The Shitting On Veterans and Their Families in Full Swing

Went to pick up my high blood pressure meds at the pharmacy yesterday. What has cost me $8 a bottle (30 day supply) under Tricare for ages - is now $44.00. I asked the pharmacist what's up and she said all Tricare co-pays have gone up. She told me (a good friend) - "You guys (Vets) are really getting screwed. I've never seen anything like this."

When I signed up and served for 23 years, I always knew I would be taken care of. Hell, I was guaranteed it! Thank God I can afford $44 a bottle - I feel bad for those veterans who can't.

Obama is fucking veterans ladies and gentlemen.


Wow I'm so sorry to hear that man.
you do realize that the increase in tricare co-pays has absolutely nothing to do with the affordable health care act, right?

I don't believe the post was meant to be factual or honest.

here's hoping. i'd hate for anyone to actually be so woefully misguided

To be fair, so many lies about the AHA have been told and retold by the CEC, it's really difficult to know who believes them and who knows it's just part of the fauxrage show.
stop blaming the President Wahrrior102. Med care has been eating at the pentagon's OVERALL budget for some time now asswipe.
No Tricare hike in 2011 budget request
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates told reporters Feb. 1 that he wants to work with Congress to find ways to help control escalating military health-care costs that are consuming an ever-increasing chunk of the budget.

Noting the skyrocketing costs of the military health-care system -- $19 billion in 2001 to $50.7 billion in the fiscal 2011 budget request - Secretary Gates questioned how sustainable the program can remain without cost controls or higher premiums.

"It's only going to go up," he said, with Military Health System officials estimating 5 to 7 percent annual cost increases through fiscal 2015. "And it is absorbing an increasing percentage of our budget."

There has been no Tricare premium increase since the program was founded in 1995, Secretary Gates said, adding that Congress has rejected recent Pentagon proposals for "very modest" increases. Expecting the same action this year, the Defense Department recommended no increase this year, he said.
curiously, no one has addressed the above. :eusa_think:
The Affordable Health Care Act, which will not be so affordable to many Americans.
you do realize that the increase in tricare co-pays has absolutely nothing to do with the affordable health care act, right?

I would suggest that you read the bill.

I would suggest that you provide a link when making an assertion.
The Affordable Health Care Act, which will not be so affordable to many Americans.
you do realize that the increase in tricare co-pays has absolutely nothing to do with the affordable health care act, right?

I would suggest that you read the bill.

which one? the affordable health care act, which did not raise the tricare co-pays, or the fiscal year 2013 national defense authorization act, which required the increase?
Get it filled at a military hospital clinic or hospital and you'll have no copay. Most of us don't enjoy that luxury so boo fucking hoo to you.

People who put their asses on the line for your Freedoms, and you call a benefit they EARNED a luxury? Disgraceful.

warbler never put his ass on the line. I've read his posts. He minced around in a sailor suit for 23 years. The biggest danger he ever faced was a potato peeler.
That's what you think, Ravi. I have a brother who served as a M something CPO on a ship for 20 years who worked around high-efficiency Phantom jets. From his work around dangerous metals and who knows what else of a chemical nature, he now doesn't know who anyone else is, and if it weren't for his dear wife, he'd be a vegetable in a military hospital somewhere.

You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Our men go in, do a job, may not complain, may get sick, still do not complain, and never know what hit them. I took chemistry, pathology, and consumer health issues. The FDA does not run the military, and the military puts men where they have to be with what they're dealt to handle, store, fix, and be exposed to.

Don't you ever let me hear you tell me about Navy men. They're some of the best, bravest men on God's green earth and over his deep marine oceans. They're serving up to 13 months away from wife and children, and when they're somewhere nobody is allowed to know about, they might as well not be part of the human race.

Don't you ever let me hear you gripe about our Navy mens' honor ever again. How dare you.

