The world according to Trump: Anti globalist agenda


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
When Alexis de Tocqueville set forth his observations on American democracy, he began his story with a description of township government.

“It is man,” he said “who makes monarchies and establishes republics, but the township seems to come directly from the hand of God.” The oft-revered, sometimes maligned Frenchman’s instincts were sound on this point: Americ.................................
The World According to Trump: The Anti-Globalist Agenda

Trump has tapped the core of American character

As he un does the Globalist those who most hate Trump haven't a clue what the hell is going on. You can be sure that if they did they would support just about everything he is trying to UN DO...........but oh well Indoctrinated will be Indoctrinated you usually can't fix stupid.

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