The true RINO's are the TPM

The GOP is "winning where" they can gerrymander to their benefit and voter suppress their political opponents.

Let's be honest, Marty Begone.

As the states blue with the aging of the younger generations, the increasing frustrations of women, and the growing power of Hispanics, this will change.

An example of^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


The far right reactionaries are the RINOs and being targeted as such.
Anything right of reid is far right to you. you want to be like the democrats by a fucking means join them.
We're taking our party back
The GOP is "winning where" they can gerrymander to their benefit and voter suppress their political opponents.

Let's be honest, Marty Begone.

As the states blue with the aging of the younger generations, the increasing frustrations of women, and the growing power of Hispanics, this will change.

As the states blue with the generation Obama lied to coming into their political maturity?

Hmmmm .... yeah ....

The younger generations may not idolize BHO but they fear the far reactionary right to their bones.

I believe this may be true, Jake.

Why do you think that is so?
Anything right of reid is far right to you. you want to be like the democrats by a fucking means join them.
We're taking our party back

That assumes that it has been taken over. Back in the 1980's the "moral/silent majority" claimed to be the core of the Republican party but it was big enough to include "Reagan Democrats" too. That coalition was very successful as I recall. Did a lot of good things too although I don't count the fiscally irresponsible spending binge that started the whole defict ball rolling to be one of them.

Then the 1990's came along and the Republicans managed to "clean House" and get rid of the corrupt Dems and promised that they would govern with values. But instead they sold out to the highest bidder amongst the lobbyists and went on a politically motivated crotch sniffing witch hunt. The good intentions were obviously not sufficient to keep them from becoming every bit as corrupt as the Dems had been.

Then along came the new century and the Republicans seized control of both the Executive and both houses of Congress. Should have been the ideal opportunity to turn America into the conservative paradise that the voters were expecting. Instead we got warmongering and fearmongering and even greater corruption than ever before.

So please explain exactly what party you are "taking back" again because I would like to know beforehand so that I can prepare myself. Thank you.
Anything right of reid is far right to you. you want to be like the democrats by a fucking means join them.
We're taking our party back

That assumes that it has been taken over. Back in the 1980's the "moral/silent majority" claimed to be the core of the Republican party but it was big enough to include "Reagan Democrats" too. That coalition was very successful as I recall. Did a lot of good things too although I don't count the fiscally irresponsible spending binge that started the whole defict ball rolling to be one of them.

Then the 1990's came along and the Republicans managed to "clean House" and get rid of the corrupt Dems and promised that they would govern with values. But instead they sold out to the highest bidder amongst the lobbyists and went on a politically motivated crotch sniffing witch hunt. The good intentions were obviously not sufficient to keep them from becoming every bit as corrupt as the Dems had been.

Then along came the new century and the Republicans seized control of both the Executive and both houses of Congress. Should have been the ideal opportunity to turn America into the conservative paradise that the voters were expecting. Instead we got warmongering and fearmongering and even greater corruption than ever before.

So please explain exactly what party you are "taking back" again because I would like to know beforehand so that I can prepare myself. Thank you.

The GOP started moving left in the mid 90's
We're taking it back.
They aren't Republicans. They've just stolen the party. The R's could actually win some elections if they took their party back, because there are a lot more of them than there are TPM.

I enjoy when lolberals pontificate on who are "true" conservatives or "true" Republicans. :lol:

Back here in reality, however, Boop is entirely wrong.

The Tea Party members are more likely the truest of Republicans.

The Republican Party left THEM (and other rational folks) long ago.

There are more conservatives in the GOP than there are liberals, but sadly the libs still hold sway and they end up selecting the eventual losers to be their standard bearers. The GOP brain trust consists mostly of Schmucks.
If you want strong (conclusive, really) evidence of how wrong Boopie is, just take note of the fact that the classic fraud, Fakey, shares her "view."

The GOP is "winning where" they can gerrymander to their benefit and voter suppress their political opponents.

Let's be honest, Marty Begone.

As the states blue with the aging of the younger generations, the increasing frustrations of women, and the growing power of Hispanics, this will change.

An example of^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


The far right reactionaries are the RINOs and being targeted as such.
They are not real Republicans in the sense of Republicans who used to do something
As the states blue with the generation Obama lied to coming into their political maturity?

Hmmmm .... yeah ....

The younger generations may not idolize BHO but they fear the far reactionary right to their bones.

I believe this may be true, Jake.

Why do you think that is so?

Maybe because the reactionary right reminisces the 50's (and beyond) - and young people know the 50's were not that great!
The younger generations may not idolize BHO but they fear the far reactionary right to their bones.

I believe this may be true, Jake.

Why do you think that is so?

Maybe because the reactionary right reminisces the 50's (and beyond) - and young people know the 50's were not that great!

I was watching the 11/01/13 Rachel Maddow show and, I gotta tell ya, after a half hour I was hatin on the Tea Party my DAMN self...and I'm a Ted Cruz Fan Club member! (I'm not, but I would!)

I regularly watch the Big 3 evening news programs but I haven't watched MSNBC in a while, so I gave her a try.

Man oh man.

In a way she reminds me of...well, ME!

Snarky. Matter of factual.

She can be devastating the way she demonizes people.

She employs false assumptions quite a bit...stating a falsehood or a questioned fact as though it was well established fact.

She questions the accuracy of a reporter who describes Reublican Mitch McConnell as a "knife fighter" I think he said.

And even though it would have helped her argument in favor of preventing Ted Cruz and the New Kids from trying to oust seven different old guard, RINO politicians, she indicated she was interested in the truth rather than winning her argument noi matter what.

But every so often she would say something which insinuated the Tea Party was racist and that Ted Cruz was doing things that any reasonable person might conclude were in support of racism.

And I felt the urge to play Tit 4 Tat!

To point out where Dems had done similar things and even worse.

That's when I realized this Tit 4 Tat tactic might have experienced it's spiritual rebirth on HER show!

Bottom line...

No wonder younger Libs might not view the Right clearly.

She does a good job of demonizing the Right.

Righties, go to her site and watch today's show and you will be amazed, I think.
The reactionaries of the far right are as stupid today as during the 1950s.

The John Birch freaks claimed they were the true Pubs back then.
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