The Vanishing U.S. Abortion Clinic


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
The Vanishing U.S. Abortion Clinic - Bloomberg QuickTake

Good news for those of us who think that human life is precious and should be protected at all stages of development.

Liberals, you have Obama to blame for this. His refusal to work with Republicans, and passage of the unpopular Obamacare, caused Democrats at all levels of government to lose their seats to Republicans, who have hit abortion clinics with regulations designed to put them out of business.

In that way, the election of Obama is the best thing that ever happened for pro-life movement.
"The Vanishing U.S. Abortion Clinic"

Representing the dishonesty and cowardice of the social right, their contempt for the right to privacy, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

The social right is indeed the bane of the American Nation.
"The Vanishing U.S. Abortion Clinic"

Representing the dishonesty and cowardice of the social right, their contempt for the right to privacy, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

The social right is indeed the bane of the American Nation.
Oh fuck off, you're such a poser to defend the Constitution, case law and the rule of law. Your pal Obama has done away with all of this and now rules by Executive Orders, bypassing Congress on every issue. We now live in a dictatorship, not a republic.
Good news for those of us who think that human life is precious and should be protected at all stages of development.

Liberals, you have Obama to blame for this. His refusal to work with Republicans, and passage of the unpopular Obamacare, caused Democrats at all levels of government to lose their seats to Republicans, who have hit abortion clinics with regulations designed to put them out of business.

In that way, the election of Obama is the best thing that ever happened for pro-life movement.

I think you have a problem of thinking Correlation equals causation... a typical mistake by slow-witted conservatives.

The reason why Abortion Clinics are declining is because the number of women having SURGICAL abortions is declining.

Part of that is because like most industrialized countries, the median age is getting higher. Most women are past their baby-making years.

Another reason is because thanks to the advent of chemical abortion treatments, a lot of women are ending their early pregnancies at home.

Yes, some backwater states have made life difficult for women seeking abortions, but you aren't stopping them.
The Vanishing U.S. Abortion Clinic - Bloomberg QuickTake

Good news for those of us who think that human life is precious and should be protected at all stages of development.

Liberals, you have Obama to blame for this. His refusal to work with Republicans, and passage of the unpopular Obamacare, caused Democrats at all levels of government to lose their seats to Republicans, who have hit abortion clinics with regulations designed to put them out of business.

In that way, the election of Obama is the best thing that ever happened for pro-life movement.
Considering that the regs are passed by state legislatures, I can't see Oblama or Congress has anything to do with this..Maybe there are less clinics due to Christian terrorist?
"The Vanishing U.S. Abortion Clinic"

Representing the dishonesty and cowardice of the social right, their contempt for the right to privacy, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

The social right is indeed the bane of the American Nation.
How is the growing unpopularity of abortion on demand blamed on the "social right"? I thought you people were pro choice.
"The Vanishing U.S. Abortion Clinic"

Rejecting the dishonesty and cowardice of the social right, their contempt for the right to privacy, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

The social right is indeed the bane of the American Nation.

Reader, allow me to correct the misnomers set forth by the above cited imbecile:

"Rejecting the dishonesty and cowardice of the Ideological Left, the honorable; their respect for responsibility to keep private matters private and the Constitution which requires such, are indeed: America."
"The Vanishing U.S. Abortion Clinic"

Representing the dishonesty and cowardice of the social right, their contempt for the right to privacy, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

The social right is indeed the bane of the American Nation.
Two of my own children had a social right, and as fate would have it they were not killed in vitro.

One is now a 33 year old Executive Producer at Netflix, the other a Sophomore at a prestigious conservatory in Boston.

The "Rule of Law" should never precede the "Right to Life". :slap:
Any way, the right of privacy is not actually in the Constitution, it is created out of nowhere by the Supreme Court.

Well the "Right to Privacy", like all rights, is sustained only through the responsibility of the individual claiming such, to keep that which it claims to be private: PRIVATE.

Where the Left is the most deceptive, is in this argument that "A woman's right to choose" rests in the right to privacy.

Such is not only false, it is laughably false.

The Right to a woman's right to choose, rests in the woman's responsibility to CHOOSE WISELY... and never more so, than when she is considering with whom, when and where she allows a man inside her body.

As once she make her choice... she has exercised her right to choose.

What the Left is demanding is that there is a right to choose to MURDER that which is found to be an inconvenience. And that is NOT LIMITED TO A MOTHER MURDERING HER OWN CHILD.


And make no mistake... what you're seeing there is THE RIGHT TO MURDER THAT WHICH IS INCONVENIENT... OKA: ABORTION: IN ACTION as ABORTION 2.0.

And that friends, is an incomprehensible evil and the unlimited depths of that evil is demonstrated in the Left's funding of Planned Parenthood, through THE SELLING OF THE PEICES OF THE LITTLE DEFENSELESS BABIES THAT IT MURDERS... and through the DEFENSE of that INCOMPREHENSIBLE EVIL by the idiot masses of the Ideological Left.

And that is all there truly is to this nonsense.

It's EVIL... Old fashion, old Testament, unlimited, incomprehensible Evil, Versus: YOU!

That's the bad news and it sounds pretty grim doesn't it?

The Good News is that all you need to do to defeat Evil, is to reject it and reject it ENTIRELY.

And ENTIRELY is the key... as, if you rationalize; if you half step and try to compromise with it, it morphs into something else that your rationalization favors and it consumes you.

So, it's simple: Black and White.

Good or Evil... . And the choice is YOURS!
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"The Vanishing U.S. Abortion Clinic"

Representing the dishonesty and cowardice of the social right, their contempt for the right to privacy, the Constitution, its case law, and the rule of law.

The social right is indeed the bane of the American Nation.
Two of my own children had a social right, and as fate would have it they were not killed in vitro.

One is now a 33 year old Executive Producer at Netflix, the other a Sophomore at a prestigious conservatory in Boston.

The "Rule of Law" should never precede the "Right to Life". :slap:

LOVE NETFLIX! Kudos to your Exec Child.
Hurray!!!! Abortion should never have been started in the first place. All it did was give women an excuse to fail to plan/prevent an unwanted pregnancy. An atrocity resulted in the number of murdered fetuses.
Hurray!!!! Abortion should never have been started in the first place. All it did was give women an excuse to fail to plan/prevent an unwanted pregnancy. An atrocity resulted in the number of murdered fetuses.
Abortion has been around as long as women reproduced. Not a word about it in the Bible though.
Hurray!!!! Abortion should never have been started in the first place. All it did was give women an excuse to fail to plan/prevent an unwanted pregnancy. An atrocity resulted in the number of murdered fetuses.
Abortion has been around as long as women reproduced. Not a word about it in the Bible though.



For those who haven't read it: The Bible is AGAINST EVIL!

So for those determined not to be consumed by the Evil presently rising around the world... I would suggest you READ THE BIBLE. All you need to know is right in there.
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