The World Cup discussion thread

England supporters in Moscow have called any Three Lions fans who stayed at home a ā€œmug,ā€ after being saved by a Russian after losing their wallets.

Friends and Three Lions fans Aaron and Jamie, from London, made the journey over to Russia to support Gareth Southgateā€™s men in the 2018 World Cup and have told of their ā€œunbelievableā€ time in the country.

ā€œUnbelievable, absolutely loving it. They said there was going to be trouble, there has been none whatsoever - everyoneā€™s lovely,ā€ Aaron said outside a bar on Nikolskaya Street, near Red Square, the Russian capitalā€™s iconic epicenter, which had been temporarily taken over by England fans.

ā€œAnyone whoā€™s stayed at home, youā€™re a mug, you should have come out here!"

ā€˜If you stayed home youā€™re a mug!ā€™ England fans on 'unbelievable' Russia World Cup trip

BTW, Tommy must be one of those mugs.:laughing0301:
Don't be so cruel.
People in west get used to believe western media. Us in Russia and former Soviet republics do not believe blindly to ours, we try to find real facts and proves and analyse ourselves.
So western people are victims of lying propaganda...they shouldn't be blamed but feel pity for them.
England supporters in Moscow have called any Three Lions fans who stayed at home a ā€œmug,ā€ after being saved by a Russian after losing their wallets.

Friends and Three Lions fans Aaron and Jamie, from London, made the journey over to Russia to support Gareth Southgateā€™s men in the 2018 World Cup and have told of their ā€œunbelievableā€ time in the country.

ā€œUnbelievable, absolutely loving it. They said there was going to be trouble, there has been none whatsoever - everyoneā€™s lovely,ā€ Aaron said outside a bar on Nikolskaya Street, near Red Square, the Russian capitalā€™s iconic epicenter, which had been temporarily taken over by England fans.

ā€œAnyone whoā€™s stayed at home, youā€™re a mug, you should have come out here!"

ā€˜If you stayed home youā€™re a mug!ā€™ England fans on 'unbelievable' Russia World Cup trip

BTW, Tommy must be one of those mugs.:laughing0301:
Don't be so cruel.
People in west get used to believe western media. Us in Russia and former Soviet republics do not believe blindly to ours, we try to find real facts and proves and analyse ourselves.
So western people are victims of lying propaganda...they shouldn't be blamed but feel pity for them.
Have you noticed it was NOT me who called them "mugs", it was their buddies countrymen.

As for me I really feel pity for them as for victims of heavy propaganda and residents of a parallel world. But they seem to enjoy that parallel world and are trying to drag more and more people into it away from the reality.

BTW, the coup in our home country of Ukraine became possible due the people like that both in the West and in Ukraine. And now millions of Ukrainian residents have been suffering under Kiev junta for more than 4 years and God knows how many more. And that is just one example of many. After I think about that I'm not so sure WHOM I have to have more pity for: them or us...
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Dear Tilly, congrats for the victory of British team!

English fans have called for the UK foreign secretary to "apologize" for appearing to back a boycott, while others have called Johnson a "scoundrel" and a "clown," and some have laughed off the idea of a boycott in the shadow of their joy:

*Theresa May and Boris Johnson boycotting the #Russia2018 World Cup is the best thing that could ever have happened to Team #England. Reckon every football lover wishes they stay gone, it is crystal clear their absence is just what the doctor ordered. ā€¦

*Can you imagine how many more England fans could have been there to enjoy it if Boris Johnson and the UK media had not been so Russophobic? @FIFAWorldCup @RSGovUK @RussianEmbassy @MoscowTimes

*Can you imagine how many more England fans could have been there to enjoy it if Boris Johnson and the UK media had not been so Russophobic? @FIFAWorldCup @RSGovUK @RussianEmbassy @MoscowTimes

and so on and on...

Many fans expressed their disgust at politics interfering with football, which was a feeling echoed by England manager Gareth Southgate in the lead-up to the tournament.

ā€˜Football the winner, scoundrels the losers': England fans berate Boris Johnson after World Cup win
Will you fucking twats STFU about politics for just ONE thread!

We have to wallow in Tommy Tainant ā€™s misery!

