The Tea Party Crashers: They came, they saw, they failed

Oh yea, suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure.

Just like your user name is in some way truthful.

You're no more a "rightwinger" than Chairman Mao was! :lol:

Imposter. :rolleyes:

We know how you work....

You hire a rightwing loser to pretend that he is a left wing infiltrator pretending to be a teabagger

Devious....just plain devious

Yeah and his name is right winger!


You have about as much evidence.


Yes I do..

I have as much evidence as you do that people acting like idiots at Tea Parties are infiltrators
They came they saw they falied. How are the partiers any different from the crashers in those respects?

It's in the numbers of attendee's that count---:lol::lol:

This--attendance of approximately 2000 tea partiers

compared to the 5-7 high school students from across the street that showed up with vulgar signs--of which--a 1000 camera's got--that were then sent to their principles office the next day---:lol::lol:

It doesn't bother you at all that the principle can punish them for something that happened off of school grounds (and which might be free speech)?
Michelle Malkin The Crashers: They came, they saw, they failed

The pictures tell the whole pathetic story. The crashers were busted right away. They didn't fool anyone. :lol:

Reader Celeste in Columbus, Ohio, sends photos of a great comeuppance. Check out the Captain Obvious crasher getting called out for attempting to paint their peaceful protest as an incitement to violence and faking a vile sign:






Note how everyone is pointing at him and laughing. They know what he is trying to pull and they make it clear he is NOT one of them. :lol:

More members of the Crasher Corps in Sacramento via reader Rob. The red guerilla mask and sunglasses are really ingenious:

This fine fellow literally crashed the stage and was whisked away:

Funny stuff! :lol:

You know...that was really a good idea...tho you have to wonder why they just thought of it now? Why not back when we saw all those "Obama is a Nazi" style signs before. But...better late than never. I hope they keep it up and do that around anyone with a sign like that.
Bill Clinton blasting the Tea Party folks yesterday...........

gets pwnd by Rush Limbaugh. Check this sh!t out....................

Bill Clinton Links Talk Radio, Tea Parties to Non-Existent Terrorism
April 16, 2010


RUSH: Let's go back, April 24th, 1995, Mississippi, Minnesota.

CLINTON 1995: We hear so many loud and angry voices in America today whose sole goal seems to be to try to keep some people as paranoid as possible and the rest of us all torn up and upset with each other. They spread hate. They leave the impression that -- by their very words, that -- violence is a acceptable. You ought to see -- I'm sure you are now seeing the reports of some things that are regularly said over the airwaves in America today. It is time we all stood up and spoke against that kind of (pounding podium) reckless speech and behavior.

FOLLOWERS: (applause)

RUSH: That was Bill Clinton, blaming me for the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19th, 1995. Yesterday we had the tea parties, and the Drive-By Media (I'm sure to its great chagrin) is filled with stories about how festive and how peaceful and how unthreatening all of the tea parties were. The effort to infiltrate these tea parties fizzled. They have stories on that that they probably do not like having to report. And, ladies and gentlemen, it's very clear that these citizen uprisings -- genuine grassroots citizen's uprisings -- are far more powerful than an attempt to drum up fake opposition to them from the White House. Yet, Bill Clinton is back in the game, expanding that threat via this sound bite.

CLINTON 2010: There was this rising movement in the early nineties that was basically not just a carefully orchestrated plot by people of extreme right-wing views but one that fell into fertile soil because there were so many people for whom the world no longer made sense. They wanted a simple, clear explanation of what was an inherently complex, mixed picture full of challenges that required not only changes in public policy, but personnel conduct and imagination about the world we were living in. So demonizing the government and the people that work for it sort of fit that -- and there were a lot of people who were in the business back then of saying that the biggest threat to our liberty and the cause of our economic problems was the federal government itself.

RUSH: So there you have it: Bill Clinton once again trying to rebirth his empty threat from 1995. He starts out tracing the plot that started in the eighties to "demonize government." I have a question. We have two more sound bites of the president here specifying right-wing talk radio, but I have a question: How come we're supposed to draw (on the basis of no evidence), a connection between conservatism and terrorism, conservative ideology and terrorism? Where is that connection? Yet we are told we must reject, despite tons of evidence, the connection between Islamist ideology and terrorism. So we can't call Islamist fundamentalists "terrorists." We can't even use the word. But we can have ex-presidents and current presidents running around trying to associate conservatives with nonexistent terrorism at peaceful tea parties. Somebody needs to explain this to me.

I agree with Rush: the far kook right is nothing to worry about.

They are old, they failed in the 1960s to stop the cultural shift, this is their last chance, they will fail miserably again, they will die, and they will not be remembered.
How inane of you. As if that silly stat which means nothing until you put it into context, which is that the president floats between 46 and 52% popularity during the last nine months.

You could be right in suggesting about 17% of the country agress with the Tea Pary movement. I would disagree. It's about one of four, and it is not growing.
How inane of you. As if that silly stat which means nothing until you put it into context, which is that the president floats between 46 and 52% popularity during the last nine months.

You could be right in suggesting about 17% of the country agress with the Tea Pary movement. I would disagree. It's about one of four, and it is not growing.

silly stats FTW s0n..........I dont see many polls being posted up by the k00ks these days!!! But they sure were falling all over themselves posting up polls back in October of 2008!!!:lol::lol:

Yep, I did not think you could defend your statement, and I was right. Let's move on then.
Everyone is pointing and laughing because they think the sign is funny, not because they think the guys a "crasher".

They're laughing because he looks like a Slacker Lenin and he is obviously a Tea Party Crasher with a stupid sign.

It wasn't even a smart infiltrator sign. It was just stupid. You want to see smart infiltrator signs check these out! These were from the Iraq War Protests of a few years ago.​

spacer.gif - signs

They would carry these signs to war protests and the lefties were so stupid the would never figure out, they were being made fun of. :lol:

Now THESE are infiltrator signs! :lol::lol::lol:

Oh, I remember the "protest warriors". They were those fucking college kids who supported the war, but whose asses weren't actually going to fight in the war.

Can't make chickenshit without some chickens.
In fact, let me spell it out for you:

One guy makes a badly designed wesite claiming he has an "organization" that's going to "infiltrate" the Tea Parties.

Then the guy tells someone like you on some posting board about his great new site.

The the poster on the board tells somebody in the media about it, and they pick it up as a story because it will get them ratings.

Meanwhile, this whole "infiltration" consists of one guy making a web page in his mom's basement.

But that doesn't matter to the right-wing press, like BreitBart, who live on this type of Bullshit, so they pick it up and spread it far and wide among the Tea Party types.

That way, more Tea Partiers show up to the rallies because they're itching for some confrontation.

Such a clumsy attempt to draw attention away from the racist underbelly of the Tea Party.

Can you guys be more obvious?

It's got to be so FRUSTRATING for you Liberals to keep trying to play the race card--when we have video's of BLACK KEY NOTE speakers at the tea party rallies. Black Americans are more than welcome at tea party rallies--and when they show up--handshakes are given--and they are told how much they are appreciated for showing up.

Now--you liberals can keep trying to scare them off -WITH LIES--but the below video is proof that your LIES are not working. Black Americans are seeing through YOUR tactics--and the more you try to play this race card against the tea party movement in this country--the more you will persuade more blacks to join our movement.:clap2:

16 key note black speakers at tea party rallies in the below video.

[ame=]YouTube - Response to Olbermann: "People of color" at Tea Parties[/ame]

Ah, the Race Card Card.
Such a clumsy attempt to draw attention away from the racist underbelly of the Tea Party.

Can you guys be more obvious?

It's got to be so FRUSTRATING for you Liberals to keep trying to play the race card--when we have video's of BLACK KEY NOTE speakers at the tea party rallies. Black Americans are more than welcome at tea party rallies--and when they show up--handshakes are given--and they are told how much they are appreciated for showing up.

Now--you liberals can keep trying to scare them off -WITH LIES--but the below video is proof that your LIES are not working. Black Americans are seeing through YOUR tactics--and the more you try to play this race card against the tea party movement in this country--the more you will persuade more blacks to join our movement.:clap2:

16 key note black speakers at tea party rallies in the below video.

[ame=]YouTube - Response to Olbermann: "People of color" at Tea Parties[/ame]

Ah, the Race Card Card.

LOL..........the k00ks are stupified with that vid!!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Yes, you are, kook far right whingers.

When I look up and check the # of posts a member has entered over a certain space of time. Indeed, when you see 4 billion posts over the period of a few months..........THATS a fcukking k00k!!!!:tomato:

Now.........take a gandor up to the right hand corner of your last post!! :oops:'re a fcukking k00k!!!!!:lol:

ps.........personally, Id think about switching up on the "Location" section of your USER CP..........."in the mainstream" doesnt quite fit when your on the fcukking computer 18 hours/day. I could be wrong though...........:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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Yes, you are, kook far right whingers.

When I look up and check the # of posts a member has entered over a certain space of time. Indeed, when you see 4 billion posts over the period of a few months..........THATS a fcukking k00k!!!!:tomato:

Now.........take a gandor up to the right hand corner of your last post!! :oops:'re a fcukking k00k!!!!!:lol:

ps.........personally, Id think about switching up on the "Location" section of your USER CP..........."in the mainstream" doesnt quite fit when your on the fcukking computer 18 hours/day. I could be wrong though...........:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Nothing you wrote made sense, son. Keep on whinging.
Yes, you are, kook far right whingers.

Hey dipshit....we don't spell whine like that here. This is US (as in United States) Message Board.

If you're going to insult our intelligence with your bullshit, at least spell it the way we do. You know, when in Rome do as the Romans do and all that.

Most Americans haven't a clue what you're on about when you say whinge or whinging or whingers.

We don't whinge here. We whine. There is no whinging here. There is only whining. There are no whingers here. Just whiners.

That's how we do it. Dumbass.

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