The Truth Is A Problem For Democrats -- Ask Kanye West...


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Gotta give the dude a lot of credit. He dared to speak truth. It's very sad seeing what Democrats who run the entertainment business, are now doing to him. He strayed off their Plantation. Slaves must be punished for that.

Interesting article by Walter E. Williams

In the aftermath of the Kanye West dust-up, my heart goes out to the white people who control the Democratic Party. My pity stems from the hip-hop megastar’s November announcement to his packed concert audience that he did not vote in the presidential election but if he had, he would have voted for Donald Trump.

Then, on April 21, West took to his Twitter account, which has 28 million followers, to announce, “I love the way Candace Owens thinks.” Owens is Turning Point USA’s director of urban engagement and has said that former President Barack Obama caused “damage” to race relations in the United States during his two terms in office.

West’s support for Trump, along with his criticism of the “plantation” mentality of the Democratic Party, has been met with vicious backlash from the left. In one song, West raps, “See, that’s the problem with this damn nation. All blacks gotta be Democrats. Man, we ain’t made it off the plantation.” Rep. Maxine Waters said West “talks out of turn” and advised, “He should think twice about politics.

The bottom-line sin that West has committed is questioning the hegemony of the Democratic Party among black Americans. The backlash has been so bad that West had to hire personal security to protect him against threats made against his life. Fortunately, the police are investigating those threats...

Read More:
The Truth Is a Problem for Dems - LewRockwell
Kanye West is an idiot. Always has been. That he thinks slavery was a “choice” proves it. He dropped out of college to pursue a music career.
Kanye West is an idiot. Always has been. That he thinks slavery was a “choice” proves it. He dropped out of college to pursue a music career.
You missed his ENTIRE point if you think he is talking about SLAVERY SLAVERY. He is talking about MENTAL SLAVERY....the slavery mentality that ALL minorities have to be democrats and liberals. Jesus...I knew that the first time I listened to the ENTIRE sound bite of what he said.
Kanye West is an idiot. Always has been. That he thinks slavery was a “choice” proves it. He dropped out of college to pursue a music career.

He's free to speak his mind. He shouldn't be receiving death threats from your radicalized nutjobs. And his career shouldn't be threatened either.
When Kanye fled the Democrat plantation he became a run away slave.

Now the Liberals have put a bounty price on his head, and he must be made an example for other blacks who are also considering thinking on their own. ..... :cool:
When Kanye fled the Democrat plantation he became a run away slave.

Now the Liberals have put a bounty price on his head, and he must be made an example for other blacks who are also considering thinking on their own. ..... :cool:

Oh yeah, they're working very hard on destroying him.
Kanye West is an idiot. Always has been. That he thinks slavery was a “choice” proves it. He dropped out of college to pursue a music career.

He escaped the democrat plantation. GET HIM!
In the days of legal slavery, it was against the law to teach black people how to read and write.

Now the liberals and Democrats forbid blacks to think for themselves. ..... :cool:
My prediction is, they'll set him up for some type of 'crime' and he'll end up being incarcerated. Or they'll 'Suicide' him. The Slave-Masters are coming for him. I'll be praying for him.

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