The Uninhabitable Earth


Platinum Member
May 10, 2014
It is absolutely time to panic about climate change
It is absolutely time to panic about climate change

Author David Wallace-Wells on the dystopian hellscape that awaits us

"It is, I promise, worse than you think."

That was the fist line of David Wallace-Wells horrifying 2017 essay in New York Magazine* about climate change. It ws an attempt to pain a very real picture of our not-too-distant future, a future filled with famines, political chaos, economic collapse, fierce resource competition and a sun that cooks us

* When Will the Planet Be Too Hot for Humans? Much, Much Sooner Than You Imagine.

Wallace-Wells has developed his essay into a new book: The Uninhabitable Earth.

You should check out the Vox article at the top link. The first of many points: the difference between constraining the temperature rise to 1.5C rather than 2C would be the deaths of 150 million people, from air pollution alone.
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It is absolutely time to panic about climate change
It is absolutely time to panic about climate change

Author David Wallace-Wells on the dystopian hellscape that awaits us

"It is, I promise, worse than you think."

That was the fist line of David Wallace-Wells horrifying 2017 essay in New York Magazine* about climate change. It ws an attempt to pain a very real picture of our not-too-distant future, a future filled with famines, political chaos, economic collapse, fierce resource competition and a sun that cooks us

* When Will the Planet Be Too Hot for Humans? Much, Much Sooner Than You Imagine.

Wallace-Wells has developed his essay into a new book: The Uninhabitable Earth.

You should check out the Vox article at the top link. The first of many points: the difference between constraining the temperature rise to 1.5C rather than 2C would be the deaths of 150 million people, from air pollution alone.

Vox????? Are you shitting me??????


Strangely, everyone who supposedly believes that manmade climate change is going to cause TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it) never act like they are preparing for TEOTWAWKI. In fact, they are doing the exact opposite.

You want me to believe that you believe this crap? Show me by your actions.
It is absolutely time to panic about climate change

Just like we’ve been out of oil for 7 years now, according to predictions.
It is absolutely time to panic about climate change
It is absolutely time to panic about climate change

Author David Wallace-Wells on the dystopian hellscape that awaits us

"It is, I promise, worse than you think."

That was the fist line of David Wallace-Wells horrifying 2017 essay in New York Magazine* about climate change. It ws an attempt to pain a very real picture of our not-too-distant future, a future filled with famines, political chaos, economic collapse, fierce resource competition and a sun that cooks us

* When Will the Planet Be Too Hot for Humans? Much, Much Sooner Than You Imagine.

Wallace-Wells has developed his essay into a new book: The Uninhabitable Earth.

You should check out the Vox article at the top link. The first of many points: the difference between constraining the temperature rise to 1.5C rather than 2C would be the deaths of 150 million people, from air pollution alone.
It is absolutely time to panic about climate change
It is absolutely time to panic about climate change

Author David Wallace-Wells on the dystopian hellscape that awaits us

"It is, I promise, worse than you think."

That was the fist line of David Wallace-Wells horrifying 2017 essay in New York Magazine* about climate change. It ws an attempt to pain a very real picture of our not-too-distant future, a future filled with famines, political chaos, economic collapse, fierce resource competition and a sun that cooks us

* When Will the Planet Be Too Hot for Humans? Much, Much Sooner Than You Imagine.

Wallace-Wells has developed his essay into a new book: The Uninhabitable Earth.

You should check out the Vox article at the top link. The first of many points: the difference between constraining the temperature rise to 1.5C rather than 2C would be the deaths of 150 million people, from air pollution alone.

Vox????? Are you shitting me??????

No. Why?

Strangely, everyone who supposedly believes that manmade climate change is going to cause TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it) never act like they are preparing for TEOTWAWKI. In fact, they are doing the exact opposite.

You want me to believe that you believe this crap? Show me by your actions.

I am trying to get everyone to understand the risk we face and act to stop it. If you think the proper response to news of this sort is to say your prayers and then kiss your ass goodbye, then I'm afraid you're a useless coward and there's not much point talking to you.

Is that your stupid truck or is that just the stupid truck of someone else that you wish was yours?

Man, all of you are just as clever as fuck. I have been SO put in my place.
Just like we’ve been out of oil for 7 years now, according to predictions.

I bet you think gasoline will be around forever. When we run out of it here, we can just extract it on Mars and ship it here over a long pipeline that Trump's going to get built. Right?
And we should be buried under miles thick sheets of ice, as predicted in the '70s.

I didn't think anyone remembered me predicting miles thick ice sheets back in the 70s but you caught me you did. I'm as shut down as shut down can be.

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