The state of Gaza - 1st of 8 Palestinian Emirates


Gold Member
Jun 10, 2015

Dr. Mordechai Kedar: "My doctorate was about Syrian media.
Post stamps are one example of an important attempt, effort to create a national awareness out of nothing. The Syrian media was not different than what we saw in Iraq and Libya, Palestine when the state and the big project covers everything- the attempts are the same. The Syrian nationalism, Iraqi, Libyan, Palestinian, Yemenite nationalism they're all alike. National awareness out of nothing.
By the way USSR was the same, and Germany was the same when it unified 120-130 years ago, it went through the same process of creating tools like stamps, books, poetry, placards that consolidates all of them, to create an awareness of “together”.

Now I'll try to establish a generalization – the more a govt of a state tries , the meaning is it succeeds less. Because a consolidated group, valid in awareness, that has liveliness capability of self unity – doesn't need such things. This is what You do when there's no unity, create it ex nihilo.

How do I know?
Look at what happens today in Iraq, look at what happpens in Syria, Yemen, Libya.
After decades of such attempts. Look at where we are. The poetry and post stamps are all impressive, but where is the truth? Is the purpose of such things to impress, or do they reflect reality? I claim that its' purpose is to create, and the more they try the less they succeed.

So where lies the truth?
I don't examine it through the post stamps, not the literature, songs or anything like that. But one single thing – MARRIEGE!
If there's marriage between sons of Hebron and daughters of Sh'chem, You have a people. If there's no marriage there's no nation, period. That the essential criteria for the existence of a people.
When the nation is getting out of tribal awareness, because tribal culture is when You marry Your daughter with the 1st , 2nd and 3rd cousin within the tribe, if the tribes are broken down by themselves through marriage, You can conclude that there's a nation here. As long as the marriage patterns are tribal there's no nation, and what You get is what we see today.

When I say “no nation” let me explain what do I refer to, look what happens on the ground:

This is the map of Iraq, these are the tribes in Iraq. With borders and fighting militias, and everyone sees in each other the enemy. In spite them being citizens of one state, the state didn't settle in their hearts, and that's why this is how the tribes look until today.

Yemen is another natural disaster. This is are the tribes in Yemen:

So tell me about the nation of Yemen...there's plenty of post stamps of Yemen, beautiful ones, but this is the sociological reality. A nation in theory, in slogans and placards but not on the ground.

The reality of the Palestinians isn't different in essence from what is happening in Iraq, Libya, Yemen and the whole Arab world. They didn't become Israelis, Jews or Europeans or anything, this is the same Arab culture. And the same is exactly about the Arab population in Israel – do daughters of Mahamid from Um El-Fahm marry the sons of Rayan in the village of Barah?
On the outskirts, maybe. There are still hard patterns of marriage within the tribe, in the families. In the south it's 70% and in the north it's almost 40%. Therefore this pattern is alive and existing in spite of 70 years of friction with the Jewish community. A community that is more modern,open and individualistic.

By the way there's no Israeli nation. In what way?
In the state of Israel there are 2 main groups – Jews and Arabs. And they try not to step on each others' feet too much. After 70 years of Israeli reality, with one state, one hymn, one flag, and one govt, one law, and one social security, one military, one police. The Jews didn't become Arabs, and the Arabs didn't become Jews, and both of them didn't become something 3rd that is Israeli but not Jewish or Arab.
Is there a Palestinian nation if there's no Syrian, Iraqi, Yemeni, Libyan and Israeli?

Examine it by marriage, and I didn't take the example of Hebron and Sh'chem, they don't marry.
Gaza in no way, who marries them?! And their language is different, they have a dialect closer to Bedouin, the language in Judea Samaria is closer to the Syrian dialect.
We are talking about cultural differences ليس منا – they're not of ours.
Therefore all those countries fail because there's no one civil community on which to build a state. That is why we see what happens in Syria. There's no one Syrian nation and they fight each other.

