The War against Black People

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You must be a white boy. No wonder you think non whites would really want a white majority. What a fucking idiot you are. :laugh:

And yet you are to stupid to put forth an example of a non white majority country that you would rather live in that this white majority country.
Yet you are too stupid to spell "too" correctly.

I can think of a number of non white majority countries I would love to live in. Most of them are in Africa where I am moving to.
I have business to run, u know what a job is right? Fuck my grammer, I'm not writing papers for college anymore. Hey get gone I wish u the best.
Dont get emotional because you tried to call someone stupid but you cant spell correctly. Stop trying to convince me you are intelligent enough to run a business. Its pretty obvious you have little business savvy.
No u can't have a job, but since u can detect emotion through internet dialog I think u found ur calling as physic. I can c it now "Asslips" internet physic, make sure u get permission from mommy, don't burn up all that gov. Provided internet data.
Why would I want a job? Even if I did you wouldnt be able to provide one. I can see you are pretty angry about not knowing how to spell. If you were intelligent you would understand your choice of words illustrate the depth of your emotions. Thats why some books are better than others. The author consciously uses words to express emotions. In your case the use of those words are unconscious and betray the outrage you feel at your spelling error.
Whats the point in talking with Sealy...Every suggestion he makes is one from someone who doesnt or wont have to do it so everything is super easy. Like, "Why dont they move where the jobs are?"

My goodness what a wonderful idea! Why arent people vagabonds and Nomads?
Sealy is a conflicted racist. I have met many white guys like him while in the military. They swear they arent racist but they have this blind spot to the issues and plight of their own people and a blind spot in regards to history and its effects on oppressed people. Sometimes he has moments where he is lucid and his brain functions correctly but most of the time cognitive dissonance renders those thought processes null and void.
I could say the same thing about you. I don't disagree with 90% of what you say. But you deny that 10% of what I'm saying that is true. Why? Because it's insulting to you.

According to you it's not black people's fault. The poor black woman 10 years from now who has a baby she can't afford, that's not her fault. That's not her parents fault.

And you seem to not realize how much worse black ghettos are than white poor areas.

And the funny thing is, I can agree with you on the reasons why black communities are so much more violent. It's years of oppression, blablabla. All I'm saying Asclepias is that maybe its time to stop blaming whitey and start doing something to fix the problem. Oh yea, according to you there is no problem. What a joke.

And no one said it would be easy. It wasn't easy for my grandfather to move from Greece to America. Easy. That's all black people want. The easy way. Maybe that's why they don't own their own business'. Nothing easy about that.

Oh, and lazy blacks are a big reason why Ford moved to Mexico. Lazy whites too but guess what? We can go find other jobs. You think you guys would have really appreciated a great paying job at Ford. Instead black Ford workers proved to be very lazy and trifling.

You dont insult me Sealy. You make me laugh most of the time. I disagree with what you say because you dont know what you are talking about not because its insulting.

According to me its the fault of a racist white system of oppression for the plight of Black people that have a hard time dealing with that racist system. If they could focus on overcoming the obstacles and refusing to quit no matter what they would be fine despite white racism. The poor Black woman 10 years from now that has a baby she cant afford will be at "fault" with the exception of rape. I wouldnt use the word "fault" because I dont see kids as something bad just because they wont be able to afford Starbucks everyday.

What you seem to miss is that there are plenty of Blacks fixing the problem. Thats why most Black people are doing great. Each generation is getting better despite white racism. We are a naturally strong people.

It was exponentially easier for your grandfather. He was considered better than Black people. He got a job easier than black people. He brought his knowledge of self, history, religion, etc. His foundations that were not stripped from him like Black people have been dealing with since being enslaved. You can deny that all you want but I'm not really concerned with the results of your denial.

Whites can easily find other jobs because white people own those jobs and hire whites first. Too many studies show that racism is a reality in job searches for Blacks I know too many African immigrants that tell me the same thing.
We don't have a serial rapist running around but Detroit has serial murderers. Lots of them.

Are you happy with places like Detroit? Or are you saying it's all whites fault?
Of course Detroit is the fault of whites. They are the ones that shut down the plants and left it bereft of any jobs.
So move, start your own business' or don't have kids in that shit hole of a community.

