The Woke ‘Model Minority’ Myth For progressives, Asian-American achievement is an embarrassment.


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Woke ‘Model Minority’ Myth
For progressives, Asian-American achievement is an embarrassment.
The Woke ‘Model Minority’ Myth - WSJ
22 Feb 2021 ~~ By William McGurn

The North Thurston Public Schools in Lacey, Wash., made headlines in November when their “equity report” classified Asian-Americans along with whites instead of as “students of color.” Apparently the Asian-Americans were doing too well academically to be students of color. After what the district said was “an overwhelming public response,” it admitted its “category choices” had “racist implications” and dropped the equity report from its website.

To normal Americans, it makes no sense. How are Asian-Americans not “people of color”? But give the North Thurston folks credit for following progressive logic to its conclusion. Modern progressive theory more or less divides the nation between the oppressors, defined as whites, and the oppressed, defined as everyone else. In this framework, achieving success puts you on the side of the oppressors and thus makes you white or “white-adjacent”—even if your family came from China or India.

Calling it progressive to send children of color the message that achievement is white is an irony lost on the woke. Bigoted laws such as the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 or actions such as the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II were once thought among the worst stains on American history left by anti-Asian racism. But these days the characterization of Asian-Americans as the “model minority” triggers the woke.
“Asian-Americans are caught in a bind—condemn the system of white supremacy and privilege along with other people of color or be ‘banished’ from the victim group as white-adjacent,” says Wenyuan Wu, executive director of Californians for Equal Rights. “The end goal here is to pit people against each other as if our hyphenated identities are bigger than our common destiny as Americans.”
The principal reason for this is the fact of Asian-American achievement. This is an embarrassment to progressives because it undermines the claim that structural racism dooms nonwhite citizens to the margins of the American dream. So Asian-American achievement must either be dismissed as somehow white or sacrificed at the altar of equity.

Anything the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats fear and want to claim as racist they equate with Whites... Ergo we have White hispanics, White Afro Americans and now white Asians.. But that's okay because we are inclusive and not racist. It just more Saul Alinsky logic used by the PM/DSA Commies.
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I get the point, but Asians really aren't colored. And frankly, I would think Hispanics would balk at the POC - Colored label as well.
Ummm yellow is a color

So is white.

In fact white is the combination of all colors, black is the absence of color.

Political correctness doesn't have to make sense.
Yes, the Asians are a real problem for the SJWs and Marxist fags that run the Democrat Agenda. Asians pretty much shatter their narrative that America is racist and only whites can prosper here. They do better in school, and they get nice jobs because they learn useful skills. And whitey isn’t holding them back.
Yes, the Asians are a real problem for the SJWs and Marxist fags that run the Democrat Agenda. Asians pretty much shatter their narrative that America is racist and only whites can prosper here. They do better in school, and they get nice jobs because they learn useful skills. And whitey isn’t holding them back.
Whitey isn`t holding them back, just beating them up. Why are you bringing your gay fantasies here again?

Anti-Asian attacks have left Bay Area activists bracing for more. (
Asian American Attacks: What's Behind the Rise in Violence? | Time
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Yes, the Asians are a real problem for the SJWs and Marxist fags that run the Democrat Agenda. Asians pretty much shatter their narrative that America is racist and only whites can prosper here. They do better in school, and they get nice jobs because they learn useful skills. And whitey isn’t holding them back.
Whitey isn`t holding them back, just beating them up. Why are you bringing your gay fantasies here again?

Anti-Asian attacks have left Bay Area activists bracing for more. (
Asian American Attacks: What's Behind the Rise in Violence? | Time
So now you’re blaming white people for attacks on Asians, when those are blacks committing the crime.

Congratulations, you’ve been successfully brainwashed.
So is white.

In fact white is the combination of all colors, black is the absence of color.

Political correctness doesn't have to make sense.
You got that backwards. White is the abscence of color. If you mix all colors together, you get black.

Asians don't like that Model Minority label. The term is racist.

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