New female mayor gears Bethlehem up for Christmas

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009

BETHLEHEM, West Bank (AP) — Bethlehem's first female mayor, Vera Baboun, can't walk through the main square of the biblical town without being stopped by admirers.

"This is our new mayor, who is turning Bethlehem into one of the greatest cities in the world," a tour guide hollered to a group of Christian tourists passing by the Church of the Nativity, built over the grotto where tradition says Jesus was born.

New female mayor gears Bethlehem up for Christmas - Yahoo! News

BETHLEHEM, West Bank (AP) — Bethlehem's first female mayor, Vera Baboun, can't walk through the main square of the biblical town without being stopped by admirers.

"This is our new mayor, who is turning Bethlehem into one of the greatest cities in the world," a tour guide hollered to a group of Christian tourists passing by the Church of the Nativity, built over the grotto where tradition says Jesus was born.

New female mayor gears Bethlehem up for Christmas - Yahoo! News
Why, Tinnie, it looks like all the Christians in the area will be having a good Christmas.

Christmas in Israel | ICEJ International

BETHLEHEM, West Bank (AP) — Bethlehem's first female mayor, Vera Baboun, can't walk through the main square of the biblical town without being stopped by admirers.

"This is our new mayor, who is turning Bethlehem into one of the greatest cities in the world," a tour guide hollered to a group of Christian tourists passing by the Church of the Nativity, built over the grotto where tradition says Jesus was born.

New female mayor gears Bethlehem up for Christmas - Yahoo! News
Why, Tinnie, it looks like all the Christians in the area will be having a good Christmas.

Christmas in Israel | ICEJ International

What do these fake Christians think about Israel driving the Christians out of the holy land?

BETHLEHEM, West Bank (AP) — Bethlehem's first female mayor, Vera Baboun, can't walk through the main square of the biblical town without being stopped by admirers.

"This is our new mayor, who is turning Bethlehem into one of the greatest cities in the world," a tour guide hollered to a group of Christian tourists passing by the Church of the Nativity, built over the grotto where tradition says Jesus was born.

New female mayor gears Bethlehem up for Christmas - Yahoo! News
Why, Tinnie, it looks like all the Christians in the area will be having a good Christmas.

Christmas in Israel | ICEJ International

What do these fake Christians think about Israel driving the Christians out of the holy land?
Why, Tinnie old boy, these Christians you say are fake are the real McCoy. Evidently you have not read any of the articles about Christians in Bethlehem and what they said about how they were treated by Muslims. It's very nice how the mayor is trying to be nice to the Christians living there, but on a day-to-day basis, I don't think the Christians are actually treated that nicely by the Muslims according to what some Christians living there had to say. And, Tinnie, these Christians you call fake, believe the Jews belong there. And they see how the Christians are able to follow their beliefs in Israel, unlike the way they are not allowed to follow their beliefs in Muslim countries but are harassed and murdered. Don't worry, Tinnie, your "Palestinian" friends think you are doing such a admirable job that you probably will find a little extra bonus from them in your Christmas stocking. Maybe they will also even gift you with a new up-to-date magic computer that really isn't there.
Why, Tinnie, it looks like all the Christians in the area will be having a good Christmas.

Christmas in Israel | ICEJ International

What do these fake Christians think about Israel driving the Christians out of the holy land?
Why, Tinnie old boy, these Christians you say are fake are the real McCoy. Evidently you have not read any of the articles about Christians in Bethlehem and what they said about how they were treated by Muslims. It's very nice how the mayor is trying to be nice to the Christians living there, but on a day-to-day basis, I don't think the Christians are actually treated that nicely by the Muslims according to what some Christians living there had to say. And, Tinnie, these Christians you call fake, believe the Jews belong there. And they see how the Christians are able to follow their beliefs in Israel, unlike the way they are not allowed to follow their beliefs in Muslim countries but are harassed and murdered. Don't worry, Tinnie, your "Palestinian" friends think you are doing such a admirable job that you probably will find a little extra bonus from them in your Christmas stocking. Maybe they will also even gift you with a new up-to-date magic computer that really isn't there.

Of course that is a deflection from my question.
What do these fake Christians think about Israel driving the Christians out of the holy land?
Why, Tinnie old boy, these Christians you say are fake are the real McCoy. Evidently you have not read any of the articles about Christians in Bethlehem and what they said about how they were treated by Muslims. It's very nice how the mayor is trying to be nice to the Christians living there, but on a day-to-day basis, I don't think the Christians are actually treated that nicely by the Muslims according to what some Christians living there had to say. And, Tinnie, these Christians you call fake, believe the Jews belong there. And they see how the Christians are able to follow their beliefs in Israel, unlike the way they are not allowed to follow their beliefs in Muslim countries but are harassed and murdered. Don't worry, Tinnie, your "Palestinian" friends think you are doing such a admirable job that you probably will find a little extra bonus from them in your Christmas stocking. Maybe they will also even gift you with a new up-to-date magic computer that really isn't there.

