CDZ The Sickness In American Culture


Gold Member
Jun 27, 2011
People don't like to talk about America's culture for the same reason that a man who just had a heart attack doesn't want to discuss the double bacon cheeseburger he's eating. He knows what he's doing is killing him, but it's easier not to deal with it. We’re in the same boat.

* We treat success as an accident or a cheat while defending people who make bad decisions, who won't educate themselves or who won't work.

* We've allowed pornography to become so accessible that it's practically universally viewed, even among teenagers.

* We love victims so much that people actually fake hate crimes to claim victim status.

* We celebrate losers and deviants by giving them their own reality shows. Meanwhile, Hollywood regularly portrays businessmen, Christians and soldiers as the worst people on earth.

* More children have died because of Roe v. Wade than were killed during the Holocaust.

* Marriage is falling apart and we’re encouraging that by pushing gay marriage.

* Our universities reward Communists, terrorists and blatant anti-American sentiment with professorships. Those are the last people who should be teaching impressionable young Americans.

* There's a whole grievance industry full of people who make a living claiming to be "offended" by things.

* Religion and morality are denigrated while nihilism and immorality are considered cool.

* Legalism has superseded morality and what's "right" and "wrong" has become secondary to what's "legal" and "illegal."

* We're the greatest, most powerful, most prosperous and most virtuous nation that has ever existed and despite all of that, we obsess over our nations faults instead of our achievements.

* Americans across the spectrum are being encouraged to separate themselves off from the larger culture and nurse grievances that barely would have been given a thought a few decades ago.

Yet, we're told that we shouldn't worry about any of these things because people have always worried about our culture and things have turned out just fine. Even if that's so, have you ever considered the possibility that worrying about the culture and taking steps to keep it from getting out of hand is exactly what once kept it from going to the dogs?

John Hawkins - The Real Sickness At The Heart Of American Culture
People don't like to talk about America's culture for the same reason that a man who just had a heart attack doesn't want to discuss the double bacon cheeseburger he's eating. He knows what he's doing is killing him, but it's easier not to deal with it. We’re in the same boat.

* We treat success as an accident or a cheat while defending people who make bad decisions, who won't educate themselves or who won't work.

* We've allowed pornography to become so accessible that it's practically universally viewed, even among teenagers.

* We love victims so much that people actually fake hate crimes to claim victim status.

* We celebrate losers and deviants by giving them their own reality shows. Meanwhile, Hollywood regularly portrays businessmen, Christians and soldiers as the worst people on earth.

* More children have died because of Roe v. Wade than were killed during the Holocaust.

* Marriage is falling apart and we’re encouraging that by pushing gay marriage.

* Our universities reward Communists, terrorists and blatant anti-American sentiment with professorships. Those are the last people who should be teaching impressionable young Americans.

* There's a whole grievance industry full of people who make a living claiming to be "offended" by things.

* Religion and morality are denigrated while nihilism and immorality are considered cool.

* Legalism has superseded morality and what's "right" and "wrong" has become secondary to what's "legal" and "illegal."

* We're the greatest, most powerful, most prosperous and most virtuous nation that has ever existed and despite all of that, we obsess over our nations faults instead of our achievements.

* Americans across the spectrum are being encouraged to separate themselves off from the larger culture and nurse grievances that barely would have been given a thought a few decades ago.

Yet, we're told that we shouldn't worry about any of these things because people have always worried about our culture and things have turned out just fine. Even if that's so, have you ever considered the possibility that worrying about the culture and taking steps to keep it from getting out of hand is exactly what once kept it from going to the dogs?

John Hawkins - The Real Sickness At The Heart Of American Culture
Much of your post is in agreement with Islamic beliefs. Did you know that?
not trying to make an insult but isn't this liberal culture not American culture.
guess you can say that they control more than conservative culture but still I don't like painting all of American culture as already lost.
perhaps I'm wrong?
People don't like to talk about America's culture for the same reason that a man who just had a heart attack doesn't want to discuss the double bacon cheeseburger he's eating. He knows what he's doing is killing him, but it's easier not to deal with it. We’re in the same boat.

