The US of 1960 (not to mention 1860) is in serious trouble of being long forgotten...much to the chagrin of republicans everywhere.

As long as blacks vote Democrat at 95%, there will always be slavery and a plantation. Different than in 1860 but still a plantation. Sad part it's by choice with them now.
There is no correlation between this and the economy but the fact that the US had a very poor start in the Olympics is just another example of how don't win anymore.

This corrupt lying incompetent bitch Crooked Hillary will only make things worse than President Shit for Brains if that is possible.

As long as blacks vote Democrat at 95%, there will always be slavery and a plantation. Different than in 1860 but still a plantation. Sad part it's by choice with them now.

The Democrats have a sweet deal going.

They have a welfare slave plantation.

If you are Black then you are a slave on the plantation. That is the bad news. The good news is that to earn your free welfare pork chops, Colt Malt Liquor and chitlins all you have to do is go vote for the Democrats every four years. It is not like you have to pick cotton or anything.
The Democrats have a sweet deal going.

They have a welfare slave plantation.

If you are Black then you are a slave on the plantation. That is the bad news. The good news is that to earn your free welfare pork chops, Colt Malt Liquor and chitlins all you have to do is go vote for the Democrats every four years. It is not like you have to pick cotton or anything.

Wow, guy, the days of my thinking you are a racist asshole are definitely coming to a middle.
Here are the facts about the current economy. All of the stuff that Barack Obama and the Democrats cover up with their propaganda.
  • Their Latino peers saw a 0.8% point decrease to 30.3%
  • Neither groups have recovered from President Barack Obama’s “recovery;” young African American participation rates never went over 30 percent since February 2009 while the young Latinos’ is still five percentage points lower than it was at that same period
There is nothing to brag about where the jobs come from either:
  • Nearly 250,000 of them are parasitical (i.e. government) while the self-employed lost 110,000 jobs.
  • In the meantime there are 100,000 new part-time workers for economic reasons, mostly because of “slack work or business conditions.”
  • There is also a total of 160,000 new multiple-job holders, a 0.1-percentage point increase, showing that the Obama recession is already lurking around the corner.
  • It’s especially true if you are part of the demonized extractive industry (mining, oil and gas, etc.) which shed another 7,000 jobs.
Finally, one indicator that doesn’t fail to show that the economy is going in the wrong direction is duration of unemployment. The average duration is now 28.1 weeks, a 0.4 week increase and still 8 percentage points higher than it was in February 2009.

The mean duration increased 1.3 percentage points to 11.6 weeks, barely below its February 2009 level but on an upward trend since mid-2015.

These figures reflect the increase in long-term unemployment 15 weeks and over, which increased 1.2 percentage points to 41.7% of all unemployed workers. In particular, very long-term unemployment over 26 weeks increased 0.8% to 26.6%, on an upward trend for about a year.

The Obama Recession is Coming Soon

When did U6 become the "real" unemployment rate?

Is this Canadian hack vying for Ms Jones' gig at CNS?

Jobs Added in July: +38,000 in Government; +9,000 in Manufacturing

There is nothing to brag about where the jobs come from either:
  • Nearly 250,000 of them are parasitical (i.e. government) while the self-employed lost 110,000 jobs.
This is you can see if you actually click on the link, these numbers are from the notoriously volatile Household series......according to which Government employment SHRANK by 400,000 between May and June....
we were in trouble when "The Stupid Vote" elected Obama in 2008

we were in trouble even earlier when the Stupid Vote re-elected President Bush in 2004! :D
You're all wrong - it started with the election of Woodrow Wilson and has been all down hill from there. He and FDR shredded the U.S. Constitution. Then spit on it. Then pissed on it. The list of idiots elected (Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Barack Obama) is embarrassing. With the exception of Ronald Reagan, we haven't seen a decent president in over 120 years.

How was Reagan any more "decent" than, say, Clinton?

He never tried to sell us on a BS story like Clinton's Bosnia lie.
Jesus of Nazareth was born in 5 BCE (or so) 
and crucified around 30 CE. The first few texts 
that make up the New Testament were written beginning around 50 CE in Koine Greek. The book was redacted into its final form in the mid–fourth century but not translated into English until 1380. In other words, the stories in the Bible on Jesus are not the result of any contemporaneous reporting but rather, quite literally, the stuff of myth.

The same cannot be said of Ronald Reagan. We have, for instance, contemporaneous reports that Reagan apparently was a pathological liar. He bragged of liberating concentration camps in Germany although he spent all of World War II in Hollywood. He invented “a verbal message” from the pope in support of his Central America policies and lied about that too. He insisted, in 1985, that the leader of South Africa’s vicious apartheid regime, P.W. Botha, had “eliminated the segregation that we once had in our own country.” Pants on fire…

Ronald Reagan Superstar

Go to 5:08

The US of 1960 (not to mention 1860) is in serious trouble of being long forgotten...much to the chagrin of republicans everywhere.

