The World Is Sick Of Israeli Atrocities...

We Christians, worldwide, have no favorites between Muslims and Jews. Good Christians consider both Muslims and Jews human beings that should convert to Christianity, but we hold no hate for either.

There are many roads in life, but only one destination.
What religion you are is of little importance, your actions and words for your fellow man is what you will be judge by.
Don't talk cr@p, don't spread lies, don't breed hate, don't incite violence, don't harm others.
Golden rule has been taught by every major religion in some form. Bitching and fighting does not help. Talking and finding some compromise, letting others live their own lives will go a long way.

The biggest challenge to compromise and peace are the Zionist myths. And, after many years of study by many scholars, Jewish and otherwise, it has been proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that almost everything about Israel's creation is a myth.

Until the Jews acknowledge that Israel was created at the expense of hundreds of thousands of non-Jews and acknowledge that they had no inherent right to dispossess those people, there will not be any compromise. After all, if the myths were true, among them, the Jews arrived in an empty land, Palestine was teeming with Jews, there were no Christians or Muslims in Palestine, Palestinians were invented in 1967, Palestinians came from Egypt in the 20th century, the Palestinians left willingly, the Arab states attacked to force the Jews into the sea, etc., why should they compromise.

These myths are promulgated daily here in this forum as if they were fact, although they have been thoroughly debunked. Even when presented the facts in black and white from the most neutral sources possible (Government and International Organization archives), your friends deflect, deny and respond with the same old propaganda lifted from propaganda sites.

If the Jews would acknowledge that they brought great harm on hundreds of thousands of people (and continue to do so) there might be some chance of compromise and peace, but somehow I don't that will ever happen and unfortunately, it will be a demographic struggle to the end.

Do you seriously expect to play "my list is longer than your list" about the history of jews?
Everything factual you don't want to believe is a myth to you. A ton of evidence and studies, you intentionally ignore.
You have been debunked on every topic but you still cling to the old racist rhetoric and lies used by nazis and muslims for more than a century. Lie proven in courts around the world but are regurgitated as absolute facts by hatemongers.
You really should take a class in rational thinking and logic.
You make accusation, cut down people's evidence while offering only propaganda and your bias suppositions. You attack but offer only misinformation and disproven sites and figures.
Find something fresh or people will just tune you out.
Bring reasonable suggestions and possible solutions instead of just hate.
Seek to know and treat others as equals instead of condemn them as the lowest slime.
You have become very sad and tired. Go for a walk and get a life. It might bring you a new perspective.

Here , 9 11 Missing Links watch the movie.

How about you stop posting ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA and CONSPIRAVY THEORIES and start asking people on the know of such matters why it cant have been blown up or that the Jews did it.

We Christians, worldwide, have no favorites between Muslims and Jews. Good Christians consider both Muslims and Jews human beings that should convert to Christianity, but we hold no hate for either.

There are many roads in life, but only one destination.
What religion you are is of little importance, your actions and words for your fellow man is what you will be judge by.
Don't talk cr@p, don't spread lies, don't breed hate, don't incite violence, don't harm others.
Golden rule has been taught by every major religion in some form. Bitching and fighting does not help. Talking and finding some compromise, letting others live their own lives will go a long way.

The biggest challenge to compromise and peace are the Zionist myths. And, after many years of study by many scholars, Jewish and otherwise, it has been proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that almost everything about Israel's creation is a myth.

Until the Jews acknowledge that Israel was created at the expense of hundreds of thousands of non-Jews and acknowledge that they had no inherent right to dispossess those people, there will not be any compromise. After all, if the myths were true, among them, the Jews arrived in an empty land, Palestine was teeming with Jews, there were no Christians or Muslims in Palestine, Palestinians were invented in 1967, Palestinians came from Egypt in the 20th century, the Palestinians left willingly, the Arab states attacked to force the Jews into the sea, etc., why should they compromise.

These myths are promulgated daily here in this forum as if they were fact, although they have been thoroughly debunked. Even when presented the facts in black and white from the most neutral sources possible (Government and International Organization archives), your friends deflect, deny and respond with the same old propaganda lifted from propaganda sites.

If the Jews would acknowledge that they brought great harm on hundreds of thousands of people (and continue to do so) there might be some chance of compromise and peace, but somehow I don't that will ever happen and unfortunately, it will be a demographic struggle to the end.