When we talk about the Palestinian situation we have no alternative but to recognize reality, and the reality is of Tribalism. If we want to reach a solution, we should go for the only solution that works in the middle east, and that is the solution of E-M-I-R-A-T-E-S. Because the emirates is one tribe separately. Quait is the tribe of al-Sabah, Qatar is the tribe of al-Thani, abu-Dhabi is of al-Nnihyan. When You have a homogenous group You build a functional political system and on top of that a flourishing economy. When You have a split society on tribal, religious and ethnic background like in Iraq, Syria and Libya it all collapses in spite of oil of Iraq and Libya.
On the other hand Dubai, a country without oil is flourishing. Because it's homogenous ,calm and stable. That's why on dry sand, without oil You build towers.
Therefore the solution is not to create another conglomerate, but Palestinian Emirates.

What do I mean?
One Emirate in Gaza already exists 10 years. And there are borders in Gaza, a government with police, and there's an army with military industry, and a ministry of health and education. Gaza is a state on every factual ground. And it should be recognized as a state.

Another Emirate in Hebron for the Jaabri, Kawasme, Nachi, Tamimi and Abu-Snena clans.
Another Emirate in Jericho for the Ereikat, Jericho has a king his name is Saeb Ereikat.
And in Ramallah for the Bargouti and the Tawil and Abu-Ein – they too have a king his name Maruan.
Another Emirate in Schem – for the al-Masri, Tukan and Shakha
Another Emirate in Tul-Karem for the Karmis
And 2 additional Emirates in Jenin and Qalqilyah


While Israel has to remain forever in the rural village area and propose Israeli citizenship to the villagers who are about 10%, (depends on the borders of the Emirates). Let them live with us as the Arabs in Galilee, the Triangle and the Negev. No reason for this not to happen, Israel has to be fair in the face of Emirates and the villagers. This is the architecture , now we have to get into things like access to sea, airport, sea port and Jordan – all this can be solved. But most of the population of Judea Samaria, and Gaza of course get independence in the Emirates based on the local clans.


This is the only thing that connects with the sociology, not the aspirations of some intellectuals that studied about nationalism in the West. This is the only thing that has connection with the situation on the ground, that has a chance to live and survive, because it's not a conglomerate that will suffer from internal splits and disputes of political parties and ideologies that have no grasp on the social reality.
The modern Western ideologies do not settle in the hearts of the middle east, and today we see it in awful colors of red and yellow and black."
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An argument that ethnic or cultural homogeneity is the key to peace in some parts of the world.
An argument that ethnic or cultural homogeneity is the key to peace in some parts of the world.

Yes, I've seen You make similar comments.
However at that time we were talking about the Ereikat version of the Palestinian solution, where populations, Jews had to move physically. I couldn't agree from any angle.

The Palestinian Emirates solution, if I understand it correctly, doesn't move any single person from his home. What can change is the legal status- the citizenship one might choose.

However it opens another question about the status of those in Israel who choose an Emirate citizenship versus those in the Emirates who choose to stay with the Israeli.
An argument that ethnic or cultural homogeneity is the key to peace in some parts of the world.

Yes, I've seen You make similar comments.
However at that time we were talking about the Ereikat version of the Palestinian solution, where populations, Jews had to move physically. I couldn't agree from any angle.

The Palestinian Emirates solution, if I understand it correctly, doesn't move any single person from his home. What can change is the legal status- the citizenship one might choose.

However it opens another question about the status of those in Israel who choose an Emirate citizenship versus those in the Emirates who choose to stay with the Israeli.

I'm not exactly clear on how it would work in practice.
An argument that ethnic or cultural homogeneity is the key to peace in some parts of the world.

Yes, I've seen You make similar comments.
However at that time we were talking about the Ereikat version of the Palestinian solution, where populations, Jews had to move physically. I couldn't agree from any angle.

The Palestinian Emirates solution, if I understand it correctly, doesn't move any single person from his home. What can change is the legal status- the citizenship one might choose.

