Zone1 The Whole Story On What Scott Adams Said

If you were walking along a city street alone at dark and a black guy were following you, your odds of becoming a victim of crime are substantially higher than if a white guy were following you.

Itā€˜s basic statistics.

Funny, I've lived in Chicago all my life and have never been a victim of a street crime. I've had my house robbed once by persons unknown.

But I'm sure those posters of black people at the mall frighten you, you'd probably shit your panties if you encountered a black person on the street.

My contempt for little liberal white boys shrieking ā€œracist! racist!ā€ is only surpassed by my contempt for antisemitic little liberal whites boys shrieking ā€œRacist! racist!ā€ while simultaneously spewing their disdain for Jews.

By disdain, you mean legitimate criticism of Israeli oppression of the Palestinians? Um, yeah.

I did not know. Is that really so? Usually, genuine anti-Black racism and anti-Semitism go together. On this subject, I just read something today, I think it was on a NYC website about education, which pointed out that lowering the number of whites at elite schools (state schools) by stopping merit-based admissions in favor of race-based admissions ... in practice means lowering the number of Jews. To the extent there are any white kids left in places like Bronx Science, as opposed to Asian kids, they're overwhelmingly Jewish.

As well it should be. Jews and Asians were never slaves, never encountered anything like Jim Crow.

I'll make it very simple for your. We have Jews in this country because they found this country preferable to places like Germany and Russia where they were being legitimately oppressed.

We have blacks in this country because we rounded them up, put them in chains, made them slaves and are still oppressing them to this very day.
I did not know. Is that really so? Usually, genuine anti-Black racism and anti-Semitism go together. On this subject, I just read something today, I think it was on a NYC website about education, which pointed out that lowering the number of whites at elite schools (state schools) by stopping merit-based admissions in favor of race-based admissions ... in practice means lowering the number of Jews. To the extent there are any white kids left in places like Bronx Science, as opposed to Asian kids, they're overwhelmingly Jewish.
Iā€™ve found that anti-black racism and anti-semitism go together from ā€œrightiesā€ - equal opportunity bigots, I call them. But from ā€œlefties,ā€ oy vey. They rail on and on about about how evil racism is while spewing the most vile Jew-hatred.

As far as affirmative action reducing the number of Jews, of course it does. What that means is that bright and studious Jews, including those from poor families, have been rejected from educational opportunities in order to ā€make room forā€ less qualified blacks.

I have to look no further than my own parents and their siblings to realize the cost AA would have had. All of them were sons and daughters of poor, uneducated immigrants fleeing Jewish persecution in Europe, and they grew up in tenements.

But because the liberals hadnā€™t arrived on scene to get rid of stringent entrance exams and ignore GPA in order to get more blacks in above better students, all of them went on to get tuition-free college educations. As a result, all moved from cheap, walk-up tenements in NYC to home ownership in the suburbs within 10 years, and then on to a very comfortable upper-middle class life for their remaining years.

P.S. Blacks were in their college as well, having also earned their way in. But thatā€™s the difference: they EARNED their way in, rather than having their seat stolen on their behalf due to skin color.
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Iā€™ve found that anti-black racism and anti-semitism go together from ā€œrightiesā€ - equal opportunity bigots, I call them. But from ā€œlefties,ā€ oy vey. They rail on and on about about how evil racism is while spewing the most vile Jew-hatred.

As far as affirmative action reducing the number of Jews, of course it does. What that means is that bright and studious Jews, including those from poor families, have been rejected from educational opportunities in order to ā€make room forā€ less qualified blacks.

I have to look no further than my own parents and their siblings to realize the cost AA would have had. All of them were sons and daughters of poor, uneducated immigrants fleeing Jewish persecution in Europe, and they grew up in tenements.

But because the liberals hadnā€™t arrived on scene to get rid of stringent entrance exams and ignore GPA in order to get more blacks in above better students, all of them went on to get tuition-free college educations. As a result, all moved from cheap, walk-up tenements in NYC to home ownership in the suburbs within 10 years, and then on to a very comfortable upper-middle class life for their remaining years.