You do realize blacks moved from the South to Detroit because of the auto jobs. Now they don't want to leave? What is keeping them? The place is a shit hole. Half of Detroiters left after the great recession and I don't think any of them regret it.
What is keeping them there? Familiarity. Humans develop habits and its hard to break them. You didnt ask why white trailer park trash stay in trailer parks did you? Broke people can only move to another broke area. In your wisdom you forgot there are only so many jobs in any area and white folks hate competing for jobs in the best of times so what difference does it make for all the broke Black people to move to another broke area? You may as well give up trying to keep any people from breeding.
WRONG WRONG WRONG! If "familiarity" is keeping them there, that's on them. That's point one I want to make. Oh, and if "bad habits" are hard to break, who's fault is that?

2. I know why white trailer trash stay in trailer parks and why their kids turn out like they do. It isn't racism. It's bad parenting. Maybe their parents shouldn't have had kids before they had a plan to get them out of poverty.

3. And no, black people in Detroit didn't move to other poor neighborhoods. They moved to our neighborhoods. Now of course they didn't buy a $200,000 home. They live in the cheap apartments. But they have jobs, live in a safe neighborhood now and their kids are going to the good local schools. Just like immigrants come to America so that their kids can have a better life. Chances are the immigrant who comes here doesn't learn how to speak good English either and they never make much more than minimum wage but their kids do better. And they insist their kids do good in school and stay out of trouble.

4. You won't get an argument from me that American culture is fucked up. Us foreigners think white Americans are fucked up too. But not nearly as fucked up as the black communities.

5. All you have is arguments and excuses.
What do you mean by wrong? Of course its on them for staying there. Bad habits being hard to break is natures fault. Its actually a self preservation instinct.

I never said racism had anything to do with whites staying in trailer parks. I said it was habit and familiarity. No doubt some of them are bad parents but you still never answered why they stay in trailer parks. Dont stall or deflect. Answer the question.

I dont know if you are intentionally lacking reading comprehension or if its your cognitive dissonance kicking in. You totally glossed over the point. You have this idea that all the broke Black people in Detroit can break human nature and find the funds to move into a nice white neighborhood. (while you ignore the law of supply and demand and racism) and suddenly their lives will be better and they will suddenly have the great life skills they never learned trying to survive in the ghetto. You also seem to forget immigrants are given loans to start new businesses while a Black american born here in the US would be laughed out of the bank.

Of course I have arguments and reasons. You calling it "excuses" is just a symptom of your cognitive dissonance. Typical white boy disease you guys seem to have pretty badly. When you wake up and accept the reasons I have outlined to you hopefully you will begin to focus on your people. Both you and your people need help with simply understanding reality apparently.
They don't know any better.

Detroit police search for multiple suspects in two violent unarmed robberies

Watch this video and then show me the white trailer park where this is happening.
So you can walk into a Detroit party store/gas station at 2am in the morning and 6 black guys are going to come in, beat the fuck out of you, rob you, and then just stroll out. Then come back again later to do it again to someone else. This shit doesn't happen in our neighborhood. Not yet. Blacks are moving in so maybe soon we will be blessed with young men like these.
Whats the point in talking with Sealy...Every suggestion he makes is one from someone who doesnt or wont have to do it so everything is super easy. Like, "Why dont they move where the jobs are?"

My goodness what a wonderful idea! Why arent people vagabonds and Nomads?
Sealy is a conflicted racist. I have met many white guys like him while in the military. They swear they arent racist but they have this blind spot to the issues and plight of their own people and a blind spot in regards to history and its effects on oppressed people. Sometimes he has moments where he is lucid and his brain functions correctly but most of the time cognitive dissonance renders those thought processes null and void.
I could say the same thing about you. I don't disagree with 90% of what you say. But you deny that 10% of what I'm saying that is true. Why? Because it's insulting to you.

According to you it's not black people's fault. The poor black woman 10 years from now who has a baby she can't afford, that's not her fault. That's not her parents fault.

And you seem to not realize how much worse black ghettos are than white poor areas.

And the funny thing is, I can agree with you on the reasons why black communities are so much more violent. It's years of oppression, blablabla. All I'm saying Asclepias is that maybe its time to stop blaming whitey and start doing something to fix the problem. Oh yea, according to you there is no problem. What a joke.

And no one said it would be easy. It wasn't easy for my grandfather to move from Greece to America. Easy. That's all black people want. The easy way. Maybe that's why they don't own their own business'. Nothing easy about that.

