The trail of dead bodies behind LBJ, Slick, and QUEER-O


Gold Member
Jun 5, 2016
LBJ had JFK and his first congressional opponent, as well as MLK and RFK...

Slick Willie has over 30 dead bodies in the wake of his rise to power, including really obvious stuff like Vince Foster and Jerry Parks.

QUEER-O has at least three corpses, all about him being a closeted sissy too chickenshit to admit it....

This Man Has Proof That Obama Is Gay

"Donald Young was a black choirmaster who was killed execution-style in Chicago in 2007. Rumours were that Young had been having a homosexual relationship with Obama and was murdered so the story couldn't get out."

Paul Horner was a blogger who blogged about QUEER-O being a cocksucker. He ended up dead soon after...

And then there is Joan Rivers.... big tough guy QUEER-O really showed what a "man" he is on this one....

So why do Dem Presidents always have a trail of dead bodies behind them???
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The switching of this from politics to conspiracy was another deliberate act of sabotage by our resident Zionist Traitor of a mod.

There is no denying these folks are dead. That is the topic. There is a trail. The "conspiracy" angle is who did the offings....

Truth be told, the Democrat Party has a reverse morals/ethics "standard" for who rises to the top. The crappola rises to the top. Decent folks like L Douglas Wilder and Russell Feingold are dissed and de-funded for being rational and honest. Unreal kleptocratic and treasonous liars like QUEER-O, Slick, and LBJ rise straight to the top. The Dems never question any of these "deaths." That's another huge red flag on the party. Add in what the DNC did to push Hillary in 2016 and one cannot dispute that the Dems are rigged to weed out those who actually might have some decency, honesty, and patriotism from contention for Prez....
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Don't Taz...

and don't suggest Israel isn't wonderful, or Don't Taz will "Taz" you....
LBJ had JFK and his first congressional opponent, as well as MLK and RFK...

Slick Willie has over 30 dead bodies in the wake of his rise to power, including really obvious stuff like Vince Foster and Jerry Parks.

QUEER-O has at least three corpses, all about him being a closeted sissy too chickenshit to admit it....

This Man Has Proof That Obama Is Gay

"Donald Young was a black choirmaster who was killed execution-style in Chicago in 2007. Rumours were that Young had been having a homosexual relationship with Obama and was murdered so the story couldn't get out."

Paul Horner was a blogger who blogged about QUEER-O being a cocksucker. He ended up dead soon after...

And then there is Joan Rivers.... big tough guy QUEER-O really showed what a "man" he is on this one....

So why do Dem Presidents always have a trail of dead bodies behind them???

The Bushes did as well,you just dont hear about them like you did with the Clintons cause Clintons pals the Bushs were not sloppy about it as the Clintons were.

Bush Death List –

the most famous one Bush sr is linked to of course is the JFK assassination,His fingerprints are all over this one.

second most famous that his fingerprints are all over as well is Barry Seal
Barry Seal murder in Baton Rouge 25 years ago helped expose Iran-Contra debacle


And he caused far more harm to the country and planet than Trump has so far, and maybe ever will. It was under Bush that America invaded Iraq, murdered hundreds of thousands of civilians, and destabilized the Middle East so thoroughly that it may take the entire 21st century to recover.

More than 4,000 American soldiers died. He stocked his cabinet with warmongering neoconservatives far more cunning and apocalyptic in outlook than any of the amateurs who populate Trump’s gang. These were men who dreamed of civilization-annihilating wars and found a president willing to transform their dreams into crackling reality.

The blood on George W Bush's hands will never dry. Don't glorify this man | Ross Barkan
The blood on Bush’s hands will never dry. Under the guise of spreading democracy, his administration brought suffering to the world and strangled civil liberties at home. The Patriot Act ushered in a dystopian national security state that was maintained by Obama and bequeathed to Trump. Bush’s economic policies, along with failures by Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan, fed the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression.
The blood on George W Bush's hands will never dry. Don't glorify this man | Ross Barkan
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Looks like the paid trolls of Israel are getting worried the fact they sent one of their shills here above^ to fart in this thread.LOL
QUEER-O's hero LBJ, who the MLK family blames for MLK's death.... in his own words...

LBJ had JFK and his first congressional opponent, as well as MLK and RFK...

Slick Willie has over 30 dead bodies in the wake of his rise to power, including really obvious stuff like Vince Foster and Jerry Parks.

QUEER-O has at least three corpses, all about him being a closeted sissy too chickenshit to admit it....

This Man Has Proof That Obama Is Gay

"Donald Young was a black choirmaster who was killed execution-style in Chicago in 2007. Rumours were that Young had been having a homosexual relationship with Obama and was murdered so the story couldn't get out."

Paul Horner was a blogger who blogged about QUEER-O being a cocksucker. He ended up dead soon after...

And then there is Joan Rivers.... big tough guy QUEER-O really showed what a "man" he is on this one....

So why do Dem Presidents always have a trail of dead bodies behind them???