P.S. Blacks were in their college as well, having also earned their way in. But thatā€™s the difference: they EARNED their way in, rather than having their seat stolen on their behalf due to skin color.
I think "affirmative action" is actually reasonable, so long as it's based on income/social status, and not race. If we put extra resources into pre-college preparation -- including high-quality day care for very young children -- based on income, I would support that.

In practice, it would benefit Blacks and Hispanics more than, say, Asians or Jews, or other groups. But it wouldn't open up the invidious racial issue. What formal 'affirmative action' actually means is that Black kids who would do fine at a second-tier college, get put into top-tier colleges, where they struggle. And then everyone starts thinking, "They're only here, they've only passed that exam, they only got that degree, because they're Black."

Which then devalues the degrees of Blacks who got their degrees legitimately.

I supervised a Black fellow through to his PhD in Computer Science. He didn't get by affirmative action -- in fact, I know for a fact that at least one member of the Examining Committee that granted him the PhD was a racist, in the real sense of the term. But his work was genuine. (And he then went off and got a Law Degree!
And he's a Grade Eight -- highest possible-- in Music. ... [Ladies, he's unmarried as well! And handsome. His contact deails are available ... at a price.] )

He once asked me, after he got his doctorate, if he should immigrate to the US. (He was from a Caribbean island.) I told him if he did, he'd be snapped up any one of a dozen excellent universities ... but that everyone in America would assume he was in his position because he was Black. He stayed in Britain, where he teaches at a university here.

The Left are really destructive. They're now working to lower standards, so that non-whites can pass the courses, instead of working to improve the way we teach all children, including non-whites.

(I've mentioned it before, but in the UK, we have an outstand example of what real School Choice can do, in 'Michaela Community School', which equals or beats expensive private schools in its exam results, and whose study body is mainly non-white. Guess what teaching methods they use -- not 'progressive' ones.)

Even worse, these Leftist loons are forcing science and medical students to affirm that 'indigenous peoples' myths about human origins and medical methods should have parity of esteem with the methods and results of real science. We're heading towards the environment of the old Soviet Union, where everyone had to repeat things that no one believed.

Or may 'the old Soviet Union' is the wrong example. Actually, they're dragging us back to the Middle Ages. While the Chinese happily grab every scientific discovery of the West, make it their own, and then push it further. Their kids study calculus, ours study Critical Race Theory.

This will not end well.
I think "affirmative action" is actually reasonable, so long as it's based on income/social status, and not race. If we put extra resources into pre-college preparation -- including high-quality day care for very young children -- based on income, I would support that.

In practice, it would benefit Blacks and Hispanics more than, say, Asians or Jews, or other groups. But it wouldn't open up the invidious racial issue. What formal 'affirmative action' actually means is that Black kids who would do fine at a second-tier college, get put into top-tier colleges, where they struggle. And then everyone starts thinking, "They're only here, they've only passed that exam, they only got that degree, because they're Black."

Which then devalues the degrees of Blacks who got their degrees legitimately.

I supervised a Black fellow through to his PhD in Computer Science. He didn't get by affirmative action -- in fact, I know for a fact that at least one member of the Examining Committee that granted him the PhD was a racist, in the real sense of the term. But his work was genuine. (And he then went off and got a Law Degree!
And he's a Grade Eight -- highest possible-- in Music. ... [Ladies, he's unmarried as well! And handsome. His contact deails are available ... at a price.] )

He once asked me, after he got his doctorate, if he should immigrate to the US. (He was from a Caribbean island.) I told him if he did, he'd be snapped up any one of a dozen excellent universities ... but that everyone in America would assume he was in his position because he was Black. He stayed in Britain, where he teaches at a university here.

The Left are really destructive. They're now working to lower standards, so that non-whites can pass the courses, instead of working to improve the way we teach all children, including non-whites.

(I've mentioned it before, but in the UK, we have an outstand example of what real School Choice can do, in 'Michaela Community School', which equals or beats expensive private schools in its exam results, and whose study body is mainly non-white. Guess what teaching methods they use -- not 'progressive' ones.)

Even worse, these Leftist loons are forcing science and medical students to affirm that 'indigenous peoples' myths about human origins and medical methods should have parity of esteem with the methods and results of real science. We're heading towards the environment of the old Soviet Union, where everyone had to repeat things that no one believed.