Your neg is for the sailors who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, and for all those who got blown up on ships and whose jets never returned to their ships when serving in Vietnam, not to mention their shipmates who mourned their loss and whose lives were made unbearable by losing their best friends, separated when transferred elsewhere, then blown to bits. Dirtbag. If I had another neg to give out it would be to you for the Seals, no matter how long it took me being banned for it. And if I had a vocabulary like my brother's you'd get a lot more.
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People who put their asses on the line for your Freedoms, and you call a benefit they EARNED a luxury? Disgraceful.

warbler never put his ass on the line. I've read his posts. He minced around in a sailor suit for 23 years. The biggest danger he ever faced was a potato peeler.
That's what you think, Ravi. I have a brother who served as a M something CPO on a ship for 20 years who worked around high-efficiency Phantom jets. From his work around dangerous metals and who knows what else of a chemical nature, he now doesn't know who anyone else is, and if it weren't for his dear wife, he'd be a vegetable in a military hospital somewhere.

You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Our men go in, do a job, may not complain, may get sick, still do not complain, and never know what hit them. I took chemistry, pathology, and consumer health issues. The FDA does not run the military, and the military puts men where they have to be with what they're dealt to handle, store, fix, and be exposed to.

Don't you ever let me hear you tell me about Navy men. They're some of the best, bravest men on God's green earth and over his deep marine oceans. They're serving up to 13 months away from wife and children, and when they're somewhere nobody is allowed to know about, they might as well not be part of the human race.

Don't you ever let me hear you gripe about our Navy mens' honor ever again. How dare you.

Stop ninnyhammering becki :eusa_hand: peeling potatoes isn't hazardous duty. BTW- I did 4 yrs active-duty so you want to apologize to me yet for all the zaney things you said to me? :eusa_whistle:
Get it filled at a military hospital clinic or hospital and you'll have no copay. Most of us don't enjoy that luxury so boo fucking hoo to you.

People who put their asses on the line for your Freedoms, and you call a benefit they EARNED a luxury? Disgraceful.

warbler never put his ass on the line. I've read his posts. He minced around in a sailor suit for 23 years. The biggest danger he ever faced was a potato peeler.

He served. That's good enough for him to earn those benefits.
People who put their asses on the line for your Freedoms, and you call a benefit they EARNED a luxury? Disgraceful.

warbler never put his ass on the line. I've read his posts. He minced around in a sailor suit for 23 years. The biggest danger he ever faced was a potato peeler.

He served. That's good enough for him to earn those benefits.

He might have earned benefits, but he never earned "free healthcare for life" since it was never promised.
People who put their asses on the line for your Freedoms, and you call a benefit they EARNED a luxury? Disgraceful.

warbler never put his ass on the line. I've read his posts. He minced around in a sailor suit for 23 years. The biggest danger he ever faced was a potato peeler.
That's what you think, Ravi. I have a brother who served as a M something CPO on a ship for 20 years who worked around high-efficiency Phantom jets. From his work around dangerous metals and who knows what else of a chemical nature, he now doesn't know who anyone else is, and if it weren't for his dear wife, he'd be a vegetable in a military hospital somewhere.

You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Our men go in, do a job, may not complain, may get sick, still do not complain, and never know what hit them. I took chemistry, pathology, and consumer health issues. The FDA does not run the military, and the military puts men where they have to be with what they're dealt to handle, store, fix, and be exposed to.

Don't you ever let me hear you tell me about Navy men. They're some of the best, bravest men on God's green earth and over his deep marine oceans. They're serving up to 13 months away from wife and children, and when they're somewhere nobody is allowed to know about, they might as well not be part of the human race.

Don't you ever let me hear you gripe about our Navy mens' honor ever again. How dare you.

Your neg is for the sailors who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, and for all those who got blown up on ships and whose jets never returned to their ships when serving in Vietnam, not to mention their shipmates who mourned their loss and whose lives were made unbearable by losing their best friends, separated when transferred elsewhere, then blown to bits. Dirtbag. If I had another neg to give out it would be to you for the Seals, no matter how long it took me being banned for it. And if I had a vocabulary like my brother's you'd get a lot more.
Tissue? I know people that served honorably in combat and I know people that were fuck ups that signed up because they were fuck ups and never did anything to "earn" being taken care of for life.
Get it filled at a military hospital clinic or hospital and you'll have no copay. Most of us don't enjoy that luxury so boo fucking hoo to you.

People who put their asses on the line for your Freedoms, and you call a benefit they a luxury? Disgraceful.

Unless Warrior or the likes fought in WWII, there has never been a conflict since then when the US has been fighting for anybody's freedom (arguably Korea - long stretch though). All they have been fighting for is political self interest...

