The truth?

We can't stand the truth and that truth is:

Every dollar spent on unemployment compensation returns $1.50

Every dollar spent on lowering taxes returns $0.40

Look it up.
Well hell! If it's so good let's ALL go on unemployment! We'll have a profit of 50% to the GDP! Why ever end Unemployment? It's just too good a deal to stop. So everyone, let's all quit and get on unemployment and get our gubmint check.
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We can't stand the truth and that truth is:

Every dollar spent on unemployment compensation returns $1.50

Every dollar spent on lowering taxes returns $0.40

Look it up.
Well hell! If it's so good let's ALL go on unemployment! We'll have a profit of 50% to the GDP! Why ever end Unemployment? It's just too good a deal to stop. So everyone, let's all quit and get on unemployment and get our gubmint check.

Sounds good! A 50% ROI is beyond anything I'm seeing right now.

Any math wizards out there? On what date will the GDP rise from the roughly 13 Trillion to 19.5 Trillion if we all commit ourselves 100% to this brilliance?

For Truthmatters, that's a return of $1.50 for every dollar spent.

I don't know why this hasn't been tried before. In the past, people worked in sewers, built buildings, transported products, got in early and worked late. What a bunch of maroons! The real solution is to sit on your duff and collect unemployment and that is what drives the economy.

When I think of the time I've wasted working when I could have been helping to build our country by collecting unemployment, I shudder.
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I know, I know, you little cons will be along any minute to spew hate on these pointy headed elite economists and their fancy pants edumacation and and tricky confusing sceince.

There is no amount of court documentation, scientific study and comman sense that will rip your brick lined brains away from the propaganda reports at Fox that allow you to keep backing failed ideas.

This 'little con' works with economists every day of the week.... global economists. People that spend their lives studying not just one section of the economy... like unemployment... but the impact of all kinds of programs. Guess what.... it doesn't work. The only way to run an economy - long term - is jobs, jobs, jobs. Get that through that partisan little head of yours, you stupid bint.

And what is the only way to convince corporate American to create more jobs?

In America, I mean.

We already know how to get them to create jobs in China...legislate the legality of imports and give them tax breaks to take their factories off shore.

Tax breaks?

I might believe that if corporate America wasn't already sitting on $ 4 trillion in CASH already.

But it is easy to see that they're not about to hire just because they have the money given that they already have plenty of it.
I want you right wing hacks to face what you do to the greatest generation when you piss on FDR with yoiur lies and history rewrites.

YOU INSULT the very people who won WWII and sweat and bled to bring this country out a our darkest hour.

Your love of party and failed ideas has you insulting a vast swath of the people who lived through it.
Hold on a second, dad was a WWII vet with 4 campaign ribbons and a bronze star. He would be the first to call that greatest generation line bullshit. His granddaddy fought in the Civil War and some of his great to the 4th granddads fought in the War of Independence. (Losing side both times, oops.) That is your first error of fact.

FDR became president because of deals he cut with Frank Nitti and Lucky Luciano to win the 1932 Democrat nomination on the fourth ballot something that has been an open secret since the 1960s. Your second error of fact.

You might wish to learn how to read history and then do so. FDR was a crooked paranoid egomaniac who did enormous harm to this nation and deserves to be pissed on.

Yes there were some like your Dad.

The VAST majority were in FDRs camp along with the vast majority of historians.

Your dad was the exception and was a paritsan hack just like you.
We can't stand the truth and that truth is:

Every dollar spent on unemployment compensation returns $1.50

Every dollar spent on lowering taxes returns $0.40

Look it up.
Well hell! If it's so good let's ALL go on unemployment! We'll have a profit of 50% to the GDP! Why ever end Unemployment? It's just too good a deal to stop. So everyone, let's all quit and get on unemployment and get our gubmint check.

Sounds good! A 50% ROI is beyond anything I'm seeing right now.

Any math wizards out there? On what date will the GDP rise from the roughly 13 Trillion to 19.5 Trillion if we all commit ourselves 100% to this brilliance?

For Truthmatters, that's a return of $1.50 for every dollar spent.

I don't know why this hasn't been tried before. In the past, people worked in sewers, built buildings, transported products, got in early and worked late. What a bunch of maroons! The real solution is to sit on your duff and collect unemployment and that is what drives the economy.

When I think of the time I've wasted working when I could have been helping to build our country by collecting unemployment, I shudder.

This is always what you dishonest pieces of shit do.

Is it any wonder their is such a partisan divide when you insist on childish bullshit in place of REAL ADULT conversation about the issues?

When your economy is fucked (like you assholes created for this country recently) and you need stimulus you gain huge economic bulstering by using these programs to stimulate the countrys economy.

You idiots then claim like the fucking sdishonset assholes that you are that we are saying EVERYONE should be unemployed.

Its much the same fucking stupidity you use to claim that tax cuts ALWAYS creat more revenue.

At some point the effect changes huh?

Now go yank your pud if you must but at least then shut the fuck up and let the sane people discuss the issues.
Food stamps offer best stimulus - study - Jan. 29, 2008

The report pointed to expanding unemployment benefits as the program that gets the next biggest bang for the buck. That's because, although the unemployed are already getting checks, they need to spend the money. For every dollar spent here, the economy would see a return of $1.64, Zandi said.

The OP was wrong its 1.64 not 1.50.


Now I noticed not one of you fuckers would face the facts in this study and that these facts have been determined before in other studies.

You brick brains instead tout party line and shit smeared lies instead.
I know, I know, you little cons will be along any minute to spew hate on these pointy headed elite economists and their fancy pants edumacation and and tricky confusing sceince.

There is no amount of court documentation, scientific study and comman sense that will rip your brick lined brains away from the propaganda reports at Fox that allow you to keep backing failed ideas.

