The World is on to Israel...

The local Arab population (Christian, Jewish and Muslim) from Ottoman times has shown normal stable growth, the European Jewish population grew disproportionately as a result of mass immigration. The stories about Arabs being recent arrivals is simply propaganda, most neutrals know this.

As you can see on the Jewish Virtual Library, the Muslims and Christians made up about 95% of the population during Ottoman times. The Jews only became a factor after Europeans began settling there.

Population of Israel/Palestine (1553-Present) | Jewish Virtual Library

But not sufficiently enough to cause concern to the more excessive muslims. How can 553,600 Jews be a threat to 1,062,270 muslims. This is were your attempts fall down when you make false claims of the Jews being in the majority when they were still outnumbered 2 to 1.

It is also disingenuous to compare Israel alone when your previous remarks were for the whole of the area. More manipulation to twist the evidence towards your pro muslim stance.

Check the news today. Demolitions in the West Bank have increased.

No different to the demolitions in Hebron, Bethlehem and Jerusalem UNDER MUSLIM CONTROL 1948 TO 1967. When Jewish buildings were destroyed to remove all trace of there ever having been a Jewish culture in the towns. The destruction of the Temple Mount goes on daily as the muslims try to remove all traces of the Jews from the world
No different to the demolitions in Hebron, Bethlehem and Jerusalem UNDER MUSLIM CONTROL 1948 TO 1967. When Jewish buildings were destroyed to remove all trace of there ever having been a Jewish culture in the towns. The destruction of the Temple Mount goes on daily as the muslims try to remove all traces of the Jews from the world
Got any proof of that?
The local Arab population (Christian, Jewish and Muslim) from Ottoman times has shown normal stable growth, the European Jewish population grew disproportionately as a result of mass immigration. The stories about Arabs being recent arrivals is simply propaganda, most neutrals know this.

As you can see on the Jewish Virtual Library, the Muslims and Christians made up about 95% of the population during Ottoman times. The Jews only became a factor after Europeans began settling there.

Population of Israel/Palestine (1553-Present) | Jewish Virtual Library

But not sufficiently enough to cause concern to the more excessive muslims. How can 553,600 Jews be a threat to 1,062,270 muslims. This is were your attempts fall down when you make false claims of the Jews being in the majority when they were still outnumbered 2 to 1.

It is also disingenuous to compare Israel alone when your previous remarks were for the whole of the area. More manipulation to twist the evidence towards your pro muslim stance.

"when you make false claims of the Jews being in the majority"

I never claimed that European Jews were a majority, I said their population tripled in the period of time I was discussing, you have reading comprehension problems.

"How can 553,600 Jews be a threat to 1,062,270 muslims"

When European Jews are arriving at the rate of around 70,000 a year after 1945, it doesn't take a mathematician to understand that the non-Jews feared being overrun in less than 10 years, which in fact happened.

"disingenuous to compare Israel alone when your previous remarks were for the whole of the area."

The years we are discussing are British Mandate and Ottoman numbers, the whole of the area, not just Israel. Again, you need to work on your reading comprehension.

Then what about the halt called to the Jewish migration when arab muslims flooded the country, did you seriously believe that I would not know about that. How many arab muslims migrated in that period when the Jewish population was stagnant. Your whole claim is that the numbers of Jews migrating to Palestine was a threat because of the numbers, yet the reality is the arab muslims were still in the majority and so they were the bigger threat.

Look at your link again as the last column shows the results for ISRAEL ALONE AND DISREGARDS THE REST OF PALESTINE
the local arab population (christian, jewish and muslim) from ottoman times has shown normal stable growth, the european jewish population grew disproportionately as a result of mass immigration. The stories about arabs being recent arrivals is simply propaganda, most neutrals know this.

As you can see on the jewish virtual library, the muslims and christians made up about 95% of the population during ottoman times. The jews only became a factor after europeans began settling there.

population of israel/palestine (1553-present) | jewish virtual library

but not sufficiently enough to cause concern to the more excessive muslims. How can 553,600 jews be a threat to 1,062,270 muslims. This is were your attempts fall down when you make false claims of the jews being in the majority when they were still outnumbered 2 to 1.

It is also disingenuous to compare israel alone when your previous remarks were for the whole of the area. More manipulation to twist the evidence towards your pro muslim stance.

check the news today. Demolitions in the west bank have increased.

off topic
Then what about the halt called to the Jewish migration when arab muslims flooded the country, did you seriously believe that I would not know about that. How many arab muslims migrated in that period when the Jewish population was stagnant. Your whole claim is that the numbers of Jews migrating to Palestine was a threat because of the numbers, yet the reality is the arab muslims were still in the majority and so they were the bigger threat.