Do you seriously expect to play "my list is longer than your list" about the history of jews?
Everything factual you don't want to believe is a myth to you. A ton of evidence and studies, you intentionally ignore.
You have been debunked on every topic but you still cling to the old racist rhetoric and lies used by nazis and muslims for more than a century. Lie proven in courts around the world but are regurgitated as absolute facts by hatemongers.
You really should take a class in rational thinking and logic.
You make accusation, cut down people's evidence while offering only propaganda and your bias suppositions. You attack but offer only misinformation and disproven sites and figures.
Find something fresh or people will just tune you out.
Bring reasonable suggestions and possible solutions instead of just hate.
Seek to know and treat others as equals instead of condemn them as the lowest slime.
You have become very sad and tired. Go for a walk and get a life. It might bring you a new perspective.

I post documents from archives that are official reports of the administrators of the Mandate. No suppositions, no bias, just facts. There is no hate, just the recognition of the facts.

But my point is made. You will only believe the Zionist myths and reject the facts as reported by the people, third parties, who were responsible for reporting facts to the LoN or the UN as the Mandatory.

If you (and the rest of the Jews in Israel) believe the myths as truths, then there can be no compromise on the Jew's part.

By the way melodrama doesn't change the facts.

No you post LIES and ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA which is why you now miss out table one because it does not show what you believe. Every day your posts are taken apart and their content held up to scrutiny and every day you are shown to be a complete idiot
Serbia tried to expel the Muslims from Kosovo. It didn't go too well for them.

If you look at the proper history of the Former Yugoslavia it was the illegal immigrant muslims that tried to expel the Serbs from Yugoslavia in one of their land grabs. The UN and the USA now know they took the wrong side and in future will side against the muslims.
...Don't talk cr@p, don't spread lies, don't breed hate, don't incite violence, don't harm others. Golden rule has been taught by every major religion in some form. Bitching and fighting does not help. Talking and finding some compromise, letting others live their own lives will go a long way.
And when the Sacred Texts of one religion in the mix are absolutely saturated with encouragements and permissions to wage war upon and to commit violence against Unbelievers, going so far as to promise scores of virginal beauties

Are you talking about the Old Testament and the permissions to wage war and to commit violence against Gentiles/Goyim?

Which is not followed by either the Jews or the Christians, and if you were a Christian you would know that these sections were removed as commands during various synods.
How silly you are, what government you talking about dumb, can't you see, Palestinians are under occupation you moron evil think and thinks silly paid tout of jewish.
Freedom of occupation palistanians have. Free will palistinins choose occupation.
No there is no free will, for example if some one invade your home and you are in side, will you accept it?

For Jews Only:I will advise to jews that jews are not special race and masaya not coming, Please get your self free from yours elders, you are not their slaves. Jew's elders using jew as a spy on other nations. This is the reason Jews population ont growing because jew mixing in other nation as spy.

The Palestinians exercised free will when they declared independence in 1988, and they were under occupation at the time. So this destroys your whole POV in regards to Palestinian rights.
look jew have to accept the facts that they can not beat the numbers, jew claim that German killed 6 millions jew is correct and if Muslim claim that jew killed millions Muslims wrong, this the reason I am saying that jew have give this silly idea that they are special race and masaya is coming. Please free your self from your master or elders.

"I falsely claimed that the Jews had killed millions of Muslims, and,when challenged on that claim, I could not substantiate it, and then chose, instead, to attempt to deflect and distract attention away from that failure, with some vagaries and sundry fluff."

Epic fail.

Big surprise.

Well no one care about your surprise, world care about facts and figure, and world know that jew always alter the facts and figures.
But of course you're certain Israel killed little schmuck deserve zero credibility.

Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands?
Then German killed jews may be in thousands not million.
I will advise to jews that jews are not special race and maeaya not coming, Please get your self free from yours elders, you are not their slaves. Jew's elders using jew as a spy on other nations.

If you go into your Profile and see where it says signature, you can write the above there once and it will be in every post. If your like me I get tired of typing.
We Christians, worldwide, have no favorites between Muslims and Jews. Good Christians consider both Muslims and Jews human beings that should convert to Christianity, but we hold no hate for either.

There are many roads in life, but only one destination.
What religion you are is of little importance, your actions and words for your fellow man is what you will be judge by.
Don't talk cr@p, don't spread lies, don't breed hate, don't incite violence, don't harm others.
Golden rule has been taught by every major religion in some form. Bitching and fighting does not help. Talking and finding some compromise, letting others live their own lives will go a long way.