As long as blacks vote Democrat at 95%, there will always be slavery and a plantation. Different than in 1860 but still a plantation. Sad part it's by choice with them now.

Loser said what?
Wow, guy, the days of my thinking you are a racist asshole are definitely coming to a middle.

Facts are facts. 97% of the Blacks in this country vote for the filthy ass Democrats because they expect to get something out of it. They sure as hell don't vote for the best interest of the county. It is greed.

They get to lounge around on their welfare slave plantation eating watermelon and drinking Colt Malt Liquor and the only work they have to do is check the box for Democrats every election. Sweet deal.

Beats the hell out of having to work and be held for personal responsibility, doesn't it?
acts are facts. 97% of the Blacks in this country vote for the filthy ass Democrats because they expect to get something out of it. They sure as hell don't vote for the best interest of the county. It is greed.

I don't think you'd know a fact if it walked up and bit you on the ass. But okay. Of course most adult blacks have jobs and a majority of people on welfare are white. But youkeep telling yourself that black folks vote for phones...
acts are facts. 97% of the Blacks in this country vote for the filthy ass Democrats because they expect to get something out of it. They sure as hell don't vote for the best interest of the county. It is greed.

I don't think you'd know a fact if it walked up and bit you on the ass. But okay. Of course most adult blacks have jobs and a majority of people on welfare are white. But youkeep telling yourself that black folks vote for phones...

You are confused and delusional Moon Bat.

At any one time 40% of the Blacks in America are on welfare and during their lives 85% have been on welfare at one time or another. This corresponds to 5% and 11% respectively for Whites.

These greedy shithead Blacks vote their welfare checks while fucking the country. They are the vassals of the filthy ass Democrat Party. Slaves on the welfare plantation and they are too greedy and stupid to know or care..

For instance, they voted for this jackass Obama and the welfare rolls increased, a whole shitload more of them got Obamaphones (like the Obamaphone Lady) and they got their healthcare subsidized through his stupid destructive Obamacare program.

Meanwhile because they helped to get this jackass Obama elected poverty rates increased, the debt sky rocketed, family income decreased, the cost of healthcare increased for the paying Americans, taxes increased, the growth of the economy was dismal and the country is pretty well fucked.

Yea, the greedy bastards got a few bennies and got somebody else to pay their bills and got their free chitlins but the country suffered because of it.

More evidence against Putin than against Hillary. The Trumps and his campaign manager are in business in Russia...
More evidence against Putin than against Hillary. The Trumps and his campaign manager are in business in Russia...

Evidence against Putin concerning what exactly? Accusations are not truth and since her e-mail server was unsecured, any 2nd rate hacker could get her e-mails and man oh man, have we evergottena treasure trove of information how Hitlery and the state department, Holder and the Barrypuppet were indeed funding ISIS just like I said three years ago and just like military whistle blower Scott Bennett claimed FOUR years ago. Bury your head in the sand and walk around with your ass hanging skin off of my nose. I will say this, I trust the integrity of Putin over Hitlery any day of thh week....and since Putin is former KGB? That should tell you how little I think of Hitlery.......

Clinton spins FBI director's comments about her email
Of course, you're a hater dupe. You trust Putin? lol. Breaking for dupes: No e-mails were marked classified. And not hacked like State's.
Pardon me if I trust the FBI over your crooked hitlery....:lol:

99% of people in jail claim they are innocent.....
The day after the Comey BS, he admitted there were no E-mails marked classified. Our media suks, just want to keep the controversy and ratings up...
acts are facts. 97% of the Blacks in this country vote for the filthy ass Democrats because they expect to get something out of it. They sure as hell don't vote for the best interest of the county. It is greed.

I don't think you'd know a fact if it walked up and bit you on the ass. But okay. Of course most adult blacks have jobs and a majority of people on welfare are white. But youkeep telling yourself that black folks vote for phones...

You are confused and delusional Moon Bat.

At any one time 40% of the Blacks in America are on welfare and during their lives 85% have been on welfare at one time or another. This corresponds to 5% and 11% respectively for Whites.

These greedy shithead Blacks vote their welfare checks while fucking the country. They are the vassals of the filthy ass Democrat Party. Slaves on the welfare plantation and they are too greedy and stupid to know or care..

For instance, they voted for this jackass Obama and the welfare rolls increased, a whole shitload more of them got Obamaphones (like the Obamaphone Lady) and they got their healthcare subsidized through his stupid destructive Obamacare program.

Meanwhile because they helped to get this jackass Obama elected poverty rates increased, the debt sky rocketed, family income decreased, the cost of healthcare increased for the paying Americans, taxes increased, the growth of the economy was dismal and the country is pretty well fucked.

Yea, the greedy bastards got a few bennies and got somebody else to pay their bills and got their free chitlins but the country suffered because of it.