However it opens another question about the status of those in Israel who choose an Emirate citizenship versus those in the Emirates who choose to stay with the Israeli.

I'm not exactly clear on how it would work in practice.

In practice, those Emirates could be exactly like Gaza in regards to Jewish presence.
However if You remember sheikh Jaabri speaking in Hebron, You can understand that each Emirate will have such representative that actually has power and traditional popular recognition.
Each Emirate will decide on it's own whether to allow Arabs or Jews with and Israeli citizenship to reside and work.

There's a need for a transitional period, and this is exactly where the younger generation of Arab rulers, nobility and tribesmen from around the ME could cooperate and help. I don't think this solution would ever be discussed if there was no ground, and support from other emirs who anyway finance the Palestinians for decades.

Why shouldn't they look at it as an investment that actually could create an independent economy?
I'm sure those same emirs from Qatar, Saudia already had enough seeing their money filling PA and Hamas swiss accounts for nothing. Better invest in this than in rebuilding houses and tunnels.
An argument that ethnic or cultural homogeneity is the key to peace in some parts of the world.
Is this not the exact same rhetoric one would expect from white nationalists/skinheads/neo-Nazis? I mean, honestly, I could probably read this exact crap on Stormfront.
A Bantustan (also known as Bantu homeland, black homeland, black state or simply homeland) was a territory set aside for black inhabitants of South Africa and South West Africa (now Namibia), as part of the policy of apartheid. Ten Bantustans were established in South Africa, and then in neighbouring South West Africa (then under South African administration), for the purpose of concentrating the members of designated ethnic groups, thus making each of those territories ethnically homogeneous as the basis for creating "autonomous" nation states for South Africa's different black ethnic groups.
Bantustan - Wikipedia
An argument that ethnic or cultural homogeneity is the key to peace in some parts of the world.
Is this not the exact same rhetoric one would expect from white nationalists/skinheads/neo-Nazis? I mean, honestly, I could probably read this exact crap on Stormfront.

Usually the neo nazis/skinheads on this forum promote for expulsion, ethnic cleansing, and in that way for continuation of war.
We've seen this being promoted by the Palestinian Ambassador openly:
MAEN RASHID AREIKAT - Palestinian Ambassador

So, you think it would be necessary to first transfer and remove every Jew—

Absolutely. No, I’m not saying to transfer every Jew, I’m saying transfer Jews who, after an agreement with Israel, fall under the jurisdiction of a Palestinian state.

Any Jew who is inside the borders of Palestine will have to leave?

Absolutely. I think this is a very necessary step, before we can allow the two states to somehow develop their separate national identities, and then maybe open up the doors for all kinds of cultural, social, political, economic exchanges, that freedom of movement of both citizens of Israelis and Palestinians from one area to another. You know you have to think of the day after.


Q. Explain to me, on what basis do You preffer keeping hostile Arab tribes together, when this is specifically shown to be a cause for instability?

Q. What's better Syria or Emirates?
A Bantustan (also known as Bantu homeland, black homeland, black state or simply homeland) was a territory set aside for black inhabitants of South Africa and South West Africa (now Namibia), as part of the policy of apartheid. Ten Bantustans were established in South Africa, and then in neighbouring South West Africa (then under South African administration), for the purpose of concentrating the members of designated ethnic groups, thus making each of those territories ethnically homogeneous as the basis for creating "autonomous" nation states for South Africa's different black ethnic groups.
Bantustan - Wikipedia

This is EXACTLY what the PA proposes.
It's a matter of legal status, not squeezing all Arabs from Israel into the Emirates.

What Palestinians propse is either totally destroy Israel , or ethnically cleanse Jews from future Palestinian state, as in Gaza.
Therefore Palestinians themelves promote for these Bantustans, in attempt to make Jew-free territory that they might enetually govern.
Is this not the exact same rhetoric one would expect from white nationalists/skinheads/neo-Nazis? I mean, honestly, I could probably read this exact crap on Stormfront.