Oh, and lazy blacks are a big reason why Ford moved to Mexico. Lazy whites too but guess what? We can go find other jobs. You think you guys would have really appreciated a great paying job at Ford. Instead black Ford workers proved to be very lazy and trifling.

You dont insult me Sealy. You make me laugh most of the time. I disagree with what you say because you dont know what you are talking about not because its insulting.

According to me its the fault of a racist white system of oppression for the plight of Black people that have a hard time dealing with that racist system. If they could focus on overcoming the obstacles and refusing to quit no matter what they would be fine despite white racism. The poor Black woman 10 years from now that has a baby she cant afford will be at "fault" with the exception of rape. I wouldnt use the word "fault" because I dont see kids as something bad just because they wont be able to afford Starbucks everyday.

What you seem to miss is that there are plenty of Blacks fixing the problem. Thats why most Black people are doing great. Each generation is getting better despite white racism. We are a naturally strong people.

It was exponentially easier for your grandfather. He was considered better than Black people. He got a job easier than black people. He brought his knowledge of self, history, religion, etc. His foundations that were not stripped from him like Black people have been dealing with since being enslaved. You can deny that all you want but I'm not really concerned with the results of your denial.

Whites can easily find other jobs because white people own those jobs and hire whites first. Too many studies show that racism is a reality in job searches for Blacks I know too many African immigrants that tell me the same thing.
My grandparents and father were also discriminated against. My dad couldn't lose the accent so at Ford he heard all the time, "why are you foreigners over here stealing all our jobs". So I feel ya. And I do agree because of their white skin they have it easier than blacks do.

But blacks aren't doing themselves any favors. That's all I'm saying.

I hope each generation is doing better. Seems like in "the ghettos", like Detroit, they're taking a step backward. I know the Bush Recession is at fault for crime and poverty going up, so again I hope you realize I don't disagree with what a lot of what you have to say.

See what you need to realize is I do know what I'm talking about. And I'm not really disagreeing with anything you have to say. I'm saying despite all that, clean it the fuck up. And do a better job. You say the black communities are improving? I look at all the most violent places in America and they are all black. You set the bar very very low. In fact you are constantly comparing the ghettos to trailer trash. That tells me you know what I'm saying is true. You're just digging in defensively and you have victim mentally. You certainly don't have ownership mentality. Or you do but you don't want to demand the black community does.

I get it. What you are saying basically is they are doing the best they can. YIKES! That's scary.
So you can walk into a Detroit party store/gas station at 2am in the morning and 6 black guys are going to come in, beat the fuck out of you, rob you, and then just stroll out. Then come back again later to do it again to someone else. This shit doesn't happen in our neighborhood. Not yet. Blacks are moving in so maybe soon we will be blessed with young men like these.

Those are the words and that is the attitude of a racist coward, plain and simple. It's gotta suck to be burdened by so much fear and ignorance all the fucking time.

See what you need to realize is I do know what I'm talking about. ......

Every racist and/or bigoted douche has convinced themselves that their particular irrational fear is 'correct' and therefore justified. The intersection of cowardice and stupidity.
Of course Detroit is the fault of whites. They are the ones that shut down the plants and left it bereft of any jobs.
So move, start your own business' or don't have kids in that shit hole of a community.

You do realize blacks moved from the South to Detroit because of the auto jobs. Now they don't want to leave? What is keeping them? The place is a shit hole. Half of Detroiters left after the great recession and I don't think any of them regret it.
What is keeping them there? Familiarity. Humans develop habits and its hard to break them. You didnt ask why white trailer park trash stay in trailer parks did you? Broke people can only move to another broke area. In your wisdom you forgot there are only so many jobs in any area and white folks hate competing for jobs in the best of times so what difference does it make for all the broke Black people to move to another broke area? You may as well give up trying to keep any people from breeding.
WRONG WRONG WRONG! If "familiarity" is keeping them there, that's on them. That's point one I want to make. Oh, and if "bad habits" are hard to break, who's fault is that?

2. I know why white trailer trash stay in trailer parks and why their kids turn out like they do. It isn't racism. It's bad parenting. Maybe their parents shouldn't have had kids before they had a plan to get them out of poverty.