Or may 'the old Soviet Union' is the wrong example. Actually, they're dragging us back to the Middle Ages. While the Chinese happily grab every scientific discovery of the West, make it their own, and then push it further. Their kids study calculus, ours study Critical Race Theory.

This will not end well.
We are on the same page. Iā€™ve said here a number of times that I would be in favor of affirmative action, with opportunities given to bright, high-achieving kids from poor or lower-middle income homes.

I would love to see a system in which the top 5% of every graduating class, per school, and from a HHI of less thanā€¦.sayā€¦.$100,000 gets a four-year tuition paid ride to the State U. Their continued ā€œrideā€ would be contingent on maintaining a 3.0 average and majoring in an approved field that would lead to a job. (IOW, taxpayers arenā€™t going to pay for a B.A. In Basket Weaving.)

The fact that the 5% would be competing within their own cohort eliminates the inequities that would arise from kids in suburban affluent areas having advantages over inner-city poor schools.

But you are so correct in expressing dismay in the race-based affirmative action occurring now. In the effort to get more blacks in, over more accomplished Asians and whites (and Jews), the libs are eliminating entrance exams and even hiding Merit Scholarships from winners.

When we prioritize race over competence, we end up with a dumbing-down of America. We end up with KJP as Press Secretary. We end up with Harris as VP. We end up with the nominee for the head of the FAA who couldnā€™t answer some basic questions (even though he had months to prepare.)

Now, before the libs reign down on me, I am NOT saying the best and brightest cannot be a black. But, based on statistics, the best and brightest will be a white. And thatā€™s because there are more of them.

Letā€™s go back to the days where merit counted above all, and factor in SES as a contributing factor, in deciding who gets ā€œbumpedā€ into a college spot.
Iā€™ve found that anti-black racism and anti-semitism go together from ā€œrightiesā€ - equal opportunity bigots, I call them. But from ā€œlefties,ā€ oy vey. They rail on and on about about how evil racism is while spewing the most vile Jew-hatred.

Not at all. Here's the real problem. When European Jews invaded Palestine, they became part of the white, imperialist and racist problem. Israel paints itself as "progressive" and in some ways, it is. (Universal Health Care, for instance). But the problem that most Progressives -including liberal Jews - is that you can't complain about racism and colonialism and then engage in it yourself. Take away the 80 pity party about the Holocaust, and Israel is just another South Africa, and apartheid state where the indigenous people are reduced to second class status in their own country.

This has been explained to you numerous times, but you always go to the dodge of "WHY DO YOU HATE ME" like a five year old who has been caught using his crayons on the wall.

As far as affirmative action reducing the number of Jews, of course it does. What that means is that bright and studious Jews, including those from poor families, have been rejected from educational opportunities in order to ā€make room forā€ less qualified blacks.

And that's what really burns you, isn't it? Black people being given opportunities that you think are rightfully yours.
It seems to me that you want it both ways for Jews, to be white when that works in your advantage and to be an "oppressed minority" when that is to your advantage.

But because the liberals hadnā€™t arrived on scene to get rid of stringent entrance exams and ignore GPA in order to get more blacks in above better students, all of them went on to get tuition-free college educations. As a result, all moved from cheap, walk-up tenements in NYC to home ownership in the suburbs within 10 years, and then on to a very comfortable upper-middle class life for their remaining years.

Again, you leave out the part where they could easily assimilate, unlike other minorities. Stop calling yourself some unpronounceable Eastern European name and take something that sounds more mainstream, and your just another white person. And frankly, my family did the same thing, which is why Ludwig became known as as Louis and Magdalena became Helen and they did their best to blend in.
We are on the same page. Iā€™ve said here a number of times that I would be in favor of affirmative action, with opportunities given to bright, high-achieving kids from poor or lower-middle income homes.

I would love to see a system in which the top 5% of every graduating class, per school, and from a HHI of less thanā€¦.sayā€¦.$100,000 gets a four-year tuition paid ride to the State U. Their continued ā€œrideā€ would be contingent on maintaining a 3.0 average and majoring in an approved field that would lead to a job. (IOW, taxpayers arenā€™t going to pay for a B.A. In Basket Weaving.)