Blacks know which party is full of racists and bs. Shows how blacks are screwed in the New BS GOP America.
Last edited:
The US of 1960 (not to mention 1860) is in serious trouble of being long forgotten...much to the chagrin of republicans everywhere.

As long as blacks vote Democrat at 95%, there will always be slavery and a plantation. Different than in 1860 but still a plantation. Sad part it's by choice with them now.

Loser said what?

I'm not part of that 95% willing to stay on the plantation and continue voting for a party that has produced such poor results. Maybe the reason blacks continue to vote for Democrats despite the poor results is they realize, even as bad as those results are, it's better than they could do if they tried to do it on their own.

Blacks know which party is full of racists and bs. Shows how blacks are screwed in the New BS GOP America.

I am not a Republican so your partisan pig hate fest against them is wasted on me. They kiss the ass of special interest groups just like the filthy Democrats. It is just in the case of the Republicans it doesn't do any good because the greedy Blacks will always perceive they will get a bigger welfare check out of the Democrats. LBJ established that idea in the mind of the greedy Blacks that would rather get somebody else to pay their bills that earn their own keep. It is despicable when you think a large voting block votes their greed instead of what is good for the country.

That is why this country is so screwed up and we are in astronomical debt and piss poor economic growth with increasing poverty. Socialistic greed always fucks up everything.
You are confused and delusional Moon Bat.

At any one time 40% of the Blacks in America are on welfare and during their lives 85% have been on welfare at one time or another. This corresponds to 5% and 11% respectively for Whites.


These greedy shithead Blacks vote their welfare checks while fucking the country. They are the vassals of the filthy ass Democrat Party. Slaves on the welfare plantation and they are too greedy and stupid to know or care..

For instance, they voted for this jackass Obama and the welfare rolls increased, a whole shitload more of them got Obamaphones (like the Obamaphone Lady) and they got their healthcare subsidized through his stupid destructive Obamacare program.

MOst of the people I know on Obamacare are white... the poor blacks were already getting medicaid.

You also leave out the part where you Boy Bush wrecked the economy, vaporized trillions in wealth and lost 10 million jobs..
This is a must see video no matter what side of the aisle you're on. In the face of some really good facts, some sound logic, and some steady reasoning, this woman refuses to accept reality or change her position. We have far too many Americans like this. If the voters don't start educating themselves and thinking for themselves, the Republic will not survive.

This is a must see video no matter what side of the aisle you're on. In the face of some really good facts, some sound logic, and some steady reasoning, this woman refuses to accept reality or change her position. We have far too many Americans like this. If the voters don't start educating themselves and thinking for themselves, the Republic will not survive.

Konspiracy nuts do love them their Youtube video's.

Right Wing Nut Jobs have spent decades convincing themselves the United States is a horrible horrible place.

But Michelle Obama was right- this is the greatest country on earth- despite what Donald Trump and the rest of the Konspiracy Klown Brigade want to tell Americans.
acts are facts. 97% of the Blacks in this country vote for the filthy ass Democrats because they expect to get something out of it. They sure as hell don't vote for the best interest of the county. It is greed.

I don't think you'd know a fact if it walked up and bit you on the ass. But okay. Of course most adult blacks have jobs and a majority of people on welfare are white. But youkeep telling yourself that black folks vote for phones...

You are confused and delusional Moon Bat.

At any one time 40% of the Blacks in America are on welfare and during their lives 85% have been on welfare at one time or another. This corresponds to 5% and 11% respectively for Whites.

These greedy shithead Blacks vote their welfare checks while fucking the country. They are the vassals of the filthy ass Democrat Party. Slaves on the welfare plantation and they are too greedy and stupid to know or care..

For instance, they voted for this jackass Obama and the welfare rolls increased, a whole shitload more of them got Obamaphones (like the Obamaphone Lady) and they got their healthcare subsidized through his stupid destructive Obamacare program.

Meanwhile because they helped to get this jackass Obama elected poverty rates increased, the debt sky rocketed, family income decreased, the cost of healthcare increased for the paying Americans, taxes increased, the growth of the economy was dismal and the country is pretty well fucked.

Yea, the greedy bastards got a few bennies and got somebody else to pay their bills and got their free chitlins but the country suffered because of it.

Blacks know which party is full of racists and bs. Shows how blacks are screwed in the New BS GOP America.

How can blacks be screwed by a party for which they don't vote? Based on the results in many areas ( hs graduation, unemployment, bastard birth rate, IQ), seems voting for Democrats for 50 years hasn't done them much good.

How can blacks be screwed by a party for which they don't vote? Based on the results in many areas ( hs graduation, unemployment, bastard birth rate, IQ), seems voting for Democrats for 50 years hasn't done them much good.

These Moon Bats like to blame Obama's increasing poverty, decreasing family income, dismal economic growth, astronomical debt and increasing unemployment of Blacks on somebody else.

It is what they do. They never take responsibility for the consequences of failed Left economics.

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