3. And no, black people in Detroit didn't move to other poor neighborhoods. They moved to our neighborhoods. Now of course they didn't buy a $200,000 home. They live in the cheap apartments. But they have jobs, live in a safe neighborhood now and their kids are going to the good local schools. Just like immigrants come to America so that their kids can have a better life. Chances are the immigrant who comes here doesn't learn how to speak good English either and they never make much more than minimum wage but their kids do better. And they insist their kids do good in school and stay out of trouble.

4. You won't get an argument from me that American culture is fucked up. Us foreigners think white Americans are fucked up too. But not nearly as fucked up as the black communities.

5. All you have is arguments and excuses.
What do you mean by wrong? Of course its on them for staying there. Bad habits being hard to break is natures fault. Its actually a self preservation instinct.

I never said racism had anything to do with whites staying in trailer parks. I said it was habit and familiarity. No doubt some of them are bad parents but you still never answered why they stay in trailer parks. Dont stall or deflect. Answer the question.

I dont know if you are intentionally lacking reading comprehension or if its your cognitive dissonance kicking in. You totally glossed over the point. You have this idea that all the broke Black people in Detroit can break human nature and find the funds to move into a nice white neighborhood. (while you ignore the law of supply and demand and racism) and suddenly their lives will be better and they will suddenly have the great life skills they never learned trying to survive in the ghetto. You also seem to forget immigrants are given loans to start new businesses while a Black american born here in the US would be laughed out of the bank.

Of course I have arguments and reasons. You calling it "excuses" is just a symptom of your cognitive dissonance. Typical white boy disease you guys seem to have pretty badly. When you wake up and accept the reasons I have outlined to you hopefully you will begin to focus on your people. Both you and your people need help with simply understanding reality apparently.
They don't know any better.

Detroit police search for multiple suspects in two violent unarmed robberies

Watch this video and then show me the white trailer park where this is happening.
Youre still stalling Sealy. Why are you pretending whites are not mass shooters and the masters of white collar crime?
Whats the point in talking with Sealy...Every suggestion he makes is one from someone who doesnt or wont have to do it so everything is super easy. Like, "Why dont they move where the jobs are?"

My goodness what a wonderful idea! Why arent people vagabonds and Nomads?
Sealy is a conflicted racist. I have met many white guys like him while in the military. They swear they arent racist but they have this blind spot to the issues and plight of their own people and a blind spot in regards to history and its effects on oppressed people. Sometimes he has moments where he is lucid and his brain functions correctly but most of the time cognitive dissonance renders those thought processes null and void.
I could say the same thing about you. I don't disagree with 90% of what you say. But you deny that 10% of what I'm saying that is true. Why? Because it's insulting to you.

According to you it's not black people's fault. The poor black woman 10 years from now who has a baby she can't afford, that's not her fault. That's not her parents fault.

And you seem to not realize how much worse black ghettos are than white poor areas.

And the funny thing is, I can agree with you on the reasons why black communities are so much more violent. It's years of oppression, blablabla. All I'm saying Asclepias is that maybe its time to stop blaming whitey and start doing something to fix the problem. Oh yea, according to you there is no problem. What a joke.

And no one said it would be easy. It wasn't easy for my grandfather to move from Greece to America. Easy. That's all black people want. The easy way. Maybe that's why they don't own their own business'. Nothing easy about that.

Oh, and lazy blacks are a big reason why Ford moved to Mexico. Lazy whites too but guess what? We can go find other jobs. You think you guys would have really appreciated a great paying job at Ford. Instead black Ford workers proved to be very lazy and trifling.

You dont insult me Sealy. You make me laugh most of the time. I disagree with what you say because you dont know what you are talking about not because its insulting.

According to me its the fault of a racist white system of oppression for the plight of Black people that have a hard time dealing with that racist system. If they could focus on overcoming the obstacles and refusing to quit no matter what they would be fine despite white racism. The poor Black woman 10 years from now that has a baby she cant afford will be at "fault" with the exception of rape. I wouldnt use the word "fault" because I dont see kids as something bad just because they wont be able to afford Starbucks everyday.

What you seem to miss is that there are plenty of Blacks fixing the problem. Thats why most Black people are doing great. Each generation is getting better despite white racism. We are a naturally strong people.

It was exponentially easier for your grandfather. He was considered better than Black people. He got a job easier than black people. He brought his knowledge of self, history, religion, etc. His foundations that were not stripped from him like Black people have been dealing with since being enslaved. You can deny that all you want but I'm not really concerned with the results of your denial.