No, abi, it's not. If you don't know the difference between cultural identity and racism I would suggest you go learn it elsewhere. Take your time.
Originally posted by abi
Is this not the exact same rhetoric one would expect from white nationalists/skinheads/neo-Nazis? I mean, honestly, I could probably read this exact crap on Stormfront.

Welcome to the jewish agenda for the world, abi.

Multiculturalism and racial "diversity" for the United States, Britain and Germany and ethnic homogeneity for Israel.
Welcome to the jewish agenda for the world, abi.

Multiculturalism and racial "diversity" for the United States, Britain and Germany and ethnic homogeneity for Israel.

I suppose its part of the "Jewish agenda" that Catalan wants to split from Spain? Or Basque from Spain? Or Kurdistan from Iraq? Or Tibet from China?

I suppose you would demand that the Czech Republic reunite with Slovakia? And Yugoslavia come together again. Hey, while we are at it, why don't we re-make the Ottoman Empire?

Why should Palestine be separate from Jordan or Syria? Why don't we just make it one big place? Why should Saudi Arabia and UAE and Qatar be seperate from each other?

Oh wait, I know. Because if you actually thought about the objective point of view, you wouldn't get to demonize Jews with antisemitic canards like the "Jewish agenda".
Originally posted by abi
Is this not the exact same rhetoric one would expect from white nationalists/skinheads/neo-Nazis? I mean, honestly, I could probably read this exact crap on Stormfront.

Welcome to the jewish agenda for the world, abi.

Multiculturalism and racial "diversity" for the United States, Britain and Germany and ethnic homogeneity for Israel.

Africa and Asia are not Europe and America.
Fortunately, the Western societies are centuries away in developement compared to the Arab scoeties in the ME.

When tribal loyalties are stronger than state loyalty, countries like Yemen and Iraq can be easily manipulated at the whims of Saudia and Iran. Internal war is the result we get each time.
We have to acknowledge tribalism in the Arab society on the ground, versus western ideologies that have no relation to sociological reality oh the middle east.

Q. What happened to Jews and Ramallah officials in Gaza after Hamas took over?
Q. What happened to Jews in Jerusalem when Jordan took over?

Show me one diverse Arab state that works as well as one of the European countries. Show me one that has real diversity like in the West, and didn't fail.
Welcome to the jewish agenda for the world, abi.
I am a Jew, mildly offended and have never been informed of such a plot.

Multiculturalism and racial "diversity" for the United States, Britain and Germany and ethnic homogeneity for Israel.
Yes, I swear, these people who champion ethnic cleansing for Christians and Muslims are no different than your run-of-the-mill skinheads. Hell, if they took off their yarmulkes, shaved their heads and got tatted up, nobody would know the difference. :cry:
Originally posted by Shusha
I suppose its part of the "Jewish agenda" that Catalan wants to split from Spain? Or Basque from Spain? Or Kurdistan from Iraq? Or Tibet from China?

I suppose you would demand that the Czech Republic reunite with Slovakia? And Yugoslavia come together again. Hey, while we are at it, why don't we re-make the Ottoman Empire?

Why should Palestine be separate from Jordan or Syria? Why don't we just make it one big place? Why should Saudi Arabia and UAE and Qatar be seperate from each other?

Oh wait, I know. Because if you actually thought about the objective point of view, you wouldn't get to demonize Jews with antisemitic canards like the "Jewish agenda".

Trying to confuse the issue as always...

But I'll keep it simple whether you like it or not.

"Canada and the US are countries that must cultivate multiculturalism."

"If Israel had cleansed herself of the Arabs at the time of her founding, as the Arab nations ALL did, there would be no conflict. An irony that Israel, alone, attempted to do the morally correct thing.

The solution is a "population transfer" through land swaps and two states each with a reasonably homogeneous population."

"Ethnic homogeneity, imo, is the only solution which permits both peoples self-determination."

Your words, Shusha, not mine....

Sounds pretty much like an agenda of racial diversification for western countries and racial homogeneity for Israel.
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