* We treat success as an accident or a cheat while defending people who make bad decisions, who won't educate themselves or who won't work.

* We've allowed pornography to become so accessible that it's practically universally viewed, even among teenagers.

* We love victims so much that people actually fake hate crimes to claim victim status.

* We celebrate losers and deviants by giving them their own reality shows. Meanwhile, Hollywood regularly portrays businessmen, Christians and soldiers as the worst people on earth.

* More children have died because of Roe v. Wade than were killed during the Holocaust.

* Marriage is falling apart and we’re encouraging that by pushing gay marriage.

* Our universities reward Communists, terrorists and blatant anti-American sentiment with professorships. Those are the last people who should be teaching impressionable young Americans.

* There's a whole grievance industry full of people who make a living claiming to be "offended" by things.

* Religion and morality are denigrated while nihilism and immorality are considered cool.

* Legalism has superseded morality and what's "right" and "wrong" has become secondary to what's "legal" and "illegal."

* We're the greatest, most powerful, most prosperous and most virtuous nation that has ever existed and despite all of that, we obsess over our nations faults instead of our achievements.

* Americans across the spectrum are being encouraged to separate themselves off from the larger culture and nurse grievances that barely would have been given a thought a few decades ago.

Yet, we're told that we shouldn't worry about any of these things because people have always worried about our culture and things have turned out just fine. Even if that's so, have you ever considered the possibility that worrying about the culture and taking steps to keep it from getting out of hand is exactly what once kept it from going to the dogs?

John Hawkins - The Real Sickness At The Heart Of American Culture
Much of your post is in agreement with Islamic beliefs. Did you know that?

So what? You say that, as if that matters.
not trying to make an insult but isn't this liberal culture not American culture.
guess you can say that they control more than conservative culture but still I don't like painting all of American culture as already lost.
perhaps I'm wrong?

I'm confused by your post. Isn't this liberal culture, not American culture. What does that mean?

I would suggest that American culture is lost. Now that doesn't mean it can't be redeemed, but right now it is in fact, very lost.

People are acting crazy, ending up with terrible lives, and trying to blame everyone else for the misery they feel.

And to some extent, I understand this, because they have been told all their lives, that anything goes and you can do what you want.

And while that is in fact true..... Being able to do what you want, doesn't mean there are no consequences.

Years ago, I had a roommate that was over 400 lbs. One day... (I am not making this up).... they came home with two chocolate cakes. They explained that they went to one store, and saw a chocolate cake. They decided they needed this chocolate cake. Then after they were done shopping there, they went to another store, and saw ANOTHER chocolate cake. They decided to buy that chocolate cake too....... that way they could eat them both.... and know in the future which store had a better chocolate cake.

Fast forward 3 years. I stopped at a restaurant to eat, and there they were. We sat together and talked.... apparently they have diabetes now. SHOCKING.....

What is my point? People today have no connection between actions and consequences.

They are self-centered, and have lost connection to family, friends, spouses. They demand what they want, and don't care about anyone else.

Doesn't matter if I have a penis... if I 'identify' as a girl, then I'm going into the girls rest room. What do the girls think? Doesn't matter. What I want, is what I should have.

Then they wonder why they are isolated, lonely, and LGBTQ people have the highest rates of suicide in the country. But it can't be because of their choices, it's because of society somehow.

And it's not a gay thing either. That's just the most obvious example. You look at relationships, and you see people screwing around, from person to person to person, and then they can't hold any relationship together. Wonder why? You see people marry, divorce, and remarry... only to divorce again.... wonder why?

I see people wasting their lives away on video games, drugs, alcohol, parties.... and they are 40 years old, act like they are 20, and have nothing to show for their existence.

Had a co-worker that is throwing their life away. Literally. Drinks himself drunk. Doesn't show up to work. Has a beautiful wife. Beautiful daughter. Has money, property, a future.

I have nothing, that he has. His wife is really sexy. Really attractive. His daughter is wonderful, smart, straight A student. Great future ahead of her.

And what's he doing? Destroying his whole life. Because he's not happy. Because he wants to drink. Because it's all about him. All about his life, and no one else matters.

