Zone1 The term "Personal relationship with Jesus" is not in the Bible

Remember Jesus speaking with Moses and Elijah (Transfiguration)? The account does not reveal what was being said, only that God was there, too, saying, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!”

Again, many have had tremendous experiences when asking those who have passed on to pray with them. I have as well.
Listen to Him. The Scriptures and the prophets point to Jesus.
Satan was arguing scripture with Jesus. Jesus used scripture to respond. Remember, one of the criticisms against Jesus was that he taught through his own authority, not by the authority of others. (In other words he didn't always use scripture.)
Jesus is Scripture. He is the Word made flesh. Is that true or not?
Every word Jesus speaks is Scripture. That’s the point.
Yes, and John records that there is much about Jesus that was not recorded. That is what apostolic tradition is about, because the traditions of Jesus started before anyone recorded them.
Yes, and John records that there is much about Jesus that was not recorded. That is what apostolic tradition is about, because the traditions of Jesus started before anyone recorded them.
Agree. However, if it isn't Scripture, then we can't put faith in it. Otherwise, we're just ending up like the Pharisees.
Tell that to Jesus who chose 12 Apostles.

You really should tell Jesus that His chosen humans or their successors are not needed anymore, that all we need is some "personal relationship" with Him and maybe a bible (never mind that there were no Bibles as we know them back then)

Yeh... tell Jesus how to set up HIs Church. He obviously didn't know what Protestants know... I guess He was as ignorant as I am...
We have the New Testament. You should study it.
Agree. However, if it isn't Scripture, then we can't put faith in it. Otherwise, we're just ending up like the Pharisees.
Perhaps you mean that if it is not in scripture you, personally, cannot put faith in it. If the tradition of the Apostles became prior to written accounts, that is reason enough to have enough for me to have faith--the faith the size of a mustard seed--to try a tradition.

If asking angels and Saints to join us in prayer had never made a difference, is it logical millions of Catholics would continue the practice? Faith is a trust in what has been done before, dating back to Apostolic times, and to make the attempt for oneself.
Perhaps you mean that if it is not in scripture you, personally, cannot put faith in it. If the tradition of the Apostles became prior to written accounts, that is reason enough to have enough for me to have faith--the faith the size of a mustard seed--to try a tradition.

If asking angels and Saints to join us in prayer had never made a difference, is it logical millions of Catholics would continue the practice? Faith is a trust in what has been done before, dating back to Apostolic times, and to make the attempt for oneself.
Faith comes by hearing the Word. Romans 5:17. Your traditions are like a baby's pacifier.
Your traditions are like a baby's pacifier.
What an ignorant statement. I expect better of you.

It is understandable for anyone to get all they want out of their own religious practices that they have no need to delve any further into the depths. A long time ago I heard people falling into two categories--the pioneers and the settlers. Some people are naturally more curious and adventurous than others who are willing to settle and greatly appreciate what is within reach--There is no place like home.

There is more to our faith than what made it into canonized scripture. If scripture is all you need or want--that's fine. However, it is not all there is.
What an ignorant statement. I expect better of you.

It is understandable for anyone to get all they want out of their own religious practices that they have no need to delve any further into the depths. A long time ago I heard people falling into two categories--the pioneers and the settlers. Some people are naturally more curious and adventurous than others who are willing to settle and greatly appreciate what is within reach--There is no place like home.

There is more to our faith than what made it into canonized scripture. If scripture is all you need or want--that's fine. However, it is not all there is.
You didn't quote the most important part of my post. Faith comes by hearing the Word. That means traditions don't build faith. They may comfort you, but Faith is only by the Word. Jesus is all I want or need. I am saved by faith in Jesus. The Scripture says without faith it is impossible to please God. That's all I need. Your traditions are okay if they comfort you, but they're not part of your salvation. Jesus did it all.
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If you had known one thing about Catholicism, you would know that St Peter and the Apostles, after some of the latter died, chose successors aka Bishops who ordained priests.. This has been going on in the Church Christ founded for over 2000 years --oh, wait... 1958 years, to be more precise (Protestants have a 500 year abyss between them and the True Church, thanks to the heretic Luther [unless they begin to learn about the TRUE Catholic Church as opposed to the fake Vatican II "church" so called)
Right, but tell me what you understand their role to be.
Satan was arguing scripture with Jesus. Jesus used scripture to respond. Remember, one of the criticisms against Jesus was that he taught through his own authority, not by the authority of others. (In other words he didn't always use scripture.)
Satan wasn't using Scripture at all.

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