The fact that the 5% would be competing within their own cohort eliminates the inequities that would arise from kids in suburban affluent areas having advantages over inner-city poor schools.

But you are so correct in expressing dismay in the race-based affirmative action occurring now. In the effort to get more blacks in, over more accomplished Asians and whites (and Jews), the libs are eliminating entrance exams and even hiding Merit Scholarships from winners.

When we prioritize race over competence, we end up with a dumbing-down of America. We end up with KJP as Press Secretary. We end up with Harris as VP. We end up with the nominee for the head of the FAA who couldnā€™t answer some basic questions (even though he had months to prepare.)

Now, before the libs reign down on me, I am NOT saying the best and brightest cannot be a black. But, based on statistics, the best and brightest will be a white. And thatā€™s because there are more of them.

Letā€™s go back to the days where merit counted above all, and factor in SES as a contributing factor, in deciding who gets ā€œbumpedā€ into a college spot.
What really gets my goat is when some Lefty refers to highly intelligent, academically-accomplished men like Glenn Loury, John McWhorter, or Thomas Sowell, as 'Uncle Toms' just saying things to please whites. When any of these men could probably give said Lefty fifty IQ points and still be ahead of him.

I believe that getting bright Black kids out of the "You actin' white!" crab pot is the key. Michaela School -- and the best charters in the US -- DO select for behavior. They don't tolerate disruptive students.

The late Judith Rich Harris showed that peer pressure -- more than parental pressure, or Head Start classes -- is one of the two key influences in affecting children's behavior, including academic behavior. (The other being genetics, although this doesn't really kick in until the end of the teenage years.)

Get those bright Black kids out of the ghetto. Put them [ and their mother ] in small towns in Red States, where they're surrounded by white, Hispanic, and Asian children, in a school that is keen to turn out Merit Scholars or the equivalent -- schools like Michaela.

(Okay, easier said than done. The school head is the key to school performance. Michaela School has an extraordinary woman heading it, Katherine Birbalsingh... and she can sack a teacher who is not up to scratch, without worrying about the teachers' union stopping her.
Another reason the Left hate her like death itself. [She literally got death threats when Michaela was being formed, as well as the usual Leftist picket lines. How evil these people are!] )
What really gets my goat is when some Lefty refers to highly intelligent, academically-accomplished men like Glenn Loury, John McWhorter, or Thomas Sowell, as 'Uncle Toms' just saying things to please whites. When any of these men could probably give said Lefty fifty IQ points and still be ahead of him.

Intelligence doesn't make you a decent person. Heck, most of these Uncle Toms are really sharp, they know there's good money to made telling white people what they want to hear. Nothing makes white fragility feel better than absolution.

I believe that getting bright Black kids out of the "You actin' white!" crab pot is the key. Michaela School -- and the best charters in the US -- DO select for behavior. They don't tolerate disruptive students.

Yes, it's easy to get good results if you can cherry pick your students. So Jamal the kid who is at risk to join a gang, or Tommy the kid with the learning disability, or Maria who maybe doesn't speak English as her first language, leave them to to the regular schools that have been stripped of funds so you can fund the charters and the magnets and all the rest of the scams.

The late Judith Rich Harris showed that peer pressure -- more than parental pressure, or Head Start classes -- is one of the two key influences in affecting children's behavior, including academic behavior. (The other being genetics, although this doesn't really kick in until the end of the teenage years.)

Whenever I hear someone talking about genetics...


Get those bright Black kids out of the ghetto. Put them [ and their mother ] in small towns in Red States, where they're surrounded by white, Hispanic, and Asian children, in a school that is keen to turn out Merit Scholars or the equivalent -- schools like Michaela.

And the rest of those kids, screw them, right?

(Okay, easier said than done. The school head is the key to school performance. Michaela School has an extraordinary woman heading it, Katherine Birbalsingh... and she can sack a teacher who is not up to scratch, without worrying about the teachers' union stopping her.
Another reason the Left hate her like death itself. [She literally got death threats when Michaela was being formed, as well as the usual Leftist picket lines. How evil these people are!] )
Well, if you are stripping the regular schools of resources to fund these pet projects, then, um, yes, people should be angry about it.
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Intelligence doesn't make you a decent person. Heck, most of these Uncle Toms are really sharp, they know there's good money to made telling white people what they want to hear. Nothing makes white fragility feel better than absolution.

