The Washington Football Team announces its new team name as the Washington Commanders

Commander implies military, and we all they’re baby killers. And Washington? Really? A slave owner for a team name. They should be called


That’s it. You’re a fan of The
They would be except that some of us don’t follow politely correctness.

The team will ALWAYS be the Washington REDSKINS in my heart. Fuck the NFL, FedEx, etc.. for forcing the change. I’m trying my best to buy into what I feel is a very mediocre (at best) name choice that I don’t believe had to be so mediocre.

If your post was intended to be satirical or humorous please realize that I do not engage in such frivolities. Especially on a topic like this one, which is very near to my heart.
I’ve been a fan of the Washington NFL franchise for about 40 years now. Through ups and downs.

I was not happy 18 months ago when they threw away the better part of a century of tradition over political correctness. I was not a fan of the interim name they’ve used the last 2 seasons. I do not love the new branding either, though “Commanders” is better than some of the other options they were looking at.

I would have far preferred RedWolves or Redtails (the bird not the military unit). I have difficulty believing an organization as large and financially equipped as that team could not have worked through the trademark and copyright issues in a timely manner.

Rhat being said, I’m going to give this new brand some time to grow and age on me. If it ages like fine wine and cheese, great. If it grows like black mold, then I may have to cleanse myself and move on to greener pastures.

Though i am going to miss the fight song
The Commandos might not have been bad.
The NFL’s Washington Take a Knee team is ready for our National Anthem.

Here is their new symbol:

DC Commandos sounds cool

But having almost two years to come up with a helmet, uniform and logo……Looks like it took them an afternoon

I got an idea!
How about a big W?
I always thought it would have been cool to just keep Washington Football Team but tweak it a bit...

FC Washington. Has a nice ring to it.

The other submissions were kind of intersting:



This one was kind of eerie:


Not a Bad submission here...



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