Whites can easily find other jobs because white people own those jobs and hire whites first. Too many studies show that racism is a reality in job searches for Blacks I know too many African immigrants that tell me the same thing.
My grandparents and father were also discriminated against. My dad couldn't lose the accent so at Ford he heard all the time, "why are you foreigners over here stealing all our jobs". So I feel ya. And I do agree because of their white skin they have it easier than blacks do.

But blacks aren't doing themselves any favors. That's all I'm saying.

I hope each generation is doing better. Seems like in "the ghettos", like Detroit, they're taking a step backward. I know the Bush Recession is at fault for crime and poverty going up, so again I hope you realize I don't disagree with what a lot of what you have to say.

See what you need to realize is I do know what I'm talking about. And I'm not really disagreeing with anything you have to say. I'm saying despite all that, clean it the fuck up. And do a better job. You say the black communities are improving? I look at all the most violent places in America and they are all black. You set the bar very very low. In fact you are constantly comparing the ghettos to trailer trash. That tells me you know what I'm saying is true. You're just digging in defensively and you have victim mentally. You certainly don't have ownership mentality. Or you do but you don't want to demand the black community does.

I get it. What you are saying basically is they are doing the best they can. YIKES! That's scary.
No Sealy. You obviously dont know what you are talking about. Somewhere in your education you missed the class on human nature. Youre asking people that have been enslaved, stripped of their foundation, Jim Crowed, 3 striked, etc etc to suddenly become better humans than the whites that created the situation.and shake it all off like it never happened. If you white people cant get your shit together and you run the system why on earth would you think all Black people could while being oppressed and living in a racist society? Of course Blacks are doing the best they can. Why do you think successful Blacks like myself and millions of others are doing good even working against the odds? We are naturally strong but it does take time.
Funny thing is those poor whites probably blame jews, blacks and mexicans. LOL
There are always going to be poor communities. Capitalism depends on it. The question is, are black people always going to be the ones who are poor?

Yes, they do blame Blacks and other minorities for their impoverished existence. And the drivers of that "blame" are the more prosperous Whites who see a a vested interest in doing so via their media sources. That is what Erhlichman was revealing to us but he didn't go far enough. RW politicians continuously use that strategy to their political advantage.I dare say that right wing politicians would probably never win an election without stoking the fires of demagoguery . And for those who didn't know, Limbaugh unabashedly revealed how the right employs the devious tactic pointing the finger at Obama for being divisive to mask their own far more pervasive divisiveness. I see the right wing strategy has got you hooked, other wise you wouldn't have asked the silly question about Black people always being the ones who are poor. How many times do I have to tell you Blacks ARE NOT POOR AS A GROUP!

Sure I complain that you can take the black out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the black, but I believe their kids or their grandkids will be much better off moving away from Detroit and going to a good school in a nice safe neighborhood.

You are too restricted in your thinking. Even in Detroit there are decent Blacks... visit the local NAACP and go to their will be safe there and you will learn a lot. I would be interested in reading your impressions here when you reflect on your experiences there.

Sure 90% of the blacks in poor cities are good hard working people, but the 10% that aren't are making the place unlivable.

I suggest you discuss that with you local NAACP and pass your viewpoints and suggestions to them. They will have more of a handle on the Blacks in Detroit than you or I could imagine. BTW White people are welcome in the NAACP and there are many White members.. I suspect they do so because they want to know the truth and not just speculate within the framework of media bias.

No surprise all the most dangerous places are black cities.

Cities have always been more dangerous than rural areas or small towns regardless of the dominant demographic. Poverty, is a correlating factor more than race. Prior to FDR's new deal the urban areas were rife with gangs of every ethnic background and murder/crime was as common place or more so than it is now. Proportionally it was probably a lot worse since there were fewer people back then. But what fuelled such invidious poverty?

What part of the Constitution allowed Chid labor, slave wages, and a total disregard for public safety and health? Where is it written therein that the great masses of citizens should go wanting in the face of oppressive oligarchies?

Friend, it took WW2 and FDR to make a difference for most Americans. Not Conservatism...THAT CAUSED THE DEPRESSION.
Sadly, it took a while longer for upwardly mobile Blacks to have access to their American dream but they have , for the most part ,rose to the occasion.
Maybe black people should stop using and selling drugs. Duh, Sweet Jesus you're stupid

Well the whites havent. In fact they do it more often and get harassed and jailed less.