The biggest challenge to compromise and peace are the Zionist myths. And, after many years of study by many scholars, Jewish and otherwise, it has been proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that almost everything about Israel's creation is a myth.

Until the Jews acknowledge that Israel was created at the expense of hundreds of thousands of non-Jews and acknowledge that they had no inherent right to dispossess those people, there will not be any compromise. After all, if the myths were true, among them, the Jews arrived in an empty land, Palestine was teeming with Jews, there were no Christians or Muslims in Palestine, Palestinians were invented in 1967, Palestinians came from Egypt in the 20th century, the Palestinians left willingly, the Arab states attacked to force the Jews into the sea, etc., why should they compromise.

These myths are promulgated daily here in this forum as if they were fact, although they have been thoroughly debunked. Even when presented the facts in black and white from the most neutral sources possible (Government and International Organization archives), your friends deflect, deny and respond with the same old propaganda lifted from propaganda sites.

If the Jews would acknowledge that they brought great harm on hundreds of thousands of people (and continue to do so) there might be some chance of compromise and peace, but somehow I don't that will ever happen and unfortunately, it will be a demographic struggle to the end.

Do you seriously expect to play "my list is longer than your list" about the history of jews?
Everything factual you don't want to believe is a myth to you. A ton of evidence and studies, you intentionally ignore.
You have been debunked on every topic but you still cling to the old racist rhetoric and lies used by nazis and muslims for more than a century. Lie proven in courts around the world but are regurgitated as absolute facts by hatemongers.
You really should take a class in rational thinking and logic.
You make accusation, cut down people's evidence while offering only propaganda and your bias suppositions. You attack but offer only misinformation and disproven sites and figures.
Find something fresh or people will just tune you out.
Bring reasonable suggestions and possible solutions instead of just hate.
Seek to know and treat others as equals instead of condemn them as the lowest slime.
You have become very sad and tired. Go for a walk and get a life. It might bring you a new perspective.

Here , 9 11 Missing Links watch the movie.

How about you stop posting ISLAMONAZI PROPAGANDA and CONSPIRAVY THEORIES and start asking people on the know of such matters why it cant have been blown up or that the Jews did it.

People like you who daily express ZioNazism have helped de-legitimize Israel's existence even in your-own country of Great Britain. It really is laughable to see a Loony-Toon like you posting...

When are you going to post your Certificate of Sanity like you promised?
Well no one care about your surprise, world care about facts and figure, and world know that jew always alter the facts and figures.
But of course you're certain Israel killed little schmuck deserve zero credibility.

Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands?
Nope, Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands.
Well no one care about your surprise, world care about facts and figure, and world know that jew always alter the facts and figures.
But of course you're certain Israel killed little schmuck deserve zero credibility.

Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands?
Nope, Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands.
Right! By the hundred thousands...When the time comes they'll return the favor...

Time for you to read the Geneva conventions and see what they say about the Palestinians using civilian areas to wage war from
Why don't you join the cowardly IDF who are afraid to fight like real soldiers and go into hand to hand combat and take out the militants?

No you bomb from the sky terrorizing like the pussies that you are!
But of course you're certain Israel killed little schmuck deserve zero credibility.

Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands?
Nope, Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands.
But of course you're certain Israel killed little schmuck deserve zero credibility.

Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands?
Nope, Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands.
Right! By the hundred thousands...When the time comes they'll return the favor...

Time for you to read the Geneva conventions and see what they say about the Palestinians using civilian areas to wage war from
Why don't you join the cowardly IDF who are afraid to fight like real soldiers and go into hand to hand combat and take out the militants?

No you bomb from the sky terrorizing like the pussies that you are!
Bold words, do you realize its the screen you're actually talking to?
Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands?
Nope, Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands.
Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands?
Nope, Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands.
Right! By the hundred thousands...When the time comes they'll return the favor...

Time for you to read the Geneva conventions and see what they say about the Palestinians using civilian areas to wage war from
Why don't you join the cowardly IDF who are afraid to fight like real soldiers and go into hand to hand combat and take out the militants?

No you bomb from the sky terrorizing like the pussies that you are!
Bold words, do you realize its the screen you're actually talking to?
Well you answered IDF baby killer!!!
Nope, Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands.
Nope, Israelis don't kill Palestinians, in the thousands.
Right! By the hundred thousands...When the time comes they'll return the favor...