Yep. Aside from the ones that got drafted. Those deserve care for life, imo. But those that signed up and peeled potatoes can go whine.
warbler never put his ass on the line. I've read his posts. He minced around in a sailor suit for 23 years. The biggest danger he ever faced was a potato peeler.
That's what you think, Ravi. I have a brother who served as a M something CPO on a ship for 20 years who worked around high-efficiency Phantom jets. From his work around dangerous metals and who knows what else of a chemical nature, he now doesn't know who anyone else is, and if it weren't for his dear wife, he'd be a vegetable in a military hospital somewhere.

You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Our men go in, do a job, may not complain, may get sick, still do not complain, and never know what hit them. I took chemistry, pathology, and consumer health issues. The FDA does not run the military, and the military puts men where they have to be with what they're dealt to handle, store, fix, and be exposed to.

Don't you ever let me hear you tell me about Navy men. They're some of the best, bravest men on God's green earth and over his deep marine oceans. They're serving up to 13 months away from wife and children, and when they're somewhere nobody is allowed to know about, they might as well not be part of the human race.

Don't you ever let me hear you gripe about our Navy mens' honor ever again. How dare you.

Your neg is for the sailors who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, and for all those who got blown up on ships and whose jets never returned to their ships when serving in Vietnam, not to mention their shipmates who mourned their loss and whose lives were made unbearable by losing their best friends, separated when transferred elsewhere, then blown to bits. Dirtbag. If I had another neg to give out it would be to you for the Seals, no matter how long it took me being banned for it. And if I had a vocabulary like my brother's you'd get a lot more.
Tissue? I know people that served honorably in combat and I know people that were fuck ups that signed up because they were fuck ups and never did anything to "earn" being taken care of for life.

So because of the few fuck ups, we shouldn't provide for the hero's? So you don't have a problem with me not wanting to provide for the fuck ups that don't want to work and just collect their goodies? Those people are not hero's, but you want to provide everything they need. Awesome! You just proved what kind of person you really are.
Police officers and firefighter and EMS personnel aren't drafted either - assfuck

Cut their benefits too?

Your hate for veterans is noted
That's what you think, Ravi. I have a brother who served as a M something CPO on a ship for 20 years who worked around high-efficiency Phantom jets. From his work around dangerous metals and who knows what else of a chemical nature, he now doesn't know who anyone else is, and if it weren't for his dear wife, he'd be a vegetable in a military hospital somewhere.

You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Our men go in, do a job, may not complain, may get sick, still do not complain, and never know what hit them. I took chemistry, pathology, and consumer health issues. The FDA does not run the military, and the military puts men where they have to be with what they're dealt to handle, store, fix, and be exposed to.

Don't you ever let me hear you tell me about Navy men. They're some of the best, bravest men on God's green earth and over his deep marine oceans. They're serving up to 13 months away from wife and children, and when they're somewhere nobody is allowed to know about, they might as well not be part of the human race.

Don't you ever let me hear you gripe about our Navy mens' honor ever again. How dare you.

Your neg is for the sailors who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, and for all those who got blown up on ships and whose jets never returned to their ships when serving in Vietnam, not to mention their shipmates who mourned their loss and whose lives were made unbearable by losing their best friends, separated when transferred elsewhere, then blown to bits. Dirtbag. If I had another neg to give out it would be to you for the Seals, no matter how long it took me being banned for it. And if I had a vocabulary like my brother's you'd get a lot more.
Tissue? I know people that served honorably in combat and I know people that were fuck ups that signed up because they were fuck ups and never did anything to "earn" being taken care of for life.

So because of the few fuck ups, we shouldn't provide for the hero's? So you don't have a problem with me not wanting to provide for the fuck ups that don't want to work and just collect their goodies? Those people are not hero's, but you want to provide everything they need. Awesome! You just proved what kind of person you really are.
Where did I say we shouldn't provide for the the heros? warbler is no hero.
Police officers and firefighter and EMS personnel aren't drafted either - assfuck

Cut their benefits too?

Your hate for veterans is noted

Their benefits get constantly and I've yet to see a thread from you about it. And the vast majority of them actually do something dangerous, unlike you.

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