The War on Christmas Vacation.........


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Seems that due to the gridlock caused by the GOP, and because there are several bills that need to be passed BEFORE 1 JAN, Harry Reid is now telling Congress that they're gonna have to work up to Christmas.

So now, the "party of family values" is bitching that Reid has a thing against Christians, which is why he's slapping the face of Christians everywhere because he wants to make Congress finish what is on their plate.

Got a question for the GOP our troops in Afghanistan get Christmas off? Do hospitals close for the holidays? What about police officers or firefighters?

I've personally worked ON CHRISTMAS for most of the time I was in the Navy. Why? Someone had to man the duty office, and I was single. Besides, it meant they wouldn't bug me for New Years.

Besides.............the 12 days of Christmas is actually Saturnalia, which is a period of merry making and drinking in celebration of the Roman deity Saturn.

December 25th refers to the birthday of a Norse deity called Odin.

Yeshua (Jesus) was actually born in the fall, not during the Winter Solstice.

Harry Reid doesn't hate Christians, he wants Congress to do their jobs.'s a pagan holiday anyway, which is why I find it curious that good Christians would be bitching about it. The Puritans in Ma. outlawed it for a time because of that.
Democrats control both houses of congress, and are legally bound to produce a budget in October (?). The rest of this shit, DADT, DREAM, has been kicking around for months thanks to Democrats who didn't want to vote for it before the election.
Let them work through Christmas vacation. Plenty of other people do.

Or let non-essential government agencies shut down.

Fine by me. In fact, we should probably just shut them down permenantly. Save a buttload of money
You know..........if the military is able to work, and THEY'RE part of the government, shouldn't these idiots in Congress actually DO something?

And if the GOP keeps blocking, I hope the fuckers work THROUGH Christmas.
How tragic! They might have to actually work all the way to Christmas! That's outrageous.

Frankly, I don't give a fuck if they work 24/7 all through the holidays. It's about fucking time they did some work.... perhaps it would give them time to read the fucking bills before they pass shit.
We REFUSE to act on anything until the tax cut is passed...

But....but......this impacts our Christmas vactation! Not FAIR
We REFUSE to act on anything until the tax cut is passed...

But....but......this impacts our Christmas vactation! Not FAIR

Personally? I think the reason they're bitching so much is because I think they were counting on vacation as a way to eat up time between now and Jan 4th.
None of these bills can't wait until January when the legitimate Congress is seated. Screw the Democrats. They were just annihilated.

Given that the Republicans have dragged their feet all year, there is no reason not to hold them accountable now

Force a vote now and make them work the rest of the year. Getting tired of their excuses on why they can't do their job
None of these bills can't wait until January when the legitimate Congress is seated. Screw the Democrats. They were just annihilated.

Given that the Republicans have dragged their feet all year, there is no reason not to hold them accountable now

Force a vote now and make them work the rest of the year. Getting tired of their excuses on why they can't do their job

Obama had a fucking super majority. He could pass anything he wanted and still y'all whined about the GOP holding shit up. Whining about the GOP don't change facts. The Dems are making themselves look absolutely fucking ridiculous.... again.

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