Yes, it's easy to get good results if you can cherry pick your students. So Jamal the kid who is at risk to join a gang, or Tommy the kid with the learning disability, or Maria who maybe doesn't speak English as her first language, leave them to to the regular schools that have been stripped of funds so you can fund the charters and the magnets and all the rest of the scams.

Whenever I hear someone talking about genetics...

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And the rest of those kids, screw them, right?

Well, if you are stripping the regular schools of resources to fund these pet projects, then, um, yes, people should be angry about it.
You know zero about these men, and education, and genetics.

As for these men, they could get a lot further in life catering to people like you. They have the moral courage to say it as they see it. And although we could come up with a figure for their intelligence compared to yours, we couldn't come up with one for their moral integrity and courage compared to ours, since we can't divide by zero.

As for education: these schools take kids of all colors, and all intellectual abilities. They don't take the disrupters, the ones who try to pull down their fellows who try to learn, the "You actin'white!" saboteurs. But you want to put the hardworking Black kids back into the crab pot so they can fail too. Despicable, really.

Neither you, nor I, nor anyone else has a solution for the disrupters. Or not one that can be implemented in a free society, especially one with people with your view in it.

Although I suppose you claim it's just money. Spend more money, and you would get good results. Is that correct?

As for genetics, all you can do is post a picture, of a man who knew as much about scientific genetics as you do.

I do hope other leftists are reading this thread. Do you see why some of us 'left the Left'? Those sort of people are the enemies of human progress. (And, yes, we have people on the Right who are just as bad.)
You know zero about these men, and education, and genetics.

As for these men, they could get a lot further in life catering to people like you. They have the moral courage to say it as they see it. And although we could come up with a figure for their intelligence compared to yours, we couldn't come up with one for their moral integrity and courage compared to ours, since we can't divide by zero.

I know Thomas Sowell is a pathetic Uncle Tom who has spent his entire life sucking up to white conservatives who secretly despise him. Or sometimes openly.

As far as moral integrity and courage- 11 years in the US Army. What do you have? Oh, wait, you probably engaged in imaginary draft dodging when you engaged in imaginary civil rights marches.

As for education: these schools take kids of all colors, and all intellectual abilities. They don't take the disrupters, the ones who try to pull down their fellows who try to learn, the "You actin'white!" saboteurs. But you want to put the hardworking Black kids back into the crab pot so they can fail too. Despicable, really.

No, I want to fix all the schools. You don't get there by stealing money away from them on Charters, Magnets or Vouchers.

* Of 77 groups of schools that opened from 1998 to 2014, 18 percent closed by the three-year mark. A large proportion of failures occurred by the completion of the first year.
* By the five-year mark, the closure rate had jumped to more than 1 in 4 charter schools.
* By the 10th year, 40 percent of charter schools had closed.
* In the available data, five groups of charter schools reached the 15-year mark, and by this point, one in two of those schools were gone. Failure rates ranged from 47 percent to 54 percent.

Earlier reports from the Network for Public Education detailed fraud and waste in charter schools, finding that the U.S. government had wasted up to $1 billion on charter schools that never opened, or opened and then closed because of mismanagement and other reasons.

Neither you, nor I, nor anyone else has a solution for the disrupters. Or not one that can be implemented in a free society, especially one with people with your view in it.
Sure we do. We mainstream them. We give them a little extra attention. You develop plans to deal with their learning disabilities or their behavior.

Your solution "Here, Jamal, if you behave yourself just right, we'll give you a little taste of white privilege. Just a taste mind you, we wouldn't want you getting uppity."

Although I suppose you claim it's just money. Spend more money, and you would get good results. Is that correct?

Money is a factor, otherwise you wouldn't have the Charter Scammers (who again, fail 47% of the time) trying to steal it with both hands.

As for genetics, all you can do is post a picture, of a man who knew as much about scientific genetics as you do.

