The Shutdown Is The Result Of A Failure Of Leadership, Strategy, And Will


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Shutdown Is The Result Of A Failure Of
Leadership, Strategy, And Will
Now that it’s (almost) over, it’s worth doing a little autopsy on the political world in 2018. When we look back we see a year of disappointments, missed opportunities, and ultimately failure on behalf of the Republican Party. And none were larger than the failure to build a wall to help secure our southern border.... It’s popular among elected Republicans to blame Democrats for this failure, but they own it. And they lost control of the House of Representatives, in part, because of it.... Republicans had control of both Houses of Congress, though you wouldn’t know it from a legislative perspective. Major campaign promises resulted in very little successful action, and while Democrats were committed to not helping, the GOP has no one to blame but themselves.... A small percentage of a small percentage of the government remains shut down as we prepare for 2019, in a fight over funding for a border wall. Democrats will never agree to the $5 billion President Donald Trump. At least not now.... Republicans didn’t lose in November because they’d kept their campaign promises and had nothing else to offer going forward. They lost because they didn’t follow through on the promises they were elected to fulfill. Yes, they cut taxes, but that was last year and long forgotten. Obamacare wasn’t repealed and replaced, even with the individual mandate penalty being zeroed out. And there was no progress on the wall, or even a push for one.

Neither Ryan or McConnell were will to do their jobs and support Trump and the will of the people for the last two years. Yes, Ryan has quite. IMO Good riddance to him and what is McConnell doing leading the GOP in the Senate?
If you recall, President Trump asked Senate Majority Leader McConnell to do his job and call for a filibuster. He refused to listen. He also needs to step down for the reminder of his term and let someone take over that is willing and able to
Unfortunately, DJT is still viewed as the enemy of the rightful order by at least half the country.
It's long past time to take the gloves off and put a stop to standing around with hands in pockets to watch our Country sliding into the sewer that looks like Venezuela. We need to take a page out of the Progressive Marxist Socialist Playbook and remove McConnell and Lying Kevin McCarthy by whatever means necessary.
I fear that extremeists of the Progressive Marxist Socialist Left will succeed in the removal of Trump. His assassination will be the final key. On that day, I will mourn for our president and this country together. Our country will immediately go into the sewer and the Globalist Progressive Marxist Socialists will have won.​

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