This is the cancer of American Culture. We've lost something, that 30 years ago, we still had.
not trying to make an insult but isn't this liberal culture not American culture.
guess you can say that they control more than conservative culture but still I don't like painting all of American culture as already lost.
perhaps I'm wrong?

I'm confused by your post. Isn't this liberal culture, not American culture. What does that mean?

I would suggest that American culture is lost. Now that doesn't mean it can't be redeemed, but right now it is in fact, very lost.

People are acting crazy, ending up with terrible lives, and trying to blame everyone else for the misery they feel.

And to some extent, I understand this, because they have been told all their lives, that anything goes and you can do what you want.

And while that is in fact true..... Being able to do what you want, doesn't mean there are no consequences.

Years ago, I had a roommate that was over 400 lbs. One day... (I am not making this up).... they came home with two chocolate cakes. They explained that they went to one store, and saw a chocolate cake. They decided they needed this chocolate cake. Then after they were done shopping there, they went to another store, and saw ANOTHER chocolate cake. They decided to buy that chocolate cake too....... that way they could eat them both.... and know in the future which store had a better chocolate cake.

Fast forward 3 years. I stopped at a restaurant to eat, and there they were. We sat together and talked.... apparently they have diabetes now. SHOCKING.....

What is my point? People today have no connection between actions and consequences.

They are self-centered, and have lost connection to family, friends, spouses. They demand what they want, and don't care about anyone else.

Doesn't matter if I have a penis... if I 'identify' as a girl, then I'm going into the girls rest room. What do the girls think? Doesn't matter. What I want, is what I should have.

Then they wonder why they are isolated, lonely, and LGBTQ people have the highest rates of suicide in the country. But it can't be because of their choices, it's because of society somehow.

And it's not a gay thing either. That's just the most obvious example. You look at relationships, and you see people screwing around, from person to person to person, and then they can't hold any relationship together. Wonder why? You see people marry, divorce, and remarry... only to divorce again.... wonder why?

I see people wasting their lives away on video games, drugs, alcohol, parties.... and they are 40 years old, act like they are 20, and have nothing to show for their existence.

Had a co-worker that is throwing their life away. Literally. Drinks himself drunk. Doesn't show up to work. Has a beautiful wife. Beautiful daughter. Has money, property, a future.

I have nothing, that he has. His wife is really sexy. Really attractive. His daughter is wonderful, smart, straight A student. Great future ahead of her.

And what's he doing? Destroying his whole life. Because he's not happy. Because he wants to drink. Because it's all about him. All about his life, and no one else matters.

This is the cancer of American Culture. We've lost something, that 30 years ago, we still had.

Corporate culture and influence has as much to do with it; the change in American values begins there, not with 'leftists'; they merely widen cracks that already exist. The Boomer gens suffer from a form of affluenza complicated by an inferiority complex induced by what the 'greatest generation' achieved, hence the wild popularity of bashing them. Boomers look like a bunch of whiney Brub Brats, and themselves then raised generations of whiney Burb Brats on drugs and aggressive indoctrination with hate and intellectual infantilism.

We still 'had it' 30 years ago because many of the Depression and WW II generation were till around, and voting.
People don't like to talk about America's culture for the same reason that a man who just had a heart attack doesn't want to discuss the double bacon cheeseburger he's eating. He knows what he's doing is killing him, but it's easier not to deal with it. We’re in the same boat.

* We treat success as an accident or a cheat while defending people who make bad decisions, who won't educate themselves or who won't work.

* We've allowed pornography to become so accessible that it's practically universally viewed, even among teenagers.

* We love victims so much that people actually fake hate crimes to claim victim status.

* We celebrate losers and deviants by giving them their own reality shows. Meanwhile, Hollywood regularly portrays businessmen, Christians and soldiers as the worst people on earth.

* More children have died because of Roe v. Wade than were killed during the Holocaust.

* Marriage is falling apart and we’re encouraging that by pushing gay marriage.

* Our universities reward Communists, terrorists and blatant anti-American sentiment with professorships. Those are the last people who should be teaching impressionable young Americans.

* There's a whole grievance industry full of people who make a living claiming to be "offended" by things.

* Religion and morality are denigrated while nihilism and immorality are considered cool.