Yet he took inspiration from the kind of stuff you are spewing. Yes, if that kid is failing, it must be genetics. Why stop at just giving up on educating them? Why not sterilize them or turn them into lampshades, Adolf? Well, you probably couldn't turn a black kid into a very effective lampshade, but never mind.

I do hope other leftists are reading this thread. Do you see why some of us 'left the Left'? Those sort of people are the enemies of human progress. (And, yes, we have people on the Right who are just as bad.)
Human progress meaning deciding that some kids (minority of course) should just be "given up on". Right.
You know zero about these men, and education, and genetics.

As for these men, they could get a lot further in life catering to people like you. They have the moral courage to say it as they see it. And although we could come up with a figure for their intelligence compared to yours, we couldn't come up with one for their moral integrity and courage compared to ours, since we can't divide by zero.

As for education: these schools take kids of all colors, and all intellectual abilities. They don't take the disrupters, the ones who try to pull down their fellows who try to learn, the "You actin'white!" saboteurs. But you want to put the hardworking Black kids back into the crab pot so they can fail too. Despicable, really.

Neither you, nor I, nor anyone else has a solution for the disrupters. Or not one that can be implemented in a free society, especially one with people with your view in it.

Although I suppose you claim it's just money. Spend more money, and you would get good results. Is that correct?

As for genetics, all you can do is post a picture, of a man who knew as much about scientific genetics as you do.

I do hope other leftists are reading this thread. Do you see why some of us 'left the Left'? Those sort of people are the enemies of human progress. (And, yes, we have people on the Right who are just as bad.)
Your observation about how black teens often criticize their fellow students for ā€œacting whiteā€œ reminds me of the Smithsonianā€™s AA Museum and their ā€œTraits of Whitenessā€ exhibit:

All traits were positive ones, and clearly related to success. Among them were speaking English properly, working hard, being polite, meeting schedules, respecting authority, and so forth.

There is something very wrong in America when blacks - be they schoolyard kids or adults on a museum B of D - ā€œcriticizeā€ successful and desirable traits as being ā€œwhite.ā€ Do they WANT their people to be failures??

No amount of money thrown at inner-city schools will help poor black kids until blacks themselves teach their children that being respectful, speaking properly, working hard, and being on time are positive traits to aspire to - and not ā€œwhiteā€ ones to disdain.
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Iā€™m alarmed that in a recent survey, only half the blacks said it was OK to be white. How can they fight racism when half of them are racist themselves?

How and why do they support the Party of KKK, Tuskegee Experiments and destruction of the black family????
Black people say stuff like that all the dadgum time and nobody bats an eye.
One white person says it and the country freaks out LOL
The level of disingenuous outrage in thsi country is downright disgusting. Intellectual honesty is DEAD.
Black people say stuff like that all the dadgum time and nobody bats an eye.
One white person says it and the country freaks out LOL
The level of disingenuous outrage in thsi country is downright disgusting. Intellectual honesty is DEAD.
Black privilege is through the roof these days.
Your observation about how black teens often criticize their fellow students for ā€œacting whiteā€œ reminds me of the Smithsonianā€™s AA Museum and their ā€œTraits of Whitenessā€ exhibit:

All traits were positive ones, and clearly related to success. Among them were speaking English properly, working hard, being polite, meeting schedules, respecting authority, and so forth.

There is something very wrong in America when blacks - be they schoolyard kids or adults on a museum B of D - ā€œcriticizeā€ successful and desirable traits as being ā€œwhite.ā€ Do they WANT their people to be failures??

No amount of money thrown at inner-city schools will help poor black kids until blacks themselves teach their children that being respectful, speaking properly, working hard, and being on time are positive traits to aspire to - and not ā€œwhiteā€ ones to disdain.
This is exactly right. There's a Harvard social scientist, Roland Fryer, who explains, as an economist, the rationality behind the 'acting white' stuff: it allows the stupid and lazy to feel good about their stupidity and laziness: they're being authentic to their race. Their academic failure is good, and people of their race who look like succeeding, instead of showing them up for not succeeding, are race traitors. So pull them down.

