Theft and Thuggery, Jewish Style.

Is there a greater violation of board rules here than to refer to past events & posters from a previous board? And how can the board monitors tolerate & allow his constant filthy potty mouth language aspointed oot here?

and again, it is hard not to direct some animosity towards individual jews when people such as sayit give us such bigoted gems as this:

"if patties are so stupid they can't figure out how to grow a potato, they deserved to starve" in a thread about benjamin disraeli.

"the irish were so drunk they couldn't figure out that potatoes grow underground, even when they fell flat on their face in a field full of them."

and not to mention his constant use of the ethnic slur of "patty" and "paddy".

  1. You don't know who here is Jewish (you directed much animosity at Dreyfussran (Skit) when you believed he was "a retired Jewish professor") and you don't direct your unvarnished hate for Jooos at individuals, Princess ... you're all about spewing your hate for all Jooos, period:
  2. "...ya friggin' smarmy little **** boy."
  3. "yeah, and "****" ain't a slur either if you trace it back."
  4. "the jew bitch brought it up..."
  5. "naw, i don't believe in kosher slaughter. free range jews are more sporting."
  6. "TCB-Jewish Style."
  7. "and G-d looked down on his chosen people and said "LEAVE NO LAND BE LEFT UNOCCUPIED"."
  8. "the jewish penchant for potty humour"
  9. "filthy jew pockets"
  10. "when i need some entertainment again, i'll tell you, jewboy"
actually, the jews were so terrified of me they looked to skit as their messiah, particularly you and MJB.

he and i developed a loose truce later but you all hung on his every word and worshipped at his feet.

lol...skit, i think, will be the first to admit that i always knew who he was when he appeared in his various guises. he would yank your chain, and i would give it an extra tug.

the trouble with stupid, pandering asses like you is that you mistake my animosity that is directed at jewish individuals as an overall anti-semitism. not true at all. you use "anti-semitism" as a catch all to cover for your own inadequacies and personality flaws....and then deny you have any. that is OK. some people are like that.
And from SAYIT, we find a poster who does not even have the mental capacity to know how to spell the word Jews!

Go figure. A troll like Sherri has no comment on the blatant anti-Semitism of her co-workers here but does comment on my literary license. Where is your "Christian" soul when your boy posts Nazi crap like the following:

"...ya friggin' smarmy little **** boy."
"yeah, and "****" ain't a slur either if you trace it back."
"the jew bitch brought it up..."
"naw, i don't believe in kosher slaughter. free range jews are more sporting."
"TCB-Jewish Style."
"and G-d looked down on his chosen people and said "LEAVE NO LAND BE LEFT UNOCCUPIED"."
"the jewish penchant for potty humour"
"filthy jew pockets"
"when i need some entertainment again, i'll tell you, jewboy"

As expected, Sherri's silence is deafening! :D

she probably knows you are lying, particularly when you attribute to both jos and me of sayin "Jooooooos". the thing is, is most of the pro-palestinian posters have been lied about and/or have had quotes attributed to them that they didn't say.
Go figure. A troll like Sherri has no comment on the blatant anti-Semitism of her co-workers here but does comment on my literary license. Where is your "Christian" soul when your boy posts Nazi crap like the following:

"...ya friggin' smarmy little **** boy."
"yeah, and "****" ain't a slur either if you trace it back."
"the jew bitch brought it up..."
"naw, i don't believe in kosher slaughter. free range jews are more sporting."
"TCB-Jewish Style."
"and G-d looked down on his chosen people and said "LEAVE NO LAND BE LEFT UNOCCUPIED"."
"the jewish penchant for potty humour"
"filthy jew pockets"
"when i need some entertainment again, i'll tell you, jewboy"

As expected, Sherri's silence is deafening! :D

she probably knows you are lying, particularly when you attribute to both jos and me of sayin "Jooooooos". the thing is, is most of the pro-palestinian posters have been lied about and/or have had quotes attributed to them that they didn't say.

Lying? Is That your way of saying you never said every word attributed to you in my post, NaziBoy? And just for the record, I never quoted you or Jos as posting "Joooos" ... Sherri just whined about my spelling (and then slithered away just like you). :D
As expected, Sherri's silence is deafening! :D

she probably knows you are lying, particularly when you attribute to both jos and me of sayin "Jooooooos". the thing is, is most of the pro-palestinian posters have been lied about and/or have had quotes attributed to them that they didn't say.

