The strange greatness of Donald Trump

it makes me very sad that we are at such a moral rock bottom that we have a president who's created an addiction to hate, an addiction to bigotry!

Trump never was nor is he now a bigot. His deeds of his past and present prove it. It takes more than your bullshit and lies to make someone something they're not.
Money talks, bullshit walks. As an example, when he renovated and reopened Mar A Lago he opened membership to anyone that could pay the dues regardless of race or creed.

"In the early 1990s, Trump faced financial difficulties. While negotiating with his bankers, he promised to divide Mar-a-Lago into smaller properties, alarming Palm Beach residents; so the city council rejected his plan to do so. Trump instead turned the estate into a private club that—unlike other Palm Beach old money resorts like the Bath and Tennis Club and Everglades Club—accepted Jewish people and African-Americans as members."

The above from the Wikipedia article on Mar a Largo.

Mar-a-Lago - Wikipedia
He is certainly doing a FAR better job than anyone, but him, predicted.
He is divisive. But so is the unprecedented rejection of the 2016 election by the congressional Democrats and the Rise and Resist movement and the endless criticism from the media. Trump has shown remarkable personal strength in standing up to relentless attacks.​
People with personal strength don't engage in 3 a.m. Twitter bitches. He's a bully and can't stand it when anyone stands up to him.​
He is certainly doing a FAR better job than anyone, but him, predicted.
He is divisive. But so is the unprecedented rejection of the 2016 election by the congressional Democrats and the Rise and Resist movement and the endless criticism from the media. Trump has shown remarkable personal strength in standing up to relentless attacks.​
People with personal strength don't engage in 3 a.m. Twitter bitches.​
I see no reason to regard that as any more true than: "People with personal strength don't claim that those who use Twitter at 3 am lack personal strength."
He is certainly doing a FAR better job than anyone, but him, predicted.
He is divisive. But so is the unprecedented rejection of the 2016 election by the congressional Democrats and the Rise and Resist movement and the endless criticism from the media. Trump has shown remarkable personal strength in standing up to relentless attacks.​
People with personal strength don't engage in 3 a.m. Twitter bitches.​
I see no reason to regard that as any more true than: "People with personal strength don't claim that those who use Twitter at 3 am lack personal strength."​
Kind of a tortured and sycophantic line of reasoning, IMO.​
He is certainly doing a FAR better job than anyone, but him, predicted.
He is divisive. But so is the unprecedented rejection of the 2016 election by the congressional Democrats and the Rise and Resist movement and the endless criticism from the media. Trump has shown remarkable personal strength in standing up to relentless attacks.​
People with personal strength don't engage in 3 a.m. Twitter bitches.​
I see no reason to regard that as any more true than: "People with personal strength don't claim that those who use Twitter at 3 am lack personal strength."​
Kind of a tortured and sycophantic line of reasoning, IMO.​
Actually, my reasoning is flawless.
your title should have read:

' the great strangeness of donald trump '

it would have more accurate.
but it wasn't and it was his thread he created. you have the same opportunity as the OP to create your own thread with your title. go for it.

the economy is good - i'll give him that. but the fact that people are still needing a 2nd & 3rd job isn't good. & deregs to the point that mercury & arsenic are being allowed back into our air & slurry in our water isn't a good trade off. the nation is weak in the eyes of the world & our allies are slowly moving away... the infighting that he has stoked isn't good & hate crimes are way up too.
But he's reducing trade with China, and China is the world's grossest polluter. We really should be doing less business with them.

World's Oceans Clogged by Millions of Tons of Plastic Trash ...

The world's oceans are clogged with the equivalent of five grocery bags full of ... China was responsible for the most ocean plastic pollution per year with an ...
your title should have read:

' the great strangeness of donald trump '

it would have more accurate.
but it wasn't and it was his thread he created. you have the same opportunity as the OP to create your own thread with your title. go for it.

the economy is good - i'll give him that. but the fact that people are still needing a 2nd & 3rd job isn't good. & deregs to the point that mercury & arsenic are being allowed back into our air & slurry in our water isn't a good trade off. the nation is weak in the eyes of the world & our allies are slowly moving away... the infighting that he has stoked isn't good & hate crimes are way up too.
But he's reducing trade with China, and China is the world's grossest polluter. We really should be doing less business with them.

World's Oceans Clogged by Millions of Tons of Plastic Trash ...

The world's oceans are clogged with the equivalent of five grocery bags full of ... China was responsible for the most ocean plastic pollution per year with an ...
again a position that conflicts with the leftist stance. climate climate, and yet they want the most CO2 based country to continue to introduce PPM's of CO2 in the air. at least the conservatives here are saying fk that!!! take your weak ass chit home and pay your fking people a decent wage.
your title should have read:

' the great strangeness of donald trump '

it would have more accurate.
but it wasn't and it was his thread he created. you have the same opportunity as the OP to create your own thread with your title. go for it.

the economy is good - i'll give him that. but the fact that people are still needing a 2nd & 3rd job isn't good. & deregs to the point that mercury & arsenic are being allowed back into our air & slurry in our water isn't a good trade off. the nation is weak in the eyes of the world & our allies are slowly moving away... the infighting that he has stoked isn't good & hate crimes are way up too.
But he's reducing trade with China, and China is the world's grossest polluter. We really should be doing less business with them.