Will you fucking twats STFU about politics for just ONE thread!
Dear Toro, we could have stayed without politics in this thread if some politicians have not already mixed politics with sports trying to hurt Russia but hurting the fans of their own country instead. Actually, it would be too funny if it was not too sad.

Before Wold Cup has started Teresa May and Boris Johnson did their best to scare English fans from coming to Russia, so many of them stayed home.
If we don't boycott the World Cup, England fans will probably die in Russia

After British team has won yesterday lots of Brits rushed to buy tickets to Samara for Saturday match between Brits and Swedes.
England fans in mad scramble for tickets to Samara for quarter-final

And to get to Russia they need to get them fan IDs where? ... Right, in the Russian Embassy. But the Embassy can't work as fast as they want because UK has expelled 23 Russian diplomats lately.
Britain Expels 23 Russian Diplomats Over Ex-Spyā€™s Poisoning

So, dear Toro, you need to explain English fans now how to stay away from politics (and how to stay away from some idiotic politicians especially, when they run your country).

P.S. It MUST be Putin, who hacked Colombians yesterday, made Brits win and thus made Teresa May and Boris Johnson look ridiculous. :lmao:
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Will you fucking twats STFU about politics for just ONE thread!
Dear Toro, we could have stayed without politics in this thread if some politicians have not already mixed politics with sports trying to hurt Russia but hurting the fans of their own country instead. Actually, it would be too funny if it was not too sad.

Before Wold Cup has started Teresa May and Boris Johnson did their best to scare English fans from coming to Russia, so many of them stayed home.
If we don't boycott the World Cup, England fans will probably die in Russia

After British team has won yesterday lots of Brits rushed to buy them tickets to Samara for Saturday match between Brits and Swedes.
England fans in mad scramble for tickets to Samara for quarter-final

And to get to Russia they need to get them fan IDs where? ... Right, in the Russian Embassy. But the Embassy can't work as fast as they want because UK has expelled 23 Russian diplomats lately.
Britain Expels 23 Russian Diplomats Over Ex-Spyā€™s Poisoning

So, dear Toro, you need to explain how stay away from politics to English fans now (and how to stay away from some idiotic politicians especially, when they run your country).

Will you fucking twats STFU about politics for just ONE thread!
Dear Toro, we could have stayed without politics in this thread if some politicians have not already mixed politics with sports trying to hurt Russia but hurting the fans of their own country instead. Actually, it would be too funny if it was not too sad.

Before Wold Cup has started Teresa May and Boris Johnson did their best to scare English fans from coming to Russia, so many of them stayed home.
If we don't boycott the World Cup, England fans will probably die in Russia

After British team has won yesterday lots of Brits rushed to buy them tickets to Samara for Saturday match between Brits and Swedes.
England fans in mad scramble for tickets to Samara for quarter-final

And to get to Russia they need to get them fan IDs where? ... Right, in the Russian Embassy. But the Embassy can't work as fast as they want because UK has expelled 23 Russian diplomats lately.
Britain Expels 23 Russian Diplomats Over Ex-Spyā€™s Poisoning

So, dear Toro, you need to explain how stay away from politics to English fans now (and how to stay away from some idiotic politicians especially, when they run your country).

View attachment 202918
Is that your strongest argument to what I've said above, low IQ individual? And it must have a lot to do with the sports and the subject of this thread, ha?
I understand Toro well. And I agree with him that there should be just sport here in sport thread.
And I fully agree with you as all your arguments are absolutely true.

I think we shouldn't act like our governments who oppose each other in every sphere but be smarter than they are and separate political discussions from some specific.

You know, observing this Cup I get huge pleasure from foreigners' impressions of Russia.
A lot of stereotypes crashed, a lot of new they have known about Russia and Russians.
They are surprised with modern developed infrastructure though Obama said our economy is torn into pieces...
But the most important is that sport event itself is organized at the highest level and let sport win politics!
I understand Toro well. And I agree with him that there should be just sport here in sport thread.
And I fully agree with you as all your arguments are absolutely true.

I think we shouldn't act like our governments who oppose each other in every sphere but be smarter than they are and separate political discussions from some specific.