Lying? Is That your way of saying you never said every word attributed to you in my post, NaziBoy? And just for the record, I never quoted you or Jos as posting "Joooos" ... Sherri just whined about my spelling (and then slithered away just like you). :D

Quote: Originally Posted by SAYIT

Thanks, Mr. 'Fly.
From one side of the Nazi's mouths we get "the Joooos did nothing to resist their extermination" (Seal) and from the other side we get "the Joooos collaborated with the Nazis" (Jos) to escape an increasingly anti-Semitic Europe. As always with Nazis, Joooos are damed if they do and damned if they don't. It's just how Nazis roll

and the above attributed quotes, preceded by the denial, is exactly how liars roll.
And from SAYIT, we find a poster who does not even have the mental capacity to know how to spell the word Jews!

Go figure. A troll like Sherri has no comment on the blatant anti-Semitism of her co-workers here but does comment on my literary license. Where is your "Christian" soul when your boy posts Nazi crap like the following:

"...ya friggin' smarmy little **** boy."
"yeah, and "****" ain't a slur either if you trace it back."
"the jew bitch brought it up..."
"naw, i don't believe in kosher slaughter. free range jews are more sporting."
"TCB-Jewish Style."
"and G-d looked down on his chosen people and said "LEAVE NO LAND BE LEFT UNOCCUPIED"."
"the jewish penchant for potty humour"
"filthy jew pockets"
"when i need some entertainment again, i'll tell you, jewboy"

As expected, Sherri's silence is deafening! :D

quit whining.
she probably knows you are lying, particularly when you attribute to both jos and me of sayin "Jooooooos". the thing is, is most of the pro-palestinian posters have been lied about and/or have had quotes attributed to them that they didn't say.

Lying? Is That your way of saying you never said every word attributed to you in my post, NaziBoy? And just for the record, I never quoted you or Jos as posting "Joooos" ... Sherri just whined about my spelling (and then slithered away just like you). :D

Quote: Originally Posted by SAYIT

Thanks, Mr. 'Fly.
From one side of the Nazi's mouths we get "the Joooos did nothing to resist their extermination" (Seal) and from the other side we get "the Joooos collaborated with the Nazis" (Jos) to escape an increasingly anti-Semitic Europe. As always with Nazis, Joooos are damed if they do and damned if they don't. It's just how Nazis roll

and the above attributed quotes, preceded by the denial, is exactly how liars roll.

Typically lame, Princess. Neither you nor Jos made those statements ... clearly I was paraphrasing but your ability to find that post stands in stark contrast to your inability to find anything in which I called you a baby killer (a claim you have mendaciously made repeatedly). You had been busy trying to prove your daddy would have lived longer if only the Jews had resisted and Jos was busy trying to prove the Jews were Nazis. It seems you are only capable of lying, deceit and subterfuge when dealing with me. :D
The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine
The Transfer Agreement - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Edwin Black realizes that the anti-Semites are constantly bringing up his book The Transfer, which they originally found on the NeoNazi/Islamofacist hate sites or else they would never have heard of this book, because they can't stand to see that some equipment was given to the Nazis in exchange for the freedom of some Jews. The Jew haters like Yousef Mohammed here wish these Jews would have been sent to the concentration camps instead. By the way, Edwin Black wishes that the anti-Semites would push this book instead.

Thanks, Mr. 'Fly.
From one side of the Nazi's mouths we get "the Joooos did nothing to resist their extermination" (Seal) and from the other side we get "the Joooos collaborated with the Nazis" (Jos) to escape an increasingly anti-Semitic Europe. As always with Nazis, Joooos are damed if they do and damned if they don't. It's just how Nazis roll :D

lol...yes, thank you, SIR.
Edwin Black realizes that the anti-Semites are constantly bringing up his book The Transfer, which they originally found on the NeoNazi/Islamofacist hate sites or else they would never have heard of this book, because they can't stand to see that some equipment was given to the Nazis in exchange for the freedom of some Jews. The Jew haters like Yousef Mohammed here wish these Jews would have been sent to the concentration camps instead. By the way, Edwin Black wishes that the anti-Semites would push this book instead.

Thanks, Mr. 'Fly.
From one side of the Nazi's mouths we get "the Joooos did nothing to resist their extermination" (Seal) and from the other side we get "the Joooos collaborated with the Nazis" (Jos) to escape an increasingly anti-Semitic Europe. As always with Nazis, Joooos are damed if they do and damned if they don't. It's just how Nazis roll :D

lol...yes, thank you, SIR.
How Irish Dancing Started - now I understand the origins of Irish dance- its rooted in excess beer and having nowhere to piddle, cleverly disguised by the sound of a fiddle....!!!
Lying? Is That your way of saying you never said every word attributed to you in my post, NaziBoy? And just for the record, I never quoted you or Jos as posting "Joooos" ... Sherri just whined about my spelling (and then slithered away just like you). :D

Quote: Originally Posted by SAYIT

Thanks, Mr. 'Fly.
From one side of the Nazi's mouths we get "the Joooos did nothing to resist their extermination" (Seal) and from the other side we get "the Joooos collaborated with the Nazis" (Jos) to escape an increasingly anti-Semitic Europe. As always with Nazis, Joooos are damed if they do and damned if they don't. It's just how Nazis roll

and the above attributed quotes, preceded by the denial, is exactly how liars roll.