This 'little con' works with economists every day of the week.... global economists. People that spend their lives studying not just one section of the economy... like unemployment... but the impact of all kinds of programs. Guess what.... it doesn't work. The only way to run an economy - long term - is jobs, jobs, jobs. Get that through that partisan little head of yours, you stupid bint.

That was for you cali
The Truth is, if mothers would quit their jobs and stay home to raise their children there would be no unemployment and the future of our country would be better.
The truth hurts the rich, it wasnt used to gain them wealth so it scares them to death.
Why not fathers?

I'm sure there are some fathers that would stay home to raise the kids.
Traditionally it has been women that raise the children. Women being the nurturers and all.

Either one doesn't matter, as long as one does it.
The very people these fools want to help with tax cuts is the very people who benifited from our downfall.
I wonder what the return would be if Money was spent on Employment rather than Unemployment?
Well hell! If it's so good let's ALL go on unemployment! We'll have a profit of 50% to the GDP! Why ever end Unemployment? It's just too good a deal to stop. So everyone, let's all quit and get on unemployment and get our gubmint check.

Sounds good! A 50% ROI is beyond anything I'm seeing right now.

Any math wizards out there? On what date will the GDP rise from the roughly 13 Trillion to 19.5 Trillion if we all commit ourselves 100% to this brilliance?

For Truthmatters, that's a return of $1.50 for every dollar spent.

I don't know why this hasn't been tried before. In the past, people worked in sewers, built buildings, transported products, got in early and worked late. What a bunch of maroons! The real solution is to sit on your duff and collect unemployment and that is what drives the economy.

When I think of the time I've wasted working when I could have been helping to build our country by collecting unemployment, I shudder.

This is always what you dishonest pieces of shit do.

Is it any wonder their is such a partisan divide when you insist on childish bullshit in place of REAL ADULT conversation about the issues?

When your economy is fucked (like you assholes created for this country recently) and you need stimulus you gain huge economic bulstering by using these programs to stimulate the countrys economy.

You idiots then claim like the fucking sdishonset assholes that you are that we are saying EVERYONE should be unemployed.

Its much the same fucking stupidity you use to claim that tax cuts ALWAYS creat more revenue.

At some point the effect changes huh?

Now go yank your pud if you must but at least then shut the fuck up and let the sane people discuss the issues.
No. the OP is making an absurd claim. It obviously ignores the cost to those PAYING for unemployment insurance funds that have LONG since been bankrupted in every state in the nation and so the government is borrowing from China to keep you on your ass getting a check for longer than you deserve, and often MORE than you deserve.

If this was actually FACT instead of a numbers game we should be going out a firing EVERYONE and going on unemployment. The problem is that then no one would be working and therefore no services could be had.

I can't help it if liberals want to basically engage in slavery still. A nice little group of people that do all the work while they sit on their fat dumb asses and party on. But I can make the effort from stopping fucktards like you, TM, from ever having political power or clout in which to DO your heart's desire.

Now shut the fuck up, and go collect your gubmint check on the first of the month like a good little wad of grease and vote democrat between watching MSNBC and reading the HuffPo you fucking loon.
So no one to the left of you pays taxes?

see what I mean about you peoples utter dishonesty
The measure of a good stimulus cannot be the arbitrary quotation of a number that is not supported by anything other than some proponent's biased opinion.

The only measure of a stimulus is what has been stimulated.

If additional unemployment is stimulated and that was the goal all along, and that appears to be the case here, then the current program is a success.

If a robust economy that is producing jobs and wealth faster than ever before is stimulated and THAT was the goal all along, and that is not the case here, then the current program is a failure.

I tend to view the current program as a failure. What is your measure of success?

Now THAT is the stupidest thing I ever heard.

In your opinion, have the economic stimulus measures, even including unemployment insurance payments, been in sum effect a success or a failure?

This debacle, brought on by Bush policies has been the worst recession since the great one
and was accompanied by the near miss of a global meltdown of the financial systems. To be fair, Bush only continued policies originating with Reagan. Bush just put them on steroids.

Do you really expect that to be fixed in two years? Especially since we have steadily exported our manufacturing facilities, and a great deal else to the lowest bidder.

I know one thing for sure. We will not recover by giving tax cuts to mega billionaires. These tax cuts will do nothing for growth. They will swell the deficit and, in the end, bring on hyper inflation.

We have the experience of the last ten years for example. Under Bush we had two such tax cuts and a "prebate". 40% of the stimulus was tax cuts. With all these tax cuts Bush was the first president to end his term with FEWER people employed in non farm occupations than when he took office. THERE WAS NO NET GROWTH!!! Even before Bush leaves office he has brought on this great recession.

Obama follows up with a few hundred billion in tax cuts and still very little happens. How far do we have to have our nose rubbed in it to perceive what is happening?

Our problem is that we have exported perhaps a quarter of our economy. I don't think any country can withstand that.The trans national corporations have us by the ass and we refuse to recognize it. Free trade has been sold as a growth machine and it is, for the corporations. For us? Not so much.

Free trade will continue to eat away at us. Already you see the exported jobs climbing the economic ladder. Even now there is no reason to have professionals such as architechs, lawyers, all kinds of skilled technicians, and even doctors on our shore. All these can be done by cheap foreign professionals.

For centuries we managed to get along quite nicely with individual trade agreements between countries. Now we have the WTO and few realize that this treaty supercedes all of our national laws. You don't want to import generically altered food? Well screw you. We signed the WTO treaty and that's what it will be.

I don't think we will survive. We used to call countries with the kind of wealth disparity we now have "Banana Republics". Now we call it America.

We have met the enemy and they are us.

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