Time for you to read the Geneva conventions and see what they say about the Palestinians using civilian areas to wage war from
Why don't you join the cowardly IDF who are afraid to fight like real soldiers and go into hand to hand combat and take out the militants?

No you bomb from the sky terrorizing like the pussies that you are!
Bold words, do you realize its the screen you're actually talking to?
Well you answered IDF baby killer!!!
Oh, dearie-me, Daniyel, I don't think our friend 'pbel' thinks much of your service with the Israeli Defense Force.

He-she-it doesn't have anything constructive to say, about the Geneva Conventions, when applying them to Hamas and Fatah violations, concerning the routine and large-scale embedding of war-assets amongst civilian populations and residential neighborhoods and schools and hospitals and mosques, etc., but we can always count on "it" for a good laugh, when it emotionally and comically vents its spleen, cursing and denigrating and insulting its colleagues here on this board system.

That's a common failing amongst Hamas propaganda shills and Radical-Militant Muslim apologists and fifth columnists; perhaps that's what we're looking at here, but, I don't know with any degree of certainty.

Meanwhile, you are correct to point-out that Hamas and their other Palestinian and foreign militia and volunteer units bring most Palestinian civilian casualties down upon their own heads, through their cowardly, despicable practice of metaphorically hiding behind the skirts of their women and children, when they embed war-assets (rocket launchers, operations centers, barracks, staging areas, arms and munitions caches, etc.) within or in impractically close proximity to the kind of places that the Geneva Conventions so clearly forbid.

At that point, of course, such civilian populations lose the protections of the Geneva Conventions, with respect to Israeli bombardment and assault, and the Israelis are then free and clear to take-out those war-assets, as part of legitimate targeting operations.

Hamas is responsible for the vast majority of civilian collateral casualties in any of the Gaza Wars or incursions or sorties, since they assumed power in the Gaza Strip.
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Right! By the hundred thousands...When the time comes they'll return the favor...

Time for you to read the Geneva conventions and see what they say about the Palestinians using civilian areas to wage war from
Why don't you join the cowardly IDF who are afraid to fight like real soldiers and go into hand to hand combat and take out the militants?

No you bomb from the sky terrorizing like the pussies that you are!
Bold words, do you realize its the screen you're actually talking to?
Well you answered IDF baby killer!!!
Oh, dearie-me, Daniyel, I don't think our friend 'pbel' thinks much of your service with the Israeli Defense Force.

He-she-it doesn't have anything constructive to say, about the Geneva conventions, when applying them to Hamas and Fatah violations, concerning the routine and large-scale embedding of war-assets amongst civilian populations and residential neighborhoods and schools and hospitals and mosques, etc., but we can always count on "it" for a good laugh, when it vents its spleen, cursing and denigrating and insulting its colleagues here on this board system.

That's a common failing amongst Hamas propaganda shills and Radical-Militant Muslim apologists and fifth columnists; perhaps that's what we're looking at here, but, I don't know with any degree of certainty.

Meanwhile, you are correct to point-out that Hamas and their other Palestinian and foreign militia and volunteer units bring most Palestinian civilian casualties down upon their own heads, through their cowardly, despicable practice of metaphorically hiding behind the skirts of their women and children, when they embed war-assets (rocket launchers, operations centers, barracks, staging areas, arms and munitions caches, etc.) within or in impractically close proximity to the kind of places that the Geneva Conventions so clearly forbid.

At that point, of course, such civilian populations lose the protections of the Geneva Conventions, with respect to Israeli bombardment and assault.

Hamas is responsible for the vast majority of civilian collateral casualties in any of the Gaza Wars or incursions or sorties, since they assumed power in the Gaza Strip.
Careful IDF ass-licker, the whole world including the USA has condemned the IDF atrocities...Your Kondor toilet paper brand is selling very well, I hear...We'll save you a roll to wipe your mouth!
...Careful IDF ass-licker, the whole world including the USA has condemned the IDF atrocities...
See, Daniyel, our friend "pbel" may be an Equal Opportunity Tourrettes Syndrome spleen-venter - it's not just you.

Having been bitch-slapped so frequently, by so many pro-Israeli posters, and even by a great many neutral and objective ones, and having been laughed-at so often by those whom he-she-it attempts to insult, its mental condition may have deteriorated to the point where even after a 'vacation' from the forum for a few days, the first words out of its mouth are bitter invective and insult and derogatory commentary, rather than anything constructive which contributes anything substantive to the conversation. We may be looking at a degenerative condition here. Difficult to say.