Or as you like to call it "Whhhaaaateverrrrrrr"
I took a buddy to traffic court, while we waited we got to listen to a lawyer plead a young black mans case. He got the judge to drop prison (prison, not jail) for selling, assault and assault on a cop for him to go free on probation. I was really impressed by the verbal fencing. but, they had to bring the guy out so the judge could tell him what's what.

dumb fuck shows up sagging, hat to the back and cocked to one side, and instead of standing there, polity, he waived back and forth like he was drunk or high, so 1/2 way through his speech, the judge denied the deal and sent that moron to prison.

moments from freedom, but he just couldn't act right for 2 mins
Maybe black people should stop using and selling drugs. Duh, Sweet Jesus you're stupid

Well the whites havent. In fact they do it more often and get harassed and jailed less.

Or as you like to call it "Whhhaaaateverrrrrrr"
I took a buddy to traffic court, while we waited we got to listen to a lawyer plead a young black mans case. He got the judge to drop prison (prison, not jail) for selling, assault and assault on a cop for him to go free on probation. I was really impressed by the verbal fencing. but, they had to bring the guy out so the judge could tell him what's what.

dumb fuck shows up sagging, hat to the back and cocked to one side, and instead of standing there, polity, he waived back and forth like he was drunk or high, so 1/2 way through his speech, the judge denied the deal and sent that moron to prison.

moments from freedom, but he just couldn't act right for 2 mins
Nice anecdote!
Maybe black people should stop using and selling drugs. Duh, Sweet Jesus you're stupid

Well the whites havent. In fact they do it more often and get harassed and jailed less.

Or as you like to call it "Whhhaaaateverrrrrrr"

Stop being annoying ya old hag. Link your BS or stop posting your BS
Maybe black people should stop using and selling drugs. Duh, Sweet Jesus you're stupid

Well the whites havent. In fact they do it more often and get harassed and jailed less.

Or as you like to call it "Whhhaaaateverrrrrrr"

Maybe cause theyre not selling it on the corner?
Maybe black people should stop using and selling drugs. Duh, Sweet Jesus you're stupid

Well the whites havent. In fact they do it more often and get harassed and jailed less.

Or as you like to call it "Whhhaaaateverrrrrrr"
I took a buddy to traffic court, while we waited we got to listen to a lawyer plead a young black mans case. He got the judge to drop prison (prison, not jail) for selling, assault and assault on a cop for him to go free on probation. I was really impressed by the verbal fencing. but, they had to bring the guy out so the judge could tell him what's what.

dumb fuck shows up sagging, hat to the back and cocked to one side, and instead of standing there, polity, he waived back and forth like he was drunk or high, so 1/2 way through his speech, the judge denied the deal and sent that moron to prison.

moments from freedom, but he just couldn't act right for 2 mins
Nice anecdote!
you know the saying

******* don't know how to act

well he didn't and went from a few month probation to prison
Maybe black people should stop using and selling drugs. Duh, Sweet Jesus you're stupid

Well the whites havent. In fact they do it more often and get harassed and jailed less.

Or as you like to call it "Whhhaaaateverrrrrrr"
I took a buddy to traffic court, while we waited we got to listen to a lawyer plead a young black mans case. He got the judge to drop prison (prison, not jail) for selling, assault and assault on a cop for him to go free on probation. I was really impressed by the verbal fencing. but, they had to bring the guy out so the judge could tell him what's what.

dumb fuck shows up sagging, hat to the back and cocked to one side, and instead of standing there, polity, he waived back and forth like he was drunk or high, so 1/2 way through his speech, the judge denied the deal and sent that moron to prison.

moments from freedom, but he just couldn't act right for 2 mins
Nice anecdote!
you know the saying

******* don't know how to act

well he didn't and went from a few month probation to prison
Perhaps prison is where he wanted to be... What would have been his future on the outside? Putting him in prison was probably like throwing ol' bro rabbit into the briar patch...he is right at home in there.
Funny thing is those poor whites probably blame jews, blacks and mexicans. LOL
There are always going to be poor communities. Capitalism depends on it. The question is, are black people always going to be the ones who are poor?