Typically lame, Princess. Neither you nor Jos made those statements ... clearly I was paraphrasing but your ability to find that post stands in stark contrast to your inability to find anything in which I called you a baby killer (a claim you have mendaciously made repeatedly). You had been busy trying to prove your daddy would have lived longer if only the Jews had resisted and Jos was busy trying to prove the Jews were Nazis. It seems you are only capable of lying, deceit and subterfuge when dealing with me. :D


I had this same argument with Baytsem and you can prove that you are not him by not arguing the point !!!

Seems to me that you are the one who is attempting to slither away by the reasoning and typical lack of understanding of grammatical rules. If you quote something or attribute it then the words must be the exact words that the author of those words used, ie: no paraphrasing allowed. So either you are lying or as I said earlier you fail to understand basic rules of grammar. So enlighten us which one is it ???
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Typically lame, Princess. Neither you nor Jos made those statements ... clearly I was paraphrasing but your ability to find that post stands in stark contrast to your inability to find anything in which I called you a baby killer (a claim you have mendaciously made repeatedly). You had been busy trying to prove your daddy would have lived longer if only the Jews had resisted and Jos was busy trying to prove the Jews were Nazis. It seems you are only capable of lying, deceit and subterfuge when dealing with me. :D


I had this same argument with Baytsem and you can prove that you are not him by not arguing the point !!!

Seems to me that you are the one who is attempting to slither away by the reasoning and typical lack of understanding of grammatical rules. If you quote something or attribute it then the words must be the exact words that the author of those words used, ie: no paraphrasing allowed. So either you are lying or as I said earlier you fail to understand basic rules of grammar. So enlighten us which one is it ???
Grammar: The difference between "knowing your shit" and "knowing you're shit."
~~Charlie Brown
Typically lame, Princess. Neither you nor Jos made those statements ... clearly I was paraphrasing but your ability to find that post stands in stark contrast to your inability to find anything in which I called you a baby killer (a claim you have mendaciously made repeatedly). You had been busy trying to prove your daddy would have lived longer if only the Jews had resisted and Jos was busy trying to prove the Jews were Nazis. It seems you are only capable of lying, deceit and subterfuge when dealing with me. :D


I had this same argument with Baytsem and you can prove that you are not him by not arguing the point !!!

Seems to me that you are the one who is attempting to slither away by the reasoning and typical lack of understanding of grammatical rules. If you quote something or attribute it then the words must be the exact words that the author of those words used, ie: no paraphrasing allowed.

Is that a board rule or a PattyCatty rule? The quotes were far too cumbersome but the paraphrasing summarized their posts very nicely I believe. Jos was whining that the Zionists made a deal with the devil (to save Jews from an increasingly anti-Semitic Europe) and Seal was whining that the Jews did nothing to save themselves. In other words according to these two Nazis, the Joooos are damned if they did and damned if they didn't and your big concern is my grammar?
I think you have rolled in the grass with those Nazi dogs so long you have picked up fleas, Princess. How's that for grammar, Asshole?

Precise quotes:
"one thing the irish know...sometimes the price of survival is too dear. sometimes it is better to stand and fight.
too bad some six million jews couldn't figure that out. maybe, had they, i could have enjoyed my father a few more years." Nazi Seal

"The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine" - Nazi Jos
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Typically lame, Princess. Neither you nor Jos made those statements ... clearly I was paraphrasing but your ability to find that post stands in stark contrast to your inability to find anything in which I called you a baby killer (a claim you have mendaciously made repeatedly). You had been busy trying to prove your daddy would have lived longer if only the Jews had resisted and Jos was busy trying to prove the Jews were Nazis. It seems you are only capable of lying, deceit and subterfuge when dealing with me. :D


I had this same argument with Baytsem and you can prove that you are not him by not arguing the point !!!

You can prove you are not Seal by walking away from his battle with me and never look back.
You can't save the Nazi and you may not be able to save yourself, Princess. :D
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Lying? Is That your way of saying you never said every word attributed to you in my post, NaziBoy? And just for the record, I never quoted you or Jos as posting "Joooos" ... Sherri just whined about my spelling (and then slithered away just like you). :D

Quote: Originally Posted by SAYIT

Thanks, Mr. 'Fly.
From one side of the Nazi's mouths we get "the Joooos did nothing to resist their extermination" (Seal) and from the other side we get "the Joooos collaborated with the Nazis" (Jos) to escape an increasingly anti-Semitic Europe. As always with Nazis, Joooos are damed if they do and damned if they don't. It's just how Nazis roll

and the above attributed quotes, preceded by the denial, is exactly how liars roll.