...Your Kondor toilet paper brand is selling very well, I hear...We'll save you a roll to wipe your mouth!
What toilet paper would that be, miscreant?

As has so often been the case in recent months, you make no sense. Perhaps you need a longer break away from the IP forum?

Do you have anything substantive and meaningful to add to the conversation, or are you just here to troll, harass, and attempt (and fail !) to silence the voice of opposition to your own agenda?

Care to address Daniyel's (quite correct) observation that Hamas et al routinely violate the Geneva Conventions by recklessly endangering their own civilian populations through their placement of war-assets in close proximity to or amongst their civilians - thereby exposing those civilians to legitimate military targeting operations?
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...Careful IDF ass-licker, the whole world including the USA has condemned the IDF atrocities...
See, Daniyel, our friend "pbel" is an Equal Opportunity Tourrettes Syndrome spleen-venter - it's not just you.

Having been bitch-slapped so frequently, by so many pro-Israeli posters, and even by a great many neutral and objective ones, and having been laughed-at so often by those whom he-she-it attempts to insult, its mental condition may have deteriorated to the point where even after a 'vacation' from the forum for a few days, the first words out of its mouth are bitter invective and insult and derogatory commentary, rather than anything constructive which contributes anything substantive to the conversation. We may be looking at a degenerative condition here. Difficult to say.

...Your Kondor toilet paper brand is selling very well, I hear...We'll save you a roll to wipe your mouth!
What toilet paper would that be, miscreant?

As has so often been the case in recent months, you make no sense. Perhaps you need a longer break away from the IP forum?

Do you have anything substantive and meaningful to add to the conversation, or are you just here to troll, harass, and attempt to silence the voice of opposition to your own agenda?
Sure, your racism of pushing to maim and expel Palestinian from their homeland makes you one of the most disgusting posters on these boards.

As for your toilet paper brand, here is the roll I saved for you!

...Sure, your racism of pushing to maim and expel Palestinian from their homeland makes you one of the most disgusting posters on these boards....
The Palestinians (nor even the Jews, for that matter) are not a 'race' - therefore, any suggestions regarding their fate or disposition are not 'racial' in nature.

Good luck in finding a single shred of evidence throughout my entire posting history in which I suggest that Palestinians should be maimed or killed without prior provocation (without them first attacking the Israelis or other Jews).

It doesn't exist - it's a lie - but that's never stopped you in the past.

I do, indeed, believe that the removal of the remaining Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza, and expelling them into Jordan and Lebanon, is the ultimate (and only remaining untried) answer to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, akin to the massive Expulsions and Forcing-Outs of Jews from many Muslim countries in the 1948-1975 timeframe. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. The Israelis have the muscle to do it, and there will be nobody to stop them, if they decide to do that. But that's up to them, not me.

Being called 'disgusting' by you - an obvious Palestinian propaganda shill - is high praise indeed... I am content.
Kondor don't waste time over Pbel, no point talking to him.
There was a time when that was not true, but, then came the behavioral changes, and...
... rather sad, actually.

But we digress.

On with the show.

Just to recap, I think you were right to bring up large-scale violations of the Geneva Conventions by Hamas during this most recent Gaza War (II).
...Sure, your racism of pushing to maim and expel Palestinian from their homeland makes you one of the most disgusting posters on these boards....
6. The estimated total population has increased in the 15 years from 1922 to the middle of 1937, by 631,272 persons. The increase is due to immigration and to the excess of births over deaths, the allocation of the total increases between these two factors being estimated to be as follows:--

All religions.Moslems.Jews.Christians.Others.
Total increase
of population
Increase by










- See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the LoN 31 December 1937

Good luck in finding a single shred of evidence throughout my entire posting history in which I suggest that Palestinians should be maimed or killed without prior provocation (without them first attacking the Israelis or other Jews).

It doesn't exist - it's a lie - but that's never stopped you in the past.

I do, indeed, believe that the removal of the remaining Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza, and expelling them into Jordan and Lebanon, is the ultimate (and only remaining untried) answer to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, akin to the massive Expulsions and Forcing-Outs of Jews from many Muslim countries in the 1948-1975 timeframe. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. The Israelis have the muscle to do it, and there will be nobody to stop them, if they decide to do that. But that's up to them, not me.