* Legalism has superseded morality and what's "right" and "wrong" has become secondary to what's "legal" and "illegal."

* We're the greatest, most powerful, most prosperous and most virtuous nation that has ever existed and despite all of that, we obsess over our nations faults instead of our achievements.

* Americans across the spectrum are being encouraged to separate themselves off from the larger culture and nurse grievances that barely would have been given a thought a few decades ago.

Yet, we're told that we shouldn't worry about any of these things because people have always worried about our culture and things have turned out just fine. Even if that's so, have you ever considered the possibility that worrying about the culture and taking steps to keep it from getting out of hand is exactly what once kept it from going to the dogs?

John Hawkins - The Real Sickness At The Heart Of American Culture

Some of that is overly simplistic.

But I would love to hear a clarification of "* Marriage is falling apart and we’re encouraging that by pushing gay marriage.".

How, exactly, does gay marriage encourage straight marriage falling apart? How does someone else's marriage have any effect on yours?
When you spend some time researching which ethno-religious group is at the forefront of dramatically changing America's culture, morals, and political landscape. You will have your answer as to why our country is swirling down the toilet at breakneck speed.

Germany tried to rid itself of the same destructive influence during the middle of the last century but failed in its attempt. .... :cool:
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Oh the lost glory times, the times when women couldn't even vote, farther back blacks were bought and sold and lynched, and the poor with no social network went hungry or died from easily preventable illness, when gays had to hide so as not to be beaten or killed, when racism was rampant, lead poisoned the children, polio and flu killed, pollution poisoned the air and rivers and lakes killed wildlife, farming died in the dust, soup lines in the thirties. The glory days for sure. Back ally abortion for the poor who often died and doctors for the rich woman, third world poverty for many and golden castles for some, lung disease for workers with asbestos and coal, and no federal safety net for your savings as banks went dark, oh the glory days for sure.

This is Your Story - The Progressive Story of America. Pass It On.

"Now it is true that I believe this country is following a dangerous trend when it permits too great a degree of centralization of governmental functions. I oppose this — in some instances the fight is a rather desperate one. But to attain any success it is quite clear that the Federal government cannot avoid or escape responsibilities which the mass of the people firmly believe should be undertaken by it. The political processes of our country are such that if a rule of reason is not applied in this effort, we will lose everything — even to a possible and drastic change in the Constitution. This is what I mean by my constant insistence upon "moderation" in government. Should any political party attempt to abolish social security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Among them are H.L. Hunt (you possibly know his background), a few other Texas oil millionaires, and an occasional politician or business man from other areas. Their number is negligible and they are stupid." President Dwight Eisenhower

Government is Good - An Unapologetic Defense of a Vital Institution
People don't like to talk about America's culture for the same reason that a man who just had a heart attack doesn't want to discuss the double bacon cheeseburger he's eating. He knows what he's doing is killing him, but it's easier not to deal with it. We’re in the same boat.

* We treat success as an accident or a cheat while defending people who make bad decisions, who won't educate themselves or who won't work.

* We've allowed pornography to become so accessible that it's practically universally viewed, even among teenagers.

* We love victims so much that people actually fake hate crimes to claim victim status.

* We celebrate losers and deviants by giving them their own reality shows. Meanwhile, Hollywood regularly portrays businessmen, Christians and soldiers as the worst people on earth.

* More children have died because of Roe v. Wade than were killed during the Holocaust.

* Marriage is falling apart and we’re encouraging that by pushing gay marriage.

* Our universities reward Communists, terrorists and blatant anti-American sentiment with professorships. Those are the last people who should be teaching impressionable young Americans.

* There's a whole grievance industry full of people who make a living claiming to be "offended" by things.

* Religion and morality are denigrated while nihilism and immorality are considered cool.

* Legalism has superseded morality and what's "right" and "wrong" has become secondary to what's "legal" and "illegal."

* We're the greatest, most powerful, most prosperous and most virtuous nation that has ever existed and despite all of that, we obsess over our nations faults instead of our achievements.

* Americans across the spectrum are being encouraged to separate themselves off from the larger culture and nurse grievances that barely would have been given a thought a few decades ago.

