The Walking Dead Season 5

So...the Wolves are another group like the Gov's group and as bad as the Terminus group mental wise. Don't know if they are cannibals yet. That remains to be seen.

Rickatorship is now in gear so season 6 will be Alexandria battling walkers AND the Wolves, I presume. Hopefully Gabe will be offed soon. And Nicholas. Maybe Sasha. She's too nutty now to stay. She is dangerous to the group.
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So...the Wolves are another group like the Gov's group and as bad as the Terminus group mental wise. Don't know if they are cannibals yet. That remains to be seen.

Rictatorship is now in gear so season 6 will be Alexandria battling walkers AND the Wolves, I presume. Hopefully Gabe will be offed soon. And Nicholas. Maybe Sasha. She's too nutty now to stay. She is dangerous to the group.

Yup. Frankly, however, I think the prison was probably easier to defend. lol
Morgan said they kept him really hidden for this epi, so he was stashed in a tiny town in a B&B and couldn't go anywhere cuz they wanted to keep his presence secret BUT..someone staying at the same B&B saw him at breakfast and said "oh. YOU are the reason". So the producers made that lady sign a confidentiality agreement, lol. Shhhhhhhhh. Morgan is in town. Shhhhhhhh.
Actually, the prison was perfect. They need to find another one. More secure. Bigger. Not as comfy as cushy houses but SAFE. Yes. They need to find another prison.
It was a bit contrived at times, but overall a good episode. I agree, simply switching scenes away from Glen then having him miraculously unbitten and ready to fight was silly. I'd have preferred something more along the lines of whats-his-name thinking Glenn was going to die, since he himself is such a pussy, and then showing Glenn kill the walkers after he left.

Carol is fun, but the evil bitch persona is getting a bit out of hand.

The abuser husband killing Deanna's husband was a terrible scene. Really, that's how it's going to happen? Not an accident, maybe have the guy get a gun, try to shoot Rick and hit Deanna's hubby instead? No, he's going to take Michonne's sword and cut the guy's throat in front of everyone? That was a reach.

I actually don't mind Gabriel's character that much. Andrea was worse. At least with Gabriel, you know what you are getting. His lunacy is mostly front and center. :lol: And considering what happened to him, his reaction doesn't seem that strange to me.

These wolf people remind me a lot of the Terminus people. How do you get a group filled with such insanity so organized and efficient? I would expect that much crazy to lead to chaos.

I'm glad it wasn't another cliffhanger. We've got plenty set up for next season, but we're not in the middle of a fight. It should be fun to see how Morgan, who had mostly lost his mind the last time Rick saw him, deals with Rick now that Morgan has become an 'all life is precious' kind of guy.

Apparently, in zombie apocalypse world, learning to fight with weapons is a breeze! Morgan and Michonne must have been ninja in another life. :p

OMG, everyone can cave in a skull with barely any effort! The guy that Gabriel killed wasn't even quite dead yet, but POW! One hit with a rock and the head blows up like Gallagher smashing a watermelon.

If Rick and co. had tried to take over Alexandria, I image it would have worked in the end. A few people might have had to be killed, but I think most would have ended up following willingly, because they wouldn't have mistreated them. They would have been benevolent overlords. :lmao:

I'm going to go see if the preview for Fear The Walking Dead is on youtube, I don't watch Talking Dead and it was supposed to be on during that.
Actually, the prison was perfect. They need to find another one. More secure. Bigger. Not as comfy as cushy houses but SAFE. Yes. They need to find another prison.

Alexandria is a lot safer than the prison in some ways. Don't forget, while the prison walls were very secure, it was just a chain link fence around the grounds.
And barbed wires and cells with bars. If I had a would be the prison. They can always raid nearby homes and make it cushier. But all that land? Crops.
Actually, the prison was perfect. They need to find another one. More secure. Bigger. Not as comfy as cushy houses but SAFE. Yes. They need to find another prison.

Alexandria is a lot safer than the prison in some ways. Don't forget, while the prison walls were very secure, it was just a chain link fence around the grounds.

Take a prison, and then build walls like Alexandria has around it. ;)
Actually, the prison was perfect. They need to find another one. More secure. Bigger. Not as comfy as cushy houses but SAFE. Yes. They need to find another prison.

Alexandria is a lot safer than the prison in some ways. Don't forget, while the prison walls were very secure, it was just a chain link fence around the grounds.