And the idiot Left goes right along with this. In addition, some of them believe that Blacks can't handle reality, so they should be taught lies: that they are the descendants of Egyptians who had psionic powers.


The reality is, our species, as it spread over the globe, settled down in environments that differed radically from each other, and which affected their rate of social progress.

And in addition, until a couple of hundred years ago, a people could advance quite a bit ... and then fall into stasis and backwardness. In fact, this was the rule. Genes didn't change, circumstances did.

We don't know what makes one tribe advance for a while, while another doesn't. The Indians of North America (among whom I count one of my great-great-grandfathers) never got far beyond the hunter-gatherer stage.

Go south to Mexico and Central and South America, where I suspect the genes were pretty much the same, and you get the Aztecs, the Mayas and the Incas, well on the road to advanced civilization: great public monumental buildings and all that is necessary to support them.

(The Mayas did serious astronomy, had a complex calendar, and invented a positional-exponential numbering system before anyone on the other side of the Atlantic. Then they collapsed. Why? The genes didn't change.)

So if a certain tribe or group of tribes didn't progress very far in the past, so what? Who knows why? Now is there is a chance for everyone to take part in the human advance!

But you've got to steal. Steal the ideas and methods that have been shown to work: modern science, the lightly-regulated market economy, mass education.

That's what the Asians are doing and it's what every group should do. The Europeans just got there first, just like the Arabs got ahead of everyone for a while, a thousand years ago, and just like the Chinese were forging ahead for a while, as Marco Polo discovered.
Ah, yes, the magic of market forces... the cry of the Conservative. "Why if we just apply market forces, everything will be fine."

Um, no. Market forces require winners and losers... and we can't afford for some kids to be losers.

Again, anyone can be brilliant if you cherry pick your students.

Yes, I hate the whole concept of charter school scams. If she wants to run a private school and take tuition and raise donations, have at it. I noticed you nicely skipped over the WP article about how 47% of charters fail.

Again, I looked at the charter school, and for the most part, for every supposedly "good" one, there's one that's a cash grab. We saw this system fail miserably when Tommy Thompson tried it in Milwaukee.

I'm not the one who brought "Genetics" into this conversation, Adolf.

NO, I don't grant him that. He's either a complete tool or he's a cynical person who knows that white people will pay him big money to tell them what they want to hear. A black person voting Republican makes about as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

Well, the first problem is you think Lisa is a "thinker".

It depends on the conditions, doesn't it? For instance, everyone thought that the ANC would drive out all the whites (who have been in S. Africa for centuries, not decades like the Zionists) but in fact, they were actually, kind of reasonable about the whole thing. Conversely, Kenya and Zimbabwe drove all the whites out, and it wasn't a good thing for them as they took a lot of capital and know-how with them.

A fair solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict would be one person, one vote. Fatah and Hamas have seats in the Knesset right alongside Likud and Labor. But if that happened, it would be the end of Israel as we know it. Too many Palestinians have lost someone to Zionist violence.

America could be said to face a similar problem, that after centuries of white supremacy, white people will probably be a minority after 2050 or so. Long term, I don't think this is a problem if we make the efforts to address racial problems.

Let me guess, you were also at Woodstock.

Okay, guy, I know you think claiming to be an old hippy somehow burnishes your racism now, but you can't polish a turd.
No matter how hard you imagine a perfect world, there will always be children who are failures. They will lack the ability to learn complex subjects, or are too lazy to apply themselves to learning, or just don't give a damn. You can pour money and resources into trying to educate them, but it won't accomplish anything. That kind of kid comes from all parts of the financial spectrum from the very poor to the very rich. Royalty, despite having every advantage turns out dud children.
And by the way despite your ignorant protestations, market forces ALWAYS work in the end unless government interferes.
No matter how hard you imagine a perfect world, there will always be children who are failures. They will lack the ability to learn complex subjects, or are too lazy to apply themselves to learning, or just don't give a damn. You can pour money and resources into trying to educate them, but it won't accomplish anything. That kind of kid comes from all parts of the financial spectrum from the very poor to the very rich. Royalty, despite having every advantage turns out dud children.
I tutor kids in math and science, high school level. I've only had one Black kid -- Black like Obama, half and half.

