has communal bathrooms.
A friend of mine said he was in Pusan taking a shit and a Korean woman spatted next to him and struck up a conversation.
Care to share a third gender with us?
Biologically yes
Sexuality is more complicated
Another goalpost move. Yes, sexuality is different, straights and homosexuality.

Care to share a third gender with us?

Ones biology does not always match your sexuality
Trying to limit sexuality to just two distinct genders is not the way humans work
Biologically yes
Sexuality is more complicated
Another goalpost move. Yes, sexuality is different, straights and homosexuality.

Care to share a third gender with us?

Ones biology does not always match your sexuality
Trying to limit sexuality to just two distinct genders is not the way humans work
Thread isn’t about sexuality, we are all well aware of the many types of sexual deviancy that exist.

Stay on topic.

Is there a third gender or not?
Biologically yes
Sexuality is more complicated
Another goalpost move. Yes, sexuality is different, straights and homosexuality.

Care to share a third gender with us?

Ones biology does not always match your sexuality
Trying to limit sexuality to just two distinct genders is not the way humans work
its exactly how it works,,, you can have sex with anyone you want, but you can only be one of two genders,,,
Gender is nothing more than a social construct.
Based entirely off biological sex.
Gender is based more off of cultural differences and such between the 2 sexes.
The term gets misused. A lot.
Are you claiming there are more than two genders? If not, I don’t see the point.
There can be as many as your imagination can come up. Its a construct. A never ending one.
There are 2 sexes. Its 100% fact. Good luck proving there are a limited number of things in a construct.
Dont get me wrong, i think the whole ordeal is stupid and narcissistic. I laugh at them all the time.
Biologically yes
Sexuality is more complicated
Another goalpost move. Yes, sexuality is different, straights and homosexuality.

Care to share a third gender with us?

Ones biology does not always match your sexuality
Trying to limit sexuality to just two distinct genders is not the way humans work
Liberals are not humans
They used to be. Before they chopped their dicks off.

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