Lets start with Vince Foster. His death was ruled a suicide by 5 different investigations. What evidence do you have that he was killed by Clinton?
LBJ had JFK and his first congressional opponent, as well as MLK and RFK...

Slick Willie has over 30 dead bodies in the wake of his rise to power, including really obvious stuff like Vince Foster and Jerry Parks.

QUEER-O has at least three corpses, all about him being a closeted sissy too chickenshit to admit it....

This Man Has Proof That Obama Is Gay

"Donald Young was a black choirmaster who was killed execution-style in Chicago in 2007. Rumours were that Young had been having a homosexual relationship with Obama and was murdered so the story couldn't get out."

Paul Horner was a blogger who blogged about QUEER-O being a cocksucker. He ended up dead soon after...

And then there is Joan Rivers.... big tough guy QUEER-O really showed what a "man" he is on this one....

So why do Dem Presidents always have a trail of dead bodies behind them???

Lets start with Vince Foster. His death was ruled a suicide by 5 different investigations. What evidence do you have that he was killed by Clinton?

WOW! 5 investigations heh?
....sounds legit now
LBJ had JFK and his first congressional opponent, as well as MLK and RFK...

Slick Willie has over 30 dead bodies in the wake of his rise to power, including really obvious stuff like Vince Foster and Jerry Parks.

QUEER-O has at least three corpses, all about him being a closeted sissy too chickenshit to admit it....

This Man Has Proof That Obama Is Gay

"Donald Young was a black choirmaster who was killed execution-style in Chicago in 2007. Rumours were that Young had been having a homosexual relationship with Obama and was murdered so the story couldn't get out."

Paul Horner was a blogger who blogged about QUEER-O being a cocksucker. He ended up dead soon after...

And then there is Joan Rivers.... big tough guy QUEER-O really showed what a "man" he is on this one....

So why do Dem Presidents always have a trail of dead bodies behind them???

Lets start with Vince Foster. His death was ruled a suicide by 5 different investigations. What evidence do you have that he was killed by Clinton?

WOW! 5 investigations heh?
....sounds legit now comparison to your jack shit?
LBJ had JFK and his first congressional opponent, as well as MLK and RFK...

Slick Willie has over 30 dead bodies in the wake of his rise to power, including really obvious stuff like Vince Foster and Jerry Parks.

QUEER-O has at least three corpses, all about him being a closeted sissy too chickenshit to admit it....

This Man Has Proof That Obama Is Gay

"Donald Young was a black choirmaster who was killed execution-style in Chicago in 2007. Rumours were that Young had been having a homosexual relationship with Obama and was murdered so the story couldn't get out."

Paul Horner was a blogger who blogged about QUEER-O being a cocksucker. He ended up dead soon after...

And then there is Joan Rivers.... big tough guy QUEER-O really showed what a "man" he is on this one....

So why do Dem Presidents always have a trail of dead bodies behind them???

Lets start with Vince Foster. His death was ruled a suicide by 5 different investigations. What evidence do you have that he was killed by Clinton?

WOW! 5 investigations heh?
....sounds legit now comparison to your jack shit?

the well known photographic evidence I posted?
LBJ had JFK and his first congressional opponent, as well as MLK and RFK...

Slick Willie has over 30 dead bodies in the wake of his rise to power, including really obvious stuff like Vince Foster and Jerry Parks.

QUEER-O has at least three corpses, all about him being a closeted sissy too chickenshit to admit it....

This Man Has Proof That Obama Is Gay

"Donald Young was a black choirmaster who was killed execution-style in Chicago in 2007. Rumours were that Young had been having a homosexual relationship with Obama and was murdered so the story couldn't get out."

Paul Horner was a blogger who blogged about QUEER-O being a cocksucker. He ended up dead soon after...

And then there is Joan Rivers.... big tough guy QUEER-O really showed what a "man" he is on this one....

So why do Dem Presidents always have a trail of dead bodies behind them???

Lets start with Vince Foster. His death was ruled a suicide by 5 different investigations. What evidence do you have that he was killed by Clinton?

WOW! 5 investigations heh?
....sounds legit now comparison to your jack shit?

the well known photographic evidence I posted?

His death was ruled a suicide by 5 different investigations.


Zionists always try to hide behind numbers. 800 "top scientists" say the moon is made of green cheese - why should anyone believe you and not them....

Indeed, a body is found at Ft Marcy Park, gun still in hand (unheard of when suspected of shooting self), no blood or "other" on the ground, the corpse covered with ONE SPECIFIC TYPE OF CARPET FIBER indicating body was killed elsewhere and wrapped in bloody carpet while moved....

Because Webb Hubbell, Chelsea's bio daddy and two time felon, told the FBI to "fuck off," the PARK POLICE were able to get away with the quick "suicide" ruling instantaneously, allowing Hillary and Maggie Williams to loot Foster's office THAT EVENING and not define that as TAMPERING....


and they call the other side a "mob...."

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