About average in math ability, but ... at age 14 he already knew how to program in C++! (If you're not computerate, it's MUCH harder than BASIC!) He liked playing -- what teenage boy does not? -- and also programming computer games.

At 18, a games company offered him $30 000 a year to start working for them. His parents and I managed to persuade him to go to university. He did, did a degree in Computer Science, and when he finished, they wanted him to start a PhD in networking.

He did, but after two weeks, as he told me, he realized he knew more about the subject than his supervisor. AND ... he had an idea for a 'black box' -- which he would program in machine code -- which would sit between your computer and the internet, and speed up your interactions with somebody you were playing a game with on the other side of the planet. "Predictive networking" or something like that.

He had the luck to have a friend with some business savvy, and they got a loan and started making this thing. (It's assembled in Latvia.) Having that friend was very lucky, as by himself he would have been eaten alive by the banks -- he's a really nice guy and they would have ended up owning 90% of his company.

A year or two passed. One Sunday morning while I was having a lie-in, the doorbell rang... "Oh God, it's the Jehovah's Witnesses again", I thought.

No. It was my former tutee. "C'mon, Doug, I've got something to show you!" And parked in front of my house was ... a brand-new Ferrari!

His business had been a real success. (I bit my tongue and didn't give him the Old Man Lecture ...( "You don't need a toy like this! Invest your first couple of hundred thousand in rental property, let the rents pay the mortage, and in fifteen years you can retire!")

The only problem with owning a Ferrari, he said is ... you can't leave it parked anywhere.

Now ... imagine if this kid had been in a classroom with a bunch of "You actin' white!" losers.

Pull the ones who want to succeed out of those toxic environments. Get them and their mothers out to small towns. Or off to military academies (not 'woke' ones!) Or off to Bronx High School of Science type schools, out in the countryside -- ones that still admit on the basis of merit, not race.
Ah, yes, the magic of market forces... the cry of the Conservative. "Why if we just apply market forces, everything will be fine."

Um, no. Market forces require winners and losers... and we can't afford for some kids to be losers.

Again, anyone can be brilliant if you cherry pick your students.

Yes, I hate the whole concept of charter school scams. If she wants to run a private school and take tuition and raise donations, have at it. I noticed you nicely skipped over the WP article about how 47% of charters fail.

Again, I looked at the charter school, and for the most part, for every supposedly "good" one, there's one that's a cash grab. We saw this system fail miserably when Tommy Thompson tried it in Milwaukee.

I'm not the one who brought "Genetics" into this conversation, Adolf.

NO, I don't grant him that. He's either a complete tool or he's a cynical person who knows that white people will pay him big money to tell them what they want to hear. A black person voting Republican makes about as much sense as a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders.

Well, the first problem is you think Lisa is a "thinker".

It depends on the conditions, doesn't it? For instance, everyone thought that the ANC would drive out all the whites (who have been in S. Africa for centuries, not decades like the Zionists) but in fact, they were actually, kind of reasonable about the whole thing. Conversely, Kenya and Zimbabwe drove all the whites out, and it wasn't a good thing for them as they took a lot of capital and know-how with them.

A fair solution to the Israel/Palestine conflict would be one person, one vote. Fatah and Hamas have seats in the Knesset right alongside Likud and Labor. But if that happened, it would be the end of Israel as we know it. Too many Palestinians have lost someone to Zionist violence.

America could be said to face a similar problem, that after centuries of white supremacy, white people will probably be a minority after 2050 or so. Long term, I don't think this is a problem if we make the efforts to address racial problems.

Let me guess, you were also at Woodstock.

Okay, guy, I know you think claiming to be an old hippy somehow burnishes your racism now, but you can't polish a turd.
Oh yes, on Israel. If Hamas and Fatah want the settler colonialists to leave ... you would of course favor that. You might advise against it, but if they say to the settlers "Go back to Europe," then they should go, right?

And although Zimbabwe's rulers were stupid to drive out the whites -- less money to steal -- you support their right to do so, yes?

It's the right of the indigenous people to say to the settlers or their descendants -- "This is our country. Get out." And if they do say that, they should go. Whether or not it's wise, it's their right. Yes?

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