Yet, we're told that we shouldn't worry about any of these things because people have always worried about our culture and things have turned out just fine. Even if that's so, have you ever considered the possibility that worrying about the culture and taking steps to keep it from getting out of hand is exactly what once kept it from going to the dogs?

John Hawkins - The Real Sickness At The Heart Of American Culture
There are many - and it appears that they exist primarily on one end of the spectrum - who refuse to see the obvious cultural decay we've experienced over the last 50 years or so. The list of clear examples is long, indeed, it's growing and deepening all the time, but they will not admit to any of them.

So the question is why this is so. We can only guess, but I don't think it's a coincidence that the people who deny this decay are the same people who are so quick to regularly attack our Constitution, our Founding Fathers, call us a racist country, call us a greedy country, on and on and on. So this is not a coincidence.

This would lead me to believe that they feel great guilt over this and are happy to see us in decline, as if we're the only country that has a mixed past. For example, you don't see them attacking Germany, and in fact point to that country as a model now and then. All they know is that we need to pay for our sins, and a decaying culture is certainly an effective, powerful and permanent way to see to that.
What is/was American culture exactly? You have to start at that point.
No you don't. Decay is decay, and it's not difficult to detect. The only question is why those who deny it, do so.

What we are seeing is the same cycle history always produces.

People don't like to talk about America's culture for the same reason that a man who just had a heart attack doesn't want to discuss the double bacon cheeseburger he's eating. He knows what he's doing is killing him, but it's easier not to deal with it. We’re in the same boat.

* We treat success as an accident or a cheat while defending people who make bad decisions, who won't educate themselves or who won't work.

* We've allowed pornography to become so accessible that it's practically universally viewed, even among teenagers.

* We love victims so much that people actually fake hate crimes to claim victim status.

* We celebrate losers and deviants by giving them their own reality shows. Meanwhile, Hollywood regularly portrays businessmen, Christians and soldiers as the worst people on earth.

* More children have died because of Roe v. Wade than were killed during the Holocaust.

* Marriage is falling apart and we’re encouraging that by pushing gay marriage.

* Our universities reward Communists, terrorists and blatant anti-American sentiment with professorships. Those are the last people who should be teaching impressionable young Americans.

* There's a whole grievance industry full of people who make a living claiming to be "offended" by things.

* Religion and morality are denigrated while nihilism and immorality are considered cool.

* Legalism has superseded morality and what's "right" and "wrong" has become secondary to what's "legal" and "illegal."

* We're the greatest, most powerful, most prosperous and most virtuous nation that has ever existed and despite all of that, we obsess over our nations faults instead of our achievements.

* Americans across the spectrum are being encouraged to separate themselves off from the larger culture and nurse grievances that barely would have been given a thought a few decades ago.

Yet, we're told that we shouldn't worry about any of these things because people have always worried about our culture and things have turned out just fine. Even if that's so, have you ever considered the possibility that worrying about the culture and taking steps to keep it from getting out of hand is exactly what once kept it from going to the dogs?

John Hawkins - The Real Sickness At The Heart Of American Culture
Capitalism is only about the bottom line. Socialism cares, but only the extent we have recourse to social morals for free.
People don't like to talk about America's culture for the same reason that a man who just had a heart attack doesn't want to discuss the double bacon cheeseburger he's eating. He knows what he's doing is killing him, but it's easier not to deal with it. We’re in the same boat.

* We treat success as an accident or a cheat while defending people who make bad decisions, who won't educate themselves or who won't work.

* We've allowed pornography to become so accessible that it's practically universally viewed, even among teenagers.

* We love victims so much that people actually fake hate crimes to claim victim status.

* We celebrate losers and deviants by giving them their own reality shows. Meanwhile, Hollywood regularly portrays businessmen, Christians and soldiers as the worst people on earth.

* More children have died because of Roe v. Wade than were killed during the Holocaust.

* Marriage is falling apart and we’re encouraging that by pushing gay marriage.

* Our universities reward Communists, terrorists and blatant anti-American sentiment with professorships. Those are the last people who should be teaching impressionable young Americans.

