
They know which party is full of racist dupes and screws the nonrich...why don't you, chumps?

You mean like the Democrat's nominee for President that is a rich corrupt White bitch backed by Wall Street and how has a pocket full of IOUs from corporations and foreign countries that paid her and Slick Willy big bucks?
Says the idiot Fox/Rushbot...No evidence of any policy changes but pure BS.

Franco seems to think someone can be screwed by a party for which they don't support despite the results of having supported Democrats is dismal, at best. I've come to the conclusion that the reason MOST blacks support Democrats despite the dismal results is that they know if they tried it on their own, they'd do worse. They have to pick the lesser of the two. They can either try it on their own and fail or be willing to accept a lesser return but guaranteeing something.

LBJ is the father of American welfare with his filthy ass Great Society plan. That conditioned Blacks to vote their welfare check instead of what is good for the country.

It would be great if Blacks would stop being selfish greedy assholes more concerned about getting somebody else to pay their bills than concerned about the good of the country and would think for themselves for a change instead of joining the Democrat's welfare slave plantation.

Franco is stuck on "stupid". The Rothschilds of all people threw a 100K a plate fundraiser for Hitlery...let that sink in. The same oligarchs that run every central bank in the world with this debt slavery system is backing Hitlery....but does Franco even know this? Probably not and he wouldn't care anyway because he isn't intelligent enough to understand the significance of it.

Franco is a card carrying Moon Bat for sure.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. People who DON'T believe in conspiracies are the moonbats in your world? lol

Hey, dumb fuck....it was revealed with the release of Hitlery's e-mails.......so what was that you were saying???>?
How so? lol
LBJ is the father of American welfare with his filthy ass Great Society plan. That conditioned Blacks to vote their welfare check instead of what is good for the country.

It would be great if Blacks would stop being selfish greedy assholes more concerned about getting somebody else to pay their bills than concerned about the good of the country and would think for themselves for a change instead of joining the Democrat's welfare slave plantation.

Franco is stuck on "stupid". The Rothschilds of all people threw a 100K a plate fundraiser for Hitlery...let that sink in. The same oligarchs that run every central bank in the world with this debt slavery system is backing Hitlery....but does Franco even know this? Probably not and he wouldn't care anyway because he isn't intelligent enough to understand the significance of it.

Franco is a card carrying Moon Bat for sure.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. People who DON'T believe in conspiracies are the moonbats in your world? lol

Hey, dumb fuck....it was revealed with the release of Hitlery's e-mails.......so what was that you were saying???>?
How so? lol

Wikileaks? Ever heard of them????
Franco is stuck on "stupid". The Rothschilds of all people threw a 100K a plate fundraiser for Hitlery...let that sink in. The same oligarchs that run every central bank in the world with this debt slavery system is backing Hitlery....but does Franco even know this? Probably not and he wouldn't care anyway because he isn't intelligent enough to understand the significance of it.

Franco is a card carrying Moon Bat for sure.
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. People who DON'T believe in conspiracies are the moonbats in your world? lol

Hey, dumb fuck....it was revealed with the release of Hitlery's e-mails.......so what was that you were saying???>?
How so? lol

Wikileaks? Ever heard of them????

No evidence of anything serious, dunce.

How can blacks be screwed by a party for which they don't vote? Based on the results in many areas ( hs graduation, unemployment, bastard birth rate, IQ), seems voting for Democrats for 50 years hasn't done them much good.

These Moon Bats like to blame Obama's increasing poverty, decreasing family income, dismal economic growth, astronomical debt and increasing unemployment of Blacks on somebody else.

It is what they do. They never take responsibility for the consequences of failed Left economics.

The shit didn't fall out when Obama was President. THings were actually pretty awesome after 8 years of Bill Clinton.

Then your boy Dubya Chimpface got in there and blew up the middle class.

How can blacks be screwed by a party for which they don't vote? Based on the results in many areas ( hs graduation, unemployment, bastard birth rate, IQ), seems voting for Democrats for 50 years hasn't done them much good.

These Moon Bats like to blame Obama's increasing poverty, decreasing family income, dismal economic growth, astronomical debt and increasing unemployment of Blacks on somebody else.

It is what they do. They never take responsibility for the consequences of failed Left economics.

The shit didn't fall out when Obama was President. THings were actually pretty awesome after 8 years of Bill Clinton.

Then your boy Dubya Chimpface got in there and blew up the middle class.

