The Worm Turns


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Here's Crooked Donald when RFK, Jr. was competing against Joe Biden in the Democratic primary:

Trump praises RFK Jr as 'common sense guy,' as GOP reportedly strategizes the Kennedy threat against Biden

Trump calls RFK Jr. ‘a very smart person'

Yesterday, RFK Jr dropped out of the Democratic race and announced his intention to run as an Independent.

Now the Trump team sees him as a threat. :lol:

Trump team hits out at Kennedy as independent candidates inject new drama into campaign

What nickname will Crooked Donald now assign to Bobby? He's running out of adjectives. :lol:

Ha ha ha ... I see what you did there ... "worm" makes a great noun, so "wormy" makes a great adjective ...

Those who quit the Democrats in 2012 did so at the crest of liberal power ... that took courage ... this slime ball is quitting just when his Party needs him most ... a worm wouldn't do that ...

Are Democrats going to lose to a man sitting in prison? ... well ... the first rat has jumped ship ...
Ha ha ha ... I see what you did there ... "worm" makes a great noun, so "wormy" makes a great adjective ...

Those who quit the Democrats in 2012 did so at the crest of liberal power ... that took courage ... this slime ball is quitting just when his Party needs him most ... a worm wouldn't do that ...

Are Democrats going to lose to a man sitting in prison? ... well ... the first rat has jumped ship ...
Jumped ship? Kennedy might have called himself a Democrat, but he started out campaigning to the MAGAs, and hasn't changed tactics. No Democrat will vote for a conspiracy theory nut like him.
Jumped ship? Kennedy might have called himself a Democrat, but he started out campaigning to the MAGAs, and hasn't changed tactics. No Democrat will vote for a conspiracy theory nut like him.
Says a conspiracy theory nutjob.
Jumped ship? Kennedy might have called himself a Democrat, but he started out campaigning to the MAGAs, and hasn't changed tactics. No Democrat will vote for a conspiracy theory nut like him.
You see what the terrorists do to women? You Progs are creating the same thing that will blossom here. You will do it to yourselves as the impoverishment spreads. One of several nasty outcomes. The United States needs to be reduced for the world government to arise. And our wealth is being used to prop up and destroy other areas of the planet while weakening us from domestic and foreign agendas.
You see what the terrorists do to women? You Progs are creating the same thing that will blossom here. You will do it to yourselves as the impoverishment spreads. One of several nasty outcomes. The United States needs to be reduced for the world government to arise. And our wealth is being used to prop up and destroy other areas of the planet while weakening us from domestic and foreign agendas.
You've been skipping your meds again, haven't you?
Not sure what that is supposed to mean.

It's a nautical analogy ... old-time sailing ships tended to be infested with rats ... so it was a well known that while the men were trying to keep a sinking ship afloat, the rats would flee ... now, it sucks to have a sinking ship, but if the men do keep her afloat, she'll be rat-free, which is cool ...

Now that Kennedy has quit the Democrats, I don't think the Democrats should welcome him back in ... the "sinking ship" part comes from the fact there's a good chance that when we wake up in the morning of November 6th, 2024, our President-Elect will be sitting in a Georgia prison cell ...

We the People are angry ...
It's a nautical analogy ... old-time sailing ships tended to be infested with rats ... so it was a well known that while the men were trying to keep a sinking ship afloat, the rats would flee ... now, it sucks to have a sinking ship, but if the men do keep her afloat, she'll be rat-free, which is cool ...

Now that Kennedy has quit the Democrats, I don't think the Democrats should welcome him back in ... the "sinking ship" part comes from the fact there's a good chance that when we wake up in the morning of November 6th, 2024, our President-Elect will be sitting in a Georgia prison cell ...

We the People are angry ...

You and others on the right don't speak for the people, far from it.

You and others on the right don't speak for the people, far from it.

Right of what? ... I'm an "abortion, amnesty and acid" liberal ... liberal/hippy/commie McGovernik to the core ...

I am right of "kill whitie" ... sometimes ... but I'm always for killing off men, 90% of them are useless to the reproductive process ... not only would we have all the extra resources, but women would be in charge ... that's "win/win/win" for humanity ...
It's a nautical analogy ... old-time sailing ships tended to be infested with rats ... so it was a well known that while the men were trying to keep a sinking ship afloat, the rats would flee ... now, it sucks to have a sinking ship, but if the men do keep her afloat, she'll be rat-free, which is cool ...

Now that Kennedy has quit the Democrats, I don't think the Democrats should welcome him back in ... the "sinking ship" part comes from the fact there's a good chance that when we wake up in the morning of November 6th, 2024, our President-Elect will be sitting in a Georgia prison cell ...

We the People are angry ...
I'm familiar with the term, but I just didn't make the connection wth the situation that you did. It's a stretch, but I see what you mean.

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