* There's a whole grievance industry full of people who make a living claiming to be "offended" by things.

* Religion and morality are denigrated while nihilism and immorality are considered cool.

* Legalism has superseded morality and what's "right" and "wrong" has become secondary to what's "legal" and "illegal."

* We're the greatest, most powerful, most prosperous and most virtuous nation that has ever existed and despite all of that, we obsess over our nations faults instead of our achievements.

* Americans across the spectrum are being encouraged to separate themselves off from the larger culture and nurse grievances that barely would have been given a thought a few decades ago.

Yet, we're told that we shouldn't worry about any of these things because people have always worried about our culture and things have turned out just fine. Even if that's so, have you ever considered the possibility that worrying about the culture and taking steps to keep it from getting out of hand is exactly what once kept it from going to the dogs?

John Hawkins - The Real Sickness At The Heart Of American Culture
Culture suggests we are a collective. I thought right wingers wanted a nation of individuals. They should be reveling in their individuality not blaming "liberals" for ruining our culture.
All cultures evolve and change over time.
The view of decay to one person can be the view of progress to another.
People tend to remember the positive and good things about the past and forget and ignore the negatives and bad times.
All cultures evolve and change over time. The view of decay to one person can be the view of progress to another.
60 years ago, TV married couple Lucy & Desi were sleeping in separate beds.

Today, people are literally defecating and vomiting on television for our amusement.

Do you personally detect any decay there, on any level, in any way?
not trying to make an insult but isn't this liberal culture not American culture.
guess you can say that they control more than conservative culture but still I don't like painting all of American culture as already lost.
perhaps I'm wrong?

I'm confused by your post. Isn't this liberal culture, not American culture. What does that mean?

I would suggest that American culture is lost. Now that doesn't mean it can't be redeemed, but right now it is in fact, very lost.

People are acting crazy, ending up with terrible lives, and trying to blame everyone else for the misery they feel.

And to some extent, I understand this, because they have been told all their lives, that anything goes and you can do what you want.

And while that is in fact true..... Being able to do what you want, doesn't mean there are no consequences.

Years ago, I had a roommate that was over 400 lbs. One day... (I am not making this up).... they came home with two chocolate cakes. They explained that they went to one store, and saw a chocolate cake. They decided they needed this chocolate cake. Then after they were done shopping there, they went to another store, and saw ANOTHER chocolate cake. They decided to buy that chocolate cake too....... that way they could eat them both.... and know in the future which store had a better chocolate cake.

Fast forward 3 years. I stopped at a restaurant to eat, and there they were. We sat together and talked.... apparently they have diabetes now. SHOCKING.....

What is my point? People today have no connection between actions and consequences.

They are self-centered, and have lost connection to family, friends, spouses. They demand what they want, and don't care about anyone else.

Doesn't matter if I have a penis... if I 'identify' as a girl, then I'm going into the girls rest room. What do the girls think? Doesn't matter. What I want, is what I should have.

Then they wonder why they are isolated, lonely, and LGBTQ people have the highest rates of suicide in the country. But it can't be because of their choices, it's because of society somehow.

And it's not a gay thing either. That's just the most obvious example. You look at relationships, and you see people screwing around, from person to person to person, and then they can't hold any relationship together. Wonder why? You see people marry, divorce, and remarry... only to divorce again.... wonder why?

I see people wasting their lives away on video games, drugs, alcohol, parties.... and they are 40 years old, act like they are 20, and have nothing to show for their existence.

Had a co-worker that is throwing their life away. Literally. Drinks himself drunk. Doesn't show up to work. Has a beautiful wife. Beautiful daughter. Has money, property, a future.

I have nothing, that he has. His wife is really sexy. Really attractive. His daughter is wonderful, smart, straight A student. Great future ahead of her.

And what's he doing? Destroying his whole life. Because he's not happy. Because he wants to drink. Because it's all about him. All about his life, and no one else matters.