Seems like Monkey Obama can't do as well as the white President when it comes to those that use food stamps. Same unemployment rate and the black President still has over 40 million relying on people like me to buy their damn food. Don't you think it's about time those freeloaders start doing for themselves? Don't you think it's time that less than 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks start feeding their own damn 3 out of 4 bastard children?
LBJ is the father of American welfare with his filthy ass Great Society plan. That conditioned Blacks to vote their welfare check instead of what is good for the country.

It would be great if Blacks would stop being selfish greedy assholes more concerned about getting somebody else to pay their bills than concerned about the good of the country and would think for themselves for a change instead of joining the Democrat's welfare slave plantation.

I think you are confused. the ones who are greedy assholes are the ones who make up 1% of the population and have 43% of the wealth.

Now, here's the thing. If you guys stop letting the 1% rape the working class at every opportunity, maybe they wouldn't vote for the democrats.
Nope, not every shooting is staged but the ones that I have mentioned most definitely are. The truth is like a lion's roar and it's easy for all to see. When you have dishonesty and lies on a massive scale and acting has to be introduced into the equation by amateurs ? Well, it simply sticks out like a cockroach on a wedding cake.

except- again- you have to believe that hundreds of people are involved in these conspriacies, including both parties and the NRA. Dude, I'm sorry, to most normal people, this is simply crazy.

Your bought and paid for corporate media are nothing but shills for USA.INC. They don't report the news insomuch as they now create the news in which they use blue and green screens like Hollywood. These screens provide the media with the ability to be anywhere, at any time miraculously reporting "on-the-scene" when they are actually in their studio. There are many examples of this going all the way back to the first Gulf War. So, if we cannot trust the media with something as simple as "being on the ground" then wouldn't you say that the integrity of journalism has been severely compromise?

So your evidence of nutjob conspiracy theories are more nutjob conspiracy theories. Now the first Gulf War was a fraud? Is this what you are arguing?

As far as the NRA goes and how they are trying to deal with false flag shootings goes? They are in a tough position because they are trying to keep the 2nd amendment in place thus they have an agenda. But "da gubermint" uses the media to run this psy-op in order to traumatize the dumbed down masses thus if the NRA pointed it out publicly, they would be playing right into the hands of the gun grabbing liberal ass wipes.

Uh, no, guy... If there was real evidence that these were faked incidents, and the NRA exposed them, there would be real consequences.

Here's what you don't get. if the government was powerful enough, ruthless enough and effective enough to pull off these "False flags" and have cowed the NRA, why haven't they put bullets through Alex Jones' skull. Or better, put him in bed with a pile of blow and a dead hooker?

Or are we a free society where we have the occassional nut with a gun who shoots a bunch of people, and some other nut claims it was a conspiracy.

Occam's Razor, baby. The simplest explanation is usually correct.

There are PLENTY of gun acts, statutes and codes on the books and they are still wanting to pass more draconian acts, statutes and codes. We have laws against drug usage...but yet how many people go to jail every day for possessing and selling drugs? I know that some bad shit is coming down the road and so does your beloved "gubermint" which is why they are wanting to disarm us even as they buy up billions of rounds of hollow point bullets. Gutless liberal pieces of shit like you will never dictate what type of firearm people are allowed to have so they can defend their families....get it, shit-head?? I am getting bored with kicking your ass and schooling you on things that should be common sense to those with more than two brain cells.

Guy, frankly, I'm more worried about you having guns than the government. You sound like you are ready to hurt someone.

Seems like Monkey Obama can't do as well as the white President when it comes to those that use food stamps. Same unemployment rate and the black President still has over 40 million relying on people like me to buy their damn food. Don't you think it's about time those freeloaders start doing for themselves? Don't you think it's time that less than 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks start feeding their own damn 3 out of 4 bastard children?

The basis for the Democrat party in this country is "vote for me and I will force somebody else to pay your bills". Despicable, isn't it?

Of course we see with Obama's increased poverty, increased welfare rolls, increase debt, decreased family income, increased taxes, increased size of government and dismal economic growth that greedy economic policy is a complete failure.
I think you are confused. the ones who are greedy assholes are the ones who make up 1% of the population and have 43% of the wealth.

Now, here's the thing. If you guys stop letting the 1% rape the working class at every opportunity, maybe they wouldn't vote for the democrats.
Uh...guy. Are you talking about the Clintons?
:banghead: You are still doing it, aren't you?

The basis for the Democrat party in this country is "vote for me and I will force somebody else to pay your bills". Despicable, isn't it?.

As opposed to Republicans whose basis is 'Work hard your whole life and we will make sure rich people/corporations fuck you over"?