Being called 'disgusting' by you - an obvious Palestinian propaganda shill - is high praise indeed... I am content.
...Sure, your racism of pushing to maim and expel Palestinian from their homeland makes you one of the most disgusting posters on these boards....
The Palestinians (nor even the Jews, for that matter) are not a 'race' - therefore, any suggestions regarding their fate or disposition are not 'racial' in nature.

Good luck in finding a single shred of evidence throughout my entire posting history in which I suggest that Palestinians should be maimed or killed without prior provocation (without them first attacking the Israelis or other Jews).

It doesn't exist - it's a lie - but that's never stopped you in the past.

I do, indeed, believe that the removal of the remaining Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza, and expelling them into Jordan and Lebanon, is the ultimate (and only remaining untried) answer to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, akin to the massive Expulsions and Forcing-Outs of Jews from many Muslim countries in the 1948-1975 timeframe. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. The Israelis have the muscle to do it, and there will be nobody to stop them, if they decide to do that. But that's up to them, not me.

Being called 'disgusting' by you - an obvious Palestinian propaganda shill - is high praise indeed... I am content.

"The Palestinians (nor even the Jews, for that matter) are not a 'race' - therefore, any suggestions regarding their fate or disposition are not 'racial' in nature."

You need to update your definition of racism

"discriminatory behaviors and beliefs based on cultural, national, ethnic, caste, or religious stereotypes."
...Sure, your racism of pushing to maim and expel Palestinian from their homeland makes you one of the most disgusting posters on these boards....
6. The estimated total population has increased in the 15 years from 1922 to the middle of 1937, by 631,272 persons. The increase is due to immigration and to the excess of births over deaths, the allocation of the total increases between these two factors being estimated to be as follows:--

All religions.Moslems.Jews.Christians.Others.
Total increase
of population
Increase by










- See more at: Mandate for Palestine - Report of the Mandatory to the LoN 31 December 1937

Good luck in finding a single shred of evidence throughout my entire posting history in which I suggest that Palestinians should be maimed or killed without prior provocation (without them first attacking the Israelis or other Jews).

It doesn't exist - it's a lie - but that's never stopped you in the past.

I do, indeed, believe that the removal of the remaining Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza, and expelling them into Jordan and Lebanon, is the ultimate (and only remaining untried) answer to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, akin to the massive Expulsions and Forcing-Outs of Jews from many Muslim countries in the 1948-1975 timeframe. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. The Israelis have the muscle to do it, and there will be nobody to stop them, if they decide to do that. But that's up to them, not me.

Being called 'disgusting' by you - an obvious Palestinian propaganda shill - is high praise indeed... I am content.
...Sure, your racism of pushing to maim and expel Palestinian from their homeland makes you one of the most disgusting posters on these boards....
The Palestinians (nor even the Jews, for that matter) are not a 'race' - therefore, any suggestions regarding their fate or disposition are not 'racial' in nature.

Good luck in finding a single shred of evidence throughout my entire posting history in which I suggest that Palestinians should be maimed or killed without prior provocation (without them first attacking the Israelis or other Jews).

It doesn't exist - it's a lie - but that's never stopped you in the past.

I do, indeed, believe that the removal of the remaining Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza, and expelling them into Jordan and Lebanon, is the ultimate (and only remaining untried) answer to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, akin to the massive Expulsions and Forcing-Outs of Jews from many Muslim countries in the 1948-1975 timeframe. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. The Israelis have the muscle to do it, and there will be nobody to stop them, if they decide to do that. But that's up to them, not me.

Being called 'disgusting' by you - an obvious Palestinian propaganda shill - is high praise indeed... I am content.

"The Palestinians (nor even the Jews, for that matter) are not a 'race' - therefore, any suggestions regarding their fate or disposition are not 'racial' in nature."

You need to update your definition of racism

"discriminatory behaviors and beliefs based on cultural, national, ethnic, caste, or religious stereotypes."
Neither the Oxford Dictionary ( racism definition of racism in Oxford dictionary American English US )...

Nor the Merriam-Webster Dictionary ( Racism - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary ) that supposed extension of the definition.

I'll stick with the conventional and widely-held definition, thank you.
Kondor don't waste time over Pbel, no point talking to him.
There was a time when that was not true, but, then came the behavioral changes, and...
... rather sad, actually.

But we digress.

On with the show.

Just to recap, I think you were right to bring up large-scale violations of the Geneva Conventions by Hamas during this most recent Gaza War (II).

I also wonder what happened to Pbel.

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