Yes, they do blame Blacks and other minorities for their impoverished existence. And the drivers of that "blame" are the more prosperous Whites who see a a vested interest in doing so via their media sources. That is what Erhlichman was revealing to us but he didn't go far enough. RW politicians continuously use that strategy to their political advantage.I dare say that right wing politicians would probably never win an election without stoking the fires of demagoguery . And for those who didn't know, Limbaugh unabashedly revealed how the right employs the devious tactic pointing the finger at Obama for being divisive to mask their own far more pervasive divisiveness. I see the right wing strategy has got you hooked, other wise you wouldn't have asked the silly question about Black people always being the ones who are poor. How many times do I have to tell you Blacks ARE NOT POOR AS A GROUP!

Sure I complain that you can take the black out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the black, but I believe their kids or their grandkids will be much better off moving away from Detroit and going to a good school in a nice safe neighborhood.

You are too restricted in your thinking. Even in Detroit there are decent Blacks... visit the local NAACP and go to their will be safe there and you will learn a lot. I would be interested in reading your impressions here when you reflect on your experiences there.

Sure 90% of the blacks in poor cities are good hard working people, but the 10% that aren't are making the place unlivable.

I suggest you discuss that with you local NAACP and pass your viewpoints and suggestions to them. They will have more of a handle on the Blacks in Detroit than you or I could imagine. BTW White people are welcome in the NAACP and there are many White members.. I suspect they do so because they want to know the truth and not just speculate within the framework of media bias.

No surprise all the most dangerous places are black cities.

Cities have always been more dangerous than rural areas or small towns regardless of the dominant demographic. Poverty, is a correlating factor more than race. Prior to FDR's new deal the urban areas were rife with gangs of every ethnic background and murder/crime was as common place or more so than it is now. Proportionally it was probably a lot worse since there were fewer people back then. But what fuelled such invidious poverty?

What part of the Constitution allowed Chid labor, slave wages, and a total disregard for public safety and health? Where is it written therein that the great masses of citizens should go wanting in the face of oppressive oligarchies?

Friend, it took WW2 and FDR to make a difference for most Americans. Not Conservatism...THAT CAUSED THE DEPRESSION.
Sadly, it took a while longer for upwardly mobile Blacks to have access to their American dream but they have , for the most part ,rose to the occasion.
You and asclepias make lots of good points. I still think we should do more to get women who aren't ready to have kids to wait. I think this is the key problem with poverty. And it's the same advice I would give my own daughter.

Im just looking at the black community and asking what they can do better/differently themselves. I don't deny they face all those challenges you two mention.
Maybe black people should stop using and selling drugs. Duh, Sweet Jesus you're stupid

Well the whites havent. In fact they do it more often and get harassed and jailed less.

Or as you like to call it "Whhhaaaateverrrrrrr"
I took a buddy to traffic court, while we waited we got to listen to a lawyer plead a young black mans case. He got the judge to drop prison (prison, not jail) for selling, assault and assault on a cop for him to go free on probation. I was really impressed by the verbal fencing. but, they had to bring the guy out so the judge could tell him what's what.

dumb fuck shows up sagging, hat to the back and cocked to one side, and instead of standing there, polity, he waived back and forth like he was drunk or high, so 1/2 way through his speech, the judge denied the deal and sent that moron to prison.

moments from freedom, but he just couldn't act right for 2 mins
Nice anecdote!
you know the saying

******* don't know how to act

well he didn't and went from a few month probation to prison
Perhaps prison is where he wanted to be... What would have been his future on the outside? Putting him in prison was probably like throwing ol' bro rabbit into the briar patch...he is right at home in there.
What can black people do to fix this? I blame his parents. This is what I'm talking about. What do you want to bet that guy had a father who acts just like him or he has no father at all.

How many times have we seen the poor single mother pleading with the judge that she raised him the best she could but it was hard working 2 jobs and raising 4 kids by herself. Who told her to have dem bebe's?
Funny thing is those poor whites probably blame jews, blacks and mexicans. LOL
There are always going to be poor communities. Capitalism depends on it. The question is, are black people always going to be the ones who are poor?

