CDZ The two biggest mistakes of George W. Bush


Gold Member
Jul 20, 2018
1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.
We didn't invade Iran because of their ties to Russia. Iraq, and Afghanistan certainly doesn't have those ties. The Russians hate Afghanistan.
We can never know for sure if the road not taken would had been a better path. It could have led to a whole different can of unforeseen problems
1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.
/----/ Monday morning quarterbacking paired with 20/20 hindsight. If only Boston had held on to Babe Ruth.
Apparently, illegal invasions don't matter to some people. The U.S. is entitled to just carry out any military action any time anywhere, being above international law and morality.
This is not another ridiculous 'left-right' issue. True conservatives, the kind that respect America's origins, certainly oppose such grotesque martial swaggering. Anyone 'liberal' would as well.
1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.
His two big mistakes were actually three.

One letting bin Laden get away and not looking for him.

Two invading Iraq.

Three tax cuts for billionaires that cost in the nation trillions of dollars and it was the beginning of the great debt.

Oh there’s lots and lots more, those are just the big three.
W's single biggest mistake was obviously invading Iraq. If he wanted Saadam out, he should have just sent a SF unit and taken him and his sons out and told Iraq to elect whomever they wanted but we could and would deal with the next person if they threatened our interests.
1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.
His two big mistakes were actually three.

One letting bin Laden get away and not looking for him.

Two invading Iraq.

Three tax cuts for billionaires that cost in the nation trillions of dollars and it was the beginning of the great debt.

Oh there’s lots and lots more, those are just the big three.

Well, me thinks General Tommy Franks was the one most responsible for osama's escape from Tora Bora but of course Bush put Tommy in command...a artillery man...not the best choice for a unconventional warfare scenario.
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1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.

Justice Roberts......
W's single biggest mistake was obviously invading Iraq. If he wanted Saadam out, he should have just sent a SF unit and taken him and his sons out and told Iraq to elect whomever they wanted but we could and would deal with the next person if they threatened our interests.

Totally correct.....and for what the Invasion of Iraq cost us....everyone in America could have been given a new house.

Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study | Reuters
1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.
We had no justification to invade Iraq or Iran
Biggest mistakes of George W Bush

Failure to stop the 9-11 attacks
Invading Afghanistan
Abandoning the War on Terror to invade Iraq
Engaging in Torture
Standing by while the economy collapsed in 2008
1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.
We had no justification to invade Iraq or Iran

Yet....congress went along with it.
1. Invading Iraq instead of Iran

2. Touting islam is a religion of peace.

Iraq was not a sponsor of terrorism as Iran was and is...officially designated as a state sponsor of terrorism and who claims to have many sleeper terrorist cells in America just waiting for orders.

All muslims are not terrorists but how do you tell a good muslim from a bad one?

Our immigration dept. certainly does not know how to do that. Yet we still allow them to come here and trot back and forth to the Middle East after they get here.
We are allowing Iranians into the US? I thought there was a ban.

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