Of course that is a deflection from my question.
Your question is a bald faced lie.
[ame=]Christmas in Bethlehem - YouTube[/ame]
So what does the video really prove, Tinnie. Of course with all the Christian tourists coming into the area for Christmas to visit where Jesus was born, those running Bethlehem are going to put on a show for them. Don't forget that there are Christmas celebrations in Israel too. Perhaps you can also pull up some video which shows us how Saudi Arabia celebrates Christmas for the Christian workers. Do they even allow a wreathe on the door of Christians? If anyone knows, it should be Tinnie. Meanwhile, a better video to watch is..........
[ame=]Andre Rieu - Christmas Around The World [2005] - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Christmas in Palestine - YouTube[/ame]
Poor Tinnie, he wants to prove to us that Christmas is celebrated in Palestine. Of course the Christians (which are left) and the Christian tourists from around the world are celebrating Christmas there, and the Muslims, naturally, like every group wanting to get the tourist dollars, are making it easy for them. They are also having a good time celebrating Christmas in Israel. From pictures viewed from past Christmases, it looks like a very festive time there, what with all the decorations. Now in Europe, it seems that the old traditions are dying out because of the Muslims and the need to placate them. Now that Tinnie is so obsessed with showing us that Christmas is celebrated in Palestine, surely he must feel bad about how things are changing in Europe. He must certainly remember all the great Christmases he had in the past as a child, and would want the Christian children in Europe to have the same.
Islam versus Europe: France: Santa's School Visit Cancelled Because of Boycott Threats From Muslim Families
Oh gee----according to the article some IDIOT in authority decided to
blame CANCELLING SANTA because of "finances" what finances?
old men who already have santa suits do the kindergarten visits---or
the local firemen who already have the SANTA BOOTS
I certainly do not remember that SANTAS in my little town GOT
PAID for their " HO HO HO" how much does it cost to paste
blobs of cotton to one's chin? ----uhm---the red fire engine---
and a fireman with A WHITE COTTON BEARD---is santa for free

BETHLEHEM, West Bank (AP) — Bethlehem's first female mayor, Vera Baboun, can't walk through the main square of the biblical town without being stopped by admirers.

"This is our new mayor, who is turning Bethlehem into one of the greatest cities in the world," a tour guide hollered to a group of Christian tourists passing by the Church of the Nativity, built over the grotto where tradition says Jesus was born.

New female mayor gears Bethlehem up for Christmas - Yahoo! News
If the area was controlled by Hamas animals, not only would she not be the mayor, she would be killed for not wearing proper Islamic clothes. Ha ha.
Why not tell us, Yousef Mohammed, how the Christians are treated in your old country? Are they allowed to have celebrations during the Christmas holidays that they have in Israel? Are the Christian pastors allowed to preach the Gospel without being thrown in jail? See what is happening in your old country, Mr. Goonz, when a person converts to Christianity and goes back to see his parents. No wonder many Iranians of all religions have fled a country that is run by religious crazies. And here the Muslims claim there is no compulsion in religion and there is so much tolerance in Islam when it comes to the religion of others.
Answering Muslims: Christian Convert Saeed Abedini Arrested While Visiting Family in Iran

BETHLEHEM, West Bank (AP) — Bethlehem's first female mayor, Vera Baboun, can't walk through the main square of the biblical town without being stopped by admirers.

"This is our new mayor, who is turning Bethlehem into one of the greatest cities in the world," a tour guide hollered to a group of Christian tourists passing by the Church of the Nativity, built over the grotto where tradition says Jesus was born.

New female mayor gears Bethlehem up for Christmas - Yahoo! News
If the area was controlled by Hamas animals, not only would she not be the mayor, she would be killed for not wearing proper Islamic clothes. Ha ha.

You are always blowing smoke out your ass.

Janet Mikhail is more than just the mayor of Ramallah

The stream of people in and out of Janet Mikhail's Ramallah office is endless. The mayor of what has become the administrative centre of the Palestinian Territories is unusual in almost every way - a woman, a Christian, unmarried and essentially chosen by Hamas.

Janet Mikhail is more than just the mayor of Ramallah - The National

BETHLEHEM, West Bank (AP) — Bethlehem's first female mayor, Vera Baboun, can't walk through the main square of the biblical town without being stopped by admirers.

"This is our new mayor, who is turning Bethlehem into one of the greatest cities in the world," a tour guide hollered to a group of Christian tourists passing by the Church of the Nativity, built over the grotto where tradition says Jesus was born.

New female mayor gears Bethlehem up for Christmas - Yahoo! News
If the area was controlled by Hamas animals, not only would she not be the mayor, she would be killed for not wearing proper Islamic clothes. Ha ha.

You are always blowing smoke out your ass.

Janet Mikhail is more than just the mayor of Ramallah

The stream of people in and out of Janet Mikhail's Ramallah office is endless. The mayor of what has become the administrative centre of the Palestinian Territories is unusual in almost every way - a woman, a Christian, unmarried and essentially chosen by Hamas.

Janet Mikhail is more than just the mayor of Ramallah - The National
And you inhale the smoke with gusto.

BETHLEHEM, West Bank (AP) — Bethlehem's first female mayor, Vera Baboun, can't walk through the main square of the biblical town without being stopped by admirers.

"This is our new mayor, who is turning Bethlehem into one of the greatest cities in the world," a tour guide hollered to a group of Christian tourists passing by the Church of the Nativity, built over the grotto where tradition says Jesus was born.

New female mayor gears Bethlehem up for Christmas - Yahoo! News
If the area was controlled by Hamas animals, not only would she not be the mayor, she would be killed for not wearing proper Islamic clothes. Ha ha.

You are always blowing smoke out your ass.

Janet Mikhail is more than just the mayor of Ramallah

The stream of people in and out of Janet Mikhail's Ramallah office is endless. The mayor of what has become the administrative centre of the Palestinian Territories is unusual in almost every way - a woman, a Christian, unmarried and essentially chosen by Hamas.

Janet Mikhail is more than just the mayor of Ramallah - The National
Ramallah is not Hamas controlled, blow that out your Mohammad.

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