This is the cancer of American Culture. We've lost something, that 30 years ago, we still had.
People dont have Coping skill. Use to people dealt with their feeling in appropriate ways.. Now everyone's turns to some bad habit and then plays in the oppression olympics. I have been in therapy for a long time an on medication most people don have that advantage. They teach u to self sooth and t deal constructively with our emotional issue. No one else I taught these basic core concepts anymore. We are taught to take responsibility an learn we are part of the problem. Also something this latest generation I no learning.
All cultures evolve and change over time.
The view of decay to one person can be the view of progress to another.
People tend to remember the positive and good things about the past and forget and ignore the negatives and bad times.
1. All cultures do change overtime but they sure don't always evolve but sometimes devolve.

2. I don't know how to word this but I'll try. There is a standard of living and set of values that if not had will only bring negative circumstances to Americas culture and moving away or towards them will decide if the culture is progressing or decaying. "I guess think of a crazy person telling you that he thinks the world is better if everyone cut off their left leg for it will make people more effective in life, Just because he thinks it will be better for people doesn't mean its true."
Then I guess what is your definition of True can change the way you look at that but hopefully I got my point across.

3.I think its the opposite but I wouldn't know where to find an answer to this. Perhaps its more a personal thing like pessimistic or optimistic personalities. I would also assume higher educated people or "deep thinkers" might think differently then the majority's tendencies. The more I think about this the more variables I come up with that would change ones outlook on this....quite a few.
People don't like to talk about America's culture for the same reason that a man who just had a heart attack doesn't want to discuss the double bacon cheeseburger he's eating. He knows what he's doing is killing him, but it's easier not to deal with it. We’re in the same boat.

* We treat success as an accident or a cheat while defending people who make bad decisions, who won't educate themselves or who won't work.

* We've allowed pornography to become so accessible that it's practically universally viewed, even among teenagers.

* We love victims so much that people actually fake hate crimes to claim victim status.

* We celebrate losers and deviants by giving them their own reality shows. Meanwhile, Hollywood regularly portrays businessmen, Christians and soldiers as the worst people on earth.

* More children have died because of Roe v. Wade than were killed during the Holocaust.

* Marriage is falling apart and we’re encouraging that by pushing gay marriage.

* Our universities reward Communists, terrorists and blatant anti-American sentiment with professorships. Those are the last people who should be teaching impressionable young Americans.

* There's a whole grievance industry full of people who make a living claiming to be "offended" by things.

* Religion and morality are denigrated while nihilism and immorality are considered cool.

* Legalism has superseded morality and what's "right" and "wrong" has become secondary to what's "legal" and "illegal."

* We're the greatest, most powerful, most prosperous and most virtuous nation that has ever existed and despite all of that, we obsess over our nations faults instead of our achievements.

* Americans across the spectrum are being encouraged to separate themselves off from the larger culture and nurse grievances that barely would have been given a thought a few decades ago.

Yet, we're told that we shouldn't worry about any of these things because people have always worried about our culture and things have turned out just fine. Even if that's so, have you ever considered the possibility that worrying about the culture and taking steps to keep it from getting out of hand is exactly what once kept it from going to the dogs?

John Hawkins - The Real Sickness At The Heart Of American Culture
There are many - and it appears that they exist primarily on one end of the spectrum - who refuse to see the obvious cultural decay we've experienced over the last 50 years or so. The list of clear examples is long, indeed, it's growing and deepening all the time, but they will not admit to any of them.

So the question is why this is so. We can only guess, but I don't think it's a coincidence that the people who deny this decay are the same people who are so quick to regularly attack our Constitution, our Founding Fathers, call us a racist country, call us a greedy country, on and on and on. So this is not a coincidence.

This would lead me to believe that they feel great guilt over this and are happy to see us in decline, as if we're the only country that has a mixed past. For example, you don't see them attacking Germany, and in fact point to that country as a model now and then. All they know is that we need to pay for our sins, and a decaying culture is certainly an effective, powerful and permanent way to see to that.

I don't think that those who deny our cultural decline feel any guilt over their denial or their part in the decline either. Most people are pretty good at rationalizing their actions and laying off the guilt on someone else, and nobody does it better or more often than the politicians do. And of course the media types who support them. For many of them, I think it is their way if undermining this country as a means to get to a global gov't, which they see as a panacea for the world's ills. Or to support their politics and policies, cuz we're doomed if we don't do it our way.

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