Look at your link again as the last column shows the results for ISRAEL ALONE AND DISREGARDS THE REST OF PALESTINE
The arab muslims were just farmers.

Zionists migrated in their own jewish terrorist organizations like Irgun and started attacking those farmers.

hardly an unbiased source is it seeing as it is an Iranian propaganda outlet.

Try something less biased against Israel to show that gaza was occupied between 2005 and 2007 ?

What did she say that was incorrect?


You tell me as I closed it down as soon as I saw it was Iranian propaganda.

But what has it to do with the fact gaza was not occupied between August 2005 and 2007 yet the attacks on Israel increased 100 fold ?
You tell me as I closed it down as soon as I saw it was Iranian propaganda.

But what has it to do with the fact gaza was not occupied between August 2005 and 2007 yet the attacks on Israel increased 100 fold ?
Just because you call it propaganda, doesn't mean it is propaganda.

And I've already proven to you that Israel did not relinquish control over Gaza after they left in '05, yet you keep pushing that lie.
No different to the demolitions in Hebron, Bethlehem and Jerusalem UNDER MUSLIM CONTROL 1948 TO 1967. When Jewish buildings were destroyed to remove all trace of there ever having been a Jewish culture in the towns. The destruction of the Temple Mount goes on daily as the muslims try to remove all traces of the Jews from the world
Got any proof of that?

You mean like these

Captured Jewish Holy Sites Desecrated

After the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem was captured, the destruction, desecration and systematic looting of Jewish sites began and continued. 57 ancient synagogues(the oldest dated to the 13th century), libraries and centers of religious study were ransacked and 12 were totally and deliberately destroyed. Those that remained standing were defaced, used for housing of both people and animals. The city's foremost Jewish shrine, the Western Wall, became a slum.

Temple Mount Destruction | Temple Mount | Biblical Archaeology Review

The Temple Institute: Moslem Destruction on The Temple Mount
You mean like these

Captured Jewish Holy Sites Desecrated

After the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem was captured, the destruction, desecration and systematic looting of Jewish sites began and continued. 57 ancient synagogues(the oldest dated to the 13th century), libraries and centers of religious study were ransacked and 12 were totally and deliberately destroyed. Those that remained standing were defaced, used for housing of both people and animals. The city's foremost Jewish shrine, the Western Wall, became a slum.

Temple Mount Destruction | Temple Mount | Biblical Archaeology Review

The Temple Institute: Moslem Destruction on The Temple Mount
That's pretty fucked for muslim groups to do that. Ancient holy sites for all religions should be protected.

I have to say, what the Jordanian's did in Jerusalem, is the same thing the Israeli's are doing in these illegal settlements in the West Bank, so I have no sympathy for Israeli's on that issue.

And lastly, I do not believe this...

the Israeli government pursues a policy of tacit acquiescence.
That's like saying Charles Manson is pro-life.
You mean like these

Captured Jewish Holy Sites Desecrated

After the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem was captured, the destruction, desecration and systematic looting of Jewish sites began and continued. 57 ancient synagogues(the oldest dated to the 13th century), libraries and centers of religious study were ransacked and 12 were totally and deliberately destroyed. Those that remained standing were defaced, used for housing of both people and animals. The city's foremost Jewish shrine, the Western Wall, became a slum.

Temple Mount Destruction | Temple Mount | Biblical Archaeology Review

The Temple Institute: Moslem Destruction on The Temple Mount
That's pretty fucked for muslim groups to do that. Ancient holy sites for all religions should be protected.

I have to say, what the Jordanian's did in Jerusalem, is the same thing the Israeli's are doing in these illegal settlements in the West Bank, so I have no sympathy for Israeli's on that issue.

And lastly, I do not believe this...

the Israeli government pursues a policy of tacit acquiescence.
That's like saying Charles Manson is pro-life.

Hardly the same at all as the muslims are trying to fulfil the words of ahmedinajad when he said that the Jews would be wiped from the pages of history. All they need to do is remove all historical traces of the Jews and they cant show they were ever in the M.E.