Here's the thing 40% of the population controls less than 1% of the wealth. so, yeah, "someone else will pay your bills" is a compelling argument.

the thing is, most of what the government spends is "White People Welfare" - Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment Insurance. Things Republicans keep chipping away at the edges of, but never call for getting rid of because those white people would FUCKING CRUCIFY THEM AT THE POLLS.

So even though what you call "welfare" (also mostly collected by white people) is an easy target because you guys paint stereotypes that are easy to despise, the fact is, it's very little of what the government spends.
I think you are confused. the ones who are greedy assholes are the ones who make up 1% of the population and have 43% of the wealth.

Now, here's the thing. If you guys stop letting the 1% rape the working class at every opportunity, maybe they wouldn't vote for the democrats.
Uh...guy. Are you talking about the Clintons?
:banghead: You are still doing it, aren't you?

are you still trying to get someone to pay attention to you? Bud, you just got put on the ignore list.
I think you are confused. the ones who are greedy assholes are the ones who make up 1% of the population and have 43% of the wealth.

Now, here's the thing. If you guys stop letting the 1% rape the working class at every opportunity, maybe they wouldn't vote for the democrats.
Uh...guy. Are you talking about the Clintons?
:banghead: You are still doing it, aren't you?

are you still trying to get someone to pay attention to you? Bud, you just got put on the ignore list.
Run to your Safe Space.... :badgrin:

Seems like Monkey Obama can't do as well as the white President when it comes to those that use food stamps. Same unemployment rate and the black President still has over 40 million relying on people like me to buy their damn food. Don't you think it's about time those freeloaders start doing for themselves? Don't you think it's time that less than 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks start feeding their own damn 3 out of 4 bastard children?

The basis for the Democrat party in this country is "vote for me and I will force somebody else to pay your bills". Despicable, isn't it?

Of course we see with Obama's increased poverty, increased welfare rolls, increase debt, decreased family income, increased taxes, increased size of government and dismal economic growth that greedy economic policy is a complete failure.

Have you noticed how they call everything they support doing in order to buy those votes as an "investment"?

Seems like Monkey Obama can't do as well as the white President when it comes to those that use food stamps. Same unemployment rate and the black President still has over 40 million relying on people like me to buy their damn food. Don't you think it's about time those freeloaders start doing for themselves? Don't you think it's time that less than 1 in every 3 1/2 blacks start feeding their own damn 3 out of 4 bastard children?

The basis for the Democrat party in this country is "vote for me and I will force somebody else to pay your bills". Despicable, isn't it?

Of course we see with Obama's increased poverty, increased welfare rolls, increase debt, decreased family income, increased taxes, increased size of government and dismal economic growth that greedy economic policy is a complete failure.
There is no Democrat Party, but there is a Democratic Party..

The basis for the Democrat party in this country is "vote for me and I will force somebody else to pay your bills". Despicable, isn't it?.

As opposed to Republicans whose basis is 'Work hard your whole life and we will make sure rich people/corporations fuck you over"?

Here's the thing 40% of the population controls less than 1% of the wealth. so, yeah, "someone else will pay your bills" is a compelling argument.

the thing is, most of what the government spends is "White People Welfare" - Social Security, Medicare and Unemployment Insurance. Things Republicans keep chipping away at the edges of, but never call for getting rid of because those white people would FUCKING CRUCIFY THEM AT THE POLLS.

So even though what you call "welfare" (also mostly collected by white people) is an easy target because you guys paint stereotypes that are easy to despise, the fact is, it's very little of what the government spends.

You are confused and delusional Moon Bat.

I am not a Republican you nitwit so your hatefest against them is wasted on me, however I am a Conservative and you are full of shit.

My political philosophy if very simple. I will be responsible for paying my bills and you can go fuck a goat if you are too damn lazy and greedy to pay your own.

I also cherish liberty and don't want the oppressive government telling me what to do every second of my life. You pathetic Pajama Boy Libtards are so damn sorry that you need the nanny state government telling you what to whenever you step out of your Mother's basement.

You Libtards hate the concept of freedom and you sure as hell hate the idea that you should be responsible for your own welfare instead of using the filthy ass government to force somebody else to pay your bills, which is despicable.

It is slavery living in a country where the cost of the filthy ass government is 40% of GDP and corrupt shitheads like Crooked Hillary get filthy rich selling government influence that we have to pay for

Stop being such a greedy asshole. Be responsible for your own life for a change. Grow up and stop being a leech. Stop being envious and greedy. It just makes you an asshole.

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