Take a prison, and then build walls like Alexandria has around it. ;)

Their engineer is dead now, too late! :lol:
That Fear the Walking Dead teaser was......short. Thanks for nothing! I already knew it took place when the outbreak happened rather than during the current time in Walking Dead. I didn't really learn anything else about the show from the 5 second clip. :mad:
And I just gotta say it. Rick is HOT. Oy. He could park his boots under my bed any time. Bloody, stinky, clean, hairy, I don't care. Hot hot hot.
I'm still wondering how in the hell Glen got away. I thought for sure he was going to get it this time.
It is called unrealistic bad Millennnial writing.

Damn! Someone help me out... just missed what happened with Morgan.
The bad Millennial writers ripped off The Book Of Eli. You didn't miss much.

And I just gotta say it. Rick is HOT. Oy. He could park his boots under my bed any time. Bloody, stinky, clean, hairy, I don't care. Hot hot hot.
Raider Rick needs a bullet in the head.
Would you be loyal to Rick?

Are you asking me? I would.
I was asking anyone.

I had to think about it...but yeah, I would too if I was with him from the beginning. He has a lot of mental breakdowns though.

Well, if you think about it, they all have. I was not liking Rick much when he was wondering through the woods when they were still living at the prison. I thought he was going to totally lose it, but he managed to pull through.

Oh, I have another spoiler.

I was also glad when Sasha kicked the preachers arse tonight. Lol. She didn't kill him though. I wonder what they are going to do about him? He is nutz (pun intended). Did you see him lying down in the street crying? :rolleyes-41: Good God, is he annoying.

Yep, there have been only 3 characters that I couldn't stand: Dale, Father Gabriel and Rick's Wife (name escapes me at tha moment).
I think Ricks wife's name was Lori and I agree with you.
Actually, the prison was perfect. They need to find another one. More secure. Bigger. Not as comfy as cushy houses but SAFE. Yes. They need to find another prison.

Alexandria is a lot safer than the prison in some ways. Don't forget, while the prison walls were very secure, it was just a chain link fence around the grounds.
And barbed wires and cells with bars. If I had a would be the prison. They can always raid nearby homes and make it cushier. But all that land? Crops.

The walls of Alexandria are better but I agree the prison itself was safer. What they need is a castle and a moat. lol
Also, when the heck did Morgan learn how to use a fighting stick like a freaking kung-fu master? :lol:

That was a pretty great opening scene. There was a lot of internet buzz that Morgan was already dead and we would see his faith in a flash-back scene.
Actually, the prison was perfect. They need to find another one. More secure. Bigger. Not as comfy as cushy houses but SAFE. Yes. They need to find another prison.

Alexandria is a lot safer than the prison in some ways. Don't forget, while the prison walls were very secure, it was just a chain link fence around the grounds.

Take a prison, and then build walls like Alexandria has around it. ;)

Yes but a bigger place is much more difficult to maintain and to keep watch over.
Actually, the prison was perfect. They need to find another one. More secure. Bigger. Not as comfy as cushy houses but SAFE. Yes. They need to find another prison.

Alexandria is a lot safer than the prison in some ways. Don't forget, while the prison walls were very secure, it was just a chain link fence around the grounds.

Take a prison, and then build walls like Alexandria has around it. ;)

Yes but a bigger place is much more difficult to maintain and to keep watch over.

That's true. Though, to be fair, they've never really had the manpower to effectively guard any of their settlements, not even Alexandria.

Someone could climb over that wall at pretty much any time if they were smart enough to bring a couple hooks and some rope. No one would know until it was too late to really stop them either.
Actually, the prison was perfect. They need to find another one. More secure. Bigger. Not as comfy as cushy houses but SAFE. Yes. They need to find another prison.

Alexandria is a lot safer than the prison in some ways. Don't forget, while the prison walls were very secure, it was just a chain link fence around the grounds.

Take a prison, and then build walls like Alexandria has around it. ;)

Yes but a bigger place is much more difficult to maintain and to keep watch over.

That's true. Though, to be fair, they've never really had the manpower to effectively guard any of their settlements, not even Alexandria.

Someone could climb over that wall at pretty much any time if they were smart enough to bring a couple hooks and some rope. No one would know until it was too late to really stop them either.

I can only assume that there is a view of the entire wall from the watchtower.

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