Typically lame, Princess. Neither you nor Jos made those statements ... clearly I was paraphrasing but your ability to find that post stands in stark contrast to your inability to find anything in which I called you a baby killer (a claim you have mendaciously made repeatedly). You had been busy trying to prove your daddy would have lived longer if only the Jews had resisted and Jos was busy trying to prove the Jews were Nazis. It seems you are only capable of lying, deceit and subterfuge when dealing with me. :D

the baby killer thread was deleted. you know that.

i never said any such thing about my father. i resented your implication that my ancestors collaborated with the NAZIs and i mentioned that my father fought the NAZIs in the rhineland campaign as an infantry officer and was highly decorated, was wounded, and died an early death, in part by complications from those wounds. he was fighting for his country and not for the jews.

i also had three uncles who served in WWII, all of them in europe. they were fighting for their country.

jos merely pointed out that there were jews who collaborated with the NAZIs in order to temper your ridiculous implications that the irish collaborated with the NAZIs to any great extent.

if you put something in quotation marks and follow it wirh "(seal)" or "(jos)" and precede it with saying it is coming from our mouths, that is attributing those exact words to us. that makes you a motherfucking liar because neither jos nor i said those words.
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Edwin Black realizes that the anti-Semites are constantly bringing up his book The Transfer, which they originally found on the NeoNazi/Islamofacist hate sites or else they would never have heard of this book, because they can't stand to see that some equipment was given to the Nazis in exchange for the freedom of some Jews. The Jew haters like Yousef Mohammed here wish these Jews would have been sent to the concentration camps instead. By the way, Edwin Black wishes that the anti-Semites would push this book instead.
I gave a link to Wiki, is that in your view a "NeoNazi/Islamofacist hate site"?
zionists dont like anyone to point out that they sided with Hitler, their only interest was the rich jews, the fate of the poor ones was the work camps
Ha ha ha....the scumbag said "Jewish Palestine". Clear evidence that there was no such thing as an Arab Palestine or Palestinian pre 1967. It fun watching them put their foot in their filthy mouths.
You are so stupid, there were Jews who lived in Palestine, like Jesus, a Jewish Palestinian.
"The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine" - Nazi Jos

Thats the Title the jewish writer gave the book in which he exposed the hidden collaboration between zionist's and Hitler

[ame=] The Transfer Agreement--25th Anniversary Edition: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine (9780914153139): Edwin Black: Books[/ame]


I had this same argument with Baytsem and you can prove that you are not him by not arguing the point !!!

Seems to me that you are the one who is attempting to slither away by the reasoning and typical lack of understanding of grammatical rules. If you quote something or attribute it then the words must be the exact words that the author of those words used, ie: no paraphrasing allowed.

Is that a board rule or a PattyCatty rule? The quotes were far too cumbersome but the paraphrasing summarized their posts very nicely I believe. Jos was whining that the Zionists made a deal with the devil (to save Jews from an increasingly anti-Semitic Europe) and Seal was whining that the Jews did nothing to save themselves. In other words according to these two Nazis, the Joooos are damned if they did and damned if they didn't and your big concern is my grammar?
I think you have rolled in the grass with those Nazi dogs so long you have picked up fleas, Princess. How's that for grammar, Asshole?

Precise quotes:
"one thing the irish know...sometimes the price of survival is too dear. sometimes it is better to stand and fight.
too bad some six million jews couldn't figure that out. maybe, had they, i could have enjoyed my father a few more years." Nazi Seal

"The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine" - Nazi Jos

No it is not a board rule nor is it my rule, instead it is a rule that separates the literate from the illiterate. According to the rules of grammar once you use the quotation marks you can neither summarize nor paraphrase and to attempt to do so proves that you are both an uneducated buffoon and a liar because they change the whole meaning of what the other person said. I think but I am not positive that it also violates board rules in that once you attribute it you are breaking copyright laws !!!

You know I Gave you an out all you had to do was apologize and say you were wrong and then you could have gone on your mendacious way but now it is easy for every one to see that you are a " motherfucking liar " as Seal says. See, that is how it is done, easy isn't it.


I had this same argument with Baytsem and you can prove that you are not him by not arguing the point !!!

You can prove you are not Seal by walking away from his battle with me and never look back.
You can't save the Nazi and you may not be able to save yourself, Princess. :D

I neither need to prove that I am not Seal nor do I need to save myself. I am not Seal and I am in no danger, especially from thugs like you Skye and Hoss. This is just another typical Sayit attempt at diversion by lying

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