World's Oceans Clogged by Millions of Tons of Plastic Trash ...

The world's oceans are clogged with the equivalent of five grocery bags full of ... China was responsible for the most ocean plastic pollution per year with an ...
again a position that conflicts with the leftist stance. climate climate, and yet they want the most CO2 based country to continue to introduce PPM's of CO2 in the air. at least the conservatives here are saying fk that!!! take your weak ass chit home and pay your fking people a decent wage.
The Left's Environmental agenda isn't about the Environment, it's about the control of labor and the means of production.

If it were about the Environment, it would be focused poisons entering our Air, Water, Soil and Ocean pollution rather than Carbon Dioxide, which isn't even a poison.
He is certainly doing a FAR better job than anyone, but him, predicted.

He is divisive. But so is the unprecedented rejection of the 2016 election by the congressional Democrats and the Rise and Resist movement and the endless criticism from the media. Trump has shown remarkable personal strength in standing up to relentless attacks.​

Moving from the defensive to the positive side of the balance sheet, despite all of the attacks and resistance, Trump has accomplished more in two years than his four immediate predecessors accomplished in four to eight years.​

The economy is in the best shape in modern history. New and better trade agreements have been developed with the major economies. Our defense is much stronger, including a stronger and better funded NATO. Our principal adversaries — Russia, China, Iran, North Korea — are more off-balance than they have been in decades. Each of them is tough and ruthless, but they see in Trump someone who understands them and is equally tough in defending his country.​

Belying the hysteria of the left, all Americans are moving forward; these are not “sad times,” and there is no “crisis.”​

This raises the central question to be framed in the next election: What should we demand of our president? If we’re looking for dignity, manners, grace and orderliness, Trump is vulnerable. If we’re looking for strong leadership to provide real opportunity for economic advancement for all Americans and a strong defense of America and its interests, then Trump has a claim to greatness over his current opponents and his predecessors.

The strange greatness of Donald Trump.

Even the Establishment Republican of the Rockefeller/Richardson variety are coming around!

Certainly it has been our great good fortune to have him as OUR President.

This thread should be called (why are Trump supporters brain washed).
He is certainly doing a FAR better job than anyone, but him, predicted.

He is divisive. But so is the unprecedented rejection of the 2016 election by the congressional Democrats and the Rise and Resist movement and the endless criticism from the media. Trump has shown remarkable personal strength in standing up to relentless attacks.​

Moving from the defensive to the positive side of the balance sheet, despite all of the attacks and resistance, Trump has accomplished more in two years than his four immediate predecessors accomplished in four to eight years.​

The economy is in the best shape in modern history. New and better trade agreements have been developed with the major economies. Our defense is much stronger, including a stronger and better funded NATO. Our principal adversaries — Russia, China, Iran, North Korea — are more off-balance than they have been in decades. Each of them is tough and ruthless, but they see in Trump someone who understands them and is equally tough in defending his country.​

Belying the hysteria of the left, all Americans are moving forward; these are not “sad times,” and there is no “crisis.”​

This raises the central question to be framed in the next election: What should we demand of our president? If we’re looking for dignity, manners, grace and orderliness, Trump is vulnerable. If we’re looking for strong leadership to provide real opportunity for economic advancement for all Americans and a strong defense of America and its interests, then Trump has a claim to greatness over his current opponents and his predecessors.

The strange greatness of Donald Trump.

Even the Establishment Republican of the Rockefeller/Richardson variety are coming around!

Certainly it has been our great good fortune to have him as OUR President.

This thread should be called (why are Trump supporters brain washed).
you should start that thread since it's what you want!!! go for it brainwashed bot.
Funny how we now define greatness as 'strange.' That is why liberalism is a mental disease.
He is certainly doing a FAR better job than anyone, but him, predicted.

He is divisive. But so is the unprecedented rejection of the 2016 election by the congressional Democrats and the Rise and Resist movement and the endless criticism from the media. Trump has shown remarkable personal strength in standing up to relentless attacks.​

Moving from the defensive to the positive side of the balance sheet, despite all of the attacks and resistance, Trump has accomplished more in two years than his four immediate predecessors accomplished in four to eight years.​

The economy is in the best shape in modern history. New and better trade agreements have been developed with the major economies. Our defense is much stronger, including a stronger and better funded NATO. Our principal adversaries — Russia, China, Iran, North Korea — are more off-balance than they have been in decades. Each of them is tough and ruthless, but they see in Trump someone who understands them and is equally tough in defending his country.​

Belying the hysteria of the left, all Americans are moving forward; these are not “sad times,” and there is no “crisis.”​

This raises the central question to be framed in the next election: What should we demand of our president? If we’re looking for dignity, manners, grace and orderliness, Trump is vulnerable. If we’re looking for strong leadership to provide real opportunity for economic advancement for all Americans and a strong defense of America and its interests, then Trump has a claim to greatness over his current opponents and his predecessors.