Can you prove that the settlements are illegal, because to do so you would also show that the right of return is illegal. The Jews make the same claims that the Palestinians are that the land is theirs stolen in 1948 by the arab armies/Jews. They are claiming their right of return to land that was theirs and are settling on such land. The Jews can use the same methods as the arabs and produce rusty old keys as evidence of ownership. Now to disregard the Jews claims you must also disregard the Palestinians claims or show RACIAL BIAS.
The balls in your court.
No different to the demolitions in Hebron, Bethlehem and Jerusalem UNDER MUSLIM CONTROL 1948 TO 1967. When Jewish buildings were destroyed to remove all trace of there ever having been a Jewish culture in the towns. The destruction of the Temple Mount goes on daily as the muslims try to remove all traces of the Jews from the world
Got any proof of that?

You mean like these

Captured Jewish Holy Sites Desecrated

After the Jewish Quarter of Jerusalem was captured, the destruction, desecration and systematic looting of Jewish sites began and continued. 57 ancient synagogues(the oldest dated to the 13th century), libraries and centers of religious study were ransacked and 12 were totally and deliberately destroyed. Those that remained standing were defaced, used for housing of both people and animals. The city's foremost Jewish shrine, the Western Wall, became a slum.

Temple Mount Destruction | Temple Mount | Biblical Archaeology Review

The Temple Institute: Moslem Destruction on The Temple Mount

Western Wall 1870s

Hardly the same at all as the muslims are trying to fulfil the words of ahmedinajad when he said that the Jews would be wiped from the pages of history.
Ahmedinajad didn't say that.

The former ayatollah (they used as a piñata at his funeral), was the one who said that.

Can you prove that the settlements are illegal,
Of coarse I can.

It is illegal to change the demographics of an area under occupation.
It is true that much of the world understands Israel's war crimes and other violations of international law.

The problem is the USA where too many Americans are ignorant of the facts and are brainwashed by religious extremism.
hardly an unbiased source is it seeing as it is an Iranian propaganda outlet.

Try something less biased against Israel to show that gaza was occupied between 2005 and 2007 ?

What did she say that was incorrect?


You tell me as I closed it down as soon as I saw it was Iranian propaganda.

But what has it to do with the fact gaza was not occupied between August 2005 and 2007 yet the attacks on Israel increased 100 fold ?

Like Iran tells Laila El Haddad what to say. :lol::lol::lol:


If you would watch the video, your questions would be answered.

[ame=]Laila El-Haddad, Journalist, Author, Gaza Mom-The Autograph-09-21-2011 - YouTube[/ame]
You tell me as I closed it down as soon as I saw it was Iranian propaganda.

But what has it to do with the fact gaza was not occupied between August 2005 and 2007 yet the attacks on Israel increased 100 fold ?
Just because you call it propaganda, doesn't mean it is propaganda.

And I've already proven to you that Israel did not relinquish control over Gaza after they left in '05, yet you keep pushing that lie.

I understand that there is an approximate 2 mile no man's land that separates S'derot from where Gazans actually reside.
This is the area utilized by Arabs to fire rockets.
Apparently, Israel is saddled with the responsibility of monitoring the zone.
Apparently, the Gazans are saddled with the responsibility of...They have no sense of responsibility.
I understand that there is an approximate 2 mile no man's land that separates S'derot from where Gazans actually reside.
This is the area utilized by Arabs to fire rockets.
Apparently, Israel is saddled with the responsibility of monitoring the zone.
Apparently, the Gazans are saddled with the responsibility of...They have no sense of responsibility.
That saddling of responsibility you're referring to, is a war crime.
It is true that much of the world understands Israel's war crimes and other violations of international law.

The problem is the USA where too many Americans are ignorant of the facts and are brainwashed by religious extremism.
Or maybe we just don't care enough to do something about it?

If I was President, I'd end all military shipments to Israel, freeze all Israeli assets in US banks, outlaw AIPAC within the continental United States and submit a resolution to the UNSC telling Israel they got 90 days to get their ass out of the OPT, or their "ass", will be removed for them.
I understand that there is an approximate 2 mile no man's land that separates S'derot from where Gazans actually reside.
This is the area utilized by Arabs to fire rockets.
Apparently, Israel is saddled with the responsibility of monitoring the zone.
Apparently, the Gazans are saddled with the responsibility of...They have no sense of responsibility.
That saddling of responsibility you're referring to, is a war crime.

Where does that conclusion come from?
Where does that conclusion come from?
The blockade collectively punishes the entire population of Gaza.

"Collective punishment" is a war crime.

There's a blockade between Israel and Gaza?
I think your Jew hating is causing you to be confused.
Every nation has the right to guard it's borders.
The blockade is a separate issue keeping weapons out of Gaza.
If the Gazans want weapons, they can get them from Egypt.

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