Yes, they do blame Blacks and other minorities for their impoverished existence. And the drivers of that "blame" are the more prosperous Whites who see a a vested interest in doing so via their media sources. That is what Erhlichman was revealing to us but he didn't go far enough. RW politicians continuously use that strategy to their political advantage.I dare say that right wing politicians would probably never win an election without stoking the fires of demagoguery . And for those who didn't know, Limbaugh unabashedly revealed how the right employs the devious tactic pointing the finger at Obama for being divisive to mask their own far more pervasive divisiveness. I see the right wing strategy has got you hooked, other wise you wouldn't have asked the silly question about Black people always being the ones who are poor. How many times do I have to tell you Blacks ARE NOT POOR AS A GROUP!

Sure I complain that you can take the black out of the ghetto but you can't take the ghetto out of the black, but I believe their kids or their grandkids will be much better off moving away from Detroit and going to a good school in a nice safe neighborhood.

You are too restricted in your thinking. Even in Detroit there are decent Blacks... visit the local NAACP and go to their will be safe there and you will learn a lot. I would be interested in reading your impressions here when you reflect on your experiences there.

Sure 90% of the blacks in poor cities are good hard working people, but the 10% that aren't are making the place unlivable.

I suggest you discuss that with you local NAACP and pass your viewpoints and suggestions to them. They will have more of a handle on the Blacks in Detroit than you or I could imagine. BTW White people are welcome in the NAACP and there are many White members.. I suspect they do so because they want to know the truth and not just speculate within the framework of media bias.

No surprise all the most dangerous places are black cities.

Cities have always been more dangerous than rural areas or small towns regardless of the dominant demographic. Poverty, is a correlating factor more than race. Prior to FDR's new deal the urban areas were rife with gangs of every ethnic background and murder/crime was as common place or more so than it is now. Proportionally it was probably a lot worse since there were fewer people back then. But what fuelled such invidious poverty?

What part of the Constitution allowed Chid labor, slave wages, and a total disregard for public safety and health? Where is it written therein that the great masses of citizens should go wanting in the face of oppressive oligarchies?

Friend, it took WW2 and FDR to make a difference for most Americans. Not Conservatism...THAT CAUSED THE DEPRESSION.
Sadly, it took a while longer for upwardly mobile Blacks to have access to their American dream but they have , for the most part ,rose to the occasion.
You and asclepias make lots of good points. I still think we should do more to get women who aren't ready to have kids to wait. I think this is the key problem with poverty. And it's the same advice I would give my own daughter.

Im just looking at the black community and asking what they can do better/differently themselves. I don't deny they face all those challenges you two mention.

Your point is well taken but consider this: If 70 +% of all Black births are illegitimate that means a lot of middle classed Black women are having babies out of wedlock too. Typically Black women in that class have a job or a man who has one. They aren't part of that "poor" paradigm you keep alluding to. Their children will be taken care of as well as those of married couples; and, the parents will probably marry after the birth a child. Having children out of wedlock isn't the issue, it is how well those children are raised and the type of experiences they encounter on the way to adulthood.
Well the whites havent. In fact they do it more often and get harassed and jailed less.

Or as you like to call it "Whhhaaaateverrrrrrr"
I took a buddy to traffic court, while we waited we got to listen to a lawyer plead a young black mans case. He got the judge to drop prison (prison, not jail) for selling, assault and assault on a cop for him to go free on probation. I was really impressed by the verbal fencing. but, they had to bring the guy out so the judge could tell him what's what.

dumb fuck shows up sagging, hat to the back and cocked to one side, and instead of standing there, polity, he waived back and forth like he was drunk or high, so 1/2 way through his speech, the judge denied the deal and sent that moron to prison.

moments from freedom, but he just couldn't act right for 2 mins
Nice anecdote!
you know the saying

******* don't know how to act

well he didn't and went from a few month probation to prison
Perhaps prison is where he wanted to be... What would have been his future on the outside? Putting him in prison was probably like throwing ol' bro rabbit into the briar patch...he is right at home in there.
What can black people do to fix this? I blame his parents. This is what I'm talking about. What do you want to bet that guy had a father who acts just like him or he has no father at all.

How many times have we seen the poor single mother pleading with the judge that she raised him the best she could but it was hard working 2 jobs and raising 4 kids by herself. Who told her to have dem bebe's?

See post # 259. Add this to the synopsis there:

If you want to have a serious discussion on the issue go to your local NAACP and do it face to face with the people there. Perhaps they can show you that not all unwed mothers are impoverished and not all are Black. I can't seem to get through to you and now you have descended into using stereotypical language that I find offensive.
If you persist I have no more to say.
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