You know, observing this Cup I get huge pleasure from foreigners' impressions of Russia.
A lot of stereotypes crashed, a lot of new they have known about Russia and Russians.
They are surprised with modern developed infrastructure though Obama said our economy is torn into pieces...
But the most important is that sport event itself is organized at the highest level and let sport win politics!
Except for one or two posts I mainly have been posting World Cup info, that's what the title of this thread is. It includes the World Cup organization and its guests' impressions about it. I think I'm 100% innocent. Oh, may be just 90%....;)

And yes, Russia can be proud of her World Cup and the guests seem to be happy. It's gonna be a big blow on anti-Russian propaganda. And I just love that.

The ongoing World Cup has taken over Russia captivating practically everyone, including ballerinas who came out on the street to enjoy the football extravaganza with fans.

TUTU excited! Ballerina bursts into dance after Russiaā€™s shock victory over Spain

En pointe football: Ballerina gives master class to fans outside Bolshoi Theatre (VIDEO)
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Will you fucking twats STFU about politics for just ONE thread!
Dear Toro, we could have stayed without politics in this thread if some politicians have not already mixed politics with sports trying to hurt Russia but hurting the fans of their own country instead. Actually, it would be too funny if it was not too sad.

Before Wold Cup has started Teresa May and Boris Johnson did their best to scare English fans from coming to Russia, so many of them stayed home.
If we don't boycott the World Cup, England fans will probably die in Russia

After British team has won yesterday lots of Brits rushed to buy them tickets to Samara for Saturday match between Brits and Swedes.
England fans in mad scramble for tickets to Samara for quarter-final

And to get to Russia they need to get them fan IDs where? ... Right, in the Russian Embassy. But the Embassy can't work as fast as they want because UK has expelled 23 Russian diplomats lately.
Britain Expels 23 Russian Diplomats Over Ex-Spyā€™s Poisoning

So, dear Toro, you need to explain how stay away from politics to English fans now (and how to stay away from some idiotic politicians especially, when they run your country).

View attachment 202918
Is that your strongest argument to what I've said above, low IQ individual? And it must have a lot to do with the sports and the subject of this thread, ha?

Iā€™m not reading anything you post other than your first sentence, because I realize that you are so socially unaware that you canā€™t STFU about politics for one GD second and talk about something else. So prove to everyone that you arenā€™t the bore at the party that no one wants to sit beside and drop the politics for one single thread.
Will you fucking twats STFU about politics for just ONE thread!

We have to wallow in Tommy Tainant ā€™s misery!

View attachment 202839
I can see the bastards beating Sweden as well.
View attachment 202938

Donā€™t lose heart, Tammy. I think we have a history split almost 50:50 between winning/losing against Sweden, so you may be able to indulge in the laughter you said you are so looking forward to by teatime Saturday :wink_2:
Sweden are nothing special this time. I cant see any problems for you.
Will you fucking twats STFU about politics for just ONE thread!

We have to wallow in Tommy Tainant ā€™s misery!

View attachment 202839
I can see the bastards beating Sweden as well.
View attachment 202938

Donā€™t lose heart, Tammy. I think we have a history split almost 50:50 between winning/losing against Sweden, so you may be able to indulge in the laughter you said you are so looking forward to by teatime Saturday :wink_2:
Sweden are nothing special this time. I cant see any problems for you.
Will you fucking twats STFU about politics for just ONE thread!

We have to wallow in Tommy Tainant ā€™s misery!

View attachment 202839
I can see the bastards beating Sweden as well.
View attachment 202938

Donā€™t lose heart, Tammy. I think we have a history split almost 50:50 between winning/losing against Sweden, so you may be able to indulge in the laughter you said you are so looking forward to by teatime Saturday :wink_2:
Sweden are nothing special this time. I cant see any problems for you.
It will be a long night.
Pub chain charges 50p a pint extra during world cup matches.

A major pub chain has been charging fans up to 50p more per pint during England games

A leading pub chain has been charging customers up to 50p more per drink during England matches. Stonegate Pubs, which has more than 690 sites nationwide with brands such as Slug and Lettuce, Yates, Popworld, and Walkabout, has reportedly increased prices to cover additional security costs. The hikes were first revealed in a Sun investigation, which found a Yates bar in Manchester had been charging a 20p match surplus. In Colchester, a Walkabout has been adding 25p to some drinks, while a pub in Harlow is adding on the full 50p.

I have absolutely no problem with this.

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