The Time of Our Lives


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
I was in an office yesterday and picked up a Time Magazine. Time Magazine used to be a good magazine. It was about news and interesting stories, not politics. If there was anything political, it did not favor either side. I was surprised to find a picture of President Trump on the cover along with a rather suggestive and unflattering title implying serious wrongdoing. In the background hard to see were various small words and phrases buried in the picture, almost as if to be subliminal to put ideas into the readers head.

As I panned through the issue I found that nearly EVERY major article was political! And they were all hit pieces against Trump or at least the GOP. I realized that the media has, by and large, whether in print, video or internet, become largely and nearly all a massive propaganda front for the Left. They purposefully withhold any good news, stories or accomplishments by the President from the overall public, while twisting at best if not outright manufacturing lies about the President, fiction and dramatized imagination creatively spun to cast him in the worst light possible!

Is it any wonder that the crazed loons of the Left, many of them on this board, think as they do? They get "facts" from various internet hit sites then bring them here as their "proof" that President Trump is this terrible person. If they have not been entirely brainwashed by all this crap, at the very least, they participate in the act of putting their own narrow partisanship ahead of the nation's good.

President Trump will never be impeached. The GOP are almost as bad as the Dems with its bad actors such as McCain, Lindsey Graham and others. I doubt any of his family will come under serious crime charges either, but wouldn't it be something that in trying to clean up the corruption in Washington, some of his own children end up getting hurt? I don't put ANYTHING past the MSM and the Leftists------ they even attacked 11 year old Barron.

But just what would happened if the impossible happened and Trump was impeached? Bill Clinton was impeached and he went nowhere. But what if the Senate actually chose to remove him? He would have to have been shown to have committed a High Crime WHILE IN OFFICE. Anything he did during his campaign, even collusion with the Russians to affect the election, while politically unseemly, IS NOT A CRIME.

I expect that they will keep digging in an effort to resist his "draining of the swamp" until they can find something in his past to pester him with and make trouble for him all through his tenure.

We are flirting with a constitutional crisis here of epic proportions:

Were Trump to be removed for some specious "scandal," the nation of his followers would see it as the deliberate unseating of a duly elected President. We would no longer live in a democracy but a banana republic where if you simply don't vote right, they will CHANGE YOUR VOTE and put in whom they want anyway. There would be massive civil unrest and rioting, and the United States would never be the same again. The only constitutional remedy for a president you don't like or you feel is bad is to VOTE HIM OUT OF OFFICE.

All of the attempts to unseat him are just going to magnify the resolve of his base. The Left will find Trump very difficult to stop or remove and even harder to unseat if he runs again in 2020. Of course, the Left hopes that they are such thorns in his side that after four years, he does not run again for a second term, because after four years, if he is even half successful in his agenda, he will be more popular than ever.

But what if Trump stays in office? He will continue to reverse the damage done by Obama, and will never relent on investigating and seeking to prosecute the likes of Hillary and others. Much of the long-established structure and hierarchy of the Federal government will be dismantled for years to come, affecting Republicans almost as much as the democrats. These must be very trying times for the DNC, and half of them must work through the night trying to find ways of stopping or slowing him as much as they meet with their own attorneys in order to assess their own legal vulnerabilities.

It never pays to throw stones when you live in a glass house; this is all going to come back on the DNC.

What do you think?
To stop the suffering and for his own sake---- He should resign immediately.

Don't forget most of what is going on are self inflicted wounds. None stop lying, making speech dividing this country, him against Americans, election is over etc etc etc. Quite disgusting.
To stop the suffering and for his own sake---- He should resign immediately.

Don't forget most of what is going on are self inflicted wounds. None stop lying, making speech dividing this country, him against Americans, election is over etc etc etc. Quite disgusting.

I will grant you that some of his problems sometimes seem self-inflicted. There is no doubt that part of his problem is ego and vanity, and I know for a fact that since in office, both have gotten much bigger. The vanity leads to sensitiveness and that leads to being very defensive. Then he says things and attacks people back, and neither seem to be making his job easier.
I couldn't wade through that whole OP but Trump has admitted ton"serious wrongdoing" and we've seen others,min clouding his kids, saying it to.

He's costing the country and adding nothing.the sooner he's out, the better.

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