The strange greatness of Donald Trump.

Even the Establishment Republican of the Rockefeller/Richardson variety are coming around!

Certainly it has been our great good fortune to have him as OUR President.

This thread should be called (why are Trump supporters brain washed).
you should start that thread since it's what you want!!! go for it brainwashed bot.

I see it's silly season congrats your the fool
I like many started out not liking him for his pomposity but then I began to see that it wasn't pomposity at all just him standing up for himself when no one else would. You can't say it's bragging when he keeps delivering. If he's good for the country I'll gladly listen to any amount of bragging as long as it's true and justified. Besides he's entertaing and has a sense of humor that I find appealing along with a lot of common sense.

He keeps delivering bullshit for you to ask for seconds.

Promissed 4,5 or even 6% GDP growth - we had 2.2% 2017, 2.9% in 2018. So bullshit so far.

Promised way more jobs to bring down what he claimed was rampant hidden unemployment, but reality was that unemployment was already low and job growth has been even slightly down from what is was before he got into office - again bullshit.

Promised to pay down national debt in 8 years, but all he did was blow up deficits even further (will be 1 Trillion for this year) - again bullshit.

Said that North Korea and trade wars will be easy win - but all we are doing so far is losing.

Promissed healthcare coverage for everyone at a fraction of Obamacare costs - got nothing done but raise costs and contract coverage rates. Bullshit.

Promised tax-cuts - ok he passed that, by one vote with full Republican majority...went on to lie his ass off that rich like him paid more under it, when in reality well-off benefited far and away the most.

Promissed you a big bad wall of North America - but all he has to show for it is a 7 billlion dollar wasted on a shutdown. Total failure.

Promised to drain the swamp, but swamp spreading is all we got from this ethics and law disreguarding toad.

The list goes on and on and on. Time to wake up, turn off that FOX channel and smell the reality:

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Majority of Americans will never accept Trump's habitual compulsive serial lying, lack of knowledge, and lack of any moral character and values. The only thing he will be remembered great for is for being a great liar and convincing dupe to believe his lies. Perhaps he will go down as one of the greatest scam artists in history.
Voted for Hillary, the paragon of virtue

voted for donny, putin's bitch.

Still going with that played out bunch of desperate haven't heard? The Mueller report was released.
it makes me very sad that we are at such a moral rock bottom that we have a president who's created an addiction to hate, an addiction to bigotry!

Trump never was nor is he now a bigot. His deeds of his past and present prove it. It takes more than your bullshit and lies to make someone something they're not.
Money talks, bullshit walks. As an example, when he renovated and reopened Mar A Lago he opened membership to anyone that could pay the dues regardless of race or creed.

"In the early 1990s, Trump faced financial difficulties. While negotiating with his bankers, he promised to divide Mar-a-Lago into smaller properties, alarming Palm Beach residents; so the city council rejected his plan to do so. Trump instead turned the estate into a private club that—unlike other Palm Beach old money resorts like the Bath and Tennis Club and Everglades Club—accepted Jewish people and African-Americans as members."

The above from the Wikipedia article on Mar a Largo.

Mar-a-Lago - Wikipedia


Donald Trump keeps saying that his Mar-a-Lago Club is proof he's not racist. About that.

Katie McDonough

9/28/16 12:40pm

Donald Trump says racist things, promotes racist policies, has racist supporters, and has been sued for racist discrimination—but he is not racist, he says, because he owns a private club in a wealthy enclave of Florida that is 96% white.

This particular line of argument came up again during Monday night's presidential debate when Hillary Clinton raised the issue of the 1973 federal bias suit filed against Trump and his real estate company for discriminating against prospective black tenants.

The investigation into Trump Management uncovered considerable evidence of discrimination—like a former superintendent for a Trump property who testified that he had been instructed to mark applications submitted by black people with a "C" for "colored"—but the case ultimately ended in a settlement.

After responding at the debate that he had settled the case with "no admission of guilt," Trump moved on to his private club, Mar-a-Lago:

I'll go one step further. In Palm Beach, Florida, tough community, a brilliant community, a wealthy community, probably the wealthiest community there is in the world, I opened a club, and really got great credit for it.

No discrimination against African-Americans, against Muslims, against anybody. And it's a tremendously successful club. And I'm so glad I did it. And I have been given great credit for what I did. And I'm very, very proud of it. And that's the way I feel. That is the true way I feel.

Left out of Trump's victory lap for racial justice: it's illegal in Florida for a club like Mar-a-Lago, a private club with more than 400 members that also hosts public events and functions for non-members, to discriminate against "any individual because of